Transcripts For MSNBCW Ayman 20240616

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melanie on those secret recordings of two supreme court justices and what they reveal about an independent judiciary. and on this father's day, we are going to examine the vital role of men and ongoing fight for abortion rights in this country. let's do it. >> [ music ] when donald trump ran for president in 2016, he made a series of big campaign promises, but perhaps some of his most notable, is most galvanizing for his ultraconservative base, where his pledges on immigration and abortion. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. that's do you want to see the court overturn roe v. wade? that's if we put another two or perhaps three justices on, that will happen. and that will happen automatically, in my opinion, because i am putting pro-life justices on the court. >>ju on january 27th, 2017, jus one week, literally seven days after taking office, trump followed through on that first promised him issuing an executive order, barring integration from several predominantly muslim countries. and in 2022, the supreme court that trump built helped him make good on that second g promise, overturning roe versus wade and stripping away reproductive rights for millions of americans.ti now, none of this should have come as a surprise. trump didn't hide his agenda, he ran on it. months, even years before , taking office, he laid out his plans right in the open for everyone to see. and yet, somehow, t democrats were still caught flat footed. while the aclu and other immigration advocacy groups thought trump's and muslim ban h in court, it wasn't until president biden took office that the effort was fully reversed. and two years later, we are still dealing with the fallout l of the dobbs decision in what many activists have called out s as a lack of preparation for its likely impending demise, but we could soon see history repeat itself or something even more dystopian. whether it is this plasty is the justice department to exact revenge,ic carry out mass deportations, construct emigrant detainment camps, or his promise to massively expandp executive power, a second trump turn threatens the very foundation of our democracy and our country. last night, president biden was asked about the further erosion of reproductive rights if trump is sent back to the white house. watch. >> these threats to abortion rights commit women's rights, even to birth control and ivf are not in our liberal imaginations anymore, they are very real, and these decisions, the is very personal, intimate decisions are now being made by nine unelected judges. and i think we are all wondering what can we do about this? >> elect me again. let's so, mr. president, i am sorry to say, that is just not going to be enough. there needs to be a contingency plan in place if trump does in fact retake the white house. democrats cannot afford to be caught flat footed again, and it is in this looming shadow of a second trump term that a new resistance has come to light. a coalition of democratic officials, progressive activists, watchdog groups, and asked republicans, are already laying the groundwork to push back on trump's plans on immigration, national and local organizations are banding together, holding days long sessions of scenario planning, ensuring their postelection readiness. it is just one of the issues, along with abortion covered in a 15 page threat matrix put together by another organization, democracy forward. in addition to drafting potential lawsuits to file against trump administration actions, group has also begun recruiting sympathetic plaintiff's who would have legal standing in court. governors are preparing, too, stockpiling abortion pills in case they become unavailable or severely restricted during the next possible trump administration. so, what this unprecedented effort to be enough to protect our democracy against the dangers of a possible second trump term? let's ask that to skype there, president of democracy forward, and director of the working families party, both of their organizations are part of the coalition preparing for a second trump administration. it is good to have both of you with us. sky, i will start with you, there is always talk before an election about what could happen if the other side wins. it appears at least this time that things are little bit does the timing, planning, and t sheer scale of this years operation feel different to you? >>fe what's different is just hn extreme these threats are. and i want to make sure that all of your viewers know about project 2025, which is a project that is out there and is unprecedented, it is 900 pages, and it contains everything making it harder for people to vote to banning and restricting abortion, to making it harderin with the people's pocketbooks, and this is really unprecedented. and it is 100 extreme far right organizations that do not represent the majority of americans seeking to push their agenda through and to remake our government. and so, i will just say that we think the threats are extreme, unprecedented, and that it is very important that the american people be prepared. this is already happening in states across the country, states like florida and texas, that are doing everything from banning abortion to banning books, and it is very important that people in communities have tools available to make their voices heard and to be able to fight for the democracy that we know that the vast majority of people in this country wants. >> maurice, what do you say to people who may look at this right now and say -- and there has been some criticism, to say that this is a defeatist t mentality right now, that in fact you should be using your energy and your resources right now on re-electing president biden, not preparing for his opponent to win. can you do both at the same time? >> we must do both at the same time, this is not either or. i believe that the best defense is offense in this matter, and one of the things that we are doing at the working families g party is we are talking early every day people about the stakes. and the stakes are not simply donald trump versus joe biden, it is much bigger than trump. i agree with skye. maga and trumpism have been institutionalized, and you can look no further than project 23 five to see the detailed plans s they are laying out. so, now is the time to have the early conversations with your friends, with your neighbors, with your coworkers about the actual stakes. again, it is not so much donald trump versus joe biden or democrat versus republican. this election is all of us that are interested in having a democracy versus the forces of authoritarianism. now, of course, there is a possibility that anything might happen, and so, in any scenario, having a more organized mass movement of people who are concerned with democracy and make sure that that is the biggest possible, will be essential. if you look back at 2020, and we look back at the trump administration, when the muslim bands took place, when the trump movement was at its very worst, the american people were at their best, so immediately after the muslim band, millions of people rose up and pushed back. family separations. and ultimately in 2024, and that election, we saw a broad united front to feed trump electorally. f and what we know is that trumpism lived on, which is why in any scenario, it is going to be essential for all of us to organize. >> it sounds like you're saying hope for the best, but prepare for the worst with a second trump administration. what lessons, sky, can we learn from 2016? what action is your organization taking this time around that you did not take in 2016? >> well, one thing that we know is that when people tell you what they are going to do, especially extremists, we need to believe them. and that is why it is incredibly important to prepare under any scenarioo , and so, i think that is what you see. diverse coalitions of people who may not agree on everything, but all agree on the promise of democracy and on the extreme threats. so, i think that is what you are seeing this time around. organizations like democracy forward did not exist in 2016. it was actually the concern for the lawlessness and harmful behavior of the prior administration, the millions of people's lives that were in the balance, that brought organizations like ours forward, and also, energize organizations that have long been doing the work to protect democracy and civil rights in this country. >> so, maurice, how important is it for organizations, activists, politicians to work together here? do you think politicians, particularly democratic politicians, have been taking the last four years seriously enough, not just to prepare for this election, but to fire while our government, our institutions, our laws, our norms from a future trump? if it is not in 2020, then a trump accolade beyond. >> actually, i feel like a lot of the lessons are being learned and people are having more conversations, and people across all types of differences are coming together like never before to talk about, number one, t how do we ensure that th election is framed as a true contest that it is. not between two men, but between one very extreme niche idea, and the idea that we shouldn't even pursue a democracy, and number two, what we need to do to make it happen. and it is not akjust politician it is every day people like the people watching right now. there needs to be a movement that is helping every person framed this issue for what it is, which is a binary choice between further even deciding whether or not we want a democracy or moving closer to authoritarianism, and we only have to look towards europe to understand how fragile that can be. with european elections recently launched europe closer and closer to the right wing. we know that our job in america is to fight the u.s. base of authoritarianism, maddow, but this is a global movement from israel to hungary to france, this is a global authoritarian movement, and we need to tell that to our neighbors, our friends, or coworkers, and organizations like the working families party is doing just that, we are doing the grassroots organizing in order to build that very broad united front. that's all right, maurice mitchell, skye perryman, thank you to both of you, greatly appreciate you starting us off this hour with this insight. we are going to keep this conversation going next hour with congresswoman judy chu, a founding member of the task force intending to fight back against that project, project 2025, that we were just not after this break, the rnc is stuck in the middle of trump's terminal convictions, forced to create a plan b in case the boss man can't make it to milwaukee, which he still insists [ inaudible ] >> [ music ] >> [ music ] about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. you know what's brilliant? 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that's with respect to milwaukee, he was talking about allegations of voter fraud, and also the crime rate. i think it is important for people to understand your murder rate must be done, but that doesn't mean violent crime is also lower. obviously, is the most heinous of them all. >> that was republican congressman byron donalds auditioning for, or i should say rather, one of many donald trump allies still scrambling to explain away to report that trump called the host city for the rnc convention horrible during the meeting on capitol hill. last night, the ex-president flatly denied he said it, and he accused democrats of making it all up. now, the rnc already had its hands full with its soon-to-be presidential nominee. sources telling nbc news they are busy preparing a backup location in mar-a-lago due to the real possibility that he could be sentenced to home confinement by then and unable to travel. joining me now to discuss this is jennifer horn, former new hampshire republican party chair and host of that is it just me or have we all lost our minds podcast, and fernando from msnbc, a political analyst and poster, glad to have you both with us. jennifer, i will start with you, these preparations include setting up a convention themed stage to mask the screen in milwaukee where the prevention activities are set to take place. this would be a historic situation in and of itself, a presidential candidate accepting his party nomination basically, effectively under house arrest. your thoughts? >> well, to be perfectly honest with you, i'm not leaning strongly into this idea of a convention without trump, it's just everything we are learning about, even if he was assigned to house arrest, there is still the possibility that he could have permission to travel, and i just don't see a world where trump doesn't take advantage of having the audience that a republican convention would give him. but in the end, it doesn't matter if he is in mar-a-lago or he is in milwaukee, his message about the trial and about how victimized he is, and how he is taking all of this, so that we don't have to, that he is being targeted, his message about voter fraud, his message won't change. and the way that he is received by hundreds of republican people and the audience, whether in milwaukee or by camera from mar-a-lago, that will change either. let's fernand, trump has said he would announce his running mate at the convention and his campaign has declined to comment on how being remote would impact that, but at this point, what it even matter? we have seen that's allies and supporters seem to follow him wherever he goes, including something like byron donalds, who is now coming out and defending him full throated lee, as i was joking, trying to audition to be his running mate. >> i don't think it would matter to him, and if we think about what the role of the convention is, the convention is not so much for the maga extreme republican base, that electorate is cooked. the convention is really the last opportunity or one of the last opportunities for independent voters or voters who might be on the defense to look in and see what it is all about. despite how tempting it might be for democrats to love and relish the idea of donald trump being confined under house arrest, if you are the trump campaign, you may want that to happen, you may want a scenario where donald trump is not able to participate in the milwaukee convention for two reasons. one, it allows him to continue the parts of him being a political prisoner, which he has already said for fundraising purposes, he has had a huge disadvantage cash wise and he needs every dollar you can get, but more importantly, donald trump on the stump is in deep cognitive disinclined. he is not doing well cognitively, and if you see him, ayman, in an environment where he has to give a speech in front of the teleprompter with thousands of people there, that doesn't help him, whereas in mar-a-lago, it is more accustomed to his rhythm, what he is used to. you might even be able to take it, prerecorded, and air it live if it comes to that, because right now, is operating at a level where every day, he is worse and worse for the wear, and that comes across in his everything utterance and public comment. >> i saw the other day, one of his speeches lasted for an hour and 20 minutes, and i was thinking, who in the world would want to sit and listen to donald trump talk for an hour and 20 minutes? that is absolute torture. senator tim scott said on sunday, he stands by his decision to certify president biden's win in 2020. scott is widely reported to be among trump's top vp pics, what does it say about the political comments that these could get him knocked off of the list, that in accepting the results of 2020 may actually be the reason why he is not selected to be trump's running mate? >> it is highly unlikely that tim scott is going to be the vp choice at this point. i think he was unlikely to begin with, but these comments, i think, completely disqualifying him based on the maniac and narcissistic way that donald trump does business. tim scott is off that list, we should all assume that at this point. and what this shows us, frankly, is just how institutionalized trumpism and worship of trump has become within the republican party. and the degree to which it would be institutionalized should trump again become president, it will become institutionalized throughout government, throughout policies, throughout process. you know, every time anybody in the party like donaldson or scott or any of the others, they make these outrageous comments trying to defend trump or they say something completely commonsense, like of course biden was a legitimate president, and it gets him in trouble with maga voters, that just shows us exactly how deeply damaged the republican party is. >> let me play it before you go, a quick sound bite of trump's speech yesterday at the turning point rally in detroit. take a listen to this. >> yet joe biden has no plan, he has got absolutely no plan, he doesn't even know what the word inflation means. i don't think, if you gave him it was, i think you should take a cognitive test like i did. i took a cognitive test and i aced it. dr. ronnie johnson, does everyone know ronnie johnson? congressman from texas? he was the white house doctor. >> so, fernand, to your point about cognitive decline, he is challenging biden to a cognitive exam, and he cannot even remember the name of the former white house doctor, ronny jackson, kept calling him ronnie johnson. ronnie johnson. >> with trump, projection is everything, every accusation is a confession. and that's why i say very seriously, this is not the donald trump of 2016, who for all of his madness then, there was at least some die, you knew what he was doing, he was a little more tactical and strategic about things he would say, let alone 2020. this is a guy who is further and further off the rails, you see it and comment like that, and i think you see it in the reaction of people around him. he met with ceos just this past week talking about economic policy, what it would look like if trump were to god forbid win the election, and many of them made the comment on the nbc network that this guy was off the rails, they didn't understand what he was saying, he has lost it, he is not all with it. so, i think this is someone who is in deep mental decline, cognitive decline, this isn't someone you would trust to take her children to school, let alone have their hands on the nuclear codes. >> jennifer, your final thoughts on this? >> i agree with him completely. and i saw much of that speech, as much of it as i was able to catch, and you know, the different clips. that was not the only off the rails moment in that speech. anytime you put donald trump in front of a microphone for more than two to three minutes, he ends up going off the rails and really exposing not just his cognitive decline, but also his , you know, is very punitive approach -- the anger that he feels towards people that he perceives as having done him wrong. his willingness to go after his political enemies, you know, it is believed that from the white house, he will be able to do and say anything that he pleases again to those that have displeased him. i know people say, i can't stand the thought of another trump's speech. i strongly recommend that people go online and watch as many clips as they can. this is not the donald trump of 2016, but just as much, it is not the donald trump even of 2020. people do need to pay attention not just what he is saying, but how he is saying it. >> yeah, more extreme and certainly more cognitively dumb, donald trump. jennifer horn, fernand, thank you very much for your time and your insights. next up, two justices caught on tape revealing why an ethics code is needed at the high court. congresswoman melanie on how to make that happen, after this. x [ music ] x [ music ] (man) switching all the wasn't easy. 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that's yeah, i mean, when you listen to his comments, and i think all of us would like to hear them in the context of the full recording, it is very clear that this is part of the overall movement and effort that has been ongoing in the courts and congress, across our political divides, to try to expand a certain perspective on american life and to inject it into our policies. and we have seen it spearheaded for decades now by these huge mega-donors who alito has been caught on camera going on expensive trips, you know, justice thomas, has gone on these extravagant half-million dollar yacht trips and other guests and his family have been lavished on them. the flying of the flags, justice thomas's wife, intimately involved in the january 6th stopped the steel, but also in this ongoing effort to undermine american rights that has been spearheaded by these mega-donors. abortion, voting rights, affirmative action, the clean water act, the clean air act, and now, just this last week, bump stocks, which has to do with protecting our communities from gun violence. and so, this is part of an overall movement within the court and within our political system to push it to the right. so, i am not surprised to find the recording, and i think it provides more evidence that we have doubled the court accountable. >> and i should at least share your sentiment about wanting to hear the full recording, but even just hearing them talk about godliness gives people a moment of pause. it is wanting to hear this desire to push the u.s. into a christian nation, from your house speaker colleague mike johnson, that is somewhat unseen -- expected from him, he is a politician pandering to an electoral base, but hearing it from a supreme court justice who is supposed to be neutral, was supposed to not bring religion and ideological religion into his decision- making process, concerning is it to hear this desire from alito to turn the u.s. into a more christian country? >> yeah, well, i mean, look, everyone who serves in public office holds their own personal beliefs and their own faith or non-faith, and they're entitled to that, it is just part of being human. but what our constitutional duty is as public officials and certainly in the highest court of the land, is to be impartial, to represent the great people of this country, and in the case of the supreme court, as representative raskin, it is the highest court of the land with the lowest standards in the federal bench. and so, the lack of regard and effort to even appear to be impartial, i think, is so disturbing right now in the court. you see it being flaunted on this recording, you see it being flaunted by justice thomas. i mean, this is a court that believes it is, as you said, untouchable, and i think it is represented also by the refusal of robert, who is chief justice, to go before the summit or even cooperate with justice -- with the investigation of the justices. so, all of it is deeply concerning, but also, what it leads to, which is the systemic undermining of our rights as american people, in a way that we have never seen ever in american history. >> let me ask you about senate republicans here, they are blocking the democratic-led bill that would require these justices to adopt a binding code of conduct. lindsey graham, who led the blocked effort, called it unconstitutional overreach that would undermine the courts ability to operate effectively. how do you make sense of that when we have seen these justices undermine their own credibility with these scandals? you would think that republicans would also agree that they what i want justices appointed by democrats on the supreme court to be beholden to special interests and take lavish trips by democratic mega- donors. >> i mean, it is all part of one overall project, they're all about and sold by the same mega-donors and the same project. whether it is the senators and the senate who are trying to advance these ultraconservative ideas, whether it is mike johnson sitting in the speaker's chair, whether it is the supreme court justices who have no regard for the law and are just moving forward and undermining constitutional law in order to put forward a right- wing agenda, it is all being funded by the same mega-donors, the same organizations, the parentage foundation, you know, there has been a lot of conversation in the last few weeks about project 2025, which is this plan for the trump administration's dismantling of the administrative state. this is all funded by the same donors that are taking these justices on these trips. so, it's all one project. and so, it does not surprise me that my republican colleagues across the aisle are bending over backwards to try to defend the actions of these justices that are engaged in the same politics they are. that's all right, congresswoman melanie stansberry, always a pleasure, thank you so much for making time for us. >> thanks. >> next up, one couple's sickening story about the lack of medical care in texas as they suffered an incomplete miscarriage. it is a story that has gone viral, you will see by next. >> [ music ] farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. -cologuard®? 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"having to pick my wife's cold, limp body off of that bathroom floor, not sure if i was about to lose her, is something i will never forget." and once at the hospital, the doctors told the couple that ultimately the third round of that medication was successful and her miscarriage had finally been completed. eventually, ryan's wife was deemed stable and the pair was able to return home, but the pain of their experience of not only losing their child, but suffering the cruelty of care in a post roe v. wade america, that has remained. brian wrote: i've never been so angry or heartbroken, and the devastation i'm feeling was pale in comparison to what my poor wife is feeling. the hamilton story shows that abortion bans don't just impact women in their immediate health, they can also take a devastating toll on the entire family and partners and spouses. and ryan's choice to share his family's nightmare with the world shows the important role men can play in fighting for reproductive care. according to recent polling, majorities of both men and women say abortions should be legal in all or most circumstances, yet too often, abortion is simply reduced to just a women's issue. but with just months to go until one of the most critical and consequential elections of our lifetime, and with the future of reproductive care on the ballot, men cannot sit out this fight. in an exclusive interview with nbc news just last month, second gentleman douglas reminded us why this is everyone's issue, and warned that the gop's attack on fundamental rights won't end with abortion. >> i have a son, and we talk about it. about how this is going to impact him and how he is going to start a family or not. and then we talked at length about freedom. because even if this isn't your issue, but it should be, because again, women should not be treated less than, where does it end? because if you look at the concurring opinion in dobbs, it is really what are becoming after next? is it contraception, is it right to marry you want to marry, love you want to love, read what you want to read? and just having the government to be back in your lives, that is happening. so, every bone needs to care about that. >> after the break, i will be joined by the man who survived that nightmare, ryan hamilton. that nightmare, ryan hamilton. y and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. 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>> thank you, thanks for having me. i am okay. she is getting better every day, it is a long road. and when you have been through something like they put her through, it is not just the rest of your life knowing that you lost a baby, it is the rest of your life having to live with this torturous experience that she had, so, it is the very beginning of a very long road, but i am amazed at how strong she is. you know, how she is so determined to get back to normal life. that seems to be her way of getting through it, just trying to get back to normal, whatever that is now. but thank you for asking. we are okay. i don't want to say we are., because we are not there yet, but we are doing okay. >> we are certainly praying for you and your wife, we can't even imagine what this has been like, and we explained before the break, since the fall of roe v. wade, we have seen many brave women speak out about their experience seeking care in these states with very restrictive bans, but you are one of the few, certainly most high profile name i am aware of, who has been vocal about how this issue has impacted you and your family. talk to us about what motivated you to make that first post on x, and share that expense with the world, what were you hoping to do with it? >> well, first of all, i didn't know it was rare for a man to speak out about this until i did and it has gone the way that it has gone, and i find that confusing, i don't know why more men aren't speaking out. we all have mothers, we have wives and daughters and sisters, and i was shocked to find out that this was a rare thing. and i think that that is something that needs to change. and what i really wanted to do, honestly, was just tell the people to keep up with me and our family, what happens. i had no intention of it going viral or reaching millions of people. and now that that has happened, i have been thrown into this situation that i never wanted to be in, if i am being honest, but i am here now, and something happens to you whenever you discover your wife unconscious and you don't know if she is alive or if she is going to be okay. something inside of me changed in that moment, and i don't know if it is some sort of fatherly instinct with a nine-month-old daughter, but since then, since that post has gone the way that it has gone, all i want to do is fight and fix the problem and make sure my wife never has to go through that again, and this is not the world that my daughter has to grow up in. >> do you know if -- i mean, can you certainly share with us whether your views with this have changed? i mean, abortion is an essential component of women's healthcare. as you were saying, this was not your intention when you first started sharing this post, but in some ways, it has now become a teachable moment for the country or perhaps even a call to action, is that something you realized purely after living through this experience? or do you think your story can in fact open peoples eyes to the harm these restrictions are causing for women and men and their families? >> well, you of course hear the stories, these women having to cross state lines, and you have those conversations at home, at dinner, talk about how sad it is or how wrong it is, but until you are thrown into that situation yourself, your views are just kind of on the outside of that situation. and then when you are in the middle of it, it definitely has changed our views. and people do not understand how bad it is and how scary it is. and i had to learn, and i am better now, but the ignorance of people on x, who want to fight, who want to attack me and my family, say that we are liars, that this was political propaganda. do you know how hard it is to share a post that we lost a baby? let alone this horrific experience. so, not only has my view changed, i now know how clueless a lot of people in texas and america are. they don't understand. i get so frustrated with the argument that that has nothing to do with the law. the law clearly states this. if the law clearly stated what these people are arguing, then there wouldn't be countless stories. there wouldn't be situations like what happened to my wife happening time and time again. the law is the problem. i don't understand why that is so hard for people to understand. last i checked, doctors were pretty smart people, they had to go to school for a long time and be pretty intelligent to pass the tests they have to pass to become a doctor. so, their argument is what? that the doctors don't understand the law, so it is just malpractice running rampant? i don't think so. so, yes, my views have changed. i am angry about it, and i don't understand why these people are digging their heels in, going no, it is really fine, it is the doctors. it is the law. >> ryan, as i said, this is extremely difficult, i can't thank you enough for sharing your story with your followers, with the world, with us on this program, we certainly hope that it continues to raise awareness, and perhaps, perhaps change the laws in your state and elsewhere in this country. ryan hamilton, thank you so much. as i mentioned, we pray for you and your wife. a new hour of ayman after a quick break. quick break. farin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... ...or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. 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