Comedian Munawar Faruqui was released from a jail in Indore late on Saturday, a day after being granted interim bail by the Supreme Court, PTI reported. Faruqui had been in jail since January 1 for allegedly insulting Hindu deities during a show.
Earlier in the day, the authorities at Indore Central Jail had refused to release Faruqui, saying that they had not received any official order for the same,
The Indian Express reported.
“We had earlier not received the order, however, a judge from the Supreme Court called up the chief judicial magistrate of Indore and asked him to check the website for the uploaded orders and in case it was already uploaded, to comply by it,” Indore Central Jail Superintendent Rajesh Bangde told the newspaper. “We checked the site and it was uploaded and hence he was released at 11 pm.”