Clay County Audit Report Released
By charguth February 11, 2021 2:11 pm
Saga Communications
Spencer, IA (KICD) — Clay County Supervisors received the official audit from the fiscal year ending last June 30th this week.
Winter Stave and Company says the county brought in 34 million 210 thousand dollars in local taxes including 2 million 809 thousand dollars in tax credits from the state. 25 million 88 thousand was forwarded on to schools, cities, townships, and other taxing bodies; 9 million 122 thousand was retained by the county.
Expenses for county operations were 16 million 794 thousand dollars, 6.6 percent more than the previous twelve months.
The full audit is available for public review at the Clay County Auditor’s office and online at the State Auditor’s website.