River Forest officials will have to make room on the display wall in Village Hall after the police department finished first in its category in the 2022-23 Illinois Traffic Safety Challenge.The ITSC is described by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police Traffic Committee, which coordinates the program, as a “friendly competition” between law enforcement agencies of a similar size and type throughout Illinois. The program is supported by a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration grant administered through the Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Safety Programs and Engineering, as well as funding from private entities.Scott Kristianson, program director of the ITSC, presented the first place award plaque to police Chief James O’Shea and village President Cathy Adduci at the village board meeting earlier this month after River Forest finished first in the municipal category for villages with 26 to 35 sworn officers. Awards were presented in eight municipal categories. "The Village Board's number one priority has always been providing for a safe community,” Adduci said. “Under the leadership of Chief O'Shea and our Village Board, we are accomplishing our goals through training, solution driven, community engagement policing. I want to congratulate and thank our talented and professional police officers for a job well done."