We are all in it together, good evening, everyone. I am julie haener, working from home. Im frank somerville. It is tough to gauge progress when the numbers continue to go up. The death toll from the coronavirus is now past 10,000 here in the United States and is approaching 11,000. In california, gov. Newsom said that he expects the outbreak will peak in midmay but he also said there are already indications that the hospitalization rate is slowing down. Signs of progress in the fight against the coronavirus in new york. Retail and travel stocks were among the biggest gainers with markets up more than 7 today. And the Prime Minister of Great Britain was put in intensive care at the hospital after his symptoms for coronavirus took a turn for the worst. Boris johnson was diagnosed with coronavirus 10 days ago, the white house is now reaching out to offer assistance. Gov. Newsom said california will be lending 500 ventilators to the National Stock file to help u. S hotspots. At the same time Santa Clara County is looking for used ventilators. Allison smith tells us the county is willing to pay 1000 for each ventilator as even if it is broken. Reporter they are willing to pay a finders fee, donations are accepted. The governor has said today that current models show coronavirus cases are not expected to peak until next month. Santa clara county is not taking any chances, and planning ahead. Leaders in Santa Clara County taking a different approach monday to obtain life same Big Equipment to treat covid19 patients calling for used or old ventilators and offering 1000 a piece. Even if they are broken, we are interested in those ventilators because we want to make sure that we can get as many as we can hear. Reporter right now, they have 435 ventilators available, and foresees needing 1000 more. Bloom energy will refurbish them, the ventilators will then be distributed to all 11 hospitals in the county. Ventilators like these are expensive, hightech pieces of equipment but we know that they are out there. Reporter ironically gov. Newsom announced 500 ventilators from california supply will be sent to the National Stockpile, since to other states, particularly new york. We want to extend not only thoughts and prayers but we are also extending a hand of support with ventilators. Repinventory from 7500 to more than 11,000. He also said ventilators will be lent, not given. For all of those reasons, and the responsibility, the moral and ethical responsibility, of providing resources and to those most in need, that is why we thought it appropriate to send those. Reporter a former director with fema appeared on ktvu monday, weighing in on the governors announcements. He also saw a need across the nation that was just dire, and so they transitioned those to the strategic stockpile, so now fema can move those ventilators, wherever priority needs it. Reporter the governor says the peak is not expected in california until may. Santa clara county board of supervisors president cindy chavez said counties need to be resourceful and repaired. Santa clara county, one of the hardest hit during the outbreak with more than 1200 positive cases and 39 lives lost. We are a country that is not with need, and i do really respect the governor is balancing the needs of californians with recognizing that new york may hit their surge sooner than us. Reporter where to find his old ventilators, the county says elder care facilities, surgical centers, universities, and colleges may have some that are not in use. We did post a phone number on our web store a at ktvu. Com, for those interested in giving. And now to washington, with Health Experts on the Coronavirus Task force say social distancing is working. And now americans are being encouraged to take it a step further by spacing out visits to the Grocery Store. More now from fox news and lauren blanchard. Ter president confident in the federal governments response, despite grim warnings for the coming weeks as the coronavirus spreads. The next week, we can do have, is going to be a big surge. To professionals, and i think we are in good shape. Reporter the Coronavirus Task force is recommending people continue to stay home, saying they see signs that it is slowing the virus. What we have been doing has been working. Reporter even encouraging people to wait two weeks between grocery runs and limiting the number of family members who go to the store. We have to do even more, right now, because that will predict where we are two or three weeks from now. Reporter meanwhile in congress, sen. Chuck schumer says a phase for relief bill will be needed. President trump says that they have said they have serious discussions and he is open to the idea of another relief bill but that it must be focused on infrastructure. We want to have an infrastructure bill, a real one, like end of or, rather, in the vicinity of 2 trillion. Reporter each still making partisan swipes. He is all about politics, i have known him almost all of my adult life. And he is a disgrace. Reporter President Trump and former vp joe biden spoke by phone monday afternoon. Bidens Campaign Said he shared some suggestions on how to deal with the outbreak. President trump said he appreciated the warm 15 minute conversation. In washington, lauren blanchard, fox news. They are donating hundreds of pieces of personal protective equipment to the medical center. They have been designated to receive patients under an agreement by the state of california and Verity Health system which owns the hospital. The mayor said the City Reserves produced 500 gallons, 750 gloves, and 100 masks. The city has decided to scrounge up all of the personal Protection Equipment and other stuff that the folks here can use. Last week, San Mateo County also made a contribution, giving the hospital 12,000 masks, and 1200 goggles from their emergency stockpile. Two more Testing Centers opened up around the bay area today, one of the site is located in the parking lot of the Henry J Kaiser Convention Center in oakland. It offers testing for first responders, healthcare workers come and Grocery Store employees. An appointment is required. Other center open in San Francisco, the centers for city workers on the front lines such as Law Enforcement officers, firefighters, 911 dispatchers, and healthcare workers. Tonight, the head of muni is asking people not to write if they dont have to. Services been drastically reduced starting tomorrow , a right to the lower ridership. By monday they will cut down to 17. They also set up to 40 of the operators are expected to be self quarantine in the coming weeks, so they are asking if only essential workers ride to keep it as safe as possible. As a lifelong advocate of transit and as the director of the sfmta i never thought i would say this. But please, if you have any other option for getting around, please do not write muni. Even though ridership is down 80 , they still care about 100,000 passengers a day. Bart is also Cutting Service again, starting on wednesday part is planning a 50 reduction and will only run trains every 30 minutes on weekdays. The move is in response to shrinking demand it is estimating the cuts will save bart three to 7 million a month. We can service wont be affected. Healthcare workers on the front lines of the deadly cases of the coronavirus have been noticing something different. Preliminary data shows more men are dying than women, by a two to one ratio. New at ten, we asked an expert about the reason for the disparity. Reporter the world health organization, the cdc and local Health Officials are collecting a large amount of information about the coronavirus, patients and those who passed away. But one of the things that experts say is really critical is for researchers to look at the gender and other factors as people try to create vaccines and cures. New questions are emerging as the coronavirus continues to take lives. And data in multiple parts of the world show that men with the virus have a higher fatality rate than women. In Santa Clara County, the number of confirmed cases is 52 men, 40 women. But 67 of the deaths are men. Up luminary study from china shows more male than female patients dying from covid19. And the World Organization chart for italy and spain has a higher rate of deaths from an infected with covid19 than women. So there are several factors that contribute to this gender difference. Reporter dr. Lee riley says behavior could be one big factor, with men tending to smoke and drink alcohol more than women. That can contribute to different kinds of vascular diseases and those themselves are also associated with bad outcomes. Reporter he says studies show men also tend to wait longer than women to visit doctors. So by the time they get to a doctor, they may have more severe diseases. Reporter he says Research Indicates genetics might also give womans immune systems in advantage, with 2x chromosomes. A couple of genes are involved in immune response wears in the mail, there is only one. Reporter covid19 is not the only respiratory disease that shows a gender difference. The sars epidemic that we saw 17 years ago, again, there was a male predominance, tuberculosis is another major respiratory Infectious Disease and we see a ratio of 70 to 30, the disease being much more common in males. Reporter he says as researchers look for vaccines and cures, it is important to collect and analyze data for gender as well as differences in race and ethnicity. It is greater among african americans, and people of ethnic minority backgrounds, and so, those types of data are very important. Reporter and today the Lawyers Committee for civil rights under law sent a letter to health and Human Services secretary, that calls for the cdc to release data on the race and ethnicity of those with covid19. Those factors, they say, very important along with gender. And they are asking for a response in the next few weeks. There is no oracle to turn to to tell us when this is going to end. And what the future will hold. She was the first to legally prohibit large events, at 10 30, the Health Officer on staying at home. Flattening the curve, and what happens next. A wellknown San Francisco bookstore is struggling to stay open. The owner shares his story. Scattered showers as we head to the bay area evening, tomorrow looks like we will see a lot of sunshine in a little bit warmer, i will have the everyone is working a little differently now. So we can still answer your calls. And we are monitoring our system 24 7 to ensure that we have a fast reliable network, keep the customers connected, and making sure people are staying safe. And were still on the road. Solving Critical Issues as they arise. Go to xfinity. Com prepare. Thank you. We find a way through it. Its about taking care of each other. Its the small parts that make a big difference. At chevy we promise to do ours. To help keep you on the road, your Chevy Certified Service experts are here and ready to help. If you require parts, maintenance or repairs, chevy and its dealers remain committed to your vehicle needs. You can even schedule your appointment online. Its just our way of doing our part. A huge day on wall street because of hopeful news of the number of cases of coronavirus may be peaking in the state of new york. The dow was up 1627 points, the nasdaq was of 540, and the s p was up 175. Those are gains of more than 7 for each index. Never San Francisco where large but quirky bookstore is among the many businesses there that has been closed down because of the shelter in place orders. And like other businesses the owners are eager to turn the page. Amber lee has the story of green apple books that had it started back in 1967. Reporter green apple books is located here on clement street in the richmond district. Normally, the store would still be open, it closes at 10 30. Now, all sales have shifted to its website. I want to unlock the door and let people back into the store. Reporter it is unnaturally quiet inside green apple books. The shelves are filled with there is no one rousing in the aisles. It is amazing how quickly it just shut down. Reporter he is coowner of this bookstore and to others in the city. It is very strange. And we have a garbage cans in the store and our boxes in places where there would not be. Reporter coping with the third play third week of shelter in place, he laid off most of his employees and cannot pay rent. He now depends on selling books online which he says has increased substantially. But the margin for profit is slim. The orders are filled with thirdparty source so they take their cut. It is my go to place, i walk in here two or three times a week. Reporter when online order came from a longtime patron who lives nearby. I missed that i cannot come in here, and look for recommendation. Reporter they will be hosting its first online event tuesday evening, via zoom with an offer who is releasing a new book. He hopes to start chapter will end soon. I love my job, i miss coming into the store and touching the books, and seen the customers and seeing all of my sellers. Reporter he is optimistic he will be able to reopen the store once the shelter in place order is lifted. He says the question is, how many people will come into the store and buy books once this crisis is over . The economic fallout from the coronavirus appears to be hurting the newspaper industry. The bay area news group, which consists of the mercury news and dismay times announced furloughs and layoffs today citing a decline in advertising. The examiner and sf weekly say they have also seen a drop in ad revenue. Staff and hours have been cut of the two papers in the print version of sf weekly has been suspended temporarily. New survey shows a number of Silicon Valley companies are considering layoffs because of the economic fallout from this pandemic. In that survey by the Silicon Valley leadership group, 18 of employers is said that they are either planning or at least considering layoffs. On the positive side, 61 of the Companies Said that they are continuing to higher. San jose, employees at a Mcdonalds Restaurant on n. 1st st. Walked off the job this morning. Workers says that the restaurant is not doing enough to ensure that employees are properly protected during this health crisis. They said mcdonalds is not supplying gloves, or masks, or the cleaning supplies that they need to stay safe. Some employees told us that they are buying their items on their own. Many restaurants mcdonalds is only taking, only doing take out the drivethrough, or delivery orders. Hail pelted the ground in parts of the bay area today, as thunderstorms rolled through northern california. This video was captured this afternoon. Rain made for slick roadways today as well. This is the view at that driver as he navigated mid day. Bill martin joins us now, anymore showers after tonight . The scattered showers are dying down right now, we did have that winter storm warning, that has gone away in the we did get rain to the tune of half inch in some parts of the bay area, even more in the Santa Cruz Mountains, of course we had the big rain yesterday which was significant for everybody but especially in the south bay, san jose, three and 4 inches of rain in some of the high rain spots. We did see hail up in north, up toward hallsburg as well. This system, lets take a look, you see earlier this evening, the yellow, they come back around again, you see that wrapping moisture going to the north bay, late this afternoon, early this evening, all of this activity has begun to shift to the south, that is what we are looking at. Now, they are getting heavy rain and we are going to start to see a break. There is a slight chance for a shower or a sprinkle tomorrow, you will notice it is cold tomorrow morning when you get going, look how chilly it is outside right now, temperatures are already a good five, six, seven degrees cooler than they were last night. Said tomorrow morning starts off cool, a slight chance for a sprinkle for your tuesday but overall tomorrow will be all about clearing skies, more sunshine, and temperatures have been four and five, six degrees warmer than today and that is the trend. A warming trend. I will see you back here in just a bit with a five day forecast. Still to come, an unprecedented need at a well known dining hall for the hungry in San Francisco. Later tonight, how st. Anthonys is trying to keep up despite not being able to use any volunteers. Up first, though, a last minute reprieve for homeowners, the two counties extending their property tax deadlines.  what we do now will forever change our tomorrow. So lets do the right thing, today. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets always keep our distance please, six feet apart at least. Lets look after ourselves, as well as others. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. And your response could help Impact Community funding for schools and Lunch Programs. Dont just talk about it be about it thats right. Its not too late. Shape your future. Start here at 2020census. Gov. New at ten, San Francisco and san mateo counties are the first in the bay area to extend their property tax deadline due to the coronavirus outbreak. That means Property Owners have an extra month to file until may 4. County offices are currently closed due to the stayathome orders. All other bay area counties are sticking to the deadline of this friday, april 10. But other counties including alameda, contra costa, solano and santa clara say they will work with Property Owners to waive late fees and penalties. Most counties rely on property taxes for a significant portion of their budget. The economic downturn from the coronavirus could jeopardize pg es plant payouts, last year, attorneys negotiated a 13 1 2 billion dollars deal for victims of deadly wildfires, caused by pg es equipment. But now, there are doubts about whether pjd will be able to pay the full amount. Court documents filed today show pg es plan to emerge from bankruptcy this summer could be threatened. The concerns center on the economic downfall triggered by the coronavirus pandemic. The state judicial count do counsel voting innocently to suspend bail. It was part of an emergency order to reduce the population in county jails where the risk of contagion remains high. The council also voted to implement the governors moratorium on evictions. Both measures will remain in effect until 90 days after californias state of emergency is declared to be over. Reporter a man in richmond was a man involved in the site was arrested for violating the covid19 stayathome order. The east bay time supports it happened at about 10 00 sunday night. Police said about 20 cars and 100 people gathered at the intersection to take part in and watched that illegal sideshow. A 19yearold was arrested for violating the county health order, and for reckless driving and evading police. Coming up, coronavirus inspections of the Alameda County jail, what is being done to protect inmates and workers, and why some say it is not good enough. Presents her primary at a time when people are being asked to stay home. The late ruling from Wisconsin Supreme Court on whether tomorrows elections will go forward. Another sporting event canceled for the First Time Since world war ii, the british open will not take place. Later in sports, mark will tell us when and where it will return. Up first, the first to take bold action to cancel Public Events and order people to stay home. For weeks later we hear from Santa Clara Countys public Health Officer on where we stand now, in the fight against the coronavirus. Everyone is working a little differently now. So we can still answer your calls. And we are monitoring our system 24 7 to ensure that we have a fast reliable network, keep the customers connected, and making sure people are staying safe. And were still on the road. Solving Critical Issues as they arise. Go to xfinity. Com prepare. Thank you. It has been almost a month since the public Health Officer ordered the first of and on large gatherings. In fact, that triggered a series of events that led to the current orders to stay at home. Today, dr. Sarah cody spoke with jesse gary about the effort and what lies ahead. Reporter and age of social distancing and shelter in place, this is how dr. Sarah cody conducts oneonone interviews, via in app, she on one side of the screen and im on the other. Much more than 6 feet apart. This is the best way, this is part of the new normal that we are adjusting to, communicating like this. Reporter the past three weeks of mandating people staying in their homes resulting in a ghost town look and feel is producing tangible results. We are beginning to see some soft signs that our shelter in place order is protecting our healthcare system. The number of new cases per day is, you know, it is bouncing around a little bit but it is not zooming up. Reporter the rate of increase is slowing, but has not started a downward tilt. Thus far, 11 of the people tested in Santa Clara County have tested positive for the coronavirus. Most are between the ages of 31 and 60 years of age, split almost evenly between men and women. There is still a danger of infection for anyone who ventures outside, coming into contact with others. Reinfection does not seem to be an issue. What it looks like is that people who are infected then remain immune and would not become infected. Reporter there are currently over 1200 cases in this county with at least 39 deaths attributed to covid19. To date, Health Systems here have not been swamped with patients. We did open our Field Respite Center and we have a handful of patients there who are receiving care. I think that our county, it has been an enormous collaborative effort with all of our hospitals and other partners, getting ready. Reporter with the country approaching a surge, she says despite glimmers of progress, it is still too soon to know when restrictions can be lifted, allowing people to return to their normal lives. There is no oracle to turn to to tell us when this will end, and what the future will hold because the honest answer is, we dont know. Reporter she says safe and state and local governments will need to be extraordinarily careful on how restrictions are removed to prevent a rebound that could overwhelm Healthcare Systems which so far have handled this crisis. In san jose, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. The gov. Gavin newsom said today that a new immunity test from Stanford University could be released as early as this week. The test looks for antibodies and that could help identify who has developed an immunity to the coronavirus. The governor says the test will help determine who can return to work and when. The test relies on a blood sample, usually from a finger poke. Stanford is one of a number of entities working on a test for antibodies. Tonight, Boris Johnson is in icu at a hospital in london. He went to the hospital last night for what a spokesman called routine test for a cough antifever. He was taken to intensive care after his coronavirus symptoms took a turn for the worst. According to the British Government he is not on a ventilator. Today President Trump said drugmakers are offering help. They have already had meetings with the doctors. And we will see whether or not they want to go that route. When you are in intensive care, that is a big deal. He was diagnosed with the virus 11 days ago. The British Foreign minister is now taking over some of johnsons response abilities. Inmate in the east bay has tested positive for the coronavirus, raising concerns about the virus spreading behind bars. Henry lee tells us that the Alameda County Sheriffs Department says that they are taking steps to keep that from happening. Reporter at the santa rita jail in dublin, a nurse and now inmates have tested positive for the coronavirus. But some worry about Community Spread behind bars and that others could become infected. I would think that the jail also represents the same kind of scenario, and that you have people who are asymptomatic, who are there. Reporter she represents many clients who have raised concerns over jail conditions. Some are among the 600 inmates that have been released over the past two weeks. One of her clients has been charged with murder, he is stuck where he is and feeling ill. He was stating that he had not felt well, and had been trying to get medical attention. I havent heard from him since. Other inmates complained that they were not getting soap. Now they are. The problem is they are not allowed to take the soap with them when they go to court. So when they go to court, there is no soap in the bathrooms there, and they cannot wash their hands. Reporter jail cells are getting cleaned every day but there is still concerns over common areas. They dont have access to sanitizers so they can sanitize the phone between each persons use. Reporter the sheriffs ere impacted areas are being quarantined and professionally cleaned and sanitized. Our jail facility is, has supplies everywhere. We just ordered several hundred thousand dollars worth of cleaning supplies. Reporter ray kelly says deputies are monitoring 40 inmates who may have been exposed to the infected inmate. 67 of them have flu or cold like symptoms and are being tested. We do have good access to testing for the people in custody, so that has been very helpful. Reporter the Sheriffs Office is taking the actual temperatures of any incoming inmates as well as the officers were booking them. Like many other jails, and present family visits have been suspended but loved ones can still contact inmates on the phone or through video chats. Account in Southern California is requiring all residents to cover their faces when leaving their homes. Health officials in Riverside County say people were not taking social distancing orders seriously enough so they made the recommendation to wear a mask outdoors, requirement. In addition, all gatherings except for family members living in the same home have been prohibited. The order is now in place through april 30. And the Sheriffs Department will be able to enforce it. Remarks directed at the navy capt. Who pleaded for help for his crew. Coming up tonight, with the acting secretary of the navy said about the captain in a speech to the ships crew. Wisconsin Supreme Court weighs in at the last moment on whether to hold tomorrows in person primary election. Drawing up and warming up, i will have specifics on the forecast i think youre going to like. T the future is to create it and change the world. Here at abbvie, were inventing medicines of the future to create tomorrows that will be healthier. And happier, while making medicines that help people right now. Because thats the present we wanted to live in. And thats the future we all want to see. Abbvie. Here. Now. Just like covered california teammateshelps you finder find a away to win, Health Insurance you can afford. Theyre the only place you can get Financial Assistance to help pay for Health Coverage. Plus, this year, the state is providing more help than ever before. And because a new law requires californians to have Health Coverage or pay a penalty, covered california has made it easier to get financial help, but times limited. Visit coveredca. Com or call to enroll today. Congress is taking steps to go about its business electronically. House members will be able to submit bills and resolutions via a secure email system. Congress is supposed to return to session on april 20, despite the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Local city in wisconsin, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ordered that tomorrows president ial primary will go ahead as planned. Our political reporter tells us the court overruled a decision from the governor, to postpone the primary because of the coronavirus. Reporter the president primary election will take place on tuesday. The state Supreme Courts order came just hours after democratic governor tony eberts moved to postpone the election until june because of the coronavirus. There is no shame in changing course to keep people safe and quite friendly to save lives. Our allegiance cannot be two party or to ideology. It must be to the people of wisconsin. Reporter republicans called his move a constitutional overreach. The court agreed say the governor lacked the authority to move the election on his own. The reversal canceled 72 hours of lawsuits and a shortage of poll workers. In milwaukee, for example, only five of the usual 180 polling locations are scheduled to be open. We have fewer places to serve voters, you will have large numbers at most sites, numbers that will easily strain the system. They failed to agree on any changes prompting a federal judge ruling to allow absentee ballots to be delivered through april 13. Republicans appealed that decision and monday the u. S. Supreme court blocked the extension requiring ballots be postmarked by april 7 to be counted. There is a huge number of people who have requested vote by mail ballots, there has not been time to process them. Those people will not be able to weigh in unless they want to risk their safety, unless they want to risk their health by going to a polling place. Reporter she says what is happening in wisconsin is a good lesson for other states, not only for the remaining primaries but the general election. She says now is the time to prepare for more vote by mail, early voting, and additional polling centers. If you look at the medical experts, theres every reason to believe that there will be another wave in the fall. If you look at the election experts, theres every reason to believe that you need every moment possible to plan for election administration. Reporter he has previously said he cannot postpone the election by himself, saying it would violate state law. Monday he said circumstances had changed. The acting secretary of the navy has described the fired captain of the Aircraft Carrier uss Theodore Roosevelt as either too naove or too stupid for the job. Secretary thomas made those comments to the ships crew this morning. The captain from santa rosa was removed from his command after his email seeking help for his stricken crew was leaked to the media. 155 sailors on board the Theodore Roosevelt have tested positive for the coronavirus, including himself. Mike thompson released a Statement Today saying in part, capt. Acted with only the best interest of his crew in mind, as a combat veteran his dismissal has made me deeply concerned and the comments made by the secretary of the navy are downright unacceptable. He says he has written letters to the president and military officials demanding an explanation. St. Anthonys dining room feeding thousands of people each day, how they are meeting unprecedented need without any volunteers. Chief meteorologist bill martin is back with the full forecast, he will add up the rain totals and show us if theres any more on the way. Without this place. This is for you. Michael, you didnt have to. And, were going to need some help with the rest. Youve worked so hard to achieve so much. Perhaps its time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. Were gonna find a way through this. Were working really, really hard in hospitals, our nurses are techs, all the docs. Its about staggering when people get sick so that the hospitals can cope. Were gonna go through an awful lot of these all across puget sound. People have been stepping up and donating personal protective equipment. We stay at work. For you. You stay at home for us. Just no know were all with you. Thank you,thank you so much. Thank you doctors nurses eveso we can stillg a answer your calls. Now. And we are monitoring our system 24 7 to ensure that we have a fast reliable network, keep the customers connected, and making sure people are staying safe. And were still on the road. Solving Critical Issues as they arise. Go to xfinity. Com prepare. Thank you. The coronavirus has changed the way st. Anthonys dining room in San Francisco is feeding the hungry. Rob tells us that st. Anthonys is feeding more people than ever now, but they are doing it with a lot less help. Reporter those who run st. Anthonys that agreement San Franciscos tenderloin say they have never had to serve this many meals each day to the homeless and nearly homeless, and st. Anthonys has been around for almost 70 years. It is a lot of people, a lot of meals we are serving. The closest thing that anybody could think of was the earthquake but this by far has had a much larger and longer impact on our daily service. Reporter they are now serving about 3300 lunches daily, that is 1000 meals per day more than before the pandemic began. We are definitely seeing people in mind we have never seen before so i think the fact that people are being laid off, those people who are already on the edge of poverty are now having to choose between paying the rent, pay the electricity bill or paying for food. Reporter they operate much differently now from what they could actually use its dining room, not only on Christmas Day but every day. These days the bag lunches are takeout, delivered incompatible containers on the sidewalk in front of the dining room on golden gate avenue. But the biggest challenge for st. Anthonys is having to meet the enormous demand without being able to use any of its army of volunteers. Social distancing wont allow for it, so the entire paid staff has to pitch in. Everybody from the dishwashers were not washing dishes anymore because there are no dishes to wash, to executive director, everybody in between is out there serving lunches. Reporter with besides food, they also set up an outdoor tech center where people can recharge their phones or go online and get the latest news. The organization is also looking to rent a shower facility. We will be here until we can no longer physically serve meals. We are committed to that. They say that they are spending more money on the Lunch Program than ever before, and at the same time it has had the cant its big fundraiser, so st. Anthony says it could use a little support as they support others in need. Rob roth, ktvu, fox 2 news. We are looking at the rainfall that came today, we had some significant rain in the Santa Cruz Mountains again, up around, some of those areas that get up to a half inch of rain but overall, lighter showers today than yesterday. Yesterday was pretty significant rain. Especially the central bay area south. We will get a break, there are a few scattered showers out there now, but they are dying down quickly as this is some, that system spins to the south. Or pardon me, to the east, and that is moving to Southern California where they are seeing significant showers around san diego, oceanside and they will see a few more showers tomorrow but we should be, for all intents and purposes, we should be drying out tomorrow, mostly to partly sunny, especially after lunch time, temperatures when you wake up be a little bit cool, overnight lows tonight are running pretty cool compared to last night, down a degrees in cod, four degrees in hayward, so a bit cooler tonight. You see the sentences go area, see a few clouds off in the distance, there are clouds out there now and it will be cloudy in the morning, you can see the San Francisco oakland forecast and this is pretty much all of us all day. That is the forecast for San Francisco, but look at the sky. So by lunchtime that is how it looks. For pretty much everybody, especially free more free much north. We are getting into a nicer, warmer, drier, certainlys ring like certainly springlike weather. We are still having off your as you know but we are seeing pretty good games this last few days. So that is tomorrow morning, there is tomorrow afternoon. Now we go to wednesday morning, wednesday morning, wednesday afternoon. You get the picture. You see the blue and green accidents, areas, that is lowering off. The forecast highs tomorrow, warmer than today, by a few degrees. And the five day forecast, there it is, there is saturday come a we will see more springlike weather certainly and i was going to say this, i mentioned this earlier, be careful when youre out and about, if you are biking or skating or whatever, we dont want to get hurt right now. You know that but you kind of forget about it because you have time off. If you hurt yourself, it is about time for that also. They will trend high, especially come wednesday, thursday and friday, so if you are sniffling and sneezing, it is very possibly that, as you know. This is a time of year for tree pollen, so all of that going on, lot going on but we will see a much nicer weather pattern as we get into the bay area rest of the week. People are stepping up all around the bay area to help each other, here is just another example. Today we are highlighting, the founder of set wage in el cerrito, which typically produces air fresheners. He is now exclusively manufacturing a shield to help healthcare workers. Currently hes producing 80 shields an hour by using a laser cutter. And he is making it easy for hospitals to put in a request. Just go to set wedge. Com and click on request shield. He has also made open source files for others who have laser cutters so they can help as well. If you know someone was making a difference of any kind we want to hear from you. Just email your story along with pictures or video of that person in action to myhero foxtv. Com. For the First Time Since 1945, the british open wont be held the summer. Next in sports, mark will tell us the new plan for the british open. On the 11 00 news, two new testing sites in the bay area but even as california tries to wrap up testing, these sites are not open to just anyone. Find out if you qualify. According to the howell family auntie jenns friend and her son can live with them as long as they want. According to the census it doesnt matter if youre related or not, everyone living in your home on april 1st counts. On how billions get spent every year. And where there are more people, there are more needs. Complete the census online, by phone, or by mail. Shape your future. Start here at 2020census. Gov perhaps some good news tonight to report, depending on how you look at it. Major League Baseball is working on a plan that could bring the game back in a month or so. It is a little farfetched, but here is the news that has been breaking the much of this evening. The farfetched plan starts with players in the Players Union working on a deal with major League Baseball to get the season underway and it is getting some support in very high places, federally, all 30 teams under this plan would play, get this, no fans, and all the games will be played in the greater phoenix area. And some of the minorleague ballparks and of course the Arizona Diamondbacks park. Players and coaches and essential personnel only and they would be sequestered for the most part, no family, no friends, it will basically be living in isolation. And here is some of the basic starting points. And may begin as soon as may. Highranking federal Health Officials are giving it a thumbs up so far. And majorLeague Baseball, and the Players Union is supporting what they are working on right now. Obviously, there would be numerous stumbling blocks, like, well, who wants to live in total isolation for months . And if one player perhaps is diagnosed, all this would seemingly go up in smoke. So a lot to be worked out but that is the story developing. One of the alltime great Baseball Players has died today, he played in an era, a golden era of baseball, really, 50s and 60s with the likes of mays, and clemente, hank aarons, he hung in there right with him. 15 time allstar with the detroit tigers, the man they called mr. Tiger died at the age of 85, no exact cause given but he had recently suffered a stroke. 22 years in the major leagues, all of them with the detroit tigers. As you know, for the most part it is all about what is not happening in professional sports, all over the world. And the british open is the latest to go. It is important to make that establishment between postponed, delayed and canceled and the british open is canceled. It would have been the 140 meant open. The powers that be have canceled the major for the 2020, not postponed, again, they have absolutely canceled it, they explored every possible option and it just was not possible to get the legendary tournament underway. Of course, featuring the greatest generation of talent of the sport of golf, it will not be happening this year, instead here is the new schedule for the golf majors. The british now set for july 2021, it will be played at the royal st. George in england, the pga championship was supposed to be in may, now set for august asked the ninth at hardy park in San Francisco. U. S. Open was supposed to be in june, now scheduled to start september the ninth at hardy park in San Francisco. U. S. Open was supposed to be in june, now scheduled to start september 17, going to the 20th and winford in new york, the masters, was going to go off this week in augustine, now november 12 through the 15th. And that is this year. This is of course april 6, and we have this day in sports thanks to joe fonzi. Reporter the giants and is both opened their seasons on the state five years ago, the giants the defending world champions. Madison bumgarner made his first appearance in spain the world series mvp. And the giants held on for a 5 to 4 when in arizona. The as opened at home, with all the runs they would need. Sunny gray allowed one hit and eight innings in an 80 win. A small contrast on this day, in 1977 the atrocity in seattle known as the kingdom hosted its first game. 15 years later the university claimed oriole park in baltimore opened its gates. And on this day in 1958, Arnold Palmer one the first of an eventual for masters championships. That is the state in sports, april 6. I am joe fonzi. And you finish out tonight, it is all about the trick shots. In case you missed it, you do need to check these out. Anthony making a shot that amazed his sixyearold son. That is quite the trick shot, on the move. Moving target as well. But that may have been outdone by another trick shot we have. Coming from cold. Out of the university of texas, he is on the golf team there, skips off the water, and into the hole. No problem. They are working on all kinds of wacky stuff, just trying to make you smile a little bit. That is the sporting life. It is 11 00, time for more news. Things make us smile always are good. Thank you. Next at 11, i want to encourage everyone to keep following our guidelines on slowing the spread. President trump urges americans to stay the course as he warns of the country needs to brace for a tough week ahead. The 11 00 news on ktvu fox 2 starts now. The White House Task force on the coronavirus is now asked that all americans to take social distancing one step further. Hello, everyone. I am spring summer. I am frank somerville. Im julie haener working from home. Trips to the Grocery Store and other central visits should be spaced out as much as possible. Lauren blanchard has the latest from washington. Whenever that monster goes, we are able to move with it. Reporter President Trump confidence in the federal governments response despite grim warnings for the coming weeks as the coronavirus spreads. The next week, we can do have is going to be a big search. The professionals tell us that and i think we are in

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