The Bronx is renowned for featuring staples such as Yankee Stadium, Bronx’s “Little Italy” in Belmont, Bronx Zoo, and the New York Botanical Garden. Fordham University is a highly regarded private Jesuit Catholic university, with the main administration office in the Bronx. The historic 85-acre Rose Hill Campus, considered the original campus, is located adjacent to the New York Botanical Garden in northern Bronx. The Bronx has also been home to numerous actors, musical artists, film directors, and athletes. In particular, the South Bronx is renowned as the birthplace of hip hop and its associated cultural movement in the 1970s. Visitors are drawn to the sites where parties and informal performances took place that contributed to the birth of the hip-hop music scene. Organized hip-hop tour companies and hip-hop-themed street art murals also bring visitors to the area.