Liberia: Judiciary Inquiry Commission Recommends One-year Suspension for Chief Commercial Court Judge Eva Mappy-Morgan over US$3M Financial Mal-Practice
Liberia: Judiciary Inquiry Commission Recommends One-year Suspension for Chief Commercial Court Judge Eva Mappy-Morgan over US$3M Financial Mal-Practice
Monrovia – Commercial Court Judge at the Temple of Justice Eva Mappy-Morgan was on Wednesday found guilty of financial malpractice and ordered suspended for one year without pay and benefits by the Judiciary Inquiry Commission (JIC).
The JIC’s recommendation against the head judge of the Commercial Court comes after eight months of investigation into a complaint filed against her by businessman and manager of Liberian owned Ducor Petroleum Company alleging that over US$3 million was withdrawn from his company’s account and given to the Monrovia Oil Trading Company (MOTC) on order of Judge Morgan while the case was pending before the court.