Lenders Hiring MLOs; Correspondent, Tech, Servicing, Tech Products; What you Should Know About Yesterday's Rate Move
Feb 26 2021, 7:56AM
Huh? Rates don’t continually go down and then stay there for an indefinite period of time? No, they don’t. There’s this opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal: “We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April. COVID cases have dropped 77% in six weeks. Experts should level with the public about the good news.” Every lender will tell a client that good economic news is bad for lower rates. We return to the question of, “What’s a lender’s cost to create a servicing asset worth a point?” Yes, yesterday’s rate move was dramatic (we’re already seeing rates come back down slightly this morning, as you’d expect), but lenders are already reminding their production force about monetizing their own database. Is the servicer staying “front of mind” for clients? Lenders are already changing tactics. And change is possible. For example, I got over my addiction to chocolate, marshmallows, and nuts. I won’t lie, it was a rocky road.