Article – Gordon Campbell
One can sympathise with Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt and the lose/lose situation he has just found himself in. If he had stayed safe and snug in the Beltway around Parliament, he would have been stereotyped as a liberal …
One can sympathise with Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt and the lose/lose situation he has just found himself in. If he had stayed safe and snug in the Beltway around Parliament, he would have been stereotyped as a liberal snowflake out of touch with the real world. Yet if he had engaged with the Mongrel Mob on their premises and pointedly refused to pay koha, Hunt would have been derided as the human rights guy who neither understood nor respected indigenous rights and protocol. In the end, Hunt seems to have decided that if he was going to try and engage constructively with the Mob on their turf, he shouldn’t simultaneously set out to snub the culture to which they belong. When in Rome etc.