PMC blames plot owners for waste dumping done by its own contractor
PMC blames plot owners for waste dumping done by its own contractor
ByVijay ChavanVijay Chavan / Updated: May 25, 2021, 18:26 IST
Residents of society next to open plot in
Vadgaonsheri — where unsegregated, biomedical garbage was being dumped — finally kept vigil and caught civic contractor in the act; before this, local body had suspiciously shut down all complaints sans resolution
As per directions from the
Supreme Court, various pollution control boards have banned any kind of open dumping of unsegregated waste, which creates major health hazards. Accordingly, the
Pune Municipal Corporation (
PMC) is also supposedly implementing the rules and taking stringent action against institutions and individuals found violating norms under relevant sections of the Maharashtra Municipal Corporations Act of 1949, as well as under environment protection laws.