Time. In july 1998 a delusional, seriously mentalally ill man walked through carrying a loaded. 38 caliber smith and wesson revolver. Jacob chestnut stopped the man and asked him to go through the metal detector. The man turned and shot the officer in the head and killed him and shot and Wounded Another Police officer. Officer Douglas Mcmillian who Returned Fire and hit the attacker. Shot and mortally wounded a u. S. Capitol police detective. John gibson. As gibson told members of congress and their staff to take cover. Detective gibson was killed by the attacker that day. But before he died he nevertheless was able to return fire as well and that is apparently what took the gunman down and ended that oneman attack on the u. S. Capitol in the summer of 1998. The attacker, although he was shot by officers that Returned Fire, he survived. A u. S. Senator, who was a Heart Surgeon was nearby when the Gun Fight Broke Out and may have saved the gunmans life after the shooting stop and accompanied him to the hospital. One tourist was wounded in the attack. Officer chestnut and Detective Gibson were killed that day. Soon thereafter they lay in honor at the u. S. Capitol. You are looking live tonight at the scene of chaotic violence on friday. Tonight a place of grief and latesting tribute. Capitol steps serving as a memorial, people left flowers, cards, notes to show their appreciation for the two Police Officers who died in service to their country. Inside a formal goodbye fit for a head of state. Reporter hundreds of Police Officers marching to the capitol in a moving display of national grief. Fathers brought daughters and strangers wept together. Mourning two men. What makes our democracy strong is not only what congress may enact or a president may achieve. Even more it is the countless individual citizens who live our ideals out every day. Reporter both houses of congress voted honors for Jacob Chestnut and john gibson, each killed in the line of duut during a Shocking Gun Battle At The Capitol last week. Hundreds of schoolchildren and lawmakers filed into the rotunda to pay tribute. Many wore blue ribbons as signs of respect. Blue for The Thin Blue Line used to describe Police Officers. No member of the Capitol Police force had been killed in the line of duty and nobody was prepared to cope. It was an assault on the capitol. An assault no one wants to live through again. An assault no one wants to live through again on the nations most recognizable symbol. The last time the u. S. Capitol was attacked and a u. S. Police officer was killed in the line of duty, the summer of 1998. Ceremony tonight for Brian Sicknick who was killed in the attack on the capitol last month will look different than the footage we saw on nbc news from 1998. Obviously now because of the pandemic, the crowds cant come to a certain degree that is a Security Condition now as well. The Capitol Grounds are just closed. The public cant come through in any numbers, let alone huge numbers. But this will be tonight the first chance that the country has had to kind of have a moment here to recognize the loss and the terror of the protrump mob attack last month on the capitol. In the Court Filings for those that were arrested and charged. The fbi says that more than 100 Police Officers were injured in the attack. At least 15 severely injured. So severely injured they had to be hospitalized. Capitol Police Officers union told congress that the number even just in the u. S. Capitol police was more like 140 officers injured, including they say officers that are working that day without helmets, suffering brain injuries, officers with cracked ribs and smashed final disks. One officer will lose his eye. Another was stabbed with a metal fence stake. And of Course Officer Brian Sicknick died. The circumstances of his death havent officially been described in detail. There were reports the rioters hit him in the head with a fire extinguisher. But there is no release of information from the medical examiner. The Prosecutors Office in washington d. C. Opened up a federal Murder Investigation. They have not briefed the pubcn in the case. Officer Brian Sicknick will lie in honor tonight at the Capitol Rotunda like the officers before him that were killed by a madman back in 1998. This time it was a mad mob of hundreds of rioters who were trying to find and kill the speaker of the house and the Vice President and broke into the office of the speaker. They broke into the senate floor. Went through senators desks. Trying to stop the count of the electoral votes on the floor of the senate to keep donald trump in office as president. They thought they were the physical force part of a multifaceted coup by the outgoing president that would somehow keep him in power. They thought they were there to keep donald trump president and by their actions that would happen. Head of Capitol Police and sergeant at arms all resigned. Of course no politician has. Some things today, u. S. Senators got Committee Assignments as republicans consented to let the democrats take control of the u. S. Senate. Democrats are in control of the senate and won it in the elections. Republicans have been dragging out the hand over of power for weeks now. In the house, tonight is the vote on issuing fines to members of the house who refuse to go through Metal Detectors designed to keep guns off of the floor of the congress because that is the kind of thing they have to do now. They voted in the senate to move ahead with the covid relief bill. Democrats can pass it themselves if they have to do so. Pete buttigieg, former democratic president ial candidate was confirmed as the nations newest secretary of transportation. The first openly gay cabinet official ever confirmed by the u. S. Senate. Mayorkas, he will be secretary of Homeland Security under President Biden. Secretary mayorkas confirmed and sworn in. At the white house today Executive Action from President Biden to reverse one of the inarguably one of the most unconsciousable thing the Trump Administration did and left in their wake. With the first action today we are going to work to undo the morale and the National Shame of the previous information that literally and not figuratively ripped children from the arms of families at the border with no plan, none whatsoever to reunionifiy the children. With that i am going to sign the first order. A reestablishment of a reunionification of families. As promised a task force on reunionification and finding the kids that the Trump Administration took away from moms and dads at the southern border. In the text of the executive order, signed by the president tonight. It spells out the chair of the task force will be the secretary of Homeland Security. Secretary of state and house secretary. Also including the attorney general. This is a highpowered thing and 120 days to report back to President Biden on progress and recommendations for how to ensure the u. S. Government can never, ever do this to kids again. Work of setting up the new administration is underway and congress is starting work. We know covid relief will come first and the republicans cant stop it even if they try. And they will try. Covid response at the white house includes announcements they are dramatically increasing shipments of vaccines to local pharmacies in the hopes that will boost the number of americans able to get Vaccine Shots near to where they live and in settings where we have fairly easy access. In the world, the new administration is taking a new and a very, very different hard line against Vladimir Putin and russia. Thousands of russians turned out to protest in the streets again tonight. Today they put the main Opposition Leader in russia, alex navalny in prison. He survived, came back to russia. They immediately locked him up. After two weeks of protests on his behalf, today they sentenced him to years in prison. That is why there are large protests in moscow and across russia. He spoke from court about Vladimir Putin saying he has never participated in any debates or campaigned in an election. Murder is the only way he knows how to fight and he will go down in history as nothing but a poisoner. He said we all remember Alexander The Liberator and jaroslav the wise. Now vladimir the poisoner. He said i am standing here, guarded by the police and the National Guard is out there with half of moscow cordoned off. All of that because that small man in a bunker is losing his mind. The main thing in the trial is not what happens to me. What happens most is why it is happening. It is happening to intimidate large numbers of people. They are imprisoning one person to frighten millions. He is the main Opposition Leader and the most serious challenge to Vladimir Putins Authority Russia ever faced. U. S. State department demand russia release Navalany Unconditionally and immediately. After four years of the previous president looking the other way and actively excusing the behavior of Vladimir Putin, taking putins word over the word of u. S. Intelligence agencies about it. Night and day in terms of the Biden Administration now. The work of the country proceeds. Cleaning up from the previous presidency, getting on with the work of the new one. But through all of this and even on days when a lot happened. January 6 looms very large. It looms in the pending Impeachment Trial of President Trump for inciting the attack. Initial reporting over the weekend that President Trump lost his Legal Defense team when they refused his demands that they use the Senate Trials to advance his false claims that the president ial results in the country shouldnt be recognized and he should somehow be president. In addition to that President Trump might also may not have wanted to pay their lawyers contribute to their discussion to dump him this weekend. He got new lawyers on sunday. We will see if in the end they get paid. They did submit a brief on behalf of the former president responding to the charges laid out against him in the impending impeachment. 14 pages with multiple misspellings and typos, misspelling the United States in the first line of the things. The president s defense brief did in fact argue trumps line that joe biden maybe wasnt legitimately elected to be president. The whole brief, for one never once describes donald trump as the former president. It describes him over and over again as the 45th president , as if he is still the president and never describes him as the former or previous president. He thinks he is still the president. The brief argues that the Election Results that voted trump out and biden in, argues that the results are, and i quote, suspect. It argues that when President Trump told his supporters on the day of the attack that he had actually won the election in the landslide that there is no evidence to say that is false. Who can say, really. That claim that President Trump won the election somehow and that President Biden is not really the president. He is a pretender. He has stolen it. Trump is the rightful president. That was the base for the mob attack on the Capitol On January 6th. The former president is still trying to advance that claim. He spelled Out Today In Black And White that will be part of his defense in his Impeachment Trial. That starts next week. The Election Results are suspect. Who can say whether or not it is a false claim that trump won the election in a landslide. Maybe he did. We are not saying. Yes. The work of the country. The work of the government continues. Days like today, a lot gets done. January 6th looms every day because it isnt over. The former president is still trying to undermine democracy and telling his followers that he is the rightful president. He needs to be avenged. His followers are still being arrested for various roles in the attack on january 6th. They are citing the words of President Trump as what they took to be their instructions to violently attack the capitol less than four weeks ago. The person that placed the pipe bombs the night before. That person still hasnt been caught. There is a 100,000 reward. The murderers of Brian Sicknick havent been identified. That remains unsolved. Before that he was in the new jersey National Guard. From new jersey. One of his senators. Cory booker eulogized Officer Sicknick on the senate floor. He was steadfast. He was courageous. He stood in the breach to protect the lives of the members of the body, the staff, personnel, and he faced down Terrorist Attackers and sacrificed himself, his own safety, security and ultimately his life In The Name Of country, country men and women. Officer sicknick is the very definition of a hero and he deserves to be remembered for the richness of his life. The way that he loved. The devotion that he gave this nation. That he is no longer with us today is a tragedy and it is also a crime. This great man was murdered. This crime demands the full attention of federal Law Enforcement officials and anyone who harbors doubt about what happened here on january 6th should think of him. On january 6th when extremists and terrorists and White Supremacists attacked our nations capitol they took the life of one of our officers. They spilled his blood. They took a son away from his parents and a sibling away from their brothers. They committed this treachery while waving flags claiming solidarity, some of them with Law Enforcement. But it was hate. It was hate. It was hate. It brought terror to our capitol and the death of one of our sons. Joining us now is u. S. Senator cory booker representing Officer Sicknicks home state of new jersey. You saw him there eulogizing Officer Sicknick on the senate floor last month. Thank you for taking time. I know it is a solemn night. Thank you very much, rachel. So Officer Sicknick will lie in honor at the capitol. Can you talk about the rarity of the honor . What do you continuing means in context . It is something that does not happen in the United States of america. This is our capitol. We have rarely seen in the history of our country people die here. We know the british attacked in the war of 1812. Beyond that we have seen very little violence at our capitol. On a dark and shameful day when the attack was happening, he was one of those people that rushed to fight and defend the United States of americas most sacred spot, the capitol of our country. And what is bemoving to me is to talk to the other officers that knew him. They describe him as a leader and perhaps more honorary as a servant. He was there for other officers. That he was a man of kindness and grace. The pain with his family, it is a just thing that he is lying in honor. We can do the family no justice. Just that tonight and tomorrow people will pay respects, but we can give that family no justice. Justice would be their son and brother alive right now. So i hope that we as a country hurt right now and that we put down partisan posturing and just hurt. This is a sad and painful moment of remembrance. A person that gave his greatest devotion possible to the country he loved and served it in the military, as a Police Officer and died in a insurrection. For those that cant truly honor him, lets try to rise up and show through our actions some small measure of devotion to somehow through the darkness find a way to bring light back to the country. So much is going on. People are moving on. The page. People are trying to turn it. But dear god, his his family i hope that we make a better effort at accountability and a better effort to show a love for the country and for each other like he did. It strikes me too reading about him and preparing for tonight and thinking about the rarity of the honor. It strikes me that it has been less than a month. The first moment as a country and the first moment really to mark the severity of what happened on january 6th. In terms of noting the loss and the trauma and the violence. This is kind of the first quiet moment. I appreciate you talked about the Capitol Police and what they have endured and the washington d. C. Police. There were a lot of Law Enforcement that showed up and suffered there as a result. But i am grateful. We had two suicides now of capitol Police Officers. When i talk to the officers many felt like they stood against stream danger. These are folks that love their job. And they honor the space in which they work. I am glad. We lost Officer Sicknick and two others. But the injuries to some will be lifetime stars and pain and adjustments. They have been running 14 hour shifts without days off here still. This is a time where they are still grieving for the loss of their officers. A lot of attention is spent being paid to the 535 of us that make up the senate and house. Capitol Police Officers. Sergeant of arms office. They work in our cafeterias or who work maintaining the grandeur of this place. Many of them are still feeling the weight of what happened and experiencing the fear and the trauma of being present when the attack happened. People are still experiencing trauma. I hope that we do not forget the depth and the texture of all that happens. I really hope it reminds us of the commitment that we have to each other. S of the commitment that we have to each other cory booker, u. S. Senator from new jersey. Tough night. Thanks for being here. Appreciate you rachel, always. Thank you. All right. We are going to take one quick break so we can be back in time to see the arrival of Officer Sicknicks family at the capitol and the way that it will layout tonight. Stay with us. 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Capitol Police Officer, Brian Sicknick who died in the mob attack on the Capitol On January 6th will lie in honor tonight at the capitol. This is the hearse containing his remains. You can see u. S. Capitol Police Officers there. He was in the First Responders unit and prior to the Mountain Bike unit. They will be among those escorting his remains up the east center steps up the capitol into the rotunda. As this solemn ceremony gets underway tonight. Garrett is standing by as it happens. Garrett can you describe what you see and what we are expecting . It is a bitterly cold night. I have been seeing dozens and dozens of capitol Police Officers starting to arrive. Just a few moments ago we saw the motorcade itself arrive. What we are go to see here is the remains of Officer Sicknick being brought up the east front steps. When he is taken in the east front door, he will be taken past shattered glass that is still in the door frame, that was left that way in part intentionally as a physical reminder of the attack on the capitol. Tonight is focused on his family and Capitol Police family. This is a night tonight for the capitol Police Officers whoe ho of everything that happened here on january 6th. Just to underscore that, we understand that the Capitol Police, including the units he served in will escort his remains into the rotunda along with his family and then the viewing tonight is for the police. The lawmakers will not be doing that until the morning, right. That is exactly right. Tonights event is meant to be for that family. The family in uniform. You mentioned in the opening that he was a former National Guardsman. The Law Enforcement community that protects the capitol is vast. Mpd, Capitol Police, Secret Service involved as well. They will have their own memorial for Officer Sicknick. Tonight it is about his Brothers And Sisters in the Capitol Police and his family. As we watch the capitol Police Officers standing at attention, you can see the hearse carrying the remains of Officer Sicknick. Garrett reported the motorcade that is carrying his family has arrived. We are expecting over the next few minutes we will see the Acting Sergeant at arms. You will recall the sergeant of arms in the skmous senate resigned after the capitol attack. We will see them escort the remains and go right into the rotunda where his remains will lie in honor tonight. Want to bring into the conversation now butch jones. He spent more than 35 years as a Capitol Police officer and retired in 2009. Mr. Jones, thank you so much for being with us and helping us to understand some of what we are looking at. I appreciate your time. Thank you for having me. Looks like capitol Police Officers and the members of Officer Sicknicks family together here. My heart really goes out for the family. This brings back memories from 1998 with officer chestnut and officer gibson. A very sad day for all Police Officers, especially Capitol Police. They were both involved in the effort to protect the Capitol On January 6th. It is hard for those on the outside that have been reporting on this and watching this to really understand the trauma and also the camaraderie among those Police Officers and within those police forces. At a time like this it is a policing job unlike any other in the country. For me it feels fitting that tonight is set aside essentially for Officer Sicknicks colleagues rather than having congress there tonight. Lawmakers will pay respects afterwards. It is appropriate the officers get their chance to have a fellow moment with their officers. I think that it is appropriate to allow the Capitol Police to spend time with their fallen officer. What we are watching here is his remains being carried up the east front steps of the capitol. Lets watch this for a second. Again, what we are watching here is the arrival in the u. S. Capitol rotunda of the remains of u. S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick killed in the mob attack on the Capitol On January 6th. You can see a lot of u. S. Capitol Police Officers there, including units that he served in in his nearly 13 years on the force. His remains will stay in the rotunda tonight with essentially a Capitol Police escort. Lawmakers can pay respects in the morning starting at 7 00 a. M. We did see, and i believe we saw House Speaker nancy pelosi and the democratic leader of the senate, majority leader Chuck Schumer at the top of the stairs there as Officer Sicknick was brought into the rotunda. Lets watch it a moment more. We are expect to see Officer Sicknicks family, mother and father and long time girlfriend and brothers and sisterinlaw, aunt and uncle and cousin. We are expecting to see them as well. We know they arrived on site in a motorcade with Officer Sicknicks remains. Again. It is a very rare honor. The fifth time in history that somebody has been afforded this honor of lying under the rotunda. Two previous capitol Police Officers killed in the line of duty were among those that preceded him. You can see the congressional leadership entering the rotunda. Lost the internal image for a moment. This is a live shot at the u. S. Capitol right now. What we are watching is the ceremonial arrival of officer Brian Sicknick and his remains at the Capitol Rotunda. We saw congressional leadership there from both parties as part of the receipt essentially of him for the start of the solemn ceremony. But this will go all night. It will be overnight in the rotunda. Essentially attended by capitol Police Officers. And then we will allow they will allow members of congress to pay their respects in the morning starting early at 7 00 a. M. And there will be a Departure Ceremony which there will be remarks from congressional leaders later on into the morning. And then he will his remains will be brought from the u. S. Capitol to Arlington National cemetery. Joining us now is congressman tim ryan of ohio. One of his responsibilities in congress is that he heads up the subcommittee that funds and oversees the Capitol Police. He worked closely with them in that capacity and in the days after the attack he was frequently the one briefing the reporters on the condition of the injured capitol Police Officers. Thanks for being with us on this really solemn night. Yeah. Thanks for doing this, rachel. I think it is really important the American People get an opportunity to really see the end results. Real human beings and real families after january 6th. I appreciate you doing this. Congressman, it has felt like you had more insight than most of us in terms of the Capitol Police and how they have coped as an organization and just as individuals following the attack and what they went through. Can you give us insight as to the immediate aftermath of the attack, the injuries that the officers sustained and how they are coping in the less than four weeks since all of this happened . Well, you had the trauma, the lead pipes smacked up against officers heads, beating, getting sprayed with pepper spray. All of that which we saw on the videos. The context, rachel, is that for days and for weeks before that these officers were working 12hour shifts and then they went through what happened on january 6th, a completely traumatizing event for so many. So many mistakes made, not by the rank in file but12hour shi. Then you have a Police Force Hit severely with covid, m personne. You continue to work the longer shifts. And so the anxiety, stress, trauma is there. That is why we wanted the National Guard to stick around to really provide relief for them and it is on a scale like most things. It is on a spectrum like most things. Some of the guys that you talk to are like i do not need to talk to anybody. I dont need counseling. I need a couple of good nights of sleep. I need to go home. I need to hug my kids. You know, your kids watched you going through this on january 6th. And then you are up at 5 00 to go to work. You work until 6 00, 7 00 at night and barely see them before they go to bed. The things that help you heal, connection, sleep, you know those kind of things, they are not getting. Now we are seeing a stretch that is really stretched. That is what they and their families are dealing with for the last few weeks and it has been really tough for a lot of them. Congressman, do you know anything about the status of the investigation . The murder of Officer Sicknick. One thing that looms specifically over this incredibly solemn and moving ceremony we are seeing tonight is that there is a federal Murder Investigation opened up into his death. We have not heard anything from the medical examiner or prosecutors and we dont know of any arrests or suspects or leads in the murder. Do you have any information on that or anything we should understand about how that investigation proceeds . Well, i will tell you that it is very intense and there are hundreds of members of congress that are very, very interested in making sure that we get the justice for Officer Sicknick. That investigation is ongoing and important we do not comment on the blow by blow of the investigation. But there is an extremely motivated group of people that want to bring people, one, two more to justice for what they have done to a rank in file Police Officer. So there is a lot of intensity behind it. There is a lot of video as you know and you have reported on so well. A couple hundred thousand to the fbi. Almost 2,000 cameras on capitol hill. You can imagine the level of video and footage that need to be gone through. That is happening. If it is possible to bring somebody to justice, it is going to happen. Congressman tim ryan of ohio. He heads the subcommittee that oversees and funds the Capitol Police and works closely with them in that capacity. Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it. Thanks, rachel. I appreciate you. Again, the Ceremony Tonight that we just witnessed, the Arrival Ceremony of officer Brian Sicknicks remains will be followed in the overnight hours by him lying in honor under the u. S. Capitol rotunda, attended by his fellow u. S. Capitol Police Officers. We will see members of congress pay their respects tomorrow, and there will be a solemn Departure Ceremony midmorning, and then he will go to Arlington National cemetery. What we are seeing is unfamiliar to us. Because this is such a rare thing. And it is it is even more unique than just rare because of the circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic and the fact that the public is not there. The public is not a part of this. This is effectively a closed ceremony. Joining us now is the nbc news president ial historian. Michael, thank you for being with us and i wanted to ask you about your reflections on this tonight and what we should understand in terms of how it fits into history . Rachel, this is something we have never seen before and will god forbid never see again. A president of the United States inciting a Terrorist Attack on congress and on the capitol. It could have led to assassinations and or hostage taking, interruption of the certification of a president ial election. Conceivably it could have taken away our democracy. This is one reason why i think we have to observe the 6th Of January every year as a time we had a very close call to remind us that we have to be eternally vigilant because democracy is fragile. Rachel, we observe 9 11. We remember there were attacks that landed, one that almost landed. An effort to fly an airplane into the capitol and kill a lot of members of congress. That almost happened. Here is a Terrorist Attack that did happen. There has to be a commission and an investigation and a punishment of those that are guilty and make sure that we fix our system to make sure that the 6th Of January will never be seen again in this country. Michael, since i have brought you on in the last couple of moments, we heard President Bidens motorcade has left the white house. Now we dont know if he is coming to the capitol. I suppose that it is possible. It would seem to be fitting if that is what is going on. Absolutely. To have had this happen on january 6th ahead of the inauguration on january 20th and now all of the scrum of the new government and the new administration getting its legs. The multiple prosecutions. Arrests. Ongoing second impeachment of President Trump. It feels like we have not had a moment to mark this trauma that you are describing and say we should be marking every year and it feels like a moment for leadership in terms of having us as a country remember and take stock and appreciate the gravity of what happened. We have gone through four years of emotional and psychological abuse by a president of the United States culminating on the 6th Of January, but even then it did not end. We have to mark that and take it seriously. I understand why after this happened they made a effort to clean up the house and the Senate Chambers and continue the certification of the election. One down side is that it almost normalized it as if it was an episode lasting a few hours and then could be cleaned up. This is something 50 years from now americans will look back on as a day we almost lost our democracy. Michael, thank you for that. Thank you for being here with us tonight. We are going to take a quick break. Again, we are covering what is an ongoing Ceremony Tonight for Brian Sicknick who was killed in the capitol attack. The cameras there, is a pool camera for us and an open press access to this. And the pool camera inside the rotunda shut off a few moments ago. That was planned and a part of the way they were planning to allow the pool to cover it. It is about to come back on. I will tell you that the president ial motorcade has left the white house. I cannot tell you whether or not that means President Biden is coming to the capitol. Coming to the rotunda tonight to pay his respects. We are watching that very closely. We will take a quick break right now and we will be back in just a moment. Ight now and we will be back in just a moment the calming scent of lavender by downy infusions calm. Laundry isnt done until its done with downy. Trelegy for copd. Birds flyin high you know how i feel breeze drifting on by you know how i feel [man coughing] its a new dawn, its a new day. 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But this would appear to be President Biden leaving the white house and coming to the capitol to pay his respects as well. Again, we have not had advance word on this so we will just watch and see what happens here. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Assumer there paying respects. They are not speaking. Just paying their respects tonight. You can see the members of the congressional leadership of both parties doing the same. This is a u. S. Capitol Police Officer killed in the line of duty protecting members of congress. Leadership of the u. S. Capitol police now. Also paying their respects. Its 10 p. M. Eastern time. And our coverage continues now. The Arrival Ceremony for u. S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick who lies in honor tonight at the u. S. Capitol rotunda. My colleague Lawrence Odonnell takes over our coverage now. Thank you, rach. Brian sicknicks family is there at the Capitol Rotunda tonight. We expect President Biden to appear in the rotunda shortly to

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