October 6th, 2015
To celebrate our 15th Birthday, members of the DiS team highlight a record from DiS' lifetime that they feel was overlooked.
These are personal picks, and we kept the definition of "lost" very loose. Some chose under-appreciated albums from reasonably well-known acts. Others went for exceptional records in niche genres. And a few went for records that were adored by DiS, talked about kindly for a few weeks and then didn't seem to get much coverage from the rest of the media.
Released: 2011 via !K7
Chosen by - Gemma Samways: "Have you listened to the New Look album yet?" What started out as a friendly recommendation from a trusted source, quickly turned into regular nagging and, latterly, reproaches as I repeatedly forgot to listen to the New Look album. When I finally did - about four months after its release - I approached the task with a needlessly petulant "go on then, impress me" attitude. The point of all this is not that I don’t like being nagged or that I’m irritatingly stubborn (though I definitely don’t and I definitely can be), it’s that my friend was right: Sarah Ruba and Adam Pavao’s debut blew me away, and continues to do so today.