COVID-19 by the numbers
New Mexico health officials yesterday reported 257 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the statewide total so far to 187,487. The health department has designated 160,142 of those as recovered. Bernalillo County had 94 cases, followed by Doña Ana County with 39 and Otero County with 20. Santa Fe County had 17 new cases.
The state also announced nine additional deaths, including a man in his 20s from Otero County with underlying conditions; there have now been 3,839 fatalities. As of yesterday, 134 people were hospitalized with COVID-19.
Today marks the one-year anniversary of New Mexico's first four COVID-19 cases. SFR takes a look back at some of the landmark moments in the last year. We also asked Human Services Secretary Dr. David Scrase to reflect on the pandemic. Scrase, along with Health Secretary Dr. Tracie C. Collins and other cabinet secretaries will talk about the last year in the pandemic today at 3 pm; the conversation will stream on the New Mexico Human Services Department's Facebook page and SFR's homepage.