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Northern: Postseason meets filled with highlights - Portland Press Herald :
Northern: Postseason meets filled with highlights - Portland Press Herald
Track, swimming and skiing produced highlights across the board.
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United States
New South Wales
Cape Elizabeth
South Australia
Tommy Leggat Barr
Aaliyah Miller
Maeve Ginevan
Jillian Wight
Michael Hoffer
Emma Cyr
Phil Wagner
Travis Lazarczyk
Calum Sheff
Bella Koepsell
Gabriel Merrill
Adam Strobel
Kennett Adande Kinti
Margo Hesson
Jordan Young
Teo Steverlynck Horne
Gemma Richard
Teagan Barry
Steve Craig
Celia Geci
Paige Brewer
Tyler Moore
Josh Webber
Mike Barr
Alexa Scott
Ian Christie
Wes Merrill
Emma Butsch
Audrey Cohen
Hayden Petrie
Abigail Jacobson
Lucy Riggs
Matt Desmond
Kate Hankinson
Ruby Prentiss
Portland Freeport Waynflete
Kate Tenhoor
Elise Provencher
Cornelius Walsh
Taylor Oranellas
Aksel Yeo
Matt Dressel
Ansel Goode
Skylar Bush
Hunter Maxham
Jackson Boyd
Abby Hollis
Cheverus Yarmouth
Portland Waynflete Freeport
Asa Giffune
Harry Dougherty
Madeleine Jones
Tait Harvey
Sarah Dressel
Sylvia Harvey
Lucy Huggett
Mikal Dawson
Kaleb Barrett
Jillian James
Reese Perry
Daisey Brewer
Max Shapiro
Porter Beaule
Aaron Gull
Christian Wengler
Zora Desilva
Mason Rodgers
Robyn Felmly
Laurel Wight
Glenn Jordan
Avery Baker Schlendering
Brooke Boone
Owen Redfield
Reed Proscia
Haley Barrett
Brady Hale
Sonja Bell
Lizalyn Boudreau
Max Hogenauer
Lucy Bradford
Katrina Waite
Sara Tennent
Samuel Anania
Kessa Benner
Henry Horne
University Of Alabama
Portland Press Herald
Yarmouth Academy Maine Coast Waldorf
Bowdoin College In Brunswick
Hampden Academy
Bates College In Lewiston
Colby College In Waterville Cape Elizabeth
Forecaster Country Alpine
Bobby Strong
Bridget Jacobson
Janelle Day
Luci Bourgeois
Ruth Weeks
Fort Kent
Killian Marsh
Will Morris
North Yarmouth
Maine Coast Waldorf
Soren Stark Chessa
Lydia Sharp
Sydney Young
Wben Wall
Bez Mendelson
Miles Gay
Finn Caxton Smith
Miles Woodbury
Bates College
Will Spaulding
Israel Ditanduka
Jordan Knighton
Colby Ting
William Coull
Liam Magoon
Lilah Hall
Lilian Pierce
Abby Noble
New England
Colby College
Sabine Sites
Sierra Hunt
Poloma Kitchens
Ben Poor
Desert Island
Bowdoin College
Camden Hills
Heal Points
Blue Devils
Red Storm
Classb South Heal Points
Classb South
Classb South Final
Cross Insurance
Press Herald
Editor Michael Hoffer
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