Construction work continues in the Arahama area of Sendai. (Ryo Kato)
The Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami not only sped the population decline in many municipalities in the northwestern prefectures of Miyagi and Iwate, it sparked population growth in Sendai, a core city in the Tohoku region.
The tsunami, on top of leading to scores of fatalities along the Pacific coast, also forced many survivors to move elsewhere in search of homes and work.
“Municipalities where population decreases are accelerating need to create jobs that will attract workers to their area, and the central government should provide support for such measures," said Hiroshi Kito, president of the University of Shizuoka, an expert on population issues.

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Japan ,Iwate ,Otsuchi ,Onagawa ,Ibaraki ,Shizuoka ,Tohoku ,Japan General ,Sendai ,Miyagi ,Asahi Shimbun ,Hidemasa Onishi ,Hideaki Ishibashi ,Hiroshi Kito ,University Of Shizuoka ,Great East Japan Earthquake ,Miyagi Prefecture ,Senior Staff Writer Hideaki Ishibashi ,Special ,2011 Disaster ,News ,ஜப்பான் ,இவதே ,ஓட்சூசி ,இபராகி ,ஷிஜுோகக ,தோஹோக்கு ,ஜப்பான் ஜநரல் ,செண்தை ,மியையேஜை ,ஆசாஹி ஶிஂபந் ,ஹிரோஷி கிட்டோ ,பல்கலைக்கழகம் ஆஃப் ஷிஜுோகக ,நன்று கிழக்கு ஜப்பான் பூகம்பம் ,மியையேஜை ப்ரீஃபெக்சர் ,சிறப்பு ,செய்தி ,

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