buildup. high stakes, mistake or break, you name it. but in this incredibly tight race between two presidents, each of whom casts the other as a danger to democracy, it does seem that the cnn presidential debate in four days might just live up to the hyperbole. let s face it, how many people in america haven t made up their minds between 81-year-old joe biden and 78-year-old donald trump, and which of these two men can exceed those all-important expectationses certified by the presses? if trump did some advanced spin by denigrating cnn s moderators. they thought i would say, no, i don t want to do it because cnn is so, you know, it s fake news. i ll be debating three people instead of one-half of a person. howard: sometimes debates can be decisive, in the first one in 1960, richard a anybodies son had a 5:00 shadow, and jack kennedy looked young and vigorous. sometimes a good zinger can turn the tide with a tense president carter against a relaxed ronald reagan. there you
north korean factories to russian troops on the front line in ukraine. and of course, what north korea will get in return for that, would it be assistance? with a technological help with their missile or even then nuclear program that certainly the big concern in the united states and elsewhere about this burgeoning relationship, anderson i think that chance thank you the news continues right here on cnn i d run next putin heading for a major meeting, new reporting tonight on how closely the white house is watching poops trip. and this face-to-face plus obama fighting back, saying a viral video that republicans claim is a clear example of president biden freezing up is not what appears are white house reporter who was in the room is out front. and social media, the new smoking surgeon general tonight calling for warning labels on facebook tiktok, and instagram. is it enough, surgeon general, dr. vague murthy is my guests. let s go out front and good evening. erin burn
2022, also, a landing in the island and they ve hawaii in bad weather, the ntsb found significant miscommunication in the cockpit. the ntsb says it will not investigate this latest incident, both routine reporting for his pete. thanks very much. and to our viewers. thanks for watching erin burnett outfront starts right? i ve run next, heading for a major meeting. new reporting tonight on how closely the white house is watching poops trip. and this face-to-face plus obama fighting back, saying a viral video that republicans claim is a clear example of president biden i m freezing up is not what it appears. are white house reporter who was in the room as outfront and social media. the new smoking surgeon general tonight calling for warning labels on facebook, tiktok, and instagram. is it enough? surgeon general dr. vague murthy is my guests. let s go out front good evening i m erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, putin s a power trip. so the russian president
melanie on those secret recordings of two supreme court justices and what they reveal about an independent judiciary. and on this father s day, we are going to examine the vital role of men and ongoing fight for abortion rights in this country. let s do it. [ music ] when donald trump ran for president in 2016, he made a series of big campaign promises, but perhaps some of his most notable, is most galvanizing for his ultraconservative base, where his pledges on immigration and abortion. donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country s representatives can figure out what is going on. that s do you want to see the court overturn roe v. wade? that s if we put another two or perhaps three justices on, that will happen. and that will happen automatically, in my opinion, because i am putting pro-life justices on the court. ju on january 27th, 2017, jus one week, literally seven days after taking office, t
we ve got this. honor. you got this inside politics sunday with manu raju next on cnn on the attack. trump those red meat to the base the gate to. guard the vote. we need to stop the steel and consolidate support was a pep rally environment for president trump. while biden courts, seniors in race this is millions with hollywood stars pause final countdown everyone s going to watch just 11 days until cnn s debate. it s about the character of the person leading our country. the decisions and verdict hanging over it all and soccer tsunami so like having 104 super bowls and 39 days i washington is nervous inside politics. that s reporting from inside the corridors of power starts now good morning. welcome to is that politics sunday on his father? thursday morning. i m on a roger. donald trump is tried to make inroads with a key part of joe biden s coalition, black voters in detroit in the state that very well could determine the next president. and that s where trump was