Stay. YeS. All right. YeS. YeS. Let not yOur be troubled. Troubl ItS fridaedy So you know meanS what that meanS. LetS welcome tonightS gueSt. SheS wItneSSe, S welcomS more n a caShier at a waffle houSe. HoSt Of outtake thiS morning. Charlie arnott got three thingS wrong. If It SeemS like heS judging you, thatS hiS jOf Itb. ThatS comedian vidS auguSt. Her huSband tried to convince bd her that talking iS bad for the baby. New york timeS beSt Selling Authorfor the baby. EStSell foxr kat timpf. And you need Sir Edmund See he haS dandruff. New york timeS beSt Selling author, comedian and formeff. R N World Champion tyron. All right, all right. All right. Ge right. All right. Before we get to Some newS StorieS, letS d So thiS. GregS leftoverS. Yeah, ItS leftoverS where i read jokeS. I we did newS thiS week, and aS alwayS, ItS Mt ISy firSt time reading them, So if they will by Joe Mackey wil, a Page M one Of Our jewiSh friendS in tel aviShv. Terrible Comedian ChriS Rock juSt endorSed Kamala H
This is thE ingraham anglE. Thank you, as always For joining us tonight. Ght,is. ThE SEcrEt SErvicE is not conFidEnt it can protEctE ar trump wE arE not capitalizing s. A crisi wE arE showing thE math. WE havE FinitE rEsourcEs schoo showing thE math. Plus, a Cnn REportElEr by AEo Trump SupportEr can aFFord to votg soE. NEy an yourE not hurting so bad, right . BEcausE a votE plus a lot and its a lot oF upkEEp. Nobody gavE mE. I EarnEdE EvErything that ivE got. That Trump VotEr joins us innt . MomEnts. And whos rEally running i . VErnmEnt i likE to turn it ovEr to jill and For any CommEnt Sh E has and its all Yours, kid. E ul whErEs thE visiting angEl . But First, thE ultimatnsult,E. Thats thE Focus oF Tonights AnglE G. Bor dE givEn thE FailurEs oF kamaa harris Economic bordEr rEcord, hEr PrEss TEam is lEFt with rEcyclEd linEs From 2016 and 2020. Donaly God Trump is vEry goot insulting pEoplE. Donald trump sticks to th EthE rE samE old tirEd playbook oF insultsal. But thE rEal insults co
Shopping is low risk, as long as everyone wears a mask and stands x feet apart. His concern is when people take off their masks to snack while waiting in lines. But many shoppers say that they are not too worried. It is more of an outdoor environment,s so absolutely, i am willing to brave that. It is a very different experience at San Francisco union square. Here is how it looked this morning. Very quite compared to previous black fridays. There is the picket line outside of macys, so not too many people inside. There is a short line at louis vuitton, no lines at the other stores this morning. Some stores are still boarded up from previous protests. This is a different black friday, 2020 is a different black friday. Reporter he runs a shop half a block away from union square. He is disappointed no lines outside of his story this year but he understands the fear of covid. We are living in a Virtual World and that is how we are going to get it. It is really busy in spots, how are stores
They are as well but San Francisco not been the way here in the state of california, other counties have already implemented this system to try and get a handle on that rising tide of new covid19 cases. In Santa Clara County Health Officials are urging more people to get tested, especially after the holiday weekend. We saw a steady stream of cars the county fairgrounds testing site today. And a testing search is expected next week, so the county is opening more sites including in palo alto, and gilmore. We are asking people to stay at home and not gather as much as possible. But if you did please go out and get tested. I think it is important to try to stay socially distance as much as you can but at some point you do need to be with your family. Appointments are necessary at most of the sites, but make sure to check online before you go. We have posted more information on the new testing locations and the link to make an appointment on our website. You will find the story on the front
Upstate University Hospital say working this Holiday Season isnt an option. Part of their care now includes connecting patients with loved ones hoping with phone calls and video chats and their families. I also like to read a little message on a whiteboard which is not the way towards our for but i dont care on thanksgiving. All right happy thanksgiving on and try and draw that turkey, theyre feeling the same pain of missing family time even when given the opportunity to go home. Rachel nolan is working christmas but had thanksgiving off, im personally not seeing any of my family members unfortunately thats just how it i do have high risk family members of my own and for these nurses at odessa, Regional Medical center. They say the hardest part of the job is being honest with families. When you wants to see their family. You have to be the one to during their next place that them the reason to buy we can allow visitors up here as their hospital hit capacity, this month employees are in