and two from the November/December issue of
Uncanny in a row? It’s a Jólabókaflóð miracle! “The Bottomless Martyr” tells of Rang, a young woman who keeps dying and being brought back to life by her stepmother, Death. With each resurrection she delivers a boon to those around her and a punishment to everyone else. Raiders die in a random whirlpool. A typhoon destroying her village ceases. Weapons for defense appear out of nowhere. But is her situation a gift or a curse? Or both?
Uncanny (November/December 2020, Issue 37)
Kastra chafes under her father’s narrowmindedness and oppressive traditions. She longs to take up with one of the adventuring crews that pass through her father’s tavern on their way to glory and thrills. The more he refuses to let her go, the more she aches to leave. A. T. Olvera tells the story from the perspective of Kastra’s sister who learned the hard way to see their father’s mantra of “We are not like them. We were not made for their life,” as something to be cast aside.