we are expecting more decisions by the supreme court, including the one that we are waiting for. this is not the week to check out this coming week. >> it is not. alicia, look at the smile on her face, she is ready. >> i am sad that symone sanders-townsend is not here because we were dressed like twins and that michael was rotating around us. now i am wondering, are you icarus? are you flying too close? >> don't do that. i will pull you back. >> it is a burn. >> have a fantastic time and we will see you back here next week. velshi starts now. good morning. to sunday, june 23. in a few days, joe biden and but donald trump will face off against each other the first showdown since the 27 election cycle. the men will be in atlanta to participate in the first of two scheduled general election debates this season. it will last 90 minutes, both campaigns have agreed for to take place in a television studio without an audience present. take place one month after donald trump was convicted on 34 felony counts on falsifying business records and two weeks before he is set to return to court for the sentencing hearing. they have not been on a nationally televised debate since last time. there taking very different approaches to prepare for the debate. biden will spend several days hunkered down at camp david developing plans and strategies with some of his closest advisers. the white house chief of staff has taken time off from his current job to get the president ready for this year's debates. he is one of the most trusted confidant and an experienced strategist who has helped nearly every presidential candidate prepare for the debates. the president's personal attorney will lend the campaign a helping hand and stand in as donald trump in the market debates that they plan to stage in the days ahead.'s role he took on to help biden prepare for in 2020. a rotating cast of about a dozen other advisers has been tapped to help the president prepare for thursday, meanwhile, this is what donald trump told nbc esther when he was asked what his strategy is for the upcoming debate. >> my strategy is very simple. make america great again. that is all. our country is going to hell. we are going to turn it around fast. >> there's no strategy, we are going to turn it around fast. trump's team has been trying to give off the impression that the former president is not worried at all about facing off against biden. they say the campaign trail has been enough of a preparation for trump and they have no plans to stage mock debates. nbc's reporting indicates there is at least some preparation happening. he has held informal policy sessions with aids, advisers, and lawmakers including the north dakota governor and the senators jd vance and marco rubio, all of whom are contenders to be vice president. there discussing how to respond to inevitable questions about trump's recent criminal conviction and his role in the january 6 insurrection of how to rein in the former president's rhetoric. the last point is particularly notable. the campaign has repeatedly and often unfairly used selectively edited clips to betray biden as old and feeble minded, but trump is prone to gaffes as well. during a speech last week, he bragged about acing a cognitive test and then repeatedly got the doctor's name wrong. he has mcduck president biden and obama multiple times before and once confused nikki haley with nancy pelosi. for those who are not familiar with his long-winded speeches, his long winded ramblings will sounds absolutely incoherent. when his teleprompter malfunctioned in nevada earlier the month he went off script and told a long and meandering story involving and m.i.t. professor, electric boats, and whether he prefers electrocution to be eaten by sharks. and another rally he praised the late great hannibal lector, a fictional character, a cannibal serial killer featured in the silence of the lambs and said that he is a, quote, wonderful man. and he said that he had proposed starting a migrant league of fighters. ufc style sports league that would pit migrants against one another. said it is not the worst idea i have ever had. it is a bizarre proposition that reminds people of his are barrack and dehumanizing position against nonwhite immigrants. might feel like he has the upper hand but that is large because he's been stuck inside his maga bubble. is incoherent and strange diatribes may play well among his diehard rally goers but perceived differently by the general public you might see him as an undisciplined candidate leading and unserious campaign. joining me now is the executive vice president at the trump organization and the author of tower of lies. what my 18 years of working with donald trump reveals about him. good to see you again. i wanted to speak with you about this, these weird rants that donald trump is going on. put aside the stuff that could be deliberate. the dictatorial authoritarian stuff he says. carrying on about being electrocuted be -- versus being eaten by sharks. did he do that when you worked for him? >> a little bit. he was a little saner then but he would make ridiculous remarks . the thing about hannibal lector, is that, it's not that he was praising him so much as he was joking about him. like it was funny that hannibal lector was eating people and reminds of a time when we had had fired a residential manager and he was bragging amongst executives about how great the guy was and he was a real gentleman and so neat and clean and then he looked at a couple of the executives who happen to be jewish, and said watch out for this guy, he remembers the ovens and then smiles. everybody was shocked. i cannot believe he said that. he was making a joke about the nazi ovens and eating people. east rockingham hannibal lecter and eating people as if it was funny. as though that was appropriate. he did that. >> he was a keynote speaker. find this interesting at the faith and freedom coalition event yesterday which is, in theory, a religious thing and made multiple comments about his allegiance to the creator and then answers to god and he talked about the 10 commandments thing in louisiana. what do you make of his embrace, seemingly, of religion and the religious right's embrace of him? how come no one is treating it as the unusual thing that it is? >> his embrace of religion is absolute nonsense. he used to hate christmas because he would have to go to church one day. he is may be an agnostic or maybe an atheist. he mocked religious people and thought that they were stupid for believing. as far as the right is concerned, the religious right. i have lived for a long time and i have always known that these people were fundamentally dishonest, that they were using god and the 10 commandments just to promote their own interests. as far as caring for others especially like and puerto rican children who are starving , and as far as doing anything beyond the limits of their own church, it didn't exist. they had a spirit of love. there was no community. there was hatred. there was always hatred. it is a hatred that runs with the support of trump. the hatred of gays and the fear with owning guns and the fear of homosexuals. that is basically why they are supporting him. nothing to do with god. if any of these people truly believed in god. fortunately or unfortunately, i had to go to catholics one know a little bit about the bible. they would see it as breaking every norm. >> let's talk about some of the things people are talking about. the discussions about joe biden's age and whether he has missteps when he talks it's a before talking with donald trump and some of the unusual things he says. tell me about the difference between the donald trump you see today on tv this week versus the donald trump you worked for. are you seeing something unusual? we are not in a position to diagnose things. it is not something one can do on tv but as someone who knew him, do you see a difference in his behavior? >> i do. i see him. here's a big difference if you read my book, you can follow what you're by year. he used to listen to people. he used to take advice. he used to think that there were others who might know a little bit more about a subject they and he does. that is gone. he listens to nobody. he truly believes he knows more than anybody about anything. in a sense, there's no control. there is no controlling him and he says will comes to his mind and whatever that is. he thinks it is brilliant. healings it is brilliant to begin with when he says it. the only time he appears to have been under any kind of control was during the trial and even then, he wasn't really very good. i wish, and i don't know, i wish they would goad him and make him go nuts, because when he goes nuts, he is really crazy. >> that is interesting as you point out going time he exercise any discipline is when he was in court where there were absolute threats about what might happen to him. something bad could happen him if he misbehaves. doesn't have a structured things coming up other than court and the debate on thursday. the debate will not have an audience not the normal thing he plays off of. he likes to play off of a audience, positive or negative. it will just be the crew and the moderators and joe biden. what does it goading him look like? in this day and age, what even gets to donald trump? some of us believe that he is absent shame. there is nothing that will embarrass him. >> i will tell you one thing real?. port frame for a long time and work for him because he never turned on me and then he finally did and that day i quit. we were in a big meeting and he was accusing me of something. he was ranting. barbara did this. i said donald, there are things you can take for that. he really got crazy. his face turned red. it was wrong for me to say that. it was terribly disrespectful but that is a kind of thing, to get under his skin to make him feel that you think he needs help. yes, donald, it's okay. if you do, take some pills for the issue and you will calm down a bit. maybe something like that. the other thing could be his support for the people that committed crimes on january 6. maybe if he goes after that, do believe it was okay just squeeze the police man's head and the doors and that kind of thing. maybe he will get a little on edge and reactive. the reaction will be great. >> from your ears to camp david with her preparing for the debate. good to see you. thank you for being with us. barbara res is a former vice president of the trump organization. author of tower of lies. an important book and more important in these days as donald trump gets prepared to try and win the next election and become president again. coming up, the latest deep dive into project 2025. not only trying to up and american democracy, they're actively working to export christian nationalism to vulnerable communities in africa and central america. and the fascist and furious. might look like two guys out for a nice evening drive but the close relationship has massive applications for the democratic world. and new nbc news reporting on president trump's vice presidential shortlist. from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. did i read this? 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(roommate) i did. can a body wash transform your chest, arms, legs? it's olay body wash with skin care ingredients and 10x more vitamin b3 complex. so, in 14 days see visibly better skin. olay body wash. discover yours. sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattresses exclusive gel flex grid draws away heat, see visibly better skin. relieves pressure and instantly adapts. sleep better. live purple. right now save up to $800 off mattress sets at purple. visit or a store near you today introducing kardiamobile. with kardiamobile, the fda-cleared smart device, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. every morning i check, make sure i'm in good shape. and it makes me feel pretty good about my heart condition. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation. and it's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. i mean, you might as well be in a doctor's office. get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon. with less than one month until the republican national convention, presumptive nominee donald trump says that in his mind he has decided who will pick to be the vp. he had zeroed in on two top finalists. senator michael rubio of florida is said to be in the mix. all three are securely buckled in on the nominee. this was not always the case. roll the tape. he does not sweat because his pores are clogged by the spray tan. he will not make america great, he will make an orange. >> we are on the verge of having someone take over the republican party who is a con artist. >> the bussing you could give on his birthdays to go out and work, go out and vote, to go out and win the election so that he can save our country and for the reason he was out there in the first place, to do this again. >> i am a never trump guy. >> i know you said about the said you are a never trump guy. never liked him. idiot if you voted for him. might be america's hitler. cultural heroine. noxious and reprehensible. >> when you have people who are supporting trump, trying to stab him in the back. it is very very simple. >> very very simple, apparently. doug burgum has remained consistent about keeping harsh critiques of trump to himself even when running against him in the primary. he transformed into a the trump campaign surrogate showing trump support at his trial.'s no wonder he is reported to be the favorite in the veep stakes. for those who have not made the vp shortlist, flip flops, and their size, too. >> donald trump was totally unhinged. unhinged. >> he has gotten more unstable and unhinged. he spends more time in courtrooms man he does on the campaign trail. he refuses to debate. he is completely distracted. >> biden has been a catastrophe, so, i will be voting for trump. >> what? the unhinged to endorsement pipeline is unfailing, it appears. joining me now is a producer for the rachel maddow show and msnbc political contributor. he is the author of the imposters, how republicans stopped governing and seized american politics. i don't know what the question is because they all speak for themselves but the question is this, is there a world in which donald trump's choice for vice president is old-fashioned? something that will actually help him in a tight election? if you look at it strategically as opposed to who is the biggest suck up to donald trump, who is his best pick? >> i think you are on the right track. donald trump is looking at this in terms of who will help them win the general election. when you look at someone like doug burgum, he has a lot of resources. is access to a lot of wealthy donors. preps the financial advantage will tip the scales in his favor. marco rubio is latino and is in a public -- hispanic state like florida. in some like jd vance who could have good communication skills when it comes to reaching out to rural voters or suburban voters. there is a strategic thinking here. the element is who is best suited to help them win the general election and each of them has a certain benefit and perhaps if we overlooked the fact that they all use to hate him. >> let's look at marco rubio. the idea that there were three guys as finalists and a little since he's running a distant third. you wrote an article on june 4 entitled eyeing the 2024 ticket. in may 2016, amid chatter that he was in the running, he categorically ruled out the idea and said what republican voters have chosen donald trump is the present with gop nominee, my previously stated reservations about his campaign a concern about his policies remain unchanged. he said he will be best served by running mate and surrogates who fully embrace his campaign. talk to me about where he is in this. do think he is in this race or the is he out? >> i think is in the mix. at this point, he has so transformed himself from a trump critic to a trump sycophant, that it might be enough. the proper donald trump is, to see what the next several months to be a national conversation about marco rubio 's flip-flop, does he want people to costly remind voters the political world that he was a fierce opponent of trump and then consider him as the running mate for 2016? i think it is likely to hurt him in terms of those stakes but the fact he is a young candidate and wealthy candidate, he brings a lot to the table will keep him in the mix of trump can get over the fact that he was relentless in his mockery in the most recent past. >> and so was jd vance. he probably has the most mathematical advantage because trump does not really need marco rubio in florida or doug burgum. but wasn't he as much of a critic if not more of trump man marco rubio was? >> he was. >> jd vance has transformed himself from a fierce trump critic and i think trump has been impressed with that. trump has appreciative the fact that he's gone out of his way to humiliate himself to be a groveling trump supporter hitting the campaign trail over and over again in support of trump appearing on fox and other conservative media outlets singing his praises and defending him against the indefensible. trump has taken note of this and that has put him at or near the top of the shortlist. it is interesting to see how it unfolds. steve bannon is a producer of the rachel maddow show and the author of the important book the imposters. how republicans quit governing and seized american politics. you might look like the most bizarre version of carpool karaoke ever but behind this real picture of vladimir putin driving kim jong un in a car that vladimir putin gave him as a gift is a new pact which poses a real threat to the democratic world. you know what's brilliant? 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we do not know. we are starting to approach a point where these aggressive dictators, authoritarians, are expanding and formalizing alliances and the choice is stark. do we fold or do we keep pushing back? if we fold now, when do we reach the point, breaking point, where we can't fold and we have to put our own troops, our own boots on the ground again in a major war, whether it is in asia or in europe? that is why we have to hold the line against these authoritarians in korea and in ukraine. >> one of the things you would do if you are elected is you would try and shore up something we've been discussing for long time, u.s. support for ukraine in the war against russia. in the last hour, russia has blamed the united states for a deadly ukrainian attack on the russian occupied crimean capitals saying that the u.s. is responsible, primarily, because it supplied ukraine with the missiles. the attack guns used in that strike. we have reported that president biden has given volodymyr zelenskyy permission to use u.s. weapons on russian territory in addition to russian occupied areas of ukraine. talk to me about this. help me evaluate this. how final line does the u.s. have to toe in order to prevent an escalation where russia says we are at war with the united states, not ukraine? >> i don't think it is a fine line at all. russia's claimed it is at war with nato and the west since the start since the start of the conflict in 2022 and much longer. this fits the narrative that they have had for a long time. we need to push back more aggressively. every time we provided the ukrainians the support they need in order to prevail, whether it is tanks or patriots, the russians have saber rattled, but backed off because ultimately they do not want to engage in a hot war with the west or the united states. they will get creamed if it happens but it will be a plenty and terrible affair, worse by orders of magnitude than what we have seen in ukraine, which is pretty horrendous. the point is, russia's claimed that there at war with russia and the west and we need to push back assertively and this is a major issue for me. a running for congress and for your viewers if they're interested, please go to my website, but this is a major issue in my district. we are in the outskirts of washington, d.c. we have four military installations adjacent. many military personnel and contractors and government employees who care deeply about the issue. that is what is so important in this particular district where i'm running to represent the people of the seventh congressional district. >> a retired united army colonel. he is a democratic candidate for the seventh congressional district. project 2025 is chock-full of plans to dismantle american democracy, weaponized law enforcement and seize power for donald trump. and has plans to deepen alliances with it other a taurean despicable in regimes. rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. first, we did the impossible. then, you ate so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. and now... ♪♪ they're backk! the footlong cookie is back at subway! a quick note for those of you in toronto, i'm heading back tomorrow for a conversation with peter man's bridge about my new book, small acts of courage. we will be at the indigo bookstore on wellington street. you will need to register to attend but i hope we have a chance of it when i'm in my home town. we will be right back. solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪♪ slowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. 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[both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ the war against reproductive rights has gone global with american christian conservatives targeting some of the world's poorest countries. you for the project 2025, the conservative blueprint for the next republican the measures which would consolidate power in the presence and institutionalize christian nationalism. the checks that restrain him during the first term will disappear. project 2025 will facilitate the purge of civil service and experts from various federal agencies, replacing them with loyalists who are aligned with the right- wing agenda. to see what this could mean for america, you only need to look at the first trump term and how it implemented the christian nationals project in africa, where a little oversight allowed the american far right to run wild. my suppression to learn the key parts of project 2025 are already active in parts of africa and central america. for years, christian conservative groups have been lobbying for influence in washington, collaborating independently with faith-based organizations abroad to promote antiabortion and anti-lgbtq legislation. in his first term, donald trump gave them the platform that they wanted, appointing far right ideologues to senior positions and federal agencies who are responsible for international policy. in a further nod to his christian conservative base, one of his first acts as president was to cut funding for foreign ngos that shared information on abortion. the repercussions in africa have been devastating, forcing many health clinics to shutter and leading to an increase in illegal abortions in countries like kenya, mother jones reports ferland antiabortion activity is not more than a few years old. the result of a campaign by the trump administration and ultraconservative american groups to export operation rescue style tactics to the rest of the world. this report goes on to describe the perforation of illegal abortions, which are being performed, with tools such as knitting needles and women ingesting traditional herbs, crushed glass, or bleach to terminate pregnancies. the methods kill an estimated 28 women and girls in kenya each week. many more seek treatment for complications. despite the disturbing reports, one of trump's final acts was to formalize his stance through a little known international agreement known as the geneva consensus declaration. during the development, career officials at the state department were notably sidelined in favor of political appointees. the gcd has become a key part of project 2025 and uses profamily rhetoric long associated with opposition to abortion and with lgbtq rights. a senior trump official has been actively promoting the gcd across africa in the years that passed since trump left office. requires them to knowledge that there is no international right to abortion,". while biden withdrew the u.s. from the gcd continues to attract new member countries notably those with poor human rights records including russia, saudi arabia, haiti, and uganda. trump seeks to align america with this group of dictatorships. uganda past and anti-gay bill with the death penalty. five of the 37 members are among the worst 10 countries in the world to be a woman and a third of the countries rank in the worst 30. implementing the proposal to women in these regions amount to a death sentence given the historical legacy of gender violence in western colonialism, the attack on reproductive help is appalling. access to reproductive healthcare has been shown to significantly improve the lives of women in poor countries allowing them to pursue higher education to join the workforce. the efforts to enlist autocrats in the gcd committing their populations without their consent epitomizes the coercive nature. consider the case of guatemala. the nation joined last summer under the backing of the far right leader, the president. who is a close ally of many u.s. republicans. when the progressive candidate won the presidency later that year, the administration attempted to block his inauguration. what happened next reveals how a future trump administration is likely to enforce the agenda of christian nationalists worldwide recognizing that the new progressive leader would be less agreeable to the gcd, three republican senators sent a letter to the new leader pressuring him to remain in the coalition. the senator's letter was reported by the right-wing center for family and human rights whose leadership includes contributors to project 2025. it came with a veiled threat, warning, quote, a new u.s. pro- life administration next january will likely rejoin the gcd and per ties grantmaking to countries that have pledged commitments to women 's holistic health. that is a euphemism, by the way. if guatemala's new progressive leader does not play ball with america's religious extremist, crucial american aid to his country will be at risk under a new trump administration. perhaps the pressure worked. as of today, guatemala remains a member of donald trump's global antiabortion declaration. we will be joined by the very first person i can think of to help us pack the rise and spread of american-style christian nationalism. the chair of the department of religious studies at the university of pennsylvania. she will join me next. aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source 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time around? >> what is different this time is that they have an agenda. most people don't realize that many of these republican organizations like heritage foundation, focus on the family and others have had a foothold outside of the u.s. through evangelism, through missionary programs and such. kind of a colonial project, if you were. but now what is different about it is that they are going to use reproductive policies, as well as policies on lgbtq people to try and control different nations around the world. we can see this in africa and in ghana. we see it in uganda and other places. guatemala. brazil. there are many instances where the u.s. government, under the guise of christian nationalism, as they want to put it are trying to infiltrate to countries and control them using the same sort of moral issues happening here and i think this is something we really need to watch out for for the spread of christian nationalism's around the world. >> colonialism is good for nobody but one could understand what the transaction was. what is the transaction here? what is in it for uganda and guatemala. we had that if you do not do this under the trump administration, you might have your aid pulled back or might not receive aid. fundamentally, what is the influence that american fundamentalists or christian nationals have over uganda or anyone else? >> it is access to funds and access to different kinds of opportunities. secondarily it is access to these countries. we talk about borders and if you want to say you cannot come to the country because you have these sort of beliefs, it's important for these nations like uganda and kenya to play ball with american officials that are on the right so that they will have access not just to funding, but access to travel and access to other things they might want. the third thing is access to educational opportunities. many people said the best and brightest to the u.s. to study and if you are not allowed to come in because you are on a watch list or something like that because you do not follow reproductive policies, i think that would hamper progress for women in these countries and especially people who are not of the kind of people that they would want, people who are sexually active, people who are homosexuals and trans people and others. >> been showing image of a woman named valerie huber. she represents christian nationalists and has been recruiting african and middle eastern autocrats for this gcd. there's no sense at this get some with the approval of any the populations. these are populations that are entitled to vote . tell me about this. the optics of this, just the optics are weird. a white american woman telling africans exactly, or people in the middle east how it is they should handle relations or matters having to do with gay people or reproductive rights. she seems to be influential. >> she is. for us on the outside, it might look like that is weird to see a white woman doing this but the history of colonization in africa makes people already susceptible to this kind of behavior. if you're doing this through a christian lens, if you are saying this is what jesus would want we are to focus on our families this is what christianity is about, many of these nations are used to having missionaries and other people there so when you have somebody coming into the country and sitting down with leaders and everything else and promising money and funds under the guise of we are doing this for the lord, what you get is the undercover way to get inside a nation and influence policies through the guise of christianity. christianity. makes it easier to deal with the leadership. >> thank you so much for giving us the tip of the iceberg, the chair of the department of r religious studies at the university of pennsylvania and columnist for msnbc daily and the author of white evangelical racism, the politics of religion in america. religion in america.

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