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real estate empire on the line. >> his testimony framed by -- anger, defiance, and disdain for the process. >> the only thing that matters are the facts and the numbers. and numbers, my friends, don't lie. >> from ohio to virginia, to kentucky, victory laps today for democrats. >> abortion access is the law of the land in ohio. >> the voters said, look, the government should not be telling a woman what to do with her body. >> we've become a party of losers. >> i'm sick of republicans losing. >> do you think we did the right thing by not participating? >> anybody who is going to be spending the next year and a half of their life focusing on keeping themselves out of jails and courtrooms cannot be lead this party or this country. >> i'll not be running for reelection for the united states senate, but what i will be doing is traveling the country. >> maybe, you know, flirting with some kind of presidential run. >> which, again, it's another blow democrats from manchin. >> good evening once again i'm stephanie ruhle, it is the end of the week and our friday night cap is officially back. i know you've been waiting for it. this is our breakdown of the biggest stories of the week and look at what is ahead. joining me, my partner forever, my man ali velshi, msnbc chief correspondent and host of velshi. he's also the editor of the trump indictments, the 91 criminal counts against the president of the united states. john kelly is here, cofounder of the digital media superstar company putt. david gergen joins us, a business correspondent at npr and the one and only judy gold. comedian, actor, and author of yes, i can say that, when they come for the comedians we are all in trouble. we've got a great gang in a lot to cover, let's talk about it. this week has been absolutely extremes when it comes to politics. i know we always say that, but this week, for real. democrats had a huge win on election day but that day was flanked by some kind of questionable polling numbers president biden. so i want to talk about all of this, john i turn to you. what is your take on politics this week? >> i feel like these factors are divorced, if you talk to people in washington right now, if you talk to democrats, there is very easily perceptible animosity between the biden people and the non-biden people, and there is a feeling that the biden people try to take a little bit too much credit for what happened tuesday night and creating an adjacency, saying that this was a reflection of the presidents polling and the presidents strengths is more significant, his achievements are more significant than people need to take it seriously. i don't buy that argument, i think biden did not raise one of these candidates, he pulled back in very considerable ways because they didn't want him on the ballot and i am one of those many people who believes that the new york times siena poll was a significant lead, terrifying event for the democratic party that's going to have long reparations. story to be such a downer. >> that is a friday night party. you know who won on tuesday? abortion access. is that the lesson for democrats? figure out how to get abortion on the ballot anywhere and everywhere? >> icing the republicans should keep running, please no abortion for anyone under any circumstances, ever. a fetus sure run for president. anything they want, please. it is ridiculous. i mean, women, republican women and democratic women both do not want men, mostly men, telling them what they can and cannot do with our bodies. so please, republicans, continue on this road. mazel tov. >> let's talk about joe manchin. [laughter] he has decided not to run for reelection as a senator, which he has said was the most difficult decision. >> if you look at the polling it's not that difficult. >> it wasn't a difficult decision. jim justice is going to win, he is openly flirting with this idea. >> he should've said that idea was the easiest decision i've made is not run again. >> now he's flirting with this idea, he's not saying he's running for president, but he's going to travel around to the country and talk about the divisions. i don't know -- when you leave your job and you decide to travel the country and talk about your job, who's paying for that? why are you doing it? what do you think? >> i will say this, the thing about joe manchin that i really enjoy is that he is joe manchin. he has been this guy all the time. he was the governor, then had to become a senator because he has to stay in public office, now he is not going to be the sound her again. he saw the writing on that walton's got to be in public office. so he's got to do something. and there is enough going on out there in this mix of joe manchin and rfk junior and now jill stein is running for president again that it is a little bit of noise and he can add to it. he continues to get ink and will continue to get ink. i don't know -- >> but ink you're not talking tattoos? that would be amazing. >> running for vice president or president abdullah labels label. it is a nonstarter at the moment. there are a whole bunch of reasonable people who i think think this is a really good idea that i want to break away from this polarization and how right and left everybody's, but, in the end, what happened on tuesday night was not just about abortion, it was about basic civics and democracy, right? it was people who want their rights preserved. the abortion part was almost incidental. book banning lost big. moms for liberty lost evhere they ran. so, when it comes to what americans are gonna make choices about their liberty and their rights, and i'm not sure no labels is going to fit into this discussion. i would love a world in which they do, but i don't think this is the time. >> whether it is joe manchin or no labels saying is that somebody needs to claim this space in the middle, joe biden is in that space. if you actually look at joe biden's policies, for the most part, they are squarely in the middle. >> i look at joe manchin who said, when he made this announcement, that he's accomplished all he set out to do and i wonder what that is, frankly. ease been quite medicine to democrats and helped republicans. >> you always bring the s.a.t. words. meddlesome. >> i wonder where this road takes. and what he is accomplished is being a thorn in the side of the party that he has been a part of for many years. i don't know where that goes next. i do think that you will be under a lot of pressure from joe biden in the democratic party not to do -- not go the no labels route, whatever that is. i think there is this a strange, we know that jill stein is running, cornell west is running, the mystery surrounding no labels continues to be something that i think is a specter that will increasingly irritate and scare democrats. >> the mystery because they refused to tell anybody where they raise their money from. >> meddlesome, i looked it up, and it is what i am to you. >> i got that. joe manchin is 76. donald trump is 77, and joe biden is 80. how is it that joe manchin is taking this position. he is going to be this fresh, new voice. essentially they all went to high school together. right? [laughter] >> you know, it is so funny that trump is 77 and biden is 80. everybody thinks biden's 150 and trump's 50 joe manchin, i am sorry, he needs so much attention. he really needs the spotlight on him. and i feel like dams, who are like oh no what we are going to do, we don't have that seat, it was a precarious seat anyways. so, i'm sorry you're going have to do a little more work right now, but 70. 76? and he's going to travel around the country? let's talk about the republican debate. there's times of talking about it, nikki haley had a good showing, it was the best ron desantis is done, but while that debate was going on, less than an hour away, the clear front runner, donald trump, was holding a big triaged rally with sarah huckabee sanders standing next to him. what does she do? focuses on book banning in conspiracy theories. john, way on where republicans are because where republican primary voters are does not get anyone elected in the general, as we have just seen in the last three elections. >> it is unfortunate that no one can look backwards to make any prognostication. and i'm trying to revert my debbie downer-ism from a previous conversation, but if you look at the rating for republican debates they just keep going down. 13 million to 6 million, people are tuning this out. >> i'm not going to be a downer, but let me tell you how bad that was. >> it almost seems as though, and this is a rose ceremony without a rose, and trump is in this rare situation where he is out there without being covered with the megawatt microscope that he was four years ago. so he has an ability to basically take a mulligan on all of the things that he saying now and i think he's probably going to be able to do that as he does have to pivot back to the center in six or nine months. >> you know, the biden campaign put something out this week talking about the fact that trump has ten times the amount of gaps joe biden does and they don't get covered. david? >> i think that there is a new measured scrutiny on donald trump, i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. i think that airing disinformation all the time, airing whatever he says is obviously not the thing the news organization should be doing, but i don't know how democrats can get beyond that. yes, the white house can complain about this, the campaign can complain about this, how do people take notice? i don't know. the wall that nobody can make any sort of chip into over and over again and, yeah, it is for mixing everybody. >> it has been about six weeks, i guess, since the new york civil trial was, the determination was made. and since then his behavior has changed. it is not the normal dictatorial, authoritarian, mostly type stuff. it is weird. on the night of the debate he talked about how annabelle lacked or supports him for the president. that doesn't even make sense. a key endorsement, right. for a while it's like that's mussolini type language. now he's just saying we're to stuff. so something has changed, it looks like that anger wrong and tissue james, it is getting to him. >> we'll talk trump later. i want to talk about the government shutdown, which is about to happen again. the last time we were here, the only thing that was different was that kevin mccarthy lost his job. now this is mike johnston's shot at the table. what is going to happen? this government shutdown is days away. >> they're no closer to a plan. the frustrations that led to mike johnson did not come with a plan that says this is how we're going to move forward. the things that congress has been preoccupied with in the last few weeks while they should've been dealing with a compromised funding deal have not happened. i mean, really, there is just one articulated job for congress and it is to fund the operations of the government. it's the only thing in the constitution that they actually have to do and this congress, this republican led congress, can't get that done. again, i remind everybody, they have got the same majority that nancy pelosi had. it is tough, it is tight, it is hard, but this is what the speaker has to do. but they just threw their hands up at one point and said that we ran out of people, we don't know what we are going to do, so i guess it's mike johnson. this mike johnson's history making deals. >> the american people just have to accept that congress doesn't get anything done? >> i want that job. they don't do anything. they get health insurance, health care, a pension. >> a huge pension? >> they have so many days of. they do absolutely nothing. >> why do we allow that? we would not allow that on any business on any planet ever. >> well their leader, trump, the republican leader -- >> their leader. >> he is a chaotic person and they are chaotic. they operate in chaos. >> moody's is the rating agencies, downgraded the outlook for u.s. debt today, citing the fact that there is all of this. there are consequences. so, yes, i am sure distinguished and unknown gentlemen mike johnson from louisiana has a hard job, but it's clear that nobody is helping him finance any of this. >> he can look at the bible and the bible will tell him what to do. >> where is this coming from? >> ali nailed it, they very practically wasted a legislating session, which is unbelievably important for these junior members who are going to need to go back to their districts before the midterms. >> we just have to do something. we are asking them to do something, it passed some law. >> ali, you traveled the country. when you go to small towns and smaller cities, the people actually know that their lawmakers, who they vote for, aren't getting anything done? >> generally i would say no because we are so polarized and parkinson that people just want to know that they're just going to vote republican or democratic. i would say, to your point earlier, that this whole issue of rights and abortion, this is motivating. the moms for liberty and the antiabortion movement has caused people to understand that they can't fix russia and ukraine and israel and gaza and national politics and authoritarianism, but they can fix their community and their neighborhood and to elections in a row they have gone out and on that. i'm not sure this is about democratic success at all, i think it's about people know what their rights. that's all they know. they kind of know they have rights and they kind of know people are taking the rights away. >> i suspect what you're saying about biden's role in all of this, they may or may not have had on tuesday, what you're talking about is having a very grassroots level, it at community level, a civic level, a town level, it becomes hard for the president to take credit for what's happening. it's rising from the bottom to the top. >> if abortion, if you're seeinghis haen on a local level, is the next thing for democrats to look at how do we get some element of gun safety on ballots? gun safety polls almost as well as abortion does, yet, on a federal level, we get nothing done. is the answer figure out how to get some element of this on ballots and moves in the middle that way like it has for abortion? >> it is the messaging, i am sorry, but the democrats are not great at messaging. >> donald trump is. >> right? they doubled down on their lives, they trouble down. they will not stop until they actually believe what they are saying, but i really think it is all in the messaging. i know that this is probably not -- but we have been exposed in the past months to the most disgusting and horrible video and photos of just terrorism. yet, when these kids are shot in school, and when they are shot at parades, and when they are shopping, we see nothing. and, maybe if we finally got to see what really happens, that we would change these gun laws because it is heart wrenching what we're watching now. >> don't you remember, was it president obama who, after sandy hook, remember he went to that school and he was changed forever. maybe last year it was jay johnson after a shooting said maybe we need to see the victims? and people were so furious and offended by it, but there is an argument to be made that people need to see what it is doing to communities. >> right. >> that's right. and imagery does change everything. >> that abortion ad where you saw this young girl talk about being raped by her stepfather. that had such a huge impact. >> except, i'm going to give you the counter, we have to go to commercial. january six. you would've thought that everybody saw january 6th and we all it sought plain and simple, yet it was a day of tourism and people are just walking around on the class trip. so that's the counter. don't go anywhere, this fabulous group is here for the night. coming up, ali mentioned it, donald trump took the stand this week. was he testifying or holdts own? later, companies deciding to weigh in on the israel-hamas war. what is being discussed in the war room. the 11th hour is just getting started. this is the friday night cap. the friday night cap ♪ ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america. meet the traveling trio. each helping to protect their money with chase. wooo! tools that help protect. alerts that help check. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ get it with gurus. cargurus. for moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. meet the portable blender we can barely keep in stock. blendjet 2 gives you ice-crushing, big blender power on-the-go. so you can blend up a mouthwatering smoothie, protein shake, or latte wherever you are! recharge quickly with any usb port. best of all, it even cleans itself! just blend water with a drop of soap. what are you waiting for? 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what's going to happen? here >> how lucky is he then that there are no cameras in the court from? because, while he is kind of coming unglued there, we don't see it and then every single recess and break he runs out to the front steps and then pushes lies out? >> it's interesting because, as you said, most people who follow donald trump would think that the real jeopardy comes from the criminal trials. but, for some, reason this one, and the fact that the judge basically said the emperor has no clothes, your entire creation -- let's go to another one. th entire creation miss is false. >> what's to say he committed fraud. >> the idea of being convicted of a criminal offense and going to jail, so his behavior is really different. in a place where he thinks he commands some authority or it will help him in some way, he just performed differently. we've all seen him he does his thing. but, this, at one point he walked out of the court. his main calling, he is really upset, and he is facing an accuser, a prosecutor in tish james who he -- she sitting there staring them down. >> for donald trump to sit there while a strong, smart, black women's dismantling the fraud of his business vres kills. i'm let's talk about somebody else to testify this week, ivanka. we've got all sorts of credit for being both courteous and polite, which i heard all week long. first of all, those two words mean the same thing. and it doesn't mean that she's telling the truth. in fact, somebody with this giant drop in their company, amazing how many things she couldn't remember. >> i can't believe the way we talk about this family. they are so dysfunctional. we talk about them, you know, the suns, they're idiots, the oshie's ivanka. she's gorgeous and he hates the other daughter and how is he behaving? it is so ridiculous that he was running the country and he is like my son works with kids with behavior problems, this is the stuff you tells me when he gets home from school. the exact same behavior we talk about with trump and eric, and she's walking around like she's a model and she so gorgeous. i can't believe that they were the first family. >> she is a senior officer in that company, when all of this business took place and she canceled. >> she doesn't remember anything. >> ali, you are watching. i don't know why we didn't do business with one side of deutsche bank, but we did do business with the other. >> this is exactly under the business reports that she remembered -- the principle of that law, after all of the financial chicanery of the early 2000s, was that you can't be the boss of the company and claim that you didn't know what happened. and so everybody in the trump family is apparently blame the lawyers, blame the accountants, blame someone else. i didn't know. >> it is weird to stuff in the world of public companies it is illegal. you just can't do that. this is different, but it doesn't hold water. and, in new york where there are lots of financial crimes and prosecutors and judges who used to financial crimes, they know that you know that you can't get away with that stuff. >> john, next week the defense gets to present their case. do you think trump getting back on the stand? >> oh boy, if he has his brothers. i don't think that he possibly, and i'm not like doctor freud here, but i think that the internal monologue that you saw between him raging on the steps and fulminating on the stand -- >> you can law on the steps, you cannot lie on the stand. >> i think trump has proved throughout his career that he doesn't listen to the lawyers until the very, very end. i've a feeling that somebody will get around him, there haugen, and say there is no way that you're getting up there. >> he might not have lawyers left, but he's got a judge who likes him. let's talk about his case in florida, aileen cannon took a page out of donald trump's book, made his wish come true, and she is delaying making a decision. how great is this all evil chief for donald trump? this judge in florida, for the most part, does exactly what donald trump wants. delay. that is his -- >> i don't agree with that. the reason she is doing what she did is it because she is a true patriot. that is what he said, right? he has never said that about another judge other than whom he is appointed. a wait, he actually appointed her. so this is the kind of stuff that we talk about in other countries. that we say, oh, good thing it's merrick and we don't have that kind of stuff that happens here. this is exactly it, he's on trial, supervised by a judge he appointed whom he is quote a patriot while he is called others all sorts of names, this is working out exactly how it is planned. but, -- >> for him. >> but somebody who spent the great deal of time reading those indictments, it is one highly specific set of indictments in the mar-a-lago stuff. it is not gonna come down to how you feel and how much they like you, it is what is in the indictments. >> if the trial ever takes place. >> the question about all these criminal trials is what happens and whether it happens in time. >> at least a sonic is going after the judge in new york, but she has nothing to say about judge cannon. >> incredible. everybody is sticking, around when we come back the israel-hamas war. everybody is talking about it and they should be. but should your employer be weighing in? 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>> i think there is a sense among employees and investors, for members, the company said to do this to speak out. there are a lot of ceos that want to, and see what they can do authentically. we saw this after the george floyd murder and protests. i am struck by how a lot of companies restructure in light of that. i think you are right, there was a moment when executives could unequivocally call out what this was, egregious terrorism, and not become consumed with, or compliments that, which fits into the broader narrative of the and discussion over the issue of israeli palestine. as time passed, it became corner as a result of that. i think what is most important for companies to acknowledge the fact that employees want to talk about this. this is a real life issue that they are talking about. they talk about with their friends and families. it seems to the extent that the workplace, conveying that sense of openness, to have the conversations, to understand or have the contours of what has happened here is important. >> what do you think, judy? >> i've never seen so many experts on the middle east crisis. >> with that information. >> in the past month, i've read several books on it, been to israel, was actually in the west bank, this summer, and i don't know everything i need to know, it's amazing. i think it's on everyone's mind. i remember, this whole watercooler idea, when he watched all and a family. i am old, but you watch the norm earlier show, and he dealt with some sort of social issue that was on everyone's mind, and everyone will talk about it. this is on everyone's mind. i think you need to know who you work for, if you fit in. i think kids are not getting jobs. and, you know, for their stuff outside of the office, firms are not hiring, and let me say that the antisemitism a pen and brown and corn now and harvard is exactly the reason why i did not go to a big college. >> she could have gone to all of them. >> they decided that, you know what, i am going to go to rutgers, go to state school. >> life is just simpler. >> they take all these companies want to weigh in, ali, because in the last few years, there is a whole lot of ceos saying, oh, my god, i don't like to weigh in on so much, i want to go back to selling shirts and shoes. i don't want to weigh in, because it's so thorny. that has left a lot of employee saying, i need you to stand up. i need you to know who our four and our percent. >> i am going to save space on the majority of business economic reporters on the table, and put my economics hat on. we are an a sub for unemployment world. you gotta do what your police need you to do. this is a world where your employees and young folk want to talk about these issues at work. back when we are watching all the family, sometimes, that happened, sometimes it didn't, but you are in control of that dialogue. today, you want young people, in need to compete, at these people stay and feel loyalty to a company. you have to read the room. if you want to talk about things, you have to figure out a way to have that happen. that is much more complicated than it looks, as you mentioned, with respect to the universities, places where you're supposed to be talking about everything, and they are having great trouble with it. companies are not equipped for this, they put out a statement and some of the plummet with the statement he put out, they are generally not before the dialogue that is about to ensue. i think it is the way that the world is going, but i think this is a fraught moment for a lot of american companies. >> you're right. you talk to ceos a major fortune 500 companies, this the last thing that they want to do. this is not why they got into business, even surrounded by failings of pr people -- among workers, like you said, they need to know the valleys at the company, and the executives that way too long to weigh in are usually the ones who don't know what to say, and you can see a clear and concise communication -- i actually feel like, i received more emails from institutions in my life, schools that i have got to, my kids school. i think we have finally gotten the message, here and it's important, because on a fundamental level, such big companies, your values are a big part of your proposition to your employees, it's why people decided to work for one company rather than the other, and these things actually ladder to how they talk to congress, how they lobby, officer and lost a fight, four and they are already connected. i am of the mind that what took so long? >> what happens if you stand up and speak up for what you think is very, and then there is backlash against the? the sag-aftra strike is over, but is the next thing going to be, well, i don't want to work with an agent for the stance he took. i don't want to do this project. could that be what we are seeing? next >> that is already happening. it's happening now. it's incredible. look, personally, there are people i don't ever want to talk to again. they've been silent or just dumb, and i think it's happening everywhere, and i think people feel -- i mean, am i the only do -- >> i'm jewish. >> you're jewish? >> yeah. >> oh, my god, with those eyes. how are you jewish? >> a 23 enemy commercial. >> it's something that i think about all the time. i posted something right after i said, i now know who would hide me. it really hit a lot of people. it was really firmly from the heart that i now know -- look, i am a jewish girl. i grew up in new jersey. i read and frank's diary when i was nine, ten years old, and in my bed, i cannot imagine anyone that came in the house, and you had to -- that's exactly what happened. so, everything my mother said every day, everyone hates us, they all hate us. it feels like, whatever my parents told me, i told them that they were over reacting, and they're absolutely right, and it's scary. >> what do you think about what all sorts of businesses are saying, mostly law firms, that they are rescinding job offers, they want the names, the addresses, they want to know who some of these activists are on college campuses, because they want to make the decision to not to hire them? what is your take on that. >> i think businesses have always been involved and trying to determine the characteristic of the employees that they hire. >> especially the last few years, ali. i must talk to our own kids about what they put the social media? >> the personal social media, right. there are things in here that look like doxxing. what we're finding out, including from bill ackerman is that you put somebody's name on the side of the truck, and then suddenly, other people say, they were not involved in what they said they were. they have a conversation with him in front of them, and that's true. now we have twitter post saying that this person is a nice person. this is not -- that it's not the way to handle it. i think if you want to determine a message that we will always look at the character of the people that we hire, that is something that people should be learning, and we should be teaching our kids for a long time. this has a sort of feel to it that does not feel like it's the way to do. a witch hunt. >> if you say little mccarthy's stick. >> everybody is saying, when we come back, who won the week? our knock up shares, the mvps, when the 11th hour continues. the 11th hour continues still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. the chase ink business premier card is made for sam who makes, everyday products, designed smarter. genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours. 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>> i picked jane grossman. >> you is a quirky one. >> i picked jane rosenberg. her artwork you may have seen, she's a courtroom sketch artist. she did the famous new yorker cover of donald trump during one of his earlier appearance. she's doing sketches of the trump trial downtown and donald trump junior came up to her, this chatted, and he told her, quote, make me look a sexy in the courtroom sketch that he did. an a.i. generated image of sam wiegman freed. >> donald trump jr., whose families name, the reputation, and possibly the future of their ability to do business in the state of new york is on the line and he rolls up and says bring the sexy? >> bring the sexy. >> donald trump's names get asked to produced a portrait that could, quote, boost his romantic appeal. >> here's what i need to note,, though was this courtroom sketch artist of the same one that was there for sam bankman-fried? >> as jane rosenberg, donald trump jr. shows her that picture. that is an a.i. generated picture of stand back man freed, he looked nothing like that one is on the stand. >> those pictures that he, truly looked like an ex bachelor. >> -- yes, and people got mad because she didn't look right. >> as glamorous as they thought. i thought the courthouse, the federal courthouse a few weeks back and she is legend and so i tip my mug. >> mr. velshi. youssef salaam. he got lost in the noise because he's running unopposed. >> remind our audience who that is. >> district nine in new york are, let me going to be the new city counselor. he did run unopposed, but was in a very competitive primary to get there. he was one of the now exonerated central park five and he was talking about the poetic justice of now being about to serve in government while donald trump took on a full page ad talking about the execution of the central park five, is now facing criminal charges. so he's going to be a legislature. a man who is going to be in jail, and if somebody bill had his way was going to be executed, for a crime he didn't commit is now a member of the city council. >> a legislature and a legend. extraordinary, and the timing. he's voted in office while donald trump sits or charged. >> if he's got 91 counts at the moment. if were exonerated for seven weeks or seven days i would be really angry and really bitter. so people who go, if i were incarcerated. so people who go to jail and then come out and do stuff like this, a lot of admiration for that. >> take us home, john. >> i think brendan fraser -- >> you started with a downer on the show. so let's see where you go. >> my partner -- in the news the other night that walter isaacson's book about elon musk has been made into a movie with a 24 and darren aronofsky is going to direct it. the star of darren aronofsky last movie was brendan fraser who is my number one selection to play elon musk in the senate magic adaptation, which i think would be great for both of them. >> that is pretty extraordinary. and he was extraordinary in the whale. so, it is believed he's going to play the role? >> no, i'm starting this rumor. >> wait, you just made an mvp out of somebody that he -- >> it's a great opportunity for him, they've got great chemistry's. >> mckay mp3 is going to be the new york jets winning the super bowl. >> that's outstanding. >> it requires a certain amount of creativity, this is how things happen in hollywood. >> you started the whisper campaign started right here. when brendan fraser wins the academy award were going to talk about this nightcap. >> look at the power you have, look at this. >> my god. well, i'm gonna give my mvp and it is absolutely about power. maybe the most powerful woman on the planet, it's not the first time. it is not the first time she's been the mvp and you don't even have to be her fan, but it's taylor swift. today she got her seventh grammy nomination for song of the year, that is the first time that anyone has had that many nominations in that category, but what do i know? an actual white house reporter, okay, it was supposedly trying to leave their gig this week, quit their job covering the president of the united states. do you know why? because they wanted the usa today job to be the first full-time taylor swift correspondent. if that does not show the power of swift, i don't know what does. so, i tip my hat to taylor swift yet again. ali velshi. >> i would also like to be the taylor swift reporter. >> you know a lot. the only thing you know less about then taylor swift's professional football. >> that's possibly true, you're right. >> when the eagles won the super bowl and ali had to talk about it on television, his eagles -- >> i-got-you jersey. >> he did. it's really special. thank you also, so much. john kelly, ali velshi, david gergen, judy gold, i love it when you are here. i like when she's here more than the rest of you. when we come back, serving in secret. this is a must watch when the 11th hour continues. th hour continues. risis caused by a terrorist massacre. warning civilians to clear out, while hamas forces them back. allowing in food and water, which hamas steals. my money should work as hard as i do. that's why i used my freedom unlimited card every time i get gas. 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(inspirational music) you want to be able to provide your child with the tools or tha resources they need.e. with reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. fellas, fellas. that's how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. we wanted to give y'all the necessary skills to compete with the future. kevin's now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. ♪ ♪ >> the last thing before we go tonight, serving in secret. this sunday, msnbc films presents the latest installment of the turning point documentary series from executive producer trevor noah. serving in secret traces the u.s. military's long history of discrimination against the gay community and one couples of personal journey for acceptance. here is a clip. >> when i was, i think a fifth or sixth grade, i found myself being attracted to boys. i thought there is nothing wrong with it. other than when my father told me it wasn't. but to me, it felt natural. then when i got to the naval academy i realized that being gay was going to be a real problem with trying to survive in america. and so i went cold turkey. it was like a switch, i just turned it off. and then i met cord. and i was at the bar and i had seen court before in the officers mess and i looked at him a couple of times and i said wow, this guy is real looker. i moved over next to him, like this, side to side. i reached down and put my hand in his back pocket. so that was the beginning of everything. he was very, very bright. it is witty, charming, articulate, and he was just fun. i fell in love with him. i would go flying at nighttime and i had a squadron frequency, and i would call the radio. and i would see how he's doing. and sometimes if you would be in the ready room and say who is that guy. we worked a different places, we had different circles of friends. and so when people would see as together they would kind of scratch their head and say what are these guys doing together? >> you can watch serving in secret, love, country, and don't ask, don't tell. sunday at ten pm eastern right here on msnbc and streaming on peacock. on that note i wish all of you, thank you, thank you, thank you for being here. do you at home i wish a very good

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Social Media , Truck , Doxxing , Bill Ackerman , Character , Front , Feel , Learning , Witch Hunt , Treatment , Pitch , Rash , Stick , Knock Up Shares , Mvps , Rinvoq , Eczema , Steroid , Pill , Injection , Topical , 100 , Cancers , Blood Clots , Skin Cancer , Fast , Lymphoma , Rinvoq Relief , Tb , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Intestines , Risks , Heart Attack , Tears , Sam Wiegman Freed , Ink Business , Genius , Cash , Premier , Purchases , Smarter , 5000 , 02 5 , 000 , Yeahhhh Downy , Smelling , Sam , Smart Ideas , Reality , Gotta , Guys , On Dealdash , Detergent , Dealdash Com , Refresh , Auctions , Camera , Playstation 5 , 3 , 41 , 2009 , 1000 , Switch , Pro , Bbq Smoker , Nintendo , Bucks , Kitchenaid Stand Mixer , 0 , 26 Bucks , 34 , 26 , 20 , 56 , 4 , Time , Dinosaur , Build , Website , Town , Shipping , Sale , Colorado , Godaddy , Order , Toll , Skating , Joints , Inflammation Support , Qunol , Tony Hawk , 45 , Turmeric , Absorption , Brand , Big Week , Player , Fran Drescher , Negotiating Table , Animal , Energy , Doll , Trickle Flaws , Bob Iger , Rest , Toy , Business Model , Bob Haigler , Friend Rusher , Heart Idea , Jane Grossman , Jane Rosenberg , Courtroom Sketch Artist , Sketches Of The Trump Trial Downtown And Donald , Appearance , Artwork , New Yorker , A I , Quote , Sexy , Courtroom Sketch , Junior , Image , Estate , Reputation , Portrait , Note , Appeal , Sam Bankman , Picture , Shows , Stand Back Man Freed , Courthouse , Pictures , Ex Bachelor , Youssef Salaam , Legend , Mug , Mr , Primary , Counselor , Audience , City , Unopposed , Running Unopposed , Central Park Five , District Nine , Five , Legislature , Execution , Charges , Poetic Justice , Sad , Member , Crime , Somebody Bill , City Council , Timing , Seven , Brendan Fraser , Admiration , News , Darren Aronofsky , Walter Isaacson , Elon Musk , 24 , Selection , Both , Number One , The Star , Last Movie , Magic Adaptation , Mvp , Whale , Rumor , Opportunity , Super Bowl , Chemistry , Mckay Mp3 , New York Jets , Whisper Campaign , Creativity , Academy Award , Hollywood , Power , Reporter , Taylor Swift , Nomination , Nominations , Fan , Category , Seventh , Song Of The Year , Grammy , Gig , Usa Today , Swift , Correspondent , Hat , Eagles , Football , Television , You Jersey , Serving , Th Hour , Terrorist Massacre , Warning Civilians , Food , Freedom , Gas , Card , Steals , Big , Slack , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Girls , Kibble , Jade , Aria , Farmer , Dog , Breath , Diet , Mouth , Bubbles , Adventures , Oveeit , Head , Shoulders , Wash , Shampoo , Flakes , Betterforthem Com Inez , Microbes , Troy , Itchiness , Scalp , Ingredients , Little Rascals , Wash Count , Best , Dryness , Hair , Psoriasis , Creams , Plaques , Inflammation , It Ups , It Offs , Enoughs , Stay Hiding , Spain , Lotions , Dermatologist , Appointment , Narrator , Strength , Wounded Warrior Project , Shell , Peace , Team , They Need E , Internet Essentials Program , Inspirational Music , Child , Generation , Hidden Genius Project , Kevin , Skills , Fellas , Sunday , Trevor Noah , Documentary Series , Installment , Serving In Secret , The Turning Point , Gay Community , Clip , Acceptance , Traces , Discrimination , Couples , History , Boys , Journey , Grade , U S Military , Wasn T , Academy , Father , Problem , Cord , Cold Turkey , Officers , Mess , Looker , Couple , Bar , Wow , Love , Hand , Back Pocket , Beginning , Charming , Radio , Squadron Frequency , Secret , Circles , All Of You , Good , Peacock , Don T Tell , Don T Ask ,

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