County Council Passes $245 Million FY22 Budget
7:49 am
County Council, along with County Manager Harry Burgess, right, bottom row, discuss the $2.4M budget item to purchase bear proof trash carts during Monday’s budget hearing. Councilor Sean Williams, center, and Vice Chair James Robinson, bottom left, show support for purchasing the roll carts. Screenshot/LADP
Monday night, Los Alamos County Council approved the FY22 budget, which totals $245,119,586.
The budget was passed 6-1 with Councilor David Reagor opposed. Earlier in Monday’s budget hearing, Reagor motioned to reduce the County Manager’s budget, specifically for the Partners in Progress. He proposed reducing the program’s funding from $1.5 million to $585,000, which is the sum of the three previous projects that were in the program.