Undecorating North Pole Stroll
The sixth annual North Pole Stroll is winding down at Big Spring Memorial Park in Athens. Sponsors have until the end of today to remove the decorations from their tree. Leave the tree and sign standing. More information: Athens-Limestone Tourism Office, 256-232-5411; Teresa Todd, 256-777-7836
Ardmore Tinsel Trail
The Ardmore Tinsel Trial, presented by the Greater Ardmore Chamber of Commerce, is underway now through Jan. 1. The Tinsel Trail is located at the Bryan House at the corner of Ardmore Avenue and First Street.
Undecorated trees
Starting Jan. 1, undecorated trees from the North Pole Stroll display will be available for pickup. The Athens-Limestone Tourism Office asks that those interested in picking up a tree wait until the tree is without decorations and laying on the side of the sidewalk before retrieving it. More information: Athens-Limestone Tourism Office, 256-232-5411; Teresa Todd, 256-777-7836