Transcripts For MSNBC PoliticsNation 20240702

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this evening, president biden this evening, president biden is at camp david,■ç calling to nbc news reporting that he's discussing the future of his presidential campaign with family members. the president has come under fire for his feeble performance at last week's debate, several newspapers and the editorial boards have called for him to step aside. so far, most democratic lawmakers have kept their criticisms private. meantime, the conservative dominated supreme court is set to wrap up it's a controversial term tomorrow morning with a ruling on of the sessions most consequential's cases, they will determine whether or not former president trump enjoys constitutional immunity.■ç at a time when he's already been convicted of 34 felonies in new york, and is still facing three more criminal cases. republicans have vowed to stand by their candidate regardless of the extent of his legal liabilities, joining me now is democratic congresswoman mckayla williams from georgia. thank you for coming on tonight. >> thank you for having this important discussion, always happy to talk. >> let's start with the fresh nbc reporting on president biden according to the story, there's an understanding upon among top democrats that biden should be given space to determine next steps. they believe only the president in consultation with his family can decide whether to move forward or to end his campaign earlier. in spite of this, your hometown paper, the atlanta journal- constitution joined the unit times -- new york times calling on biden to step aside, we spoke to the dnc chair, jamie harrison yesterday and he says he's not hearing from voters or from party members that biden should go. what are you hearing? >> reverend, i'm glad that they don't get to decide who becomes president, that's up to the vote arms -- voters of the state, i don't recall them asking donald trump to drop out after he tried to overthrow the 2020 elections, i don't remember the ajc telling him to drop out■ç when he literally asked for 11,780 votes to overturn georgia's results. the ajc still was silent when donald trump was convicted of 34 felony counts, so now we have president joe biden who's done a tremendous job, he had a bad debate night, i'm not going to negate that. we all saw it, 3.5 years i was there for all of them in congress, i know the transformational work he's done, the voters of georgia that i'm hearing from in my district and state, we are staying behind our president as long as he's on the ballot, joe biden will get our votes and we will do everything we can to make sure we defeat donald trump once again. >> i have personally spoken ■ço and said that biden's debate performance was disappointing. i will not let that overshadow the fact that trump use the debate to lie to his teeth. i was not -- i was troubled by biden who appeared to look like he finished one or two sentences, i was more alarmed by the sentences trump did complete. >> reverend al, this is not about style, it's about substance. who do you want the policies, we had four years of a record from both candidates and i stand behind president joe biden and the paulus these he's enacted every day of the week. he has a plan for working families, not dividing our country and taking us ■pack to the past. we have donald trump who is bragging and said that overturning roe v. wade was a great thing, we have a president in joe biden who is waiting and willing to have a democratic congress to send him the reproductive freedom -- women's reproductive health fact so he can codify roe v. wade. we have a clear contrast, i'm not going to allow 90 minutes on the debate stage to negate what i've seen and known president biden to do over the 3 1/2 years i've been serving as a member of congress. president biden showed up to my watch party with the democratic party in georgia following the debate, and talks to every person in the room to -- everyone who wanted a picture, then went to north carolina ■ça had a rally with a 7ebig crowd some orders that showed up the next morning for a rally in north carolina where he was strong and forceful and -- >> the point that i think people are most honed in on in your home state of georgia, where trump is due to stand trial for trying to overturn the 2020 election, there is seemingly no end to the depths of deception, i've been reading the stories about rocky jones, the owner of the barbershop who says he got tripped into -- tricked into holding a trumpet event, now his business is suffering. i don't think anyone's business should be targeted for politics, is it honesty of the real election in this campaign? i preach this morning in north carolina, people saying wait ■ç minute, trump said the black jobs, what's a black job? migrants are coming to take black jobs, we are not ceos or entrepreneurs, we are not media executives, we do the jobs that he's claiming that migrants do just like he calls african countries in haiti sl countries. the racism he's gotten away with is unimaginable in these times. >> my black job right now is saving democracy, that's why i'm standing with my president, joe biden to make sure we continue to have conversations with people all over the state and country to remind them of work we've done, what we cannot forget is donald trump has shown us who he is, he's a failed former president who has been indicted, convicted, he's ç been impeached. also, if you look back to his past like think about when the now exonerated -- once known as the central park five, he calls them the executed. this man has shown us who he is time and time again, that's why it's imperative we come together and realize what's at stake, and re-elect president joe biden. >> i might add the exonerated five case of central prop five i worked on, that was the only racial involved case in new york that he ever opened his mouth about in 40 years, he never stood up on any cases where blacks were the victims, he bought newspaper ads that call upon the death penalty and had -- every other race case inç the last four years, and i've never seen a black executive in the trump organization at the top of the executive parts of that company, it is hard to be in business and not do business with black business people in new york. >> let's not forget -- >> i'm running out of time, the conservative dominated the prame court, congresswoman which has extended it session beyond the usual end date set for its last date, a ruling on presidential immunity which is vertical to criminal cases against former president trump moving forward, before the election, he cannot do it here because this court has held up its decision until now, including the case in georgiqç. what are your thoughts about what is at stake in this immunity decision and many other controversial the seasons -- decisions we've seen from the high court? >> regardless of the ruling, it will not change fax that donald trump is already convicted of 34 felony counts, convicted, not just charged, we've seen everything he's done, we understand what's at stake, this man said he would be a dictator on day one, when people show you who you are, we should believe them. that's why the american people rejected donald trump and his self obsessed quest for power, that's why we need to do it and re-elect president biden because we are about ■çmoving this country forward, not taking us back to a time donald trump wants to take us to so that he can be that dictator day one. it does not matter what happens or what the supreme court does, we still understand our job at hand. >> thank you, congresswoman nikema williams. now to a new cbs online survey of registered voters taking two days after the first presidential debate on thursday. it finds that the number of americans who think president biden has the mental and cognitive fitness to run for president has fallen eight points from earlier this month, the number of you think that he has risen seven., we should till within the margin of error and any -- it will believe to take more time before we fully engage the impact of the debate, joining me now to talk about it is ryan wiggins, chief of staff for the lincoln project and basil -- a political analyst, digging into the numbers. black democrats are the strongest supporters of biden's candidacy. we know from pulling from the key voting block of lax has -- wavered since 2020. do you think that biden's debate performance will cause more problems with black voters, especially young men? >> you know, i think as the congress members that are leader, we ■çsaw that consensus if you are a black voter that wants to see your president fight for you, maybe you did not get that in the way that you wanted to hear it the other day. i think that the day after, in north carolina and particularly being introduced by a teacher who had his student loans are given who was african-american tells voters what they need to know as the congresswoman said, he has a record, joe biden has a record that involves working in communities of color and delivering -- for black and brown communities, when you put that up against the alternative , donald trump who said that he's open to the idea or pitch he's open toiidea of migrants f each other like gladiators be able to stay in this country, that tells you everything you need to know. i do think even if there is some softness in the first couple of days, those numbers will turn around as we get no serve both to the convection and election as -- convention, as the choices become more clear. if you are watching that debate, all joe biden needed to do was stand there for 90 minutes and if you listen to donald trump's lies, he would still come out of it are based on the kind of person that we all know that donald trump has been and has said that he would be. >> the poll also finds a majority of democrats and independents were not inspired by either candidate, 20% of republicans shared the same ■ç sentiment. the number reminiscent of the voter share that nikki haley was receiving in some of the later gop primaries, the debate made it harder for biden to get the votes of wavering republicans? >> there's only two things on the ballot, that's democracy versus fascism. as far as i'm can turned, biden -- as far as i'm concerned, he could not have done anything that would remove me from his voting race, i'm voting for him and encourage everyone else, my good and colleague, sue stevens came out with an op-ed in the new york times that countered their peace, çwhat he said and that was looked, what are you supposed to be the most angry about lexi his job record, the economy is booming, what has he done that makes you not confident, one of the things that i can absolutely tell you is that trump is the same person today as he was before he took the stage, a , convicted felon, a liar, and he's tried to overthrow our government, he's a narcissistic sociopath and i would take an old man with a cold over someone with a dictator kink any day. >> let's go to the road ahead, the supreme court is expected to deliver his ruling tomorrow on trump's claims of absolute immunity from prosecution on charges related to his actions on january 6th,■ç then we have the fourth of july, a week later, trump was expected to be sentenced after his conviction of 34 felony counts in a hush money trial in manhattan, do you think these events will overshadow the debate, will we be discussing biden's performance a month from now? >> i don't think we will be discussing the performance a month from now in any way -- from what you said, donald trump will be sentenced coming up soon, we will know what the supreme court says tomorrow about immunity, i think that also adds to the larger narrative that democrats can put into the field about why donald trump would be unfit as a president. what -- one of the things i wanted to hear from joe biden iç any time that donald trump said he would do something, i would love joe biden to turn around and say how will you do that from prison? there is a possibility that whether it's at home or behind bars, he will be confined. to me, the evidence against his fitness for office just piles up day in and day out, it it isolates him when you compare him to the kind of agenda that both joe biden as a candidate and democrat collectively are putting forward for the country, then when you layer on top of that the supreme court and that based on the decision, the specter that donald trump could have more power as president■ç to exact retributio and retaliation, that's got to scare every voter especially that six to 7% of independent voters that made a side of the selection. >> by the way, even if trump does not get jail, or home incarceration. if he gets probation, he will have to report to a parole officer every time he makes a trip out of the state of new york, i would have asked him if he was -- when i ran for president, did your parole officer agreed for you to come to atlanta tonight? the day after the debate, trump addressed calls for biden to step down. stick a dozen -- take a listen. >> many people are saying after last night's performance, the joe biden is leaving the race. the fact is that i don't really believe that, because he ■çdoes better in polls than any of the democrats that they are talking about, these polls, with some of the names like gavin newsom, he cannot run california and is one of the worst governors. >> if democrats were to try and switch candidates, how would that play with gop voters who want to vote against trump, would they change or accept the change, would democrats need to reconvene and re-convince them to vote? how would that play out, even the mechanics of that is so complicated isn't it? >> i think you have to look, one of the strongest messages that democrats have going into the cycle, you don't want to vote for an authoritarian then you say we will have a convection0-í■ convention when we are putting in someone else that americans did not have a chance to vote for, it gives republicans an attack, it's not on me or my organization to decide what they do, what we do is we kick the heck out of trump, regardless of what happens into the candidate is, the lincoln project is here to come at him with a crowbar, we will take any, sweep the knee and lay him out, regardless of what happens, we have got the democratic nominees back because trump cannot be president of this country ever again. >> thank you, ryan wiggins and basil smikle. coming up, as we gear up for the fourth of july, i'm calling on all americans to take ■ça stand as the uses between two very different versions of patriotism, i will explain after a short break. tion. where there is one, others aren't far behind. always scavenging for food, the cockroach... well that's horrifying. ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier. one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days. not in my house you don't. nature is wild. your home doesn't have to be. in our family there was a passion for glass making that's passed down through the generations. we stood on some pretty broad shoulders to get to where we are at today. on ancestry i was able to actually put together our family tree. each person is a glass worker. that's why we do what we do. we can't help it. the glass blowing - that's a part of our dna. it's in my blood, it's in my history. it's my job to make sure that this shop makes it to the next generation. (♪♪) (♪♪) sandals rhythm and blues caribbean sale is now on. visit or call 1-800-sandals. dave's company just scored the visit comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. in four in four days, americans will honor our independence. most of us will celebrate fourth of july in the usual way, with food, fireworks, and appreciation for our freedoms, doing -- during donald j trump's presidency, he pushed a very different vision of the holiday, first he wanted a military parade in washington, d.c., the generals told him the tanks would tear up the streets of the capital and boulevards. designed as a tribute to democracy, it would have been ground to gravel by the heavy duty treads of war vehicles, instead, trump ended up holding a massive fireworks display and a military flyover at rushmore■ in 2020, he ignored warnings from park rangers at the explosions could create a fire hazard, similarly, he scoffed at the notion that this display was inappropriate for a site considered sacred by native americans. he even disregarded the safety of the americans in attendance who were crowding into the area when the country was gripped by the coronavirus pans end. we cannot ignore that former president donald trump's vision of patriotism is radically different than what we've seen from our past leaders. republican or democrat, trumps patriotism is not only more aggressive and less inclusive. it also almost always calls for desecration, destruction, and disregard of every ring that came before him -- everything. i would urge you all to ponder these facts while we relax and celebrate our democracy this week, and prepared to rise up and face the challenging days ahead. we will be right back. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them... ...but at $3 a pop? your wallet definitely is. ok, someone just did laundry... no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don't like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ ) i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ welcome back to welcome back to politics nation, tomorrow, the supreme court is expected to end it session with a ruling on former president trumps claims of presidential immunity, the decision will impact the fruit -- three remaining criminal trials that trump is facing. joining me now is nbc news legal analyst, danny zavala's. thank you for being with me today, let's start with this immunity ruling coming on the ■ç last day of an extended session, is it fair to question the timing of this decision given his impact on his trials that influences the outcome of the election? >> that such a great question because on the one hand, the supreme court is considered to be so independent and offers -- operates as a district of nine different people. it's possible they did not get around to finishing up this most important opinion of their term until the very last minute, on the other hand, people suggest there might be some strategy to this, i would have is expected they dropped at least if that was their idea after the debate on friday, monday would still be after the debate. this is without question the most important decision of the term and it may be just a case of this is ■çthe one that spent the most time working, the most time arguing over, it really has the most significant consequences more than any other decision arguably this entire term maybe in american history. >> it is safe to assume that trump will have a -- ruling as a huge brick area, what will you be looking for to determine whether discord is open to the kind of massive expansion of presidential power that trump and his allies seem to be pushing for? >> i think it is a safe bet the supreme court will give trump a little bit of what he's looking for, the lower court concluded there was essentially zero presidential immunity, now even on appeal, the government does not take!çthat position, the government is backing off a position and conceded for certain core presidential activities, there may be something and i don't like calling it immunity, there may be some kind of protection under the constitution and those core powers are things like the pardon, the vtol, the appointment power. even then, that raises thorny questions. if the president pardon someone for a bag of cash, that's a core power but then you have an issue of bribery. this is a really tricky issue, i think it is a safe bet to say that no matter what, trump will get something he views as better than what he got in the lower court, i say that because that's the concession of the government. by the way, trump concedes and z the way, trump concedes and concede that purely private conduct can be prosecuted, ■ça significant concession if this state -- case is sent out to parse out what is official and unofficial honda, that can be very significant. >> which means that if personal conduct is not covered by his own attorneys trying to go forward here, it would mean the hush money trial would not be negated because this happened before he was president, and personal conduct. >> there's an argument to be made that even a broad ruling of immunity for ex-presidents might not affect the new york state criminal trial which concluded a verdict of guilty. it may not affected that much because most conduct a place before he was even in the office and the reimbursement checks were written once he was in office at the white house in fact■ç, it would be really difficult to argue that any of that constituted some core presidential power even within the outer limit of presidential power, anything is possible, a broad ruling of absolute immunity for all ex-presidents might cover that kind of conduct . the reality is that we don't know what the supreme court will come down, what we know is that there is not a ruling of absolute immunity for all ex- presidents under all circumstances than the other end of the spectrum will not be the case, there will not be a ruling of zero immunity ever for ex-presidents, it's going to be and has to be something in the middle, where in the middle we do not know. >> the justices will wrap up one of the most consequential terms in recent history on friday, the court significantly weakened the power of ■çfederal agencies to issue regulations on everything from environmental protections to workplace safety, we've also seen controversial rulings on bump stocks, homelessness, january 6th, and other topics looking back at the session, what have we learned about court? and where it might be headed in the future, ideologically quite the >> you can look at some of these decisions and say that they were split right along ideological lines but even on some of them, for example the chevron case, some other cases, you did see some division among party lines and in other significant ones right along ideological lines, i think one take away is that there are some justices that are not as predictable as we thought, yet there are others for example clarmnbe thomas, justice alito very much predictable, we know where they will land, one or two justices does not change the day, it the majority, is those justices in the middle that remaining? . it's cases like this immunity case that has people guessing what could possibly happen. >> while i have you, tomorrow, trump ally steve bannon is reporting to prison for defying the january 6th community subpoena earlier, the former leader -- lead investigator for the january 6th committee, tim heavey told my colleague, alex witt that there are phone records that steve bannon was in direct communication with then president trump on january 5th, he was involved in discussions in advaç'ce about this political strategy to disrupt the joint session, what do you make of the steve bannon case and what it might mean for the former president now that he's finally going to jail xe >> that cases a contempt case, it's a rare federal case in which any defendant is going to prison for four months, most involve offenders going to prison for years and years, when my clients get convicted, they are looking at years. it is unusual to see a sentence of only four months for contempt of congress. it does not go to the underlying culpability of steve bannon and anyone he talked to for january 6th, in that extent that the government can get a hold of communications, ■çit could be very significant however, if there is a broad grant of immunity that covers trump. that is evidence that may go to prosecution that may never possibly conclude. as we know, donald trump is being charged in exactly 2 out of his four criminal cases in federal court. one is january 6th, and a similar but not identical prussic ocean in georgia by the county prosecutor as well. all that information is always interesting. >> thank you to nbc's legal analyst, danny cevallos. coming up, one of the greatest songs ever written that was a symbol of the civil rights movement. celebrating 60 years, can you guess the song? i will tell you after the break. break. 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[ gasps ] this. wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you'll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ i know i know a lot of voters are exhausted, you know who else is? every single player at halftime of the super bowl. what do they do? they go out there and do it again. this is halftime in the biden ■c versus trump contest for the future. there's a second half coming up, yeah. you have to to play both house. in 1964, with the civil rights movement coming into full swing, pop legend sam cooke wrote what is still in during as the -- indoors as the anthem, one of most popular songs ever written, "a change is gonna come" that captures his experience as a black man in jim kroll america. it speaks to a common desire of freedom and dignity so universal that in 2007, the song was selected for preservation by the library of congress and deemed culturally■ historically, and aesthetically important. i grew up with that song, my mother loves to play that song in the house. that's back in the days of the 45 records. so did another -- historic figure, gerald austin. longtime lead singer of the famed r&b group the manhattan's. as we close out black music month, joining me now to talk about the songs impact 60 years later, his grammy-winning singer-songwriter gerald austin. i'm honored to have you come in studio. >> nice to have you of course, for black music listeners especially don't -- growing up around socially conscious recording artists that were not afraid of channeling the times they lived in. sam cooke was one of the few black pop stars to achieve crossover success in the 1960s when he put out "a change is gonna come". it's been a musical shorthand for the civil rights movement and jim crow experience ever since. why has this song endured for so -- 60 years in your opinion? >> this song has endured for 60 years because of the meaning. the words, at the time that sam wrote it. you know, sam had a very bad experience in louisiana where he was mistreated and not allowed to stay in a hotel. i think that had a lot to do with being in the south and■ç performing in the south, and being mistreated which i have been through the same thing. i think that was an inspiration for him to write this song. this song tells a great story, it is the truth. you can't get away from the truth, that's the bottom line, the song is the truth. >> you're right, i was like nine or 10 when it came out, i was deep in the church when my mother played that song. the song had a huge impact on black america even today, use as a music shorthand for that era and the movement here can you remember when you first heard it? how did it affect you as a anger and grammy-winning hit maker in your own right? >> i was in high school when i ç heard it, instantly i'm from north carolina, originally so i know what the racism problem there, what was going on. i heard that some identified with it instantly, it became a part of me. that song still to this day means a lot to me. to take it a little further, i won the apollo amateur hour with "a change is gonna come". >> i never knew that, i understand you were able to perform this live with sam cooke's daughter, we have -- a clip in my audience needs to hear just a short part of this, listen to this. >> [ >> [ singing ]■ç >> what kind >> what kind of emotion goes through you as a performer during a song like this one with sam cooke's daughter? >> oh my god, when we performed this in detroit at the hall of fame honoree. the gentleman told yme that you will sing with sam's daughter. i never met her prior to that.■ she came in and we were unable to rehearse it. the band, we just went through vocals a little bit to get the right key. that's the way that it turned out. it was emotional because that was a part of him singing with me. you know. it was truly an honor. >> before i let you go, i have to ask you this. is there room for music that can inspire action and lead to change, moving people, creating social change. do you believe in the power of music to do that? >> yes, i do. i think that being that this song, "a change is gonna come" is a real song. a song that tells a great story. i believe that this song and songs like it will continue to take us through help us finding ourselves you know. >> i remember years later, we after sam had been killed, the record went out. spike lee did a movie, or malcolm x, the denzel washington played malcolm. they had me do a walk on the street activist scene, they played that song in the malcolm x movie in the 90s 20, 30 years after. it showed the longevity of that song. you being a part of this is awesome. any other songs that stick with you that have meaning? ■ç >> wow, there is one song i recorded that this has a true meaning to me, that there is no me without you. we could not exist without radio, television, our fans, the crew that sets up the stages for us to perform, it's a way of saying on part of manhattan's, a way of us saying that thank you to allow us to have 62 years of togetherness. >> what message would you give musicians today? >> i have a message i will convey to physicians today, first of all, have faith in godç keep god first in everything, believe in yourself, right music people can identify with and that is real. tell real stories, sometimes today, songs today they get rid into a.. --. and that is something that needs to change. >> i can tell you this, i've never said this before, you knew i was close with james brown like a father to me. he'd always say if the manhattan's came up, he said that gerald is a gentleman. you have a lot of good to say about people, he respected you. gerald alston, longtime lead singer of the famous group, the manhattan's and a grammy- winning singer-songwriter on his own right.■ç glad to have you with us to close out black music month, my final thoughts of next, stay with us. repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ when did i call leaffilter? 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Decision , Politics , Evening , Nation , , Camp David , Debate , Campaign , Reporting , Nbc News , Performance , Newspapers , Family Members , Under Fire , Lawmakers , Boards , Criticisms , Democratic , Supreme Court , Trump , Ruling , Cases , Term , Conservative , Sessions , Consequential , Immunity , New York , Felonies , 34 , Candidate , Republicans , Mckayla Williams , Georgia , Extent , Liabilities , Three , Story , Discussion , Understanding , President , Family , Consultation , Space , Steps , The Atlanta Journal Constitution , Times , New York Times , Spite , Jamie Harrison , Dnc Chair , Voters , Reverend , Party Members , Donald J Trump , Estate , Vote , Elections , Arms , Ajc , 2020 , Felony Counts , Job , Votes , Results , 11780 , Wall , It , Democratic Congress , Transformational Work He S Done , 3 5 , Everything , Ballot , District , Fact , Debate Performance , Teeth , Record , Sentences , Candidates , Style , Policies , Substance , Reverend Al , Four , Two , One , Country , Us , Plan , Working Families , Paulus , Women , Thing , Freedom , Joe Biden , Overturning , Bragging , Health , Roe V Wade , Member , Contrast , Debate Stage , 3 1 2 , 90 , Person , Room , Everyone , North Carolina , Talks , Picture , People , Point , Rally , Borders , Crowd , Forceful , 7 , Election , Stories , State Of Georgia , End , Trial , Deception , Depths , Business , Barbershop , Rocky Jones , Trumpet Event , Anyone , Suffering , It Honesty , Jobs , Migrants , Countries , Racism , Media Executives , Entrepreneurs , Ceos , Sl , Democracy , In These Times , Conversations , Work , Convicted , Oman , Think , Executed , Imperative , Central Park Five , Five , Steve Bannon Case , Stake , Central Prop , Case , Mouth , Victims , Newspaper Ads , Blacks , 40 , Race , Top , Executive , Death Penalty , Trump Organization , Prame Court , Congresswoman , It Session , Company , Black Business People , Executive Parts , Running Out Of Time , Forward , Federal Court , Immunity Decision , Thoughts , Decisions , High Court , Seasons , Fax , Dictator , Day One , Power , Quest , Country Forward , Self , Congresswoman Nikema Williams , Hand , Native Americans , Number , Survey , Cbs , Cognitive , Points , Mental , Eight , Impact , Ryan Wiggins , Many , Terror , Margin , Seven , Seven , Danny Zavala S , Numbers , Project , Basil , Lincoln , Supporters , Candidacy , Voting Block , Lax Has , Voter , Leader , Problems , Members , Men , Way , Teacher , Student Loans , African American , Alternative , Idea , Communities , Color , Open Toiidea , Both , Mother , Convection , Softness , Gladiators , Peach , Couple , Convention , Choices , Kind , Majority , Independents , Poll , Lies , Some , Receiving , Same , 20 , Voter Share , Nikki Haley , 20 , Things , Wavering Republicans , Primaries , Anything , Colleague , Voting Race , Sue Stevens , Everyone Else , Democracy Versus Fascism , Peace , Angry , Op Ed , Job Record , Economy , Government , A , Stage , Liar , Cold , Convicted Felon , Narcissistic Sociopath , Someone , Prosecution , Claims , Actions , Let S Go , Dictator Kink , Road Ahead , Charges , Fourth Of July , Hush Money Trial In Manhattan , Events , Conviction , January 6th , 6 , Field , Narrative , Something , Evidence , Office , Home , Possibility , Prison , Fitness , Bars , Agenda , Specter , Retributio , Side , Probation , Jail , Selection , Retaliation , Home Incarceration , Six , Parole Officer , Trip , Calls , Listen , Atlanta , Polls , Democrats , Names , Gavin Newsom , Social Change , Governors , Play , Switch , Play Out , Mechanics , Isn T , Messages , Cycle , Chance , Organization , Check , Attack , Crowbar , Knee , Nominees , Coming Up , Cannot , Basil Smikle , Break , Patriotism , The Cockroach , Versions , Uses , Tion , Food , House , Home Defense , You Don T , Application , Bugs , Kills , Horrifying , Ortho , Indoor Insect Barrier , 365 , Glass Making , Generations , Nature , Passion , Shoulders , Ancestry , Part , History , Worker , Glass , Blood , Family Tree , Glass Blowing , Dna , Generation , Shop , Rhythm And Blues Caribbean Sale , Call , Price Lock Guarantee , High Five , Security , Visit Sandals Com , Comcast Business 5 , Dave , Gig Speed Internet , 1 , 5 , 1 800 Sandals , 800 , Yep , Won T Change , Rate , Yes , Comcast , Savings , Possibilities , Fireworks , Doing , Most , Independence , Americans , Vision , Presidency , Freedoms , Generals , Military Parade , Holiday , Tanks , Washington D C , Treads , Ground , Streets , Boulevards , Capital , Duty , Gravel , War Vehicles , Tribute , Warnings , Military Flyover , Similarly , Notion , Fire Hazard , Explosions , Rushmore , Park Rangers , Safety , Area , Display , Site , Attendance , Leaders , Coronavirus Pans , Desecration , Ring , Destruction , Disregard , Facts , World , Pop , Freshness , Wallet , Laundry , Footlong Dippers , Serious , 3 , Scent , Stuff , Headache , Perfumes , Dyes , Sleep Nasal Strips , Sleep , Lift Design , Nose , Air Flow , Gonna , I Ll Be There , Politics Nation , Trials , Fruit , Session , Immunity Ruling , Timing , Let , Question , Outcome , Strategy , Opinion , Offers , Nine , Consequences , Arguing , American History , Safe , Discord , Brick Area , Expansion , Safe Bet The Supreme Court , Allies , Bit , Lower Court , Position , Backing , Activities , Appeal , Zero , Vtol , Core , Calling It Immunity , Protection , Appointment Power , Powers , Constitution , Questions , Bag , Cash , Issue , Safe Bet , Bribery , No Matter What , Conduct , Concession , Z , Honda , Argument , Attorneys , Ex Presidents , New York State Criminal Trial , Place , Reimbursement Checks , Verdict , White House , Reality , Limit , Don T Know What The Supreme Court , Middle , Circumstances , Spectrum , Justices , Regulations , Terms , Protections , Friday , Rulings , Workplace Safety , Bump Stocks , Homelessness , Topics , Lines , Example , Division , Chevron , Ones , Others , Justice , Clarmnbe Thomas , Steve Bannon , Immunity Case , Subpoena , January 6th Community , Lead , Tim Heavey , Communication , Phone , January 6th Committee , Alex Witt , Discussions , Trump On January 5th , January 5th , Contempt Case , Defendant , Offenders , Jail Xe , Clients , Sentence , Contempt Of Congress , Communications , Hold , Grant , Culpability , 2 , Danny Cevallos , Prosecutor , The County , Information , Similar , Prussic Ocean In Georgia , In The House , Songs , Civil Rights Movement , Symbol , 60 , Body Deodorant , Odor , Everywhere , Pits , Gynecologists , 72 , 4 , Sfx , Deoderant , I M Sam , Levi , Pet Insurance , Vet , Puppy , X Rays , Cost , Coverage , Levi S , Five Hundred , Five Hundred Dollars , Voltaren , Pills , Pets , Vet Bills , Quote , Arthritis Pain Relief Gel , Ninety , Four Hundred Thousand , Spain , Source , Movement , Medicine , Serene Music Playing , Wayborhood , Wayfair Vibe , Vanities , Gardening , Dramatic , Go , Wayfair , Western , Shine , Darling , Tile , Gasps , Legs , Ottomans , Poof Cart , Lot , There S A , Halftime , Player , All Of Us , C Versus , Super Bowl , Sam Cooke , Half , Swing , 1964 , A Change Is Gonna Come , Experience , Black Man , Jim Kroll America , Anthem , Preservation , Desire , Dignity , Library Of Congress , 2007 , Records , Another , 45 , Gerald Austin , Manhattan , Group , Lead Singer , Black Music Month , Figure , Grammy , Famed R B , Music , Course , Studio , Listeners , Artists , Recording , Channeling , Black Pop Stars , Shorthand , Crossover Success , Jim Crow , 1960 , Meaning , Words , Louisiana , Hotel , South , Truth , Inspiration , Bottom Line , Use , 10 , Right , High School , Hit Maker , Danger , Song , Racism Problem , Daughter , Little , Apollo , Audience , Clip , Performer , Emotion , Gentleman , Honoree , Oh My God , In Detroit , Hall Of Fame , Yme , Key , Band , Vocals , Action , Honor , Finding , Played Malcolm , Movie , Walk , Malcolm X , Denzel Washington , The Street Activist Scene , Spike Lee , Longevity , 30 , Stick , Me Without You , Stages , Radio , Saying , Crew , Fans , Television , Message , Musicians , Togetherness , Physicians , Faith , God , 62 , James Brown , Father , Before , A , Gerald Alston , Good , Cup , Breath Freshener , Help , Next , Gum Experts , Gum Disease , Toothpaste , Signs , Parodontax , Little Bear , Bear , You Don T , Leaffilter , Gutters , Gutter Solution , Porch , Damage , Cancer , Breast Cancer Treatment , Kisqali , Leaf , Visit Leaffilter Com , 833 , 833 Leaf Filter , Life , Lung Problems , Pill , Clinical Trials , Aromatase Inhibitor , Confidence , Treatment , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Doctor , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Death , Infections , Skin Reactions , Cough , Blood Cell , Grapefruit , Appetite , Infection , Skin , Urine , Loss , Bleeding , Tiredness , Chills , Yellowing , Rash , Dizziness , Fever , Eyes , Bruising , Breastfeeding , Armpits , Wanna , Menopause Supplements , Hike , Multivitamin Plus Hot Flash Support , Clarity , Centrum , Enxtra For Focus , Ingredients , Precipice , Grunts , Laughs , Immunity Powers , Revolution , King George , Affirmative Action , Monarchy , Bigotry , Wing , 18 , Nothing , Element , Voting Rights Act , Non Vote , Nowhere , Process , Hillary Clinton , Fun , Gain , Dialogues , New Orleans , Essex Music Festival , Watching , Morning Joe , Thanks , Eastern , 00 , Payments , Jonathan K Pop , Sunday Show , Citi S Industry , Msnbc , Solutions , Partner , Money , Need , World Food Programme , 180 , Migraine , Migraine Medication , Families , Flight , Relief , Globe , Nurtec Odt , Episodic Migraine , Stomach Pain , Reactions , Aura , Adults , Indigestion , Nausea , Side Effects , Healthcare Provider , Pfizer , Claim , Accountable , Thighs , Distance , Reset , January 6th Insurrection , Community , Organizations , Pride , Warning , Senator , Challenges , Campaign Co Chair , Harris , Celebration Of Pride , Alabama ,

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