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finances. so plenty to get to. we begin with explosive remarks today during a heated hearing on anti-asian hate crimes, two days after that deadly shooting in atlanta amidst a rising wave of anti-asian attacks that have been documented. it was the first hearing in roughly 30 years. that's the context for the republican's remarks. he said he wants justice for the victims in atlanta. he worries about policing free speech and invoked lynching, which broke a fiery rebuke from the democrat testifying. >> i think there is old sayings in texas about find the rope in texas and get a taller tree. my concern about this hearing is it seems to want to venture into the policing of rhetoric. >> your president and your party and your colleagues can talk about issues with any other country that you want. but you don't have to do it by putting a bulls eye on the back of asian-americans across the country, on our grandparents, on our kids. this hearing was to address the hurt and pain of our community, to find solutions. and we will not let you take our voice away from us. >> it was clearly heated. now, afterward, that congressman said that he, quote, meant what he said and had no apologies. the response coming from democratic congressman grace manage nay (. she joins us on "the beat" tonight. tomorrow, meanwhile, president biden and vice president harris meet to atlanta to meet with asian-american leaders among others as we deal with the horrific events of this last. we begin with eugene robinson. eugene, your thoughts on where congress fit in to something that is still, of course, under investigation but with tempers obviously high. >> uh-huh. right. and it sounds as if the congressional intervention was not helpful in seeking answers to this problem. you know, what happened in atlanta was horrific and it comes after this swelling wave of attacks against asian americans that has been boosted. and let's be honest, by right wing rhetoric about the coronavirus. right wing rhetoric about china which some associate with asians and asian-americans and, you know, people are being accosted in the streets in a way that's just not acceptable, not acceptable in this country. and if congress is going to help, then fine. if we're going to have nonsense that we heard from congressman roy today, then they should just butt out and shut up. >> danielle? >> it is hard for me to be surprised by the offensive things that sometimes come out of republican mouths, but i was horrified by what he said today. and, of course, he doesn't back down. because why would he? look, this country has an unfortunate very long history of anti-asian racism specifically, and we need to call that out and we need to talk about it. and there is a role for congress to play. and, you know, if republicans can't come to the table in good faith, then the democrats need to leave. you know? they control both chambers, and they need to take up the mantle of protecting this community that has seen an increased amount of attacks in the last year. >> and, gene, what do you think about the challenge here that policymakers have, which is they can speak very forcefully about what the record is. we have been documenting the rise in these type of hate crimes and others. and then the specific context of these attacks on the asian-american community and some of the fall-out from donald trump and how he dealt with the virus while on the ground the president and vice president go into an active investigation area tomorrow where all the facts have not been gathered yet and the president and vice president both happen to be lawyers and vice president former prosecutor who understands on day two or day three the case may ultimately look different than day 50. >> that's right. but what we know is that we have had this really, really dramatic and concerning increase in violence against asian-americans, unprovoked violence. so, you know, what authorities can do across the country or what prosecutors can do is they can prosecute these cases, and they can use all the tools that they have in their arsenal, including hate crime statutes and others to bring accountability and, you know, as a -- as a potential deterrent when people start going to jail. beyond that, you know, we combat toxic speech with non-toxic speech and congress and others should speak out with what's happening. just atrocious. you know, we -- we -- it's true of black lives matter. it's true of all communities that are being persecuted. i mean, no justice, no peace should be the way we think about this going forward. >> yeah. and that there is a -- as tragic as it is, there is an opportunity here to be the right side of history, to be in a multiracial, open minded coalition, to see some of that interconnectivity. although, very sad to have it at the barrel of a gun. both our panelists here stay because we are tracking some other news on the vaccine. dr. fauci in the middle of what looks like a partisan fight. health officials warn the risk is not over. indeed, take a look at this. cases rising over 10% in 14 states. and dr. fauci testifying, this was today and then ending up clashing with republican senator paul over masks. >> you're wearing two masks. isn't that theater? >> here we go again with the theater. let's get down to the facts. when you talk about re-infection and you don't keep in the concept of variants, that's an entirely different ball game. that's a good reason for a mask. let me just state for the record that masks are not theater. masks are protective. >> d i would point out that was doctor on doctor, and there is an area of some debate about how you apply any public health medical rules in the aggregate. but it didn't feel like senator dr. paul was channelling his doctor side but more of his politician side the way he sounded, and that that's what he wanted to focus on with fauci. >> right. the theater that was happening there was completely political theater on the part of rand paul, which is what he does. he doesn't want to wear a mask. he thinks that people like dr. fauci are overreacting. he wants everything to open up. he doesn't believe in the science. and it just goes to show you can be a doctor. you can -- you can even be good at your doctoring, but you're not a vir roll gist and you are not someone like dr. fauci who has studied these types of things for decades. it is really tiresome to have to listen to him just sit there and blow over dr. fauci who knows what he's talking about. it is really, really aggravating and it causes harm because there are people who listen to him and say, oh, well i don't have to wear a mask and they're putting other people's lives in danger. >> and if it feels like we're running through a bunch of different things, it is because we are. there was a lot of different sort of news coming out of the government today. gene, i did want a spotlight on the house floor. lawmakers are working their way through two different immigration bills. votes expected tonight building on the agenda. yesterday house democrats also renewed the violence against women act earlier this month. the house did pass the sweeping voting rights reforms. this is the house also trying to push the senate where republicans are expected to obstruct just about anything we can unless the senate rules change. here is republican lindsey graham on how hard he would work to stop those voting reforms, hr-1. >> if you go to the talking filibuster, we will take the floor to stop hr-1. i will talk until i fell over. >> gene? >> well, i think his bluff should be called and the bluff of mitch mcconnell should be called. and it looks as if the democratic caucus in the senate is not yet ready to get rid of the filibuster entirely. so if the step they can be persuaded to take is to go to a talking filibuster, then they should do it and they should force them to stand up on the floor and talk for hours and hours and hours. and one thing they might want to consider in hr-1 is to take the voting rights parts of hr-1 and present them and force republicans to just go on record, purely voting against the voting rights of americans. there are other provisions in the bill which i think are good law or would be good law if enacted. but if they want to put republicans on record, put them on record as being against purely against the voting rights of americans. >> and you have watched this play out. you have worked, i know, with institutionalist democrats, if you want to call them that, what aren't sure this is yet the next step. i know you know plenty of progressive reformers in washington who say, what are we waiting for? we had an interesting colloquy last night on the program between people with similar views on the import of voting rights, civil rights but disagreed on this filibuster issue. biden hasn't come all the way out either. it's a little tricky. what do you think is possible here for a caucus that would need 50 votes plus harris to do any change on the rules? >> it seems like we're headed in a direction that gene said, that we're going to take baby steps. but i feel like eventually we will have to get rid of the filibusters. but we'll see what happens. but to me if you are a member of the democratic caucus and you say you support voting rights, you say you support democratic reforms, you say you support all of these things and it is only the filibuster that stands in your way of getting it done, then i don't see how you still support this outdated mechanism. and let's remember why the filibuster was put in place in the first place. i just don't see how you support it if it's eventually going to stop all of these wonderful reforms and bills that you claim to support. >> well, you just put it so clearly just then. if you are not a senate buff and you have a bunch of people in the room and they say if we could turn on these light switch, all these things would happen, the lights would come on and it would be great. we just need to agree to turn it on. if you're not into politics you're like, the senate can do this. it just hasn't done it yet. kicking us off tonight, i want to thank you. coming up after this short break, you may have noticed it up on the screen, our teaser for our special report on covid's effect on a generation of americans hit hard by wars, recessions, debt and of course the trump presidency. if the old solutions don't work, what do we need to learn across all generations. we dig in deep. i hope you stay with us for our special report: generation p next. laundry isn't done until it's done with downy. shingles? camera man: yeah, 1 out of 3 people get shingles in their lifetime. well that leaves 2 out of 3 people who don't. i don't know anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated. baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now. tonight...i'll be eating loaded tots for march madness. 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deaths were people under age 45 who usually survive an infection and can also spread the virus. now, among the many covid issues, we have seen an age gap in responding to the virus. some of this generational clash and the media coverage about it has been dramatizing it. many young people have followed safety rules, while those who flouted them have gotten a lot of attention, coverage and even ridicule. >> you have probably seen the spring breakers who act as if they are immune to the coronavirus. >> i just turned 21 this year, so i'm here to party. trying to get drunk before everything closes. >> her kids ignored city leader's call for social distancing, hanging out privately and publically. she caught the virus from a friend. >> if i get coronavirus, i get coronavirus. at the end of the day, it is not going to stop me from colleging. >> one college woman said, i feel like if the coronavirus would get even more serious and like wipe out a large amount of people, i might as well be somewhere having fun. >> we're hearing parts of young people out in the streets still doing the normal gathering. >> we hear about generations being declared by age and titled. so what they call generation z includes people under 24 right now. millennials are the next group over 25 years old. that's one way to think about any generation or cohort. another is to look at what people go through, what they live through during a formative time, the huge altering events that research shows have a larger impact of people of a certain formative age, be it the great depression or the cold war, racing against russia with the moon landing or 9/11. and american leaders often try to summon the people up against that, those very generations to act. >> i ask you to demonstrate, to demonstrate again your faith in america. ♪♪ she's making history ♪♪ working for victory. >> we choose to go to the moon. not because they are easy, but because they are hard. >> and for everyone going up against this national crisis, though, america obviously did not have those kind of leaders in charge. that certainly didn't help. but over time other parts of our society have been stepping up well beyond government for medical profession sols, scientific innovators. all the ingenuity on display to the fastest march to vaccines ever. we, of course, started by prioritizing the older generation, seniors. and that makes sense. but it is also worth taking stock how this affected what might come to be known as the pandemic generation. this is not a competition. everyone knows certain groups did not pay the most with their lives, if they were under, as i said earlier, under about 60. but as a demographic fact, this crisis is hitting young people in their particularly formative years, upending not only, of course, their social lives as those media reports emphasize but a key period or learning and developing and deciding on life and career goals that may shape decades ahead in their lives. while older americans are in long-term relationships or family units, many people under 25 are likely to have braved a lot of this alone while being told to avoid people which right out the gate raises a particular challenge for these young people's outlook and health and mental health. >> the stress kind of just kept part-timing on. >> i was kind of upset and depressed in the middle of quarantine. >> what i'm experienced to do no longer pertains to the world that we're living in right now. >> the opportunities are not there. >> isolation, depression, anxiety, mental health crises, courtesy of a college experience stripped almost entirely of campus life, tradition and structure on top of a pandemic. >> i do know three people that have taken their life the past few months just because of this situation. >> it's crippling, so i'm going through this quarantine alone. >> for america to rebound, this pandemic generation needs to rebound after not only the upheaval of a once in a century type challenge but also, it turns out, after some larger systemic problems that were already hitting young people in america more than past generations. so this is pretty important when you widen out. if you are hearing this and thinking, yeah, but ari in the pandemic many of us were going through something similar. this was hard on all of us. sure, that's fair. but it is broader, which is why this is our special report now. this generation is gearing up to return to work facing many of the same problems it also faced before lockdown. when they were one of the first generations in the modern era to face an economy that was measurably tougher on them in key respects than their parents' generation, the one that came before. >> 80%, 95% of baby boomers did better than their parents. it is now just a coin toss for millennials. we have a crisis in our country. >> a ticking time bomb for our economy. >> by the time when the middle class is disappearing. >> 33%, one in three, 25 to 29-year-olds live with their parents or grandparents. >> fewer millennials are entering the middle class than previous generations. >> things are actually getting worse. and it may not sound obviously true to everyone, partly because some of these youth challenges get less attention because young people have fewer voices and advocates in national politics or media. and for another reason. here it is. math is hard. and multidecade inflation math is really hard. look, i went into law and journalism for a reason. but even before we get to the politics or bad faith arguments, some people in older generations might think, i remember low wages and student debt as well, and we did at whatever generation, 40s, 50s, 60s. but some are not as bad as they are for young people today right now as a mathematical fact. consider the same math mistake that a republican senate recently made. he, as a young person earned today's equivalent of a $20 minimum wage back when he was younger. but he remembers it for an arbitrary number then $6, which had literally $20 worth of today's buying power, which led him to this misleading claim based on e num rasy. >> i worked for less than the minimum wage. i worked for the minimum wage. i started bussing tables at $1 an hour. i finally made it to cook, which was big-time. that was $6 an hour. >> senator thun opposed the minimum wage because he used to get by at $6 as a young man. that was like 40 years ago when rent was like $1. >> basically true. and you don't have to be a republican opposing that wage to slip into this kind of thinking. there is a fair amount of lecturing of young people these guys by often older people telling them to work hard and pay off your debts like we did. but some of that ignores that today's students, if they want to do what past generations did, like pay for their college, facts, they actually have to work twice as hard because college costs over double what it used to. it has doubles its price from about 30 years ago. and this was a spike before the pandemic. or in just the last again years, america's debt has gone up by $3 trillion largely carried by graduating students. student debt is the biggest driver. it eclipses credit card debt or car loans. it shifted from more reliablely stable careers or even blue collar workers could be with an employer for 8 or 10 or 12 years for more to a gig economy that makes it hard to achieve a stable income, let alone plan for 10 and 20-year financial goals. this is not about whether these younger people work hard. this is about what work is available. so generation pandemic already had this uphill battle before the pandemic, which also hit these young people harder. younger people are more likely to work at in person jobs, which of course have been hit. at one point, up to a quarter of them were unemployed. that is a rate of job loss that, as its peak, was worse than older workers, people under 25 twice as likely to be without work because of covid than every other adult work. it is not like the first weeks of reopening the economy will immediately wipe out challenges like this. >> young people 18 to 34 years old are disproportionately losing their jobs. >> the businesses you see around you closed down. restaurants, bars, hospitality. and a lot of those employ 18 to 35-year-old crowds. >> santiago was laid off from a movie theater. >> this is a huge problem. it is hard to even get our minds around it. everyone remembers the 2008 financial crash which felt huge. then about 15% of younger workers lost their jobs. but it's worse today. and for people in their 30s, that's a one-two punch. they were set back by that huge crash which some economists called a lost decade of wealth building for millennials. now they're hit again if they are in this problem, and the 20-somethings are facing something worse than that original crash which looks so horrific. if those 30 somethings did manage to buy a home, great. then that wealth will build for them because it's been rising. for those that didn't, well, they're still in this trap in the american real estate of facing rising rents. even in the pandemic recession, rent is going up, which hits the young and poor harder. majority of young americans report regular feelings of anxiety about all of this financial stuff. younger people more vulnerable to housing and stability. and over one out of ten adults have lost homes. one out of five falling behind on rent or mortgage payments among the young. older americans have benefits of time, investments of interest. we checked their late of fore closure is much loeser now, closer to 2%. this is a tough picture. facing a virus that mostly kills the elderly, it is still logical that many policies put them first. but, again, tonight we're looking at the whole picture. at times seniors have been prioritized so dramatically this past year, there is even a new south park vaccine special which jokes about how the elderly have kind of become the coolest people as far as public policy is concerned while others wait in line. seniors are the first to be admitted behind the velvet road on their way into club walgreens. >> come on, man. it's ridiculous that people can't get in. >> you're not getting. you're wasting your time. hello, ma'am. right this way. >> 75 [ bleep ]! >> that's great. and the point there, i think, is not to bash any particular age group, but look at policy, look at what's happening. and nobody here, at least i'm not suggesting that seniors shouldn't go first in the vaccine line. but we do as a society and a democracy have to look at how everyone is affected for this rebound because young people are so resistant to the virus' effects that they may not feel the symptoms as the w.h.o. reports. but we all need to be accurate and fair before turning that scientific fact into a punitive narrative. spreading it by accident is different than reckless spring breaking. older adults can do it, too. and another reason that we have seen this spreading relates to the economic issues i have just been discussing. many privileged people do want to stay home if they can. many other people in america can't even afford to this past year. so on an economic basis, the richest americans stay home half the time since covid hit while the poorest only a third of the time. this is a picture of a class divide that matches the income divide. young people have far less network with less time in the job market. and they comprise most or half of in person jobs, for example, in retail and hospitality. and one-third of health and education jobs which can help in a pandemic. that's why reports note that millennials and gen z are basically partly conscripted into spreading the virus because they have the jobs with the brunt of the transmission risk that comes with keeping the economy going. so remember how we began this report tonight showing all that attention and criticism on the spring breakers? and those instances have happened in some places. but antidotes are not da that. beyond those millions of young people doing essential work where guidelines are followed, young people mostly follow the rules if you look overall. most young people report, for example, always wearing a mask outside. now, you take this together, and it's a lot. what do we make of it beyond making sure we're fair when we talk about different generations? how do we apply these facts as everyone of all ages prepares to rebound? that brings us to the conclusion of this report when we're back in just 30 seconds. good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh. now to the conclusion of our special report on generation pandemic. if you take all these facts we just walked through, if you put aside any effort, any grievous olympics. it is hard out here for a millennial or a gen z or a gen p or whatever we call this cohort. while that south park set of punch lines are just goofy and funny, the point again is not that seniors should be anything but the priority in the medical policies for a virus that is more deadly to them than anyone else. yet, even before covid, we are dealing with systems that are not totally fair when it comes to age. for all the talk about diversifying congress, which has begun to happen in several ways, let's keep in mind, it is a remarkably hold institution. the median american is 38. the median member of congress is 60. both branches of government are now run by seniors age 70, 78 and 80. out in the courts, well, half the justices on the supreme court are 66 or older, seniors. i want to be very clear tonight, this is about representation. i am not trafficking in any hint of ageism. some of my favorite people are a little bit older, like my parents. but we do as a matter of policy live in a geron tok rasy, which is literally defined as a state governed by old people. that is not the case in democracies today. while the covid relief bill does do a lot for everyone, amidst all $2 trillion of that dollars, the bill did not resolve key items mentioned that impacted young people like no big change in the minimum wage, no relief for student debt. now, some democrats are saying they hope that one tax shift in that bill could help cut student debt in the future when those fights go on, but congress didn't zero in on every generation equality, as these fights continue, of course, it is also interesting to note there are intergenerational alliances pushing for young people. >> it is unjust, and it is a burden that no generation before had to encounter to the scale and the level that ours has. >> you will be helped by seeing student loan debt canceled. >> forgive all student loan debt. >> this is an incredible burden on millions of millions of young people. >> that's just one of the policy choices ahead in what we reported how much harder it is to pay for your own college today than it used to be. but beyond policy, if this year has taught us anything, it is much deeper. this virus was a stress test of our government, our politics, our society, our collaboration, our collective empathy. we needed a majority to prize empathy and safety for a virus that primarily killed seniors, which means if you weren't a senior, you had to do things em pathetically for other people. as we turn to renewal, we need empathy for a situation that as you have seen tonight is measurably harder in some ways on young people who had less in the bank to handle this, who may take longer to rebound it from mid-career people with homes and savings. yet, we need young people to continue this grant experiment. in fact, it goes even broader than that. many are taught to respect our elders because of their experience and their earned station in life, which is good counsel. but we should also remember to listen to younger people if for no other reason than they are the ones with the ability to see anew because experience is good, but it also brings us limits in what we are able to see. and that's got to be true for building this world ahead of us with so many things changing. it is a point that's actually been made throughout our history by some of our younger presidents who reflected on some of their even younger supporters. and it might be easy to forget now, but back then when he was a first term senator, barack obama trailed his rival by a lot when he made his first bid to run for president. at the time, it was well documented. many older voters initially thought obama could not win or it wasn't his time yet. and then that began to shift. with who? with young voters. they immediately saw something that many of the rest of us didn't. and then they did more. they prodded their parents and others to join them. how do we know? well, there was polling. there was stories. there was reporting. but it was a big enough deal that it was something the newly elected president, barack obama, reflected on publically when he trotted out on inauguration night on that big night to what was then called the youth ball to share how he knew that and what it meant for the future. so on this journey tonight, thinking about this set of generations and the youth, he gets the last word. >> young people everywhere are in the process of imaging something different than what has come before. where they imagined bigotry, they imagine togetherness. where there is disease, they imagine a public health system. i can't tell you how many people have come up to michelle and myself and said, you know, i was kind of skeptical, but then my daughter, she wouldn't budge. she just told me i needed to vote for obama. and, so, a new generation inspired previous generations, and that's how change happens in america. s in america. r? 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[music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ returning with more news on a story that began our broadcast tonight, this exclosive conversation in congress today during this hearing on anti-asian hate crimes, comes in the wake of the deadly shooting in atlanta. congressman roy expressing a concern and then invoking lynching. his remarks met with a strong response from congresswoman grace meng. she is about to join me. here's the exchange. >> i think there is old sayings in texas about find all the rope in texas and get a taller tree. my concern about this hearing is that it seems to want to venture into the policing of rhetoric. >> your president and your party and your colleagues can talk about issues with any other country that you want. but you don't have to do it by putting a bulls eye on the back of asian-americans across this country, on our grandparents, on our kids. this hearing was to address the hurt and pain of our community and to find solutions, and we will not let you take our voice away from us. >> congressman roy has said he has no apologies. he's not backing down today. we're joined now by democratic congresswoman grace meng of new york. thank you for being here. i'd like to just start with two questions. one, your thoughts on the exchange of what people need to know, the benefit of dealing with that. and then, two, what do you want to impart for viewers who may have been at work or not seeing the whole hearing about what is substantively important to convey, par lyparticularly at t time. >> thanks for having me and covering this topic. by the way, i don't need his apology. i just thought that mr. roy was so ins sensitive and completely missed the point of today's hearing. this judiciary subcommittee hearing which had bipartisan formal witnesses, by the way, congress members from both the republican and the democratic side and he completely missed the point and i just didn't want him to take away from the focus of the hearing. >> and please continue. so that sort of dove tails of the second question of what should american citizens know about the focus of the hearing? >> well, today's hearing, and i'm really thankful for it, our congressional asian pacific american congress pushed for this hearing. we wanted to hear the stories about what was going on around this country. hatred and these types of incidents towards asian-americans, it is not necessarily a new phenomenal. but the number of incidents have skyrocketed during this past year. and a lot of it is as a result of the rhetoric from the former president of the united states. and, so, we want to make sure that we're talking about this issue. we want to make sure that we're looking for solutions. we're pushing legislation to bills that are directed towards hopefully making it easier for people to report these crimes and also to help fund -- better fund our community organizations who are literally on the ground dealing with these issues. >> understood. i also wanted to get your views to weigh in on the law enforcement response. i suppose it is very sad to say this, but in many areas where we see discrimination or racism, there is a kind of a template, a kind of a double standard. we have reported on it quite extensively on "the beat." one of the hallmarks is rather than everything being, say, strict to everyone, you can debate whether it should be strict, it's enforced selectively. here we saw this pattern again with regard to the sheriffs office basically talking about whether this person indicted for killing was just having a, quote, bad day. so first of all, here is them trying to explain that. take a look. >> he understood the gravity of it, and he was pretty much fed up and had been at the end of his rope and yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did. >> so that's the quote, unquote "bad day." they have tried to distance themselves or call it a problem of word choice. but for folks to understand and we want to hear you i want to put on the factual record, this is also an officer that then has had engaged publically and basically anti-asian sentiment before. and, so, i mentioned the sad echo of other groups that have run up against this where it doesn't seem like even in the face of a documented killing that the police are being as strict at all or as fair at all. your thoughts on all of that? >> sure. first our hearts go out to the families and the loved ones of the victims who died in atlanta. eight victims, six who were asian-american women. of course i was upset to hear language like that coming from the cherokee county sheriffs mouth about having a bad day. and we have seen already his previous facebook posts where he apparently likes to use the same type of language that the former president and the republican party like to use, words that lead to emboldening of these types of hateful incidents. and, so, i'm thankful, you know, hearing from atlanta pd today that they are still looking into it. i believe they said that the investigation is not over. and that's another reason why we are pushing these two pieces of legislation. we want to give the department of justice -- we want to have them give more resources to the community and more guidelines to local enforcement as to how to better investigate these hate incidents. >> understood. congresswoman meng, i want to thank you for making time. i know it was a busy days and in some ways quite a day. thank you very much. up ahead, trump's legal pressure as a citizen growing. the new york case and a big witness you might remember speaking again to the feds. tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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"the washington post" also reporting donald trump faces at least six investigations and 29 lawsuits which include legal cases against trump for what he just got off of in the impeachment case, his actions on january 6th. that doesn't mean it's the end because some of that same evidence is coming back to haunt him in the civil cases. also, the fbi releasing never before seen videos of rioters attacking law enforcement. this was part of the search for suspects. a warning, the videos are graphic. >> this is a justice department now overseen by president biden, but as you saw there, the fbi using its normal protocol, seeking information on the faces of those individuals wanted, potentially, for major crimes at the capitol. we will keep you updated on all of these stories and tonight, we're back with one more thing. still fresh unstopables in-wash scent booster downy unstopables psst! psst! allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! you're good. ♪ ♪ ♪ easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. tonight...i'll be eating loaded tots for march madness. 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Help , Nonsense , Things , Mouths , Danielle , History , Racism , Role , Republicans , Chambers , Faith , Mantle , Table , Record , Gene , Amount , Policymakers , Challenge , Virus , Some , Donald Trump , Type , Ground , Vice President , Rise , Asian American Community , Facts , Area , Case , Prosecutor , Lawyers , Three , 50 , Violence , Increase , Cases , Tools , Authorities , Arsenal , Hate Crime Statutes , Jail , Potential Deterrent , Accountability , Lives , Communities , Matter , Peace , Side , Opportunity , Senator , Fauci , News , Vaccine , Middle , Interconnectivity , Multiracial , Coalition , Panelists , Barrel Of A Gun , Risk , States , Fight , Health Officials , Look , 10 , 14 , Masks , Rand Paul , Theater , Isn T , Here We Go Again , Reason , Mask , Estate , Concept , Variants , Ball Game , Doctor , Odi , Debate , It , Health , More , Rules , Didn T , Politician , Doctor Side , Aggregate , Part , Doctoring , Someone , Science , Vir Roll Gist , Types , Dr , Blow , Bunch , 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Today , Witnesses , Apology , Mr , Wins , Focus , Members , Asian Pacific American Congress , Question , Dove Tails , Citizens , Incidents , Hatred , President Of The United States , Result , Crimes , Legislation , Issue , Law Enforcement Response , Community Organizations , Fund , Areas , Standard , Template , Discrimination , Hallmarks , Pattern , Regard , Sheriffs , Killing , Take A Look , Bad Day , Gravity , The End , Officer , Word Choice , Sentiment , Folks , Police , Face , Echo , Sad , Women , Hearts , Families , Fair , Loved Ones , Six , Eight , Language , Posts , Mouth , Cherokee County , Facebook , Lead , Words , Use , Pieces , Atlanta Pd , Department Of Justice , Hate Incidents , Enforcement , Resources , Pressure , Citizen Growing , Witness , Feds , Clothes , Invitation , Towel , Smelling Laundry , Load , Cap , Starts , Washing Machine , Apr Financing , Dealer , Sales Event , Nx 300 , 300 , 2021 , Usaa , Insurance , Car , Retirement Plan , App , Veterans , Voya , Kate , 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Milestones , On Instagram , Reidout , Joy Reid , Twitter , Shootings , Asian , Spas , Congregation , Suspect , Ties , Sex Addiction , Predlikz , Source , Shame , Southern Baptist ,

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