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this hearing seems to divide us as americans. >> the first congressional hearing in more than three decades on violence and discrimination against the asian american community. many say that it's reached a crisis and the question is, what are we prepared to do about it? plus, the fbi releases a whole slew of new videos that officials say are the egregious assaults on police officers during the capitol riot. the question is, will it help them identify more suspects? and the biden administration now says it will send doses of the covid vaccine to mexico and canada. the question is, when will the u.s. approve the vaccine that it has just agreed to share? it's "way too early" for this. good morning! and welcome to "way too early," the show that apparently missed the memo that today is world sleep day! thanks for the reminder, "associated press." i am kasie hunt on this friday, march 19th. we'll start with the news. president biden and vice president harris will travel to atlanta today in the wake of the spa shootings that left eight people dead on tuesday, including six women of asian descent. it's the president and vice president's first joint trip since taking office. the visit was initially scheduled as part of the administration's tour to promote the covid relief package. the white house says the president and vice president will meet with representatives of the asian american and pacific islander community, lawmakers, and advocates to offer support after the attack and to get their perspective on the rise of incidents of anti-asian hate. to honor the victims, president biden yesterday ordered flags be lowered to half-staff at the white house and at federal buildings throughout the country. fbi director chris wray says while the motive is still under investigation, the attack does not appear to be racially motivated. the suspect, who officials say blamed a sex addiction for the crimes, waived his right to initial court appearance later yesterday morning. asian american lawmakers and academic experts testified yesterday about the recent spike in targeted hate crimes across the united states. the hearing, which had been scheduled weeks before the mass shooting in georgia, focused on the anti-asian rhetoric has been amplified around the coronavirus pandemic. >> last year, when i heard at the highest levels of government, people used racist slurs like china virus to spread xenophobia and cast blame on innocent communities, it was all too familiar. comments like these only build upon a legacy of racism, anti-asian sentiment, and insensitivity that seeks to divide our nation. >> blaming the aapi community for a public health crisis is racist and wrong. >> asian americans must not be used as scapegoats in times of crisis. >> i'm asking you to please, stop using racist terms like kung flu, wuhan virus or other descriptions of this virus. i am not a virus. and now this. congressman chip roy has, quote, no apologies, following his controversial comments during yesterday's hearing on anti-asian american violence. the texas republican appeared to make a pro lynching remark, which upset many of those who testified. watch. >> we believe in justice, all right? there's old sayings in texas about, you know, find all the rope in texas and get a tall oak tree. you know, we take justice very seriously, and we ought to do that, round up the bad guys. my concern about this hearing is that it seems to want to venture into the policing of rhetoric in a free society. now we're talking about whether talking about china, the chi-coms, the chinese communist party, whatever phrasing we want to use, and if people are saying, hey, we think those guys are the bad guys. >> i want to go back to something mr. roy said earlier. your president and your party and your colleagues can talk about issues with any other country that you want, but you don't have to do it by putting a bull's eye on the back of asian americans across this country, on our grandparents, on our kids! this hearing was to address the hurt and pain of our community and to find solutions, and we will not let you take our voice away from us! >> wow. in response, roy released a statement to nbc news reading in part, "apparently, some folks are freaking out i used an old expression about finding all the rope in texas and a tall oak tree about carrying out justice against bad guys. i meant it. we need more justice and less thought policing. no apologies." okay. minority leader kevin mccarthy denounced the mass shootings in georgia but stopped short of condemning his own use of the term "chinese virus." >> do you regret using terms like chinese coronavirus and -- >> i would wait to see why the shooter did what he did. but the virus came from china, and i think the knowledge we had at the time is exactly that. i don't think people, from the standpoint to go after any asian from any shape or form, and i condemn every action to that. >> and joining us now, reporter for the "washington post," eugene scott. eugene, good morning. it's great to see you. >> good morning. >> a little bit of a difficult start to this friday, quite frankly, listing through all of those stories about the rhetoric and where we've come. why the lack of acknowledgement from republicans of the difficulties that are clearly facing the asian american community? i mean, our reporting, the motive in georgia is clearly under investigation, but there is no question that asian americans across the country are feeling on edge, are feeling worried, are feeling scared because of what's happened. >> well, the reality is that's where the republican party is right now in terms of not being willing to alter their language or their rhetoric or their ideas when it comes to issues affecting other communities negatively, despite members of these communities, often in their own districts, saying that your words actually do hurt us and actually do cause harm. this is something that started before the trump era, but this is something that we certainly have seen those on the right double down on after the most recent president used words and rhetoric to connect to voters, his base, but also to lose so many voters to get his points across. and when you think about what many of these asian american lawmakers are asking, it's relatively simple. they're asking to be treated with respect, stop being used as scapegoats for something that has absolutely nothing to do with their ethnic identity, and for those on the right who are using this opportunity to stoke this type of anti-asian sentiment, to back away. and we saw two very influential republican lawmakers say, actually, that's not something we're going to be able to do, despite what happened this week. >> and eugene, the president and vice president had been already planning to visit georgia to promote the american rescue plan, before this tragedy happened. do you think we're still going to see them focus on that somewhat in their visit today or has everything just simply been overshadowed by this horrible tragedy? >> well, as of now, they still have very three clear objectives about this trip, for this trip. they really want to meet with members of this community to address issues of anti-asian violence that have been happening for weeks, since we know the coronavirus pandemic really took over this country. but even before that. this is a continuation of biden, as you'll recall in his most recent speech, speaking out from the white house about anti-asian violence, but they also have two other focuses. he wants an update on the coronavirus pandemic and where this country currently is and making sure that enough americans have access to vaccine. so he's going to meet with the cdc. but also you know that he's actually going to meet with stacey abrams from fair fight to discuss, you know, this voting rights bill that's happening in georgia. and more than 250 across the country that many americans are saying makes it much more difficult for members of marginalized communities, like asian americans and like black americans to cast a ballot in upcoming elections, if they all pass. >> so many of the major trends in our politics all on display in georgia lately. the "washington post's" eugene scott, thank you very much, as always, for getting up early, and hope you had a great weekend. now to coronavirus. the oxford astrazeneca covid-19 vaccine has now been deemed safe for use by the european union after over a dozen nations halted its rollout after several reports that it caused blood clots. yesterday, the european medicines agency affirmed that the vaccine was not associated with an increase in blood clots and that, quote, the committee has come to a clear scientific conclusion, this is a safe and effective vaccine. its benefits in protecting people from covid-19 with the associated risks of death and hospitalization outweigh the possible risks. several european nations have in the past signaled they would allow the use of the vaccine again with an approval from this european agency. and the leading nations top infectious disease expert, dr. anthony fauci, fiercely rebuked a claim made by senator rand paul that wearing masks after receiving the vaccine is, quote, theater. >> no, it's not -- >> you have the vaccine and you're wearing two masks. isn't that theater? >> no, that's not -- here we go again with the theater. let's get down to the facts. when you talk about reinfection and you don't keep in the concept of variants, that's an entire different ball game. that's a good reason for a mask. let me just state for the record that masks are not theater. masks are protective, and -- >> if you have immunity, they're theater. if you already have immunity, you're wearing a mask to give comfort to others. you're not wearing masks because of any science. >> i totally disagree with you. >> okay. this is not the first time paul, who is an ophthalmologist, and dr. fauci, have sparred over the facts surrounding covid. here is the pair back in september. >> how can we possibly be jumping up and down and saying, oh, governor cuomo did a great job? he had the worst death rate in the world! >> no, you misconstrued that, senator, and you've done that repetitively in the past. they got hit very badly. they made some mistakes. right now, if you look at what's going on right now, the things that are going on in new york to get their test positiity 1% or less is because they are looking at the guidelines that we have put together from the task force of the four or five things -- of masks, social distancing, outdoors more than indoors, avoiding crowds and washing hands. >> or they've developed enough community immunity that they're no longer having the pandemic because they have enough immunity in new york city to actually stop it. >> i challenge that, senator. >> i'm afraid -- >> because i want to -- please, sir, i would like to be able to do this, because this happens with senator rand all the time. you are not listening to what the director of the cdc said, that in new york, it's about 22%. if you believe 22% is herd immunity, i believe you're alone in that. >> who to trust on this question, dr. fauci or senator rand paul? i think it answers itself. all right, still ahead here, new york prepares to welcome baseball fans back into stadiums, but will the stands be packed? i know mike barnicle's going to be really excited again. he can have a couple days out at fenway. plus, new reporting that the president may extend his first deadline for bringing u.s. troops home from afghanistan. nbc's carol lee joins us with her new reporting. we'll have those stories and a check your weather. g. we'll have those stories and a check your weather psst! psst! allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! you're good. did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. it then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection. prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 is 300. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tremfya®. emerge tremfyant™. janssen can help you explore cost support options. well, he missed it. and wichita state, a chance at the final shot. they're down one and this is for the win! oh! off the front iron! oh, my goodness! the drake bulldogs survive! >> wow. welcome back. the men's ncaa basketball tournament now officially under way with the tip-off of the first four games yesterday. drake university earns its first tournament victory in exactly 50 years, surviving that would-be buzzer beater to win the matchup of number 11 seeds. making free throws, kids. both ucla and michigan state showed fight in other matchups of 11 seeds, but the spartans, it was among themselves. coach tom izzo and one of his players carried a shouting match into halftime. and michigan state would blow a double-digit lead in the second half and fall in overtime, 86-80. in the pair of matchups between number 16 seeds, texas southern defeated mount st. mary's in the tournament opener, and norfolk state advances to face top overall seed gonzaga on saturday after edging appalachian state by a point last night. the round of 64 tips off just after noon in today's action, featuring all 16 teams from the south and midwest regions. now you really do have to have your bracket in by noon today. all right, because of the pandemic, when not practicing or playing said tournament teams are quarantined at their hotels, where they eat at least two meals a day. and the ncaa's senior vice president tells espn that teams have taken advantage of the late-night food delivery options with the organization's partners. according to the network, as of yesterday, wendy's brought a food truck to deliver more than 1,500 burgers and chicken sandwiches. buffalo wild wings served 61 teams over the past three days, dishing out more than 19,000 wings on its busiest night. and pizza hut has delivered 665 pizzas, 208 family-style pastas, and 465 breadsticks. i don't know, guys. are they sending any salad? these kids need some vegetables, too, for this tournament. anyway, new yorkers, apparently, are going to continue this food trend, are going to be able to enjoy a hot dog at the ballpark on opening day as the yankees and the mets get the green light to operate their stadiums at 20% capacity when the major league season starts next month. >> the crowd makes the ball game, said ty cobb. i believe that. so, we're going to play ball and we're going to play ball with a crowd, which i tell you is just so good for the psyche. going to a game and getting outside and seeing a new season start and just hope springs eternal, right? it's the beginning of the season. >> it means that almost 11,000 fans at yankee stadium for their opening day game against the blue jays on april 1st. the mets will be allowed to host just under 8,500 fans at citi field for their home opener against the marlins on april 8th. i could not be more excited about going to a baseball game. all right, time now for weather. let's go to meteorologist bill karins for a check on the weekend forecast. bill, how's it looking? >> it's looking pretty good, kasie. i'm excited for baseball season for you, because you're so excited for it. i think it's going to be great. and when we turn the corner here, we have a couple more days of getting the kind of cool, springlike weather in the east, and then spring next week is going to feel fantastic. so, let's get into this. the big storm that gave us all the severe weather, the tornadoes, the nasty storms yesterday through the carolinas, is all exiting. we have a little bit of rain left over in virginia and also a tiny bit of snow there on areas like cape cod. we have another storm coming into the pacific northwest, and that storm will plague us over the weekend. it's not a huge ordeal, but it will leave us a little unsettled in areas like seattle and portland. so, today's forecast, look at the middle of the country. congratulations. beautiful from texas all the way to minneapolis. a little chilly and raw as that storm exits the mid-atlantic, especially around new york and d.c. and areas of virginia. on saturday, lots of sunshine east of the rockies, a chilly start, but a beautiful afternoon. there is that storm in the northwest i talked about, a little bit of mountain snow. and finally, we end on sunday, a little raw right along the carolina coast, but except for that, kasie, it is a beautiful, beautiful end to the weekend from texas to florida, all the way back up into the northeast. so, after kind of a nasty middle to end of this week, i think we'll take a pretty nice weekend. >> shots in arms, spring weather, baseball. things are finally looking up. bill karins, thank you so much. we'll see you next week. have a great weekend. and still ahead here, the fbi releases new videos and photos, hoping to identify suspects in what they call the most egregious attack on capitol police officers during the january 6th riot. we'll be back in just a moment. t ♪ freshness and softness you never forget, with downy. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself, 'are my bones strong?' life is full of make or break moments. that's why it's so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen. or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. don't wait for a break, call your doctor today, and ask about prolia®. facing leaks takes strength, so here's to the strong, who trust in our performance and comfortable, long-lasting protection. because your strength is supported by ours. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. this is how you become the best! ♪“you're the best” by joe esposito♪ ♪ [triumphantly yells] [ding] don't get mad. get e*trade. start your day with secret. secret stops sweat 3x more than ordinary antiperspirants. the new provitamin b5 formula is gentle on skin. with secret, outlast anything! no sweat. secret this is the sound of an asthma attack... that doesn't happen. this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. i was disgusted. i can't remember what i was doing, but i remember feeling a sense of -- i was sick to my stomach to see our nation's capitol being stormed by hostile forces, and it really disturbed me to the point where i did put out a statement. and i'm still disturbed when i think about it. >> was the election stolen or not? >> no. >> that was former president george w. bush talking with "texas tribune" ceo evan smith yesterday about the january 6th assault on the capitol and the outcome of the 2020 election. former president bush was among the first high-profile republicans to congratulate joe biden on winning the presidency. and the fbi yesterday released ten videos of what they describe as the, quote, most egregious attacks on law enforcement officers during the january 6th capitol riot. agents are still seeking the help of the public in identifying some of the assailants. and we do want to caution you that this video is violent and disturbing. it's been enhanced to help identify the suspects. the suspects include this man pulling at an officer's gas mask through what appears to be a narrow door opening. other videos show a suspect swinging a table leg with a nail in it at an officer. there's one of a man spraying a line of law enforcement with a fire extinguisher and another using a chemical spray on the officers and then hitting them with one of their own shields. an officer's body camera captured him being punched by another suspect and having his shield ripped away, while another video shows a suspect stabbing at an officer with a metal fence stake. all ten videos are posted on the fbi's website where they've asked for any information on the men seen in the footage. all right, still ahead here, the president is ready to check another campaign promise off of his list, this one concerning covid vaccines. we'll talk about that. but before we go to break, we do want to know, why are you awake on this friday? email us your reasons for being up and watching to or drop me a tweet @kasie, use #waytooearly, and we'll read our favorite answers coming up later in the show. answers coming up r in the show. up at 2:00am again? tonight, try pure zzzs all night. unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. and longer. zzzquil pure zzzs all night. fall asleep. stay asleep. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements— neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. lease the 2021 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 month's, and we'll make you're first month's payment. experience amazing. facing leaks takes strength, so here's to the strong, who trust in our performance and comfortable, long-lasting protection. because your strength is supported by ours. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. ♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes your stomach for fast relief and get the same fast relief in a delightful chew with pepto bismol chews. want to save hundreds on your wireless bill? with xfinity mobile, you can. how about saving hundreds on the new samsung galaxy s21 ultra 5g? you can do that too. all on the most reliable network? sure thing! and with fast, nationwide 5g included - at no extra cost? we've got you covered. so join the carrier rated #1 in customer satisfaction... ...and learn how much you can save at welcome back to "way too early." it's 5:30 here on the east coast, 2:30 out west. i'm kasie hunt. president joe biden has delivered on his most fervent campaign promise, 100 million covid shots in his first 100 days in office, and it came exactly 42 days ahead of schedule. biden announced last night that the country will reach that benchmark at some point today. the u.s., meanwhile, plans to send millions of doses of the astrazeneca vaccine to mexico and canada. according to "the new york times," this is a notable step into vaccine diplomacy, just as the biden administration is quietly pressing mexico to curb the stream of migrants coming to the border. earlier this month, president biden met with mexican president andres manuel lopez obrador amid growing pressure to find a workable immigration policy. according to the "washington post," mexican and u.s. officials who described the agreement said it was not a quid pro quo conditioning the delivery of vaccine doses on any enforcement crackdown. rather, the united states made clear that it sought help from mexico in managing the record influx of central american teenagers and children. and now this. president biden is considering keeping u.s. troops in afghanistan until november, rather than withdrawing them by the may 1st deadline that the trump administration had outlined in an agreement with the taliban. after initially pushing back against defense department efforts to keep american forces in afghanistan beyond may 1st, sources tell nbc news the president has been persuaded to consider a six-month extension. joining us now, nbc news white house correspondent carol lee. carol, good morning. thank you so much for getting up early to be with us. and i know you've been reporting on this afghanistan decision. what exactly are the dynamics here and what has seemed to change president biden's mind about how to handle this? >> well, look, kasie, he's the fourth president to have to deal with afghanistan and this question of whether the u.s. keeps investing more resources, more troops there, or pulls back more. and biden is frustrated, is our understanding, based on our reporting, with having to make this decision. and if you step back and look at where he's been over the years, he had advocated, essentially, for what is there now, several thousand troops, a small footprint. this was something that he advocated for when he was in the obama administration, and they were arguing over whether or not to surge tens of thousands of troops there. but what we're told is that he's been pushing back on the military, saying, why do we need to extend here, what are we going to get out of this, what's going to change? and the military has said, offered several options, one of which is to extend the number of troops there for a duration of time, potentially six months, and that's something that they feel like they could work with in terms of getting the afghan government and the taliban to come to some sort of peace, government-sharing agreement, so that the u.s. can then ultimately withdraw. the risk is that the taliban have stayed away from attacking u.s. troops in afghanistan while under this deal, and that could change. >> carol, very quickly, i want to just underscore as well the challenges in afghanistan in terms of that, the groups there. what is the risk for american troops who remain in the country? and what are the kinds of incidents that could occur that would derail or really significantly impede the progress we've been trying to make? >> yeah, it's a great question, and that's the one that the president's facing, and what could happen is the taliban have agreed not to attack u.s. troops. they haven't. they've attacked civilians, others, members of the afghan government and all of those things. and that's the argument that they're not abiding by this agreement. but what they could start doing is targeting u.s. troops again if they think the u.s. is withdrawing and not abiding by the may 1st deadline. >> all right, nbc's carol lee, thank you very much for being with us this morning. and congratulations on your impending arrival. i know you've got some challenges ahead. >> thank you, kasie. >> so, we are very happy for you and pulling for you as you go through all of that. see, thank you very much. >> thanks so much. still ahead here, ever wonder what it sounds like to drive on a totally different planet? we're going to play some of that new audio from mars coming up next. 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all right, now to this. singer-songwriter, philanthropist, and now comic book star dolly parton has done it all. the country singer is getting her own comic book. in the latest edition of tidal waves comics' female force series. the series is dedicated to inspirational women. the 22-page book will be a biological comic about her career, ranging from her work as a singer song yes, sir with over 11 grammys and her business ventures. she joins cher, gloria steinem and mother teresa, among others with comics written about them. the dolly parton edition is set to be released march 31st. and in an effort to make this year's oscars as normal as possible, the academy has decided to forego a virtual zoom ceremony. in a letter to nominees, the producers of the 93rd academy awards detailed their vision for a safe and intimate in-person event. it states in part, quote, we are going to great lengths to provide a safe and enjoyable evening for all of you in person, and we feel the virtual thing will diminish those efforts. they go on to say that they're treating the event as a, quote, active movie set with rapid testing sites and an on-set covid safety team. there will be no zoom options for nominees, so those wishing to attend must come in person. the show will broadcast live from l.a.'s union station on april 25th. all right, now, an update from outer space! nasa's mars rover, perseverance, has sent more audio from the red planet back to earth. last month, we heard the first ever recordings of wind from the surface of mars, and now we have sounds of the rover driving over martian rocks. listen to this. >> that is the rover's metal wheels rattling their way across the rocky surface of the gisero crater. perseverance is the first mission to mars equipped with microphones. it's only covered about 0.6 miles so far, running tests in preparing for rock sample collection on its search for microbial life. pretty cool. all right, still ahead here, democratic congresswoman debbie dingell of michigan will be our guest after the house passed the violence against women act yesterday. don't go anywhere. "way too early" is coming right back. ere. 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>> well, good morning, kasie. it's always good to be with you. i think one of the difficulties is a provision that i have in the bill that would not allow a convicted stalker of an intimate partner who has been convicted of stalking of someone who has threatened a woman, shouldn't be able to get a gun. having lived in a situation where there shouldn't have been a gun present because the very presence of the gun created a dangerous situation, i'm going to keep fighting for it. i hope the senate this time, really, we can get it taken up. because calls to the domestic violence hotline have increased by measurably 9%, but some people believe domestic violence has increased by 25% since this pandemic began. i have been working with many shelters, many people. the shelters don't have the kind of support that they need because we haven't reauthorized this bill. and we just -- we need to keep any family, any woman and any child from going through some of these horrific stories that i can tell and others can tell. >> well, we'll certainly keep following it as it heads to the senate to see if, in fact, they are able to get anything done on it. but on that point more broadly, democrats in the house have been passing a variety -- we talked about the immigration bills. there are plans to address other issues as well. but the reality is, none of it seems to be going anywhere in the senate, and there seems to be a looming consensus that any infrastructure bill, any additional big legislation is going to have to be done on the one additional shot you guys have to pass something along party lines only. i realize it's not your chamber. we're talking about the filibuster and whether or not to get rid of it. but what do you think is the right path to try and get now president biden's agenda through the congress in the next year, considering what we've seen so far from republicans in the senate? >> i found myself thinking as you were speaking, the senate's where -- it's not just those two bills, it's where every bill goes to die. and it's just unacceptable. i'm more of a traditionalist, so i've had reservations about eliminating the filibuster, but i think we're reaching very quickly a point, we're not going to have any choice. we've got to start to get some bills passed for the american people. it isn't okay that the violence against women act -- or i could name -- i mean, we've passed bills this high in the last congress that just stopped in the senate. and there are a lot of things that the american people need. i'll tell you something else we're going to have to watch out for, and it's going to be in the house chamber, where the freedom caucus is now threatening to try to gum up the works on everything. they're going going to do three motions to -- there are three motions you can do to a motion to adjourn. they're now threatening to do that every day. they want to totally gum up the works. and it's not okay. we are sent to washington to get things done. we need to make sure we're competitive. we're competing in a global marketplace. and i think it's irresponsible on both the senators and the members of the house that want to stop work from happening. and we need to step up and do something that will get both chambers working so we do what the american people want us to do. >> yeah. so what's the state of any tension between moderate democrats and progressive democrats in the house and there are -- when there were quote/unquote messaging bills that liberals would support, that republicans were in control, you knew it was going nowhere, but what's your take? >> people are talking to each other. i think democrats understand the importance of being together so you can have disagreements, but i don't think you're going to see people come to -- continue to communicate is very important and they are. and i'm one of those people. >> all right. yeah. congresswoman debbie dingell, thank you as always for being up early with us. we really appreciate your time and insights. and earlier on in the show, we asked, why are you awake? john writes, i'm up way too early today, because i'm gearing up to return to my classroom after three months. i miss my kids. i bet they miss you too. another viewer woke up, i woke up after a dream that one of my picks my ncaa pool was wrong and i had to correct it. loretta e-mails, our daughter gave birth to our first grandchild at 4:38 a.m. harry the 5th has arrived. janine says, i'm up because it's the end of our first week as march madness begins in our capitol and we are waiting for willie. love the mugs and love willie here on "way too early." coming up here, a look at the axios one big thing. and coming up on "morning joe," a president biden continues to fill out his cabinet, we'll hear from secretary of energy, jennifer granholm. don't go anywhere. 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does it help explain why some of them might be more reluctant to say, criticize former president trump, because one alternative to corporate money is the small donations that he can drive? >> it is. but it's also -- i think it's tricky, because at the same time, you know, you have a lot of people who are trying to distance themselves from the former president, particularly his rhetoric and everything that happened from the capitol attack. but then you also see like people senator josh hawley in the senate, who of course led one of the charges to really oppose the electoral college votes in certain states and he's been doing very well with fund-raising. so i think it depends on the member and how they're going to kind of calculate how to move forward on this. i think kevin mccarthy, particularly is in for -- to see what happens with his financials and what happens come april fund-raising will be a key indicator, because a lot of members are trying to navigate this post-trump world and how much to embrace him now that he's out of office. so i think it's something that we have to see, but it really will depend on the member. >> yeah, well, mccarthy is in a particularly difficult spot on this one. alana, you've also been reporting on mitch mcconnell, the minority leader's statement on georgia earlier this week. what did he say what what were your takeaways in terms of how they handle pd putd putting thi? >> right. so, first off, to just to say, a lot of people were disappointed with the senate minority leader. he's the most prominent republican in all of congress and the senate, who waited two days after the attacks in atlanta and the mass shooting there to release a statement. and so, finally, yesterday evening, he put out -- or he gave axios a statement indicating and defending asian americans and saying that discrimination against them of any kind, anywhere is wrong and shouldn't happen. and i think, of course, we have to know that his wife, former transportation secretary under donald trump is of asian descent, elaine chao, but it did come later than a lot of people wanted. >> all right, axio's alayna treene, thank you so much for being up with us. appreciate your reporting. we're heading into a weekend where we have spring weather, vaccinations are gearing up and heading into baseball season with fans in the stands. i'll hang on to those optimistic notes as we head into the end of march. enjoy your weekend, but don't go anywhere, "morning joe" starts right now. joe biden quotes his mother more than any president -- even vice president pence didn't talk about mother as much as joe does. >> welcome. as my mom would say, god love y'all. we've got a lot of work to do. as my mother would say, god love him. my mother would say, god bless them, son, no purgatory for you. as my mother used to say, hush up, joey. as my mother would say, hope i keep you in my prayers. as my mother would say, be able to say walk a mile in your shoes. if you talk like that, my mother would say, get your mouth washed out of with soap. as my mother would have said,

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,User ,Patients ,House ,Path ,Immigration Bills ,Immigrants ,Citizenship ,Dream ,Status ,Favor ,Measure ,First ,Dreamers ,Promise Act ,228 ,197 ,Nine ,Bills ,Farm Workers ,Workers ,System ,Voting ,Green Card ,Fine ,Agriculture ,Senate ,Violence Against Women Act ,Reauthorization ,Vote ,Domestic Violence ,Child ,90 ,15 ,Story ,Brother ,Sister ,Gun ,Father ,Doors ,Siblings ,Closets ,Hiding ,Mother ,Congresswoman ,Constituents ,Didn T ,Violence Against Women Act Reauthorized ,Problem ,Wasn T ,Why ,Partner ,Provision ,Stalker ,Situation ,Woman ,Presence ,Shouldn T ,Stalking ,Fighting ,Calls ,Shelters ,Hotline ,9 ,Family ,Fact ,Variety ,Plans ,Infrastructure Bill ,Legislation ,Consensus ,None ,Chamber ,Filibuster ,Party Lines ,Congress ,Speaking ,Agenda ,Traditionalist ,Reservations ,Choice ,It Isn T ,Works ,Gum ,Freedom Caucus ,Emotions ,Motion ,Marketplace ,Washington ,Senators ,Democrats ,Chambers ,Tension ,Liberals ,Control ,There Were Quote Unquote Messaging ,Each Other ,Importance ,Disagreements ,Insights ,Classroom ,John ,Pool ,Viewer ,Picks ,E Mails ,Daughter ,Birth ,Loretta ,Willie ,Grandchild ,End ,Harry The 5th ,Janine ,38 ,4 ,Look ,Morning Joe ,Mugs ,Cabinet ,Secretary Of Energy ,Freshness ,Jennifer Granholm ,T Mobile ,55 ,Lines ,Plan ,Rate ,Line ,Smartphone ,Value ,Customer Service ,Naj ,Fisher Investments ,Money Manager ,Money Managers ,Clients ,Cookie Cutter Portfolios ,Client ,Portfolios ,Fiduciary ,Needs ,Investments ,Commissions ,Fees ,My Name ,Diabetes ,Challenge ,Musician ,Fingersticks ,Day System ,Scan ,Glucose ,Austin James ,Painless ,Onesecond ,14 ,Prescription ,A1c ,6 7 ,8 2 ,Towel ,Load ,Cap ,Smelling Laundry ,Washing Machine ,Axios A M ,Donations ,Awakening ,Axios ,Alina Treene ,Fund Raising ,Numbers ,Leadership Role Last Night ,Aide ,Corporations ,Money ,Giving ,Who ,Citizen Financial ,Cisco ,Pledges ,File ,Midterm Election Race ,Financials ,Decisions ,Funds ,Reckoning ,2022 ,It Help ,Alternative ,Course ,Josh Hawley ,Electoral College ,Charges ,Votes ,Member ,States ,Indicator ,Minority Leader ,Spot ,Alana ,Mitch Mcconnell ,Takeaways ,Atlanta ,Thi ,Pd Putd ,First Off ,Shooting ,Transportation Secretary ,Donald Trump ,Alayna Treene ,Axio ,Elaine Chao ,Vaccinations ,The End ,Pence Didn T ,Mom ,Joey ,God ,Purgatory ,Son ,Hope ,Hush Up ,Prayers ,Shoes ,Soap ,

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