Of the northern napa valley, not only to here in angwin, but to the towns of st. Helena, and calistoga, 1500 feet below. The fact is, this is a big fight, and this is a fight to the finish. Unfortunately nobody knows where the finish line is. The fight against the glass fires eastern flank took place uncomfortably close to angwin, population 3,400, already under mandatory evacuation. This is largely an intense and relentless aerial battle, putting aircraft including Air National Guard helicopters against the fire that could still make it way to angwin should continues make it possible. Thats because this part of the glass fair is too big and too close to ignore. Angwin is higher and a little further up the road from deer park, which was destroyed fire coming up slope towards angwin from below. We mote john be a both, an evacuationee in st. Helena, who loves the angwin, but has been staying in the valley for the last threes. I monday afternoon about noon, i went to a mandatory evacuation. There were sheriffs deputies, trucks on the road, blasting sirens and intercoms, any announcing the situation, and they came door to. Do many cars left behind are humidded in shopping areas and School Parking lots to hopefully avoid insin race. Its a hardy community, and these people are there to stay, and they live there because they like thereto, and theyre willing to put up with inconveniences and things, but you have to give them a some kind of situation they can handle. Reporter on the valley floor, st. Helena, population 6100 remains under an evacuation warning. Almost no businesses are open. You would love to have some business, but if its not safe for your employees, and some of our employees are evacuated. Reporter its just one more burden machine a half decade full of burdens. Well get through this. We just want our friends to be safe. But, you know with just been disheartening. Reporter calistoga, which was already a ghost town under partial evacuation, saw its mandatory leave ordinaries wide were today. If it werent for mutual aide across the state, between states, and even with other countries, the fight against these wildfires would be hopes, and as it is, its becoming challenging as they get worse and worse. So why arent we deploying more planes to get on these things early so they wont become these catastrophes. It seems like were light on airplanes, and ive heard reports that we are. Reporter brought with so many massive fires and so so many places, Climate Change seems to have overwhelmed all existing resources, signaling the dire need for more resources and more resources very, very soon. As we come back live, the ash fall continues to fall, and of course its meaningless when its just ash because it doesnt do any damage. You pick up the winds and some of that ash is on fire, and thats a really problem. Its called spot fires, and they can do a lot of destruction, tom vacar, ktvu, fox 2 news. And now everybody bracing for more hot gusty weather and the return of those winds to come back tonight. You mentioned the spot fires, the winds, tom, e of this fire. As you know from covering fires, so its erratic, and those em are pushed, meaning those fires and spot fires have embers that can be pushed anywhere. And thats the scary thing. Reporter yeah, and as they become bigger, these fires can make their own weather, and that makes them evenmore erratic. Theres no way to perfectly predict what theyre going to do, but at least one thing, we have a whole lot of folks out there fighting these things, and theyre willing to continue fighting, even though theyre exhausted. All right, tom vacar, reporting live for us. Thank you. Those gusty winds died down earlier this week, and that helped firefighters make progress on the glass fire, but today forecasts are saying another red flag warning will take us back in the north bay starting tomorrow. Mark joins us now for more on all of that p. K. Mark . Hi there, julie. Yeah, the upcoming red flag warning is highlighting the heat and dry conditions heading our way. Temperatures have been coming down little bit over the last now days in most bay area neighborhoods, but tomorrow a quick rebound in temperatures. The winds will pulse up. Not as strong as the event we had over the weekend, but still any wind, even fit 20, 25 miles an hour, is still a huge challenge for the fire crews. Were looking at the fire conditions, at least the sensors right now. It is a warm and hot day, especially as you work your way closer to napa county. Temperatures in the 90s. Winds around 6 to 15 miles an hour, and those readings, relative humidity, coming down to 15 to 18 . With this pattern developing, youve been hearing bout the red flag fire warning in place for the north bay hills and the glass fire area. This begins 1 00 p. M. Thursday to 6 00 p. M. Friday. The winds not as strong as the last event, but still wind be moderately strong, gusts approaching 25 to maybe 30 miles honey hour. Its very hot and dry. Could be in the single digits. Here is the general forecast for tomorrow, as you can see, with the relative humidity coming down around 8 to 1 . Showing you this, that were showing you the wind forecast model, and youll notice the winds do pulse up into thursday evening. Instead of a northeast wind, were actually seeing more of a northwest wind. So its kind of an interesting pattern setting up, but still the same result. We still have dry winds in that area. Now checking out the temperature forecast, the relative humidity, off a barge start tomorrow morning, 60s and 70s into the afternoon hours. Youll notice temperatures really going up. In fact, that santa rosa reading should be closer to 100, even warmer than that, but lots of triple digits around the fire zone. Relative humidity coming down quite a bit. Heat will continue into friday as well. Well have more on the fire zone forecast and also this heat head our way with your full update just minutes away. We want to get an update now on the glass fire. This is a zoom News Conference from cal fire and Sonoma County officials. Well listen in live. Supporting those helicopters to start helping the Ground Troops with that long process of getting in there and mopping up those hot spots. So as we stand coming into the evening tonight, 48,440 acres, 2 contained. Today we have 2,099 firefighters on the line, and we are working to strengthen the lines that we got put in yesterday. So there was successful firing operations completed in anadel park yesterday, and in the sugar loaf state park, down to highway 12 along adobe canyon road, as well as on the northern portion of the Sonoma County side of the line from the end of gates road out to the end of sharp road to secure those two flanks of the fire here in the county. That popup is continuing. Was out on the fire line today. There are a lot of pockets of heavier fuels, like we saw on the wall bridge, especially in the st. Helena rode area, so those crews are diligently works out there to mop up that line. With that, ill call it end of report. Okay, that press conference updating us. I can just recap the specific numbers. 48,000 acres have now burned. The fire is only 2 contained. There are now 2,000 firefighters on the fire lines. Thats up from about a thousand firefighters earlier this week. Also, they have increased the number of helicopters, firefighting helicopters dropping retardant on the flames. They now have 16 helicopters, up from 7 yesterday. S the big news here is red flag conditions again tomorrow. As we heard mark saying just a couple of minutes ago, were looking at winds up to 20 miles an hour. That has been one of the big issues here is battling the fire with the winds. Theyve gone up, died down, came back up. Makes it very difficult to fight the flames. Also looking at temperatures over 100 degrees once again tomorrow. So, again, those are the headlines right now that we know of with the glass fire. Well continue to monitor the briefing and bring you any new information that we get throughout the newscast here. Cal fire has now narrowed their investigation into the possible cause and the origin of the glass fire. Our Investigative Reporter evan is here. Investigators have found the vineyard where they say this fire may have started. Reporter thats right, frank. I watched as wildfire investigators focused on an area next to an electric fence and small structure on the only this vineyard and spoke to a neighbors whose new video of the fires early moments burning in that same location. Wildfire investigators looking here in the cause of the glass fire are concentrating on a remote hillside tucked away in the Howell Mountain region of napa county. Its the standard setup for a wildfire investigation team. The vineyard isnt near any home, and its almost impossible to reach by vehicle. Its down a steep hill from the top of the north forecast of Crystal Springs road. Just east of the silverado trail, north of st. Helena. Almost nothing survived on the fire scared mountains. The vineyard is surround by an electric fence, and there are no power lines around where victors set up. Im in shock. Im devastated at the loss of my neighborhood. Not good. Reportersunday when the fire broke out. She took this video of the flames marching down the same hill side where investigators are now looking. I could see northeast here, a big blaze up on top of the mountain. Reporter soon the fire would engulf everything around here, include something several of her neighbors homes. When felt my hair was going to start singling in i didnt evacuate, you know. Reporter the first calls came in around sunday morning, just down the hill from where cal fire is now investigating. Spotting out ahead of itself. Reporter robert fox worthy described the early chaotic moments of the fire. He could not name a cause of the fire yet, though. They are trying to eliminate what didnt start it and try to figure out what it did. Reporter investigations can take sometimes months or a year. Investigators need to rule out all other possibilities and sometimes they never come up with how a fire started. Determining the cause of a wildfire can have monumental ramifications. Pg e has accepted responsibility for some of californias most devastating fires caused by its equipment. The company declared bankruptcy and settled with the Wildfire Victim inches use this for 13. 5 billion. The utility was quick to distance itself from the glass fire saying in a statement we have no indication that the glass fire is attributable to our facilities. Neighbor told us the vineyard is behind cake bread sellers. Weved out to the country, and they just returned our message saying they are cooperating and providing information to cal fire. And we have continuing coverage of the glass fire this evening. At 5 30, a look at the devastation if Sonoma County, as people return home to see the damage for the first time. Also, a fiery first debate between President Trump and joe biden. Coming up, how the nominees are responding, as the Debate Commission now saying it is preparing to make changes to future debates. But first, after more than six months, people can finally eat indoors again in San Francisco. The excitement from Restaurant Owners in the city. Humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Now to the latest on the coronavirus. According to state numbers released today, there are now more than 810,000 cases of covid19 here in california. There are 3200 new confirmed cases today. More than 15,000 people with the virus have died in california since the start of this pandemic, including 152 more deaths yesterday. Now that San Francisco is in a less restrictive orange tier, Indoor Dining has resumed with some coronavirus restrictions. Christien kafton is in the city tonight where, christien, this is an enormous shift after more than six months. Reporter absolutely, frank. Moving from the red tier to the orange tier means the likelihood of wider reopenings, the likelihood well see more Indoor Dining in restaurants. What it doesnt mean is well be seeing any big crowds congregating indoors anytime soon. San francisco is the first bay area county to move from red to orange if the states color coded coronavirus ratings system. The mayor releasing a statement, saying while the move is encouraging, quote, this does not mean we can relax. The reason we are the first urban or suburban county in the state to move to the orange level has everything to do with taking this virus seriously. Among the major expanded freedoms with moving from red to orange, Indoor Dining at up to 25 capacity, up to 100 people for the first time in more than six months. Restaurateur michael said that means only 10 or 12 people would abe howed at one time in this restaurant. Not enough to upindoor service. Between my staff that i have in the kitchen, which is about three people all the time, and two were three people in the front, so its a lot of payroll for not too many customers. Reporter restaurants are now trying to anticipate how the weather could impact plans for continued outdoor dining. Its almost like a day at a time. Right now were trying to work something out with some kind of fabric to cover, you know, the sun and the heat wave, and but in five or six weeks, well probably have the rainy season starting, so that will be a different ball game, and im not sure how well handle this. Reporter the citys new status also means in Person Religious Services can resume with houses of worship allowed 25 capacity, ortion people, whichever is smaller. It is unlikely that many houses of worship will move quickly to bring congregants into one location said the leader of interfaith ministries. For those faith communities who have sack a mental needs, this will be very desireious for them, however, there are a great number who are hesitant and cautious to proceed. Reporter he said in many cases attendance is up for house of worship for sir cal services and said the citys Faith Community has been working in concert with health and political leaders on on developing best practices, facilitating communication to help the city get to where it is now. When the city declared its state of emergency, and activated its community brandon, we became that liaison between the city and our citys 800 communities of faith. Reporter some schools that applied for permission have begun limited in person instruction. That is expected to expand in the weeks and months ahead. Looking forward, the city is look at reopening limited indoor movie theaters starting in early october and for families outdoor playgrounds are on track to reopen sometime in midoctober. Christien kafton, ktvu fox 2 news. President trump and joe biden are back on the campaign trail today after their chaotic first debate. The former Vice President launched a whistle stop train tour through ohio and pennsylvania this morning. Mr. Biden called the president s interruptions last night quote a national embarrassment. Democrats and some republicans also criticized the president for failing to strongly condemn White Nationalist groups. Stand back and stand by. I just want to ask my republican colleagues how are you not embarrassed that President Trump represents your party . I think he should correct it. President trump declared himself the winner last night, calling biden quote week. This afternoon, the president headed to minneapolis for a fundraiser before attending a Campaign Rally in duluth. Preliminary numbers show more than 65 million americans watched the president ial debate on Television Last night. Thats the largest audience since the last super bowl. Instead of a traditional dhec. , it was slugfest of insults, interruptions, and name calling. Our political reporter, greg lee, is with us gain to talk about changes organizers could make moving forward. Julie, frank, good evening. There is no question last night was a disaster. Now, the commission on president ial debates is looking at ways to clean it up. And one of them is reportedly turning off microphones. Will you shut up, man. Listen, who is on your list, man. Youre the worst president america has ever had. Commonly come on. Let me tell you, joe, ive done more in 47 months, more than youve done in 47 years, joe. Reporter in the aftermath of a chaotic first president ial debate, joe biden and President Trump gave their assessments today. I thought the debate last night was great. Weve gotten tremendous reviews on it. Were hitting what people want, law and order. What i tried to do last night, i tried to speak directly into the camera to the American People to talk about their concerns, to talk about whats on their mind, to talk about what i would do were i president. Reporter in response to the disastrous 90 minutes, the commission on president ial debates said its considering changes to future formats to add structure. Everyone was talking over each other, and i dont think that it provided any more clarity, unfortunately, for those undecided voters who are still out there. Reporter thats spoke about issues like the supreme court, covid19, and Climate Change, but all of it overshadowed by interruptions and insults from the president , and name calling from bead. President trump did great as we have come to see his debate performances in the 2016 cycle and how he has run the country over the last fewer years. We had a leader in joe biden who could stand there toeto toe with are the current president , who attempted to distract us from his utter record of utter failure, i think makes it clear. While there were some notable moments, the emptys failure to expression italy denounce White Supremacists and a far right group drew criticism. Proud boys, stand back and stand by. Reporter the answer drew come domination from both sides of the aisle. Biden shared a different message for the extreme up group from the campaign trail. Cease and desist. Thats not who we are. This is not who we are as americans. Reporter when pressed today, the president told reporters he has always denounced quite any form of any of that end quote adding this. And i dont know who proud boys are, but move they are, they have to stand down, will it Law Enforcement do their work. Next well have our one and only Vice President ial debate, and the next president ial debate will be on october 15th. We should point out the format of that in miami will be a town hall meeting. Undecided voters will be in the audience, with questions directed specifically to the nominees, so maybe that will mean a more civil exercise. Yeah, i flinch everyone, greg, wants to hear more substance. But when i. Cops to last nights debate, most people have already decided who they are going to vote for, but when it comes to the undecided voters, from what youre hearing today did last nights performance sway any voterrors change any minds . Well, think you point out that poll, julie, 86 of people going into last night already knew who they are going to vote for, put those undecided voters are an important segment, and if we base this solely on donations, joshs Campaign Said they had one of the best hours last night during the debate for donations, but i would like to give submit time to see how the polls move in the coming weeks. But again, think if you were an undecided voter looking for that substance last night, you certainly did not get it from either man. Greg, thanks. Seven killings in less than a week in oakland. How the interim police chief is addressing all of the recent violence. Give you my world how can i, when you wont take it from me you can go your own way go your own way your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. The interim police chief in oakland spoke out today in response to 7 kills in oakland during a 5day period. Henry slow here with more on what the chief is doing to try to crack down on the violence. Henry . Reporter the chief today pledged to take action and gain those responsible for the recent violence, but said the coronavirus pandemic is in part to blame. Oakland homicide investigators do have their hands full. Since thursday, 7 people have been killed on the streets of oakland, including two teenagers, including 16year old aaron pryor, a skyline Football Player shot and killed in east oakland on sunday in broad daylight. Police have stepped up patrols and are working with the community in hopes of bringing the violence to an end. They have recovered more than 700 guns, but homicides and shootings are up at least 62 compared to the same time last year. Interim police chief Susan Manheimer said the coronavirus is taking a toll on the community and is a contributing factor to the jump in violence. We start to realize that the impacts that pandemic has had are causing some of the increase in the violence and the tension and angst within our communities. The economy, finances, and unemployment, the lack of resources simply in some of these communities and not having the access to the healthcare, to the protective equipment, and to the internet for their children and doing distance learning. Now police have been canvassing neighbor neighbors to look for evidence in the shootings, but said they need people to come forward with information to the violence incidents. They were looking for clues, because was even more shooting and violence last night. More on the glass fire is straight ahead. Coming up after the break, a tour of some wellknown wineries to see the damage that the flames left behind. Also, while thousands remain evacuated in the north bay, some people are being allowed to return home. After the break, the sigh of relief from some residents in santa rosa. I could have swore leaving here on sunday night that the house was going to go. I was in my backyard looking at flames 45 to 50 feet tall. Im voting yes on prop 19 to help californias most vulnerable. Over 24,000 homes were destroyed by wildfires in less than two years. Too many of those victims are also hit with a sudden tax hike after their forced to move. Its wrong. Prop 19 limits taxes on Wildfire Victims and limits taxes on seniors and severely disabled homeowners. Join firefighters and Emergency Responders in voting yes on 19. You make my heart sing wild thing i. Think i. You know what i think . I think you owe us 48. 50. Wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. If you ride, you get it. Gall californians will be able to vote safely from home. Every active, registered voter will receive a votebymail ballot with a unique barcode. You can track it using wheres my ballot . And youll receive automatic notifications by text, email or voice call to let you know the status of your ballot once you mail it, drop it off at your polling place or at a drop box. Vote by mail ballots. Simple, safe, secure. Counted. Learn more at vote. Ca. Gov 2100 fires are now on the fire lines on the glass fire. A red flag warning is in effect for tomorrow, which could complicate the firefight. More than 22,000 homes and other buildings are threatened in both napa and sonoma counties. 113 structures, including 80 homes, have been destroyed. And we want to give you a live look now from calistoga. The contrast here is so sobering. On the right, you see the world famous sign there saying we will to this winegrowing region napa valley, and then when you see all of the smoke and fire that is still burning out of control, again as of tonight, only 2 contained. We are going to talk more in a few minutes with cal fire deputy chief jonathan cox to learn more about the fire, the containment, and what their biggest priority is right now. Families in eastern santa rosa are returning home tonight for the First Time Since being evacuated due to the fast moving flames. For many, it is a sigh of relief. But others are still waiting to be allowed to return home. Cristina rendon joins us with an update on those changing evacuation orders. Cristina . Well, julie, a lot of people returned overnight, but thousands are also return egg home today and do so with a mix of emotions while others are still waiting to see if they even have a home to go back to. That hill up top right now, where all of those trees are, thats the majority of where i saw those crazy flames, 45 to 50 feet. Reporter the house he grew up is in still standing. I was pretty nervous pulling out, because i could have swore leaving here on sunday night that the house was going to go. I was in my backyard looking at flames 45 to 50 feet today. Reporter the santa rosa native was evacuated for two days. He is among more than 19,000 under an evacuation warning that are now allowed back. Roughly 8,000 remain evacuated under mandatory orderers like dan of sky hawk. All of the reports i get are on contradicting to each other, saying this area is under an evacuation warning, but then i go back and check and its still evacuated, and im not allowed in. Reporter police are aware of the concern and confusion, and i urging the residents to check the citys website for updates on the evacuation zones. I know its frustrating. Our goal is to get people home as soon as possible, but when it is safe. This is how many year ares in a row now that were getting evacuated from our neighborhoods . I lost count, but, what, three or four . Yeah, this is the getting real old, real fast. Reporter frustration, not knowing in his home survived. The glass fire is a reminder that fire season is nearing its peak, and he seems thankful to firefighters, but still nervous about another red flag warning thursday. Hes home but not yet ready to unpack. I think Everybody Knows how quickly these fires can spread after these last fewer years. Everybody is on edge, but, yeah, ill be looking at my phone quite diligently tonight and tomorrow. They are evacuating every day which areas can be reopened. Some areas dont have electricity. We know that pg e is working to restore power. Cristina rendon, ktvu fox 2 news. Weve been checking in on some of the napa valley wine russ that burned in the fire over the past few days. This is from hourglass winery in st. Helena at about 8 00 this morning. Both the wine and i have the guest house on the property were destroyed. However, the owner told the chronicle an underground cave that housed beautiful aging wine likely survived. We visited chateau boswell winery in st. Helena. We found the front gates taped off and some of the structures burned. Some of the wine grapes also burned, but we found other grapes that looked to be largely intact. They have been in the napa valley for more than 40 years. And honey cut wines on the silverado trail was mostly spared. The main build with the tasting room and main offices, still standing. They went on to thank the firefighters who have been working nonstop in the area. We are learning about a frightening situation for two firefighters battling the glass fire. They found themselves entrapped and overrun by the flames. Joining us now to talk more about that and the firefight against the fire is jonathan cox. Jonathan, what happened to those two firefighters . Yeah, frank, so on sunday night when the fire was really blowing from napa valley into santa rosa on those offshore conditions, two firefighters found themselves in a situation where fire inteittheir fire shelter, which is our tool of last resort for survival. They utilized the training and tools they had. Some vehicles were damaged, but that is an indication of how wednesday and the fire behindier were seeing at the moment. So would they deploying some like this, basic lay fireproof shield they pull over themselves, it means they were about to be overrun by the flames, correct . Reporter yeah, thats correct. Its our tool of last resort. It means when you feel you are being overrun by flames or heat, and conditions are such that you need a reliable piece of breathable air, thats when the firefighters get in those shelters. Its something that is very rare. Its also something that no firefighter ever wants to do. So were happy to report that they are uninjured, but, again, a stark reminder for just how dangerous the conditions are at the moment. Well, lets talk about this situation right now. Are you making progress . We are making progress. You know, every percent contain system just hour hours of work by firefighters out on the line. Today gave us a little bit of a window of opportunity. We didnt see extreme weather conditions. We are having some growth on the eastern side of this fire. But we really just had today to prepare for what is another offshore wind event with some red flag warnings coming into tomorrow, and thats where our concern lies, now what are our tactics over the next 24 to 36 hours to ensure that we protect the communities we have evacuated. So jonathan, i though that you now have 16 helicopters fighting the fire, up from 7 yesterday. You also have 2,000 firefighters on the line, up from a thousand earlier this week. We did hear from someone, a homeowner up in that area, earlier in our newscast, and he was wondering why you dont have any planes flying over the fire, dropping retardant on the flames. Yeah, thats a great question. So all of our air resources are regional assets, which means whatever fire has the highest priority at that moment will get the aircraft that they need. The issue that were really having on this fire is a visibility issue for where the fire head is. So to get aircraft underneath that smoke layer, there has to be clear visibility, especially when youre talking about 747s and dc10s, in some cases a couple of hundred feet off the tree tops, there has to be visibility to see when we fly them through. At the moment, there is just an unfortunate amount of smoke that we cant get the fixed aircraft in. What do you say fuel of the folks who are up there evacuated, wondering if theyre going to come home to their house . Yeah, so, you know, it never gets easier when we talk about fires and damage and destruction. You know, as firefighters, we want to save every single home and every single life. Thats what our job and our submission. So its heartbreaking. Its our families in the fire service who also have lost homes. You know, what we can tell everybody is that there are 2,000 firefighters and First Responder more on the way for you to make sure that we get you home as quickly as possible, and should be there damage or destruction on your property, to ensure that we start the Recovery Process as quickly as we can. As always, jonathan, well leave it there, but thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us tonight. We know that youre very busy. Appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up, we have been hearing all about with concerns involving the coronavirus during the upcoming flu season. The Bay Area Company that is aiming to tackle both viruses. Also ahead, authorities finally make an arrest after two deputies were am bushed and shot in southern california. What were learning about the suspect. Humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. A man suspected in an ambush shooting of two l. A. County deputies earlier this month is now in custody. 36yearold deon they lemury. The deputies were shot while seating in their patrol car in an attack that investigators now call premeditated. The suspect was actually arrested two weeks ago in connection with an earlier carjacking of a mercedesbenz, whichs is the car allegedly used by the shooting suspect. A ghost gun was also linked to the ambush. The deputies have both been released from the hospital and are recovering, but Authorities Say they will need more surgery. A kentucky judge has granted attorney general Daniel Camerons request to delay the recordings of the grand jury proceedings in the Breonna Taylor case, just as they were expected to be made public. Steve harrigan tells us the judge is not giving cameron as much time as he wanted. Reporter a louisville judge on wednesday approving a twoday delay in the release of recordings from the grand jury proceedings in the Breonna Taylor case. This hours after kentuckys attorney general filed a motion asking the court to push the release of the 20hour record big one week, citing the need to redact names and other personal information. The filing calling it necessary quote in the interest of protection of witnesses and in particular private citizens named in the recordings. The decision before my office as the special prosecutor in this case was not to decide if the loss of miss taylors life was a tragedy. The answer to that question is unequivocally yes. Reporter this comes one week after the grand jury brought charges against one of the three louisville officers involved in executing a warrant during which 26yearold Breonna Taylor was shot six times and killed. None of the officers have been charged with her death. However, former directive Brett Hankison has been indicted on three counts of wanton endangerment for firing shots into neighbors apartments. He pled not guilty on monday. That decision sparking more nationwide unrest as taylors family and activists called for the grand jury file to be released. If you did effect that you could do on breonnas behalf, you shouldnt have any problem whatsoever, daniel cameron, to releasing the transcript reporter cameron said the recordings will show that his office presented a clear and thorough case to the grand jury. Steve harrigan, fox news. I think that the development of this test will definitely make things a lot easier. A potential gamechanger in the fight against the coronavirus. The test that can detect four viruses at once, including the flu and the coronavirus. And in bay area weather, tracking a major warmup yet again as we head into your thursday forecast patch heat at sidery in triple digits, and also poor air quality. Well have the forecastup date coming up. They do one of the most difficult jobs there is, even in normal times. Our Frontline Health care workers. And when these heroes lack the resources they need, that risky job gets ten times harder. Prop fifteen makes corporations pay their fair share. Inve, in our clinics, in the essential workers who treat everyone rich, poor, and inbetween. Whether its this pandemic or the next health crisis, vote yes on prop fifteen. For all of us. Jesse gary tells us a new test for the coronavirus can also identify if a person is suffering from the seasonal flu. Reporter wednesday the production wheels rolling at sep hied for a test to determine covid19 and three other virus i think it will be a really important is a test to bring to the front lines during the upcoming respiratory season. Reporter dr. David persing and a team of 10 saw the coming flu season and developed a four plex test targeting rna to diagnosis covid, two forms of the seasonal flu bug, and rsv. For the very young and the very old can get really severely ill with rsv. Very much covid19like. They get all of the classical symptoms very similar to covid 19. Its so important to include that. Reporter the two test is administered similar to existing covid19 tests by neasele cavity swabs. Those suffering symptoms can know in a little less than an hour with Game Changing accuracy. Is this a game change inventory stop the spread of covid19 . I think the development of this test will definitely make things a lot easier. Reporter dr. Jake scott is a Stanford University Infectious Diseases expert. Come through season, i cant ever imagine someone coming into an e. R. With flulike symptoms and not being tested for all three of those org anisms. Combining them will certainly help in terms of saving resources, using one card ridge to catch all four. Reporter officials of the company say the new test is being shipped to hospitals and clinics in the bay area and beyond, arriving before the start of the flu season in november. The next hurdle . Making sure its compatible with testing symptoms that are already in place. In san jose, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. Well, bay area weather, we are tracking a bigtime heatup as we head into your thursday forecast, and also increase in the fire danger. Its amazing how much has happened in the past few days. As we lock at the glass fire. The first report from cal fire, the tweet sunday morning, 6 00 a. M. , only 20 acres. Look what has happened since then, with the explosive growth with this fire, unfortunately, over the past few days from 8 00 this morning, the current estimate in size about 48,000, over 48,000 acres, and unfortunately we have some more heat and very dry conditions in the forecast for tomorrow, and a red flag fire warning around the fire zone. Temperatures could be topping 100 degrees. Winds tomorrow will not be as strong as this last weekend, but sometime winds around 20 to 25 miles an hour. That could cause issues and still very dry single digits, relative humidities. Highs from today in the bay area, as we look at the numbers were showing you. A few triple digits. Hot inland. San jose in the upper 80s. Actually pleasant around the bay, but tomorrow, everybody a significant warmup. Temperatures in a few neighborhoods up a good 10 to 15 degrees from today. We have a heat advisory thursday in place, and temperatures well above the average, even out toward San Francisco and right near the immediate coastline. Satellite, were showing you this, and we still have the layer of haze. Of course the smoke drifting over the bay area, and the fog from this morning has cleared out. So right now we have just hazy sunshine. The smoke moving overhead. Temperatures still hot, out towards fairfield right now. 801 degrees. San jose in the upper 80s. San francisco in the 70s, and santa rosa in the upper 80s. Looking out toward the out toward San Francisco, still lots of haze overhead and that spare the air alert continues. We are showing you some unhealthy levels scattered enough portions of the north bay. This green around santa rosa, this could change quickly as that smoke if haze drifts around. We have orange levels for San Francisco and oakland. Same in the south bay. And actually better air quality closer to santa cruz. So here is that spare the air alert for your thursday. This continues into friday. Well be in the unhealthy range for tomorrow, oranges and some reds. Here is the smoke forecast model. It sticks around, obviously with all of the fire activity, and that will be the case as we head into your thursday. Here is the plan tomorrow. A warm start will lead to a very hot afternoon. The hot spots could be approaching 105 degrees. That heat advisory in place. Well look at the numbers. Forecast highs for your thursday afternoon. Look at all of the triple digits. So a big rebound in temperatures. Even San Francisco 90 degrees. San jose in the mid90s. Here is a look ahead. Your fiveday forecast into your friday, the heat sticks around, cools off a little bit, and finally we get a chance to cool off. Well definitely need it as we head into the weekend. A new surge in coronavirus cases is spreading as more states move ahead with reopening plans. Im jonathan in atlanta. Ill have details coming up. American Airlines Says they are going to furlough 19,000 companies. The airline said the layoffs are because lawmakers in washington cant agree on a Coronavirus Relief bill. Americans ceo says in washington is able to come up with 25 billion in aid for the airline industry, the cuts would then be avoided. At this time, its unclear how many people in the bay area will be affected. Some states are expanding social distancing rules. Meantime, in washington d. C. , the longstalled coronavirus stimulus bill is show something signs of life again. Jonathan has the details. Reporter most Public Health experts agree were now experiencing a new coronavirus surge. Nearly two dozen states seeing big spikes if confirmed cases over the last week. Mostly in the west. Despite the uptick, a number of states are moving forward with their reopening plans, including iowa, where the governor announced a policy change making it easier for folks to avoid a 14day quarantine if they have been exposed to covid19. This new guidance is not a mandate. Its guidance. Reporter but northeast states, social distancing ruling because extended, including new york, where the testing Positivity Rate has been increasing, and Officials Say Law Enforcement will start cracking down on violators. Compliance and enforcement is key. I cant say it any more bluntly than that. And overseas, the u. K. Is also experiencing a massive surge. New restrictions aimed at stopping the spread are now in place. But the Prime Minister says the virus is now behaving differently than it did in the spring. The illness is more localized. Thats why you need direct local action of the kind that were taking, in addition, in addition to the Strong National measures. Havent meanwhile on capitol hill, there are signs democrats and the white house are discussing a new coronavirus stimulus bill, with anxious lawmakers pleading with their colleagues to make a deal. We cant wait until november to do this. This is not something you can just put off until after the election. Reporter the Commerce Department received the u. S. Economy will likely shrink this year for the First Time Since the great recession. And i felt my hair was going to start singeing if i didnt just evacuate. Thousand of people evacuated and at least 80 homes reduced to rubble. Now cal fire has narrowed their investigation into the origin of the glass fire that is still burning out of control in napa and sonoma counties. And this comes as there is yet another red flag warning in the north bay taking effect tomorrow. Good evening, everyone, im frank somerville. And im julie haener. Ktvu spotted cal fire investigators working in a vineyard on a secluded hill side in the napa valley as they try to determine the origin and cause of this latest devastating fire. First evan joins us with new information about possibly where the wildfire may have started. Evan . So, julie, i watched as wildfire investigators focused on an area next to an electric fence and a small structure on the edge of this vineyard. I also spoke to a neighbor who has new video of the fires early moments burning in that same location. Wildfire investigators looking for the cause of the glass fire are consen traiting on a remote hill side in napa county. They were looking at burn patterns, using survey

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