March 8 - International Day of Women's Solidarity
International Women's Day. Photo credit: Vestnik YURPA
International Women's Day is one of the most popular holidays among men and one of the most loved days among women in the former Soviet Union. It is celebrated in many countries of the world on March 8.
According to some sources, 28 countries recognize this day as an official holiday, while others claim there are 32 such countries. And it is not that easy to do the math, since there are essential differences in the status of this day.
Many sources believe that the foundation of the holiday was laid on February 28, 1908, when a mass rally for women’s equality was held in New York. In particular, women protested against working conditions, stood for equal wages with men, and, most importantly, for giving women the voting right. It should be noted that people who considered themselves absolutely apolitical used to join the rallies for women's rights at that time.