First covid19 death case involving a San Francisco Transportation Agency employee. Tomlin says 90 operators within the sf mta have contracted the virus so far he is urging everyone to continue avoiding large gatherings wear a mask and to wash their hands and all too familiar sight in San Francisco striking again this Holiday Season. A witness capturing suspects. In a black audi breaking into several cars near the citys world famous lumber street. The smash and grab happened near lombard and hyde streets around 1 oclock this afternoon right in broad daylight and it wasnt the only one on 4 state of joins us now live with what is turning out to be a nerve wracking day for visitors there taylor. Ken pam, the break ins here are practically a daily occurrence just within the first hour that i was here i saw another victim returned to her car when she realized that her backpack was gone. Meanwhile, i also saw a separate vehicle, a black chevy canvassing a car and right as theyre about to break and i turned my camera that way they saw me got spooked and took off. But unfortunately other victims werent as lucky. Shocking but not surprising. I broken glass all up and down the street. So i know its happening in my cars and broken into several times while its nothing new for People Living in San Francisco. Smash and grabs off to become a surprise to visitors in the city, i know thats crazy a dozen have been around for this time, a family visiting from china became one of the victims tuesday afternoon. And it was all caught on camera. He witness captured the suspects canvassing cars near lumberton high streets around 01 00pm. Once they see something they like use a tool to break the window get in get out and then move on to the very next car line really shocking to me i think especially if people trying to get out and you know the day for the walk said break up their day that somebody would see it and report it but. Again i think were so used to seeing people couple parked everywhere in the city which is an annoyance and just to expect that its a delivery witness tells me the victims filed a police report. But those dont normally stop the crooks from continuing their breakin spree. Just last month a neighbor captured another daytime brazen break in. Even hunted the suspects to stop, but they were unphased and in this break in earlier this year. The crooks made off with several suitcases within seconds signs posted near the tourist attraction continue to warn visitors about whats going on i do find a little bit offensive that the city span is. Park smart. Instead of doing something to attenuate the problem so far this year, San Francisco police recorded more than 22,000 cases of larceny theft which includes breaking into cars. Thats compared to the more than 33,000 last year however, neighbors worry the fest will continue to rise over the holidays. Well as the city says if you love it dont leave it in your car. And some other tips to keep in mind look out for people that are double parking next year car youll see a lot of those videos thats typically what theyre doing when theyre canvassing cars and you should also always like i mentioned take things out of your car. Thieves are also typically looking for rental cars or if you have an out of state keep that in mind as well for now live in San Francisco to live the psac ii kron 4 news righthander thank you for that the series of smashandgrab cases in the city calm as Holiday Shopping is underway at this years black friday of course we are dealing with a surge in covid cases kron fours Jonathan Mccall live in palo alto with a look at whats being done to protect shoppers giannis. Jen despite that climb in cases, its definitely not expected to stop thousands of hundreds of thousands of shoppers across the bay area from hitting Retail Stores as black friday, according to the California Retail association so far no cases or outbreaks have been connected to any Retail Stores here in california. Theyre encouraging folks to get out to support Small Businesses but they say before you head out make sure mask up. Its the season for steals and deals. But as coronavirus cases continue to climb across california. Retailers say they want to make sure you dont pick up Something Else other than your purchases this Holiday Season. So i dont think youll see the same. That we saw before where people waiting in line, you know those still doorbuster deals that you would see this year. Rachel michelin is with the California Retailers association. She says as businesses try to earn your dollars. Safety is at the top of their list if youre visiting brick and mortar stores. Shes encouraging shoppers to get out in support retailers, big and small but warns to make sure youre protected number one 1st and foremost for that face mask and that face mask and make sure that everyone your party is wearing a Face Covering michelin says if you are going out, heres a few other things to consider she says to shop early to limit your exposure to the big crowds. She also says to limit the number of troops that you take to the malls and other big stores consider shopping online and picking up your purchases from the store. Or simply have them delivered to your home. Now is not this or the time to go and do it kind of window shopping right now a number of california counties currently sit in the states most restrictive tier which limits indoor capacity at just 25 . Michelin says the next 7 weeks will be critical for retailers, especially the small ones. She says if you are going to a store this Holiday Season. The best piece of advice get in and get out that number one year. Youre being a safe as possible, but number 2 youre opening up a spot for another one of your Community Members and your neighbors Holiday Shopping experience. Despite the pandemic the National Retail federation says americans could spend as much as 766 billion dollars over the Holiday Season. They say that would be a jump from 5 over last year, kim him get your credit cards already were live tonight in palo alto Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news all right, thank you very much jonathan San Francisco police are releasing more details about last weeks officer involved shooting that happened near 5th and market street, number of officers shot at the suspect with firearms and with non lethal projectiles in a virtual town hall earlier today police say the suspect 26 yearold Antonio Estrada started a fire at an apartment earlier in the day and fought with 3 unknown men. He then engage officers with a large knife and a frying pan as apd released body camera footage of the moment officers encountered the suspect. As you can hear officers repeatedly demanded that the suspect dropped the knife, but he did not. Police also clarify the suspect was initially shot with non lethal projectiles police named the officers believed to be the ones who shot the suspect is shows have to me and ryan thompson, the suspect is still in the hospital with life threatening injuries in the north bay petaluma man is in jail accused of assault hate crime and elder abuse. The Little Police say Timothy Smelser use this stick to beat a 70 yearold man around 8 oclock last night on East Washington street. The victim primarily speaking in spanish told police he was loading items on his bicycle when the suspect approached him and began to yell profanities at some point the suspect related that he didnt like hispanic people. The victim was not injured. In the south bay we expect to learn more about tomorrows sunday tomorrow rather about sundays deadly stabbing spree that happened at a san jose church. The church was housing Homeless People when the attack happened in left 2 people dead 3 others injured. Today we learned one of the 3 people injured was a City Employee was volunteering at the church. Another Person Injured in the stabbing was a Church Employee thats according to the churchs pastor. Happening now covid cases and hospitalizations soaring across california today, the state reported more than 15,000 new cases state officials anticipate 12 or more than 1800 of those new cases will wind up in the hospital 2 to 3 weeks from now so far hospitalizations in california are of 81 over the last 2 weeks. With icu admissions increasing 57 . In the bay area every county remains of their respective covid tier. San francisco and san mateo counties are still in the substantial read it here every other counties in the most restrictive purple tier they are under a limited stay at home curfew until december but as kron fours kerman reports Health Officials in San Francisco say the county will likely also move into the purple tier soon. The number of tests coming back positive in the last 4 weeks increased by 265 San Francisco Health Director doctor grant colfax says the city surge of covid19 cases is continuing unabated hospitalizations are also mounting doubling since the end of october with more than 50 people now hospitalized. The choices we make this week will determine the remainder what the remainder of the Holiday Season but looks like cold facts as that means a winter of hospitalizations and death or reverse of the search. He says its up to those that live here stay home celebrate. Thanksgiving, but there people that we already with us. Please do not gather with people from other hospitals, especially indoors. Well, San Francisco has so far avoided being moved from the red reopening tear to the most restrictive purple tier colfax as were so close that will likely happen before the end of the week. Well what we can again question is this are curve but we do expect on their last to be in relatively said on a brighter note. Colfax says the city has purchased 3 ultracold freezers to store hundreds of thousands of doses of the covid19 vaccine once its ready for distribution. If San Francisco does move from the red to the purple tier later this week it will mean that curfew that other counties are experiencing. Will impact San Francisco as well in addition to that indoor museums and Fitness Centers will have to close and Retail Stores will see their capacity cut back to just 25 . In San Francisco. Dan kerman kron 4 news. Tents like these are becoming the new norm for Outdoor Dining around the bay area and across the country but Health Experts warn theyre not really much safer than dining. Indoors. Experts say the structures should be well ventilated a tent with 4 walls and a roof for example might not have any better ventilation then an Indoor Dining room bubbles and individual tents or a creative solution, but they shouldnt be shared with people who are not in your household. Health experts also suggest said between parties 10 should be cleaned and left open for at least 20 minutes. South bay Health Officials are cracking down on businesses which fail to comply with covid19 health guidelines, they say theres evidence that the recent spike of covid cases there may be partly because of whats happening Grocery Stores and retail. Well for us rob explains how county leaders are now stepping up enforcement. Weve heard very many concerning reports about crowding. In Retail Stores, crowding in Big Box Stores, crowding at malls Santa Clara County Council James williams on tuesday announcing a crackdown on businesses failing to comply with social distancing protocols. Capacity limits and other pandemic restrictions we do not want. Thanksgiving or black friday shopping to turn into a time. When. People are transmitting unknowingly asymptomatic lee covid19 to friends to family to neighbors, yellow vests like this one will be worn by Business Compliance teams visiting malls, Big Box Stores and other retailers beginning thursday, previously violators were given a 72 hour grace period that will come to an end says the countys michael bali a facility. They have a legal obligation ethical obligation to protect their workers and the public and we expect that they do so. Currently malls and other businesses must limit the number of customers inside to 25 of capacity. Its 50 for Grocery Stores. Businesses may also be cited for failing to enforce the wearing of masks indoors. The crackdown comes amid significantly increasing case counts and hospitalizations both of which has set records here in recent days we will be out in force to help be sure that businesses all right hearing to these rules because it is a matter of life and safety it is a matter of serious illness and death. And so well be doing our part but we really need all of you. To do your part in san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news. The rush continues to get tested for covid 90 before thanksgiving this was the line today at a testing site in concord it is one of 10 testing sites in Contra Costa County fully booked already this week with appointments. The countys Public Health officer says theres recently been a spike in daily testing numbers. He says while the or does everybody against large gatherings getting tested before the holidays does help. At least of people do get tested and they do test positive. Theyll think twice about getting together on the people know theyll quarantine. Its important to know though that if you test negative doesnt mean you necessarily safe and you could still be incubating buyers and still be infectious by the time you show up for that thanksgiving dinner. Doctor parent says the daily testing average in the county has been about 5,000 since the pandemic but in recent days that number has increased to nearly 7,000 tests per day in time coronavirus tests at sfo is day of travel testing sites are officially sold out. There are any available reservations for the rapid test until next tuesday december 1st. Travelers who are planning to get tested at the airport can consider the drivethru testing site it uniteds Maintenance Center test their cost a 105 and results are available within 48 hours. Well, if youre going to spend thanksgiving with folks outside at least it wont be raining wont be raining, but it will be from the with the details are back yeah, hopefully get some hot cider something to warm up, but your bones because it is going to be cold if you enjoy the festivities. Outside this year because were not only going to see the temperatures on the colder side but to were also going to see some winds around the bay area. Thats going to make things feel a lot colder than normal. Were seeing some cloud cover starts go through much of the bay area, especially along the peninsula and summer coastal spots getting through San Francisco. The star live camera overlooking. Sofo right now and those chilly temperatures i am tracking right now out the door 40s and 50s across the entire board right now low 50s in berkeley at 5143 in nevada, were looking at 41 in santa rosa, 50 degrees. If you are in fairfield the temperatures only colder though over the next couple of overnights and its all thanks to this cold front that is coming to us futurecast for showing that the wet weather though is going to steer clear mostly across the bay area and far north of us so closer to the oregon border. If youre going to be heading in that direction celebrating thanksgiving up north youre definitely going to be seeing some wet conditions wet roads so just be careful out there, but the bay areas going to pretty much remain dry into thursday for your thanksgiving holiday and were going to see a lots of sunshine for thursday and friday and dry conditions into the weekend. But yes, those winds are definitely going to be a factor. Were going to start to see kick in and during the overnight hours tonight and then really start to ramp up as we get into tomorrow afternoon. Thats when you can start seeing. The orange is the red colors on your screen were were seeing mile an hour winds getting into the 20s maybe even 30s, especially along the coast and for folks in the half moon bay. And then its going to continue to be breezy as we get into thanksgiving thursday, especially during the Early Morning hours for east bay zone and our north bay mountains. And its going to us remain that way to the ballot. Finally settling down into friday. Temperatures for the overnight tonight were going to see 30s 40s on the board once again 39 expected for low in santa rosa are looking at 48 in hayward 45 in fremont low 40s in downtown san jose. Looking ahead though for the next couple of days evenly spread temperatures were going to see 60s inland. Were going to see 60s around the bay and at the coast were going to see some upper 50s to low 60s as well but guys thanksgiving at least well be dry right called the dry but we need the rain and then rather that have so little or banks of aca a local education leader is applauding the city of oakland and the Oakland Unified School districts new program for teachers it provides subsidized housing for Student Teachers who are working towards their credentials right now the program is helping 12 teachers live at the apartments in oaklands laurel district. Half of those teachers are bay area native. The majority of them are people of color. The program aims to recruit and retain educators in the oakland community, the dean of education at Mills College in the east bay says that that is beneficial for both the teachers and the students our of the community and connect with the values the the connections there it makes for a more Stable School and learning environment more stable workforce because they are also supported and so. Doing so just creates a context where all are more likely to stay in the field for a bit longer and to really achieve some of the educational games that we want to see in our community schools. Wendy williams says that she would like to see the same opportunities offered to all teachers oakland Officials Say the goal is to expand the program to recruit and retain more than 100 educators over the next 9 years. These Historical Books are back where they belong tonight after being stolen from a church in 12 county. Kay recede explains how an Unlikely Community member help find the documents. For pastor, randy ill the return of the Historical Documents is better than a hollywood script. This is better than a hallmark movie. And in a lot of ways it really is with without the romance of course he says this is the work of faith hope and community kind of a christmas miracle and we were to be able to be of service. And the part of that last month burglars had stolen a laptop electronics and a safe that contained these books dating back to 1857 from that church in sonora for weeks the pastor prayed for the documents return by last week i had all but given up ever seeing those documents again before he could a former Police Officer turned jamestown criminal defense attorney got word that the documents had been found never gone to the church we didnt know anybody at the church. My wife was just moved in because of that he decided to offer sentences Charles B Smith and his wife mary offered a 500 reward plus confidential consultation, the person who found them could safely return them without being worried about having the police be called toward this being a trap, although now whether warren the books are back home and as for the Good Samaritan who returned them the reward money is now going towards what the church has long worked to do love the fact that the person who found these documents and took that reward money. Is is doing that same thing work that goes towards hope and any time you can take money out of pocket think its the community thats a good a good day for people kay recede. And he has a sense of humor the smiths say they donate to various projects anonymously but they had to share their identities this time to help get those documents back good for them. Coming a stunning fraud case involving 10s of thousands of prisoners all over the state how investigators say serial killers rapists child molesters and murderers on death row the states unemployment system and why a bay area counties, especially concerned about the upcoming thanksgiving weekend as it deals with a dramatic spike in covid case and how you can help area food banks to fill their mission this Holiday Season. Do you have cheese . Of course, more cheese for less chedder in our dairy. Do you have kale . Absolutely more kale for less cabbage in our produce section. How about pizza . Yep, more pizz. More pizza for less dough in the freezer section . Now youre getting the hang of it. More milk . For less moolah. Theres a lot of need and bay area food banks are asking for the communitys help to fulfill their mission this Holiday Season, many of them are seeing a big demand for help while dealing with a drop in donations and the in the federal assistance. One of them is the Redwood Empire Food Bank in Sonoma County. Its ceo David Goodman says the current level of demand is exactly what it was during the start of the pandemic right now the food bank is providing food to 80 to 90,000 people each month. The food bank also added 42 extra Distribution Sites across Northern California but they need help. The first thing is we need their time we need volunteers were only 70 staff at the food bank or a 1500 volunteers. We need volunteers. We need food where the Redwood Empire Food Bank without food were entirely irrelevant and then we need funds because without financial contributions, we cant fewer trucks we cant refrigerated food the day could dedicated staff. If youd like to volunteer or make a donation you can find information on the food banks website we posted that link on our website. Kron 4 dot com this impassable in Sonoma County will soon become a new home to some of that countys homeless population, this is the is website. Today the States Project home key approve the countys proposal to buy this in and turn it into longterm supportive housing. The total by the end use it as interim hires lane is nearly 11 Million Dollars. The States Project home key will pay about 6. 4 million of the total. This marks the second Sonoma County proposal to receive state money through project home key. The board of supervisors approved a plan back in july to purchase the 44 room hotel in downtown santa rosa for about 8 Million Dollars also with state money. Coming up president elect joe biden expanding his list of diverse and historic nominees for taking a look at another historic selection for a key cabinet position plus a plea from over to its riders this Holiday Season. And were looking at cold conditions and windy conditions as well as we the inmates are mocking a sense the message from a california District Attorney today as a handful state prosecutors detail, massive fraud involving thousands of inmates across california, including convicted killer scott peters said they are accused of scamming the States Employment Development Department edd out of covid related Unemployment Benefits that was money due to fortune well bellow has details. Honestly staggering. City and is with indignation in her voice Sacramento County District Attorneys, Anne Marie Schubert detailed a massive scam on californias Employment Development department. Jail and Prison Inmates, including serial killers rapists child molesters and murderers have been claiming and collecting covid related Unemployment Benefits since prisons. Hey its in prison all told between march and august at least 35,000 unemployment claims were made on behalf of Prison Inmates in local state and federal institutions across california. Of those claims 20,000 have been paid out totaling more than 140 Million Dollars being paid to inmates that includes convicted killer Scott Peterson and death row inmates like serial killer kerry stain or it is perhaps. And well be one of the biggest. The taxpayer dollars in california history 22 inmates in the San Mateo County jail pulled off the scam investigators learned about it while reviewing recorded jail phone calls back in july. Where inmates were bragging about how they were gaming the system that one of the map and what you know where but we believe went out Million Dollars and prosecutors say the problem was compounded by dysfunction at california edd. Which they said currently does not cross check unemployment claims against a list of Prison Inmates. The investigation is ongoing as the announcements on tuesday only detail what they found from march to august in the newsroom noelle bellow kron 4 news. Take a look at this tire, the Highway Patrol says this is how they found a car on the bay bridge has passed saturday night from oakland to San Francisco, the car at its. Emergency hazard lights on chp officer pulled over the car expecting a possible dui driver instead the officer found these an a or 15 type rifle with a nearly full capacity magazine, a loaded handgun with at least 4 fully loaded magazines ranging from 11 to 30 rounds. The Highway Patrol says both weapons for socalled ghost guns, they didnt have serial numbers where crashed out this time the chp says they dont know where the suspect was going or why he was carrying those weapons San Francisco supervisor, Shamann Walton is calling for a Community Effort to keep the Bayview District safe. Today he proposed what he calls a district and Community Safety plan in it it is a response to a recent spike in violence in the bayview many of the shootings that happened there have been deadly wild and says he needs everybody from the city the county and the community to take part and to pledge to end the violence. All of our violence prevention provides. People working tirelessly to just everybodys her. Every time something happens the folks in their community. Thats why we come together. Because room there we endure every time a violent today to this year one 3rd of the citys total number of homicides have occurred in the bayview. The north a Solano County seeing a dramatic surge in covid cases. According to this graph the 14 day average back in early october was 63 cases per day tonight. That averages up to 201 cases per day and officials traced part of the jump in cases to people gathering at halloween and now has come for us to reassess their reports there is growing concern tonight about gatherings for thanksgiving. Were here in benicia it which is a part of Solano County in front of the Benicia Police department and that is because recently a Police Officer has tested positive for covid19 after showing some symptoms and this case this most recent case emblematic of what Solano County is facing day after day and increase in covid19 cases in Solano County covid19 cases slowing down for months now surging, california Health Officials calling the virus load hopping from substantial to widespread in the county. In the last 3 weeks also hospitalization rate climbing, but its important right now that were experiencing this surge. That we protect our Health Care System also protect our local Public Health care stations, theyre doing a lot of work. To protect our Publics Health and we want to make sure we dont overwhelm the Health Care System and Public Health system during this time so Health Officials pointing to social gatherings, including halloween for the steep increase with growing worry about what thanksgiving might gatherings outdoors if they the weather seems like it will be very nice thursday, so brings as much as possible outdoors. He gathering small. Keep good thanksgiving celebration with your immediate family and also keep duration of the celebration short. Richards adds that they continue to try and contain the virus through what they have learned using Contact Tracing to try and limit spread. She adds residents have done a great job, but adding to please hang in there a bit longer. Know just just remember that were trying to protect our loved ones. So that we can even have. You know might not be able to get around the table everybody that we want this year. But hector left ones next year we can have even a bigger Holiday Season with one Health Officials are not sure how this officer got covid19 but they are doing Contact Tracing to try and limit its spread. Here in nation theresa kron 4 news. Uber is now asking customers to only use the car service for essential needs uber is pleading with the public to follow cdc guidelines to stay home and limit gatherings as Holiday Season to help keep everyone and communities safe if you must travel ubers face mask policy is still in place for both drivers and passengers all right lets go outside and show you sfo on this tuesday night just 2 days away from thanksgiving. Yeah, lets check in with meteorologist rebecca strom, the figure out about this cold weather ahead yeah, kim can its definitely going to get even colder over the next couple of days because the winds are going to help much were going to see and those kicking up actually as we get into tomorrow because we are expecting a weekend. But cold heading to the bay area in fact we cancer start to see a lot of cloud cover and a lot of our live camera shots outside right now the golden gate the deck is nice and dry but were already starting to see some of the fog. Some of the clouds creep through especially the north and the south towers their radar though showing us dry conditions here. All the activity sticking to the far north of us right now so places of like in medford also were looking eureka getting some of that rainfall and parts of the seattle as well and of course in a portland its going to looks like its going to pretty much stay there for the next 24 hours or so leaving the bay area here just cold and windy. But for the most part, nice and dry. Your thursday thanksgiving forecast sunshine. But it is going to be breezy and windy because were going to see those gusts to pick up anywhere from 20 to maybe 30 miles an hour. Just keep that in mind its going to be dry into the weekend. And its going to be really nice but again just make sure the layer up because it is going to start getting really chilly, especially during the overnight hours, heres a look at your 1010 temperatures over the next 10 days pretty study actually looking temperatures staying mostly in the 60s for inland and bay side communities and at the coast guys its going to get into the 50s but to really evenly spread. But unfortunately, it looks like a dry forecast for the next 10 days or so all right, thank you. Our citys first black mayor David Dinkins died last night at the age of 93 the former mayors death came just weeks after the death of his wife joyce, who died in october at the age of 89 because was elected back in 1990 with high hopes of turning things around in new york as mayor he had a lot to deal with he confronted the aids epidemic. The crack cocaine epidemic, a soaring murder rate map and helplessness and. Racial discord today, reverend al sharpton remember dinkins as an early pioneer in the calls for racial equality happening across the nation. David agents took a knee against Police Brutality before colin did. David dinkins stop standing for what was he was a kind and gentle man but a warning. He knew how to without being abrasive he knew how to take a stand without the offense. Reverend sharpton a longtime friend of duncans of fellow harlem native said that he first met dinkins when he was only 16 years old in other National News tonight president elect joe biden continues to make history with his cabinet pick our washington dc correspondent alexandra le mon introduces us to whats shaping up to be the most diverse cabinet in the nations history. President elect joe biden introduced his historic picks for key cabinet positions were going to have the first woman to lead the intelligence community. The first latino and immigrant to lead the department of Homeland Security and a groundbreaking diplomat at the United Nations bidens choice for dhs secretary is handle my your test if confirmed he will be the first immigrant and son of refugees to lead the department my father and mother probably to this country to escape california congressman lou correa says mayorkas has decades of experience and was one of the architects of the dhaka program majorca. I believe will work. Not for a program, thats good for immigrants. But immigrant program thats good all America Avril Haines could be the first woman to hold the post of director of National Intelligence she too was an experienced Public Servant and a trailblazer for women in intelligence political analysts say bidens cabinet picks are well qualified and that along with their diversity will send a message to the world that its not going to be a bunch of old white guys talking to you it may be some people who look like you and the people where youre from. And that does lend some credibility to interactions bidens cabinet will also make history with the first ever president ial envoy on Climate Change john kerry and biden is expected to nominate former Federal Reserve chair janet yellen as the first woman to be secretary of the treasury in washington, alexandra le mon. And continuing our coverage president elect biden will also start receiving president ial daily briefings but an administrative Officials Says details on those briefings are still being worked out. Bidens cabinet nominees of course Still Needs Senate Approval to be confirmed. Our Catherine Heenan host of inside bay area politics talked with a political analyst on how bidens choices have long solid resumes these are people who have been through that been in the trenches. Theyve been through the wars. They are part of the establishment. For better force of of america and these are people who believe in the world order. It used to be there before donald trump. And thats really important for by because he needs to have stability at the international what we need to build project and rick and reassure and bring america back into the family of nations because he cant be distracted by that he needs to be focused on the pandemic you need to be focused on the economy. So this team with a lot of years a lot of background a lot of strength in the tradition of american bipartisan leadership in the world is something that he can sort of put on autopilot and let them go forward. Hes busy trying to figure out what janet yellen others. How hes going to be creating. A plan for the mass immunization of this country against covid. As for whats next analyst michael yaki says he is particularly interested in who biden selects as his secretary of defense and attorney general those announcements could come soon. 2 turkeys wont have to worry about ending up as a meal this thanksgiving President Trump pardoned them in annual thanksgiving tradition. I grant you a friend. That is corn the turkey. The National Turkey federation presented corn and his fellow turkey cobb in honor of their home state of iowa. The pair will retire to a new home on the campus of iowa state university. Coming up hiphop for change how an east may use group is fighting to redefine the genre of hiphop to empower children as young as those in kindergarten. And next in sports, a usf Womens Basketball team begins its season tomorrow. We preview what theyre doing to get ready. Kylen mills has the story coming up. 4 sports brought to you by xfinity. Too bad, what happens in kansas city doesnt stay in kansas city, especially when it airs on National Television but the Las Vegas Raiders have to move on as they head into a crucial stretch of games starting with atlanta. The team should be feeling pretty good. The offense put on quite a show in prime time sunday, going blow for blow with the defending super bowl champs in kc and it was impressive for a team decimated by covid now sitting at 6, 4, theyre still looking like playoff contenders if they can take care of business against the falcons and then jets before they face a tougher Indianapolis Colts team. I know whos in the lineup every week. Everythings different. The way we travel the way we eat the way we need and the way we greet each other everything is different. So on his way to see whos gpavailable for this wednesday practice and potentially is available for sundays game we hung in there weve we fought battle scratched. We are what we are 6, 4, with 6 games left. And weve got to get ready for phelps. It sure has been a different season, the raiders kickoff in atlanta at 10 00am on sunday. Moving along to College Hoops the usf Womens Basketball team opens their sea on tomorrow at u c davis, the dons are coming off a tough 2019 2020 season, where they struggled with a number of injuries. This year theyre coming in healthy and hungry for more kron 4 Sports Reporter kate rooney explains why the dons believe will turn some heads this season. Together thats the word. The usf womens hoops team ends every practice within the huddle. And its the philosophy that kept them going during a tough season and offseason. I think keeps us. You know together when were going good great times and. Really difficult and challenging times you know such as the pandemic or you know was only 6 players on the court. Last year injuries whittled the dons roster down to just 6 healthy players by the end of the season. Those 6 athletes fought to finish strong winning 3 of their final 4 games. This year having 15 healthy players on the roster feels like a luxury, im so excited. I mean. Its actually have bases here is just going to be so exciting girls that with the experience as well. The dons only have one senior on the roster, but they returned 3 of 4 leading scorers from last season and thanks to last years injuries. The returning players are all comfortable playing almost any position or practices are really competitive the girls really they push each other in. You know, theyre theyre a great group theyre really engaged in actually had a lot of fun so far this fall. Part of the fun is proving now be a bigger threat than expected. The dons were picked to finish last in the west coast conference i dont think were a 10 thplace team. I think we can finish in the top half of the wcc we want to. We want to be right in the mix and you know i think if we can continue to improve these guys stay healthy if they continue to be as competitive and his are i think we can do it with anybody under schedule. That schedule starts wednesday with a game against u c davis in San Francisco, Kate Rooney Kron 4 sports. The warriors are putting the final touches on their roster for the Upcoming Season after learning Klay Thompson would be out with a torn achilles the warriors have made some moves to try and fill the star shooting guards very large shoes, the best they can the most notable addition has been swing man kelly junior who can do a little bit of everything earlier this week the new warrior talk first with our own jason dumas about what his game brings to the team. I bring bring defense. Bring with my at that i look forward to just proven each and every person was doubts about my game that you know you cant put me in a box. You continuously get better each and every year and you know its something that i take pride in being the best basketball player all around that could potentially be. You break joins perimeter players, Brad Wanamaker and cant base moore who are both recently signed and the team also drafted James Wiseman nico mannion and just any in jessup last week. So while the warriors have added some depth and improve their defense will it be enough to make a run for a championship. Time will tell it all starts december great day on the lake it is. Lunch is cookin and i saved a bunch of money on my boat insurance with geico. Fellas, can it get any better than this . Whoa my old hairstyle grew back. So did mine. [80s music] what . I was an 80s kid. It only gets better when you switch and save with geico. Looks like a fabulous organization and east Bay Youth Group is among countless groups trying to regain their footing after the pandemic its called hiphop for change and it aims to empower young people through music and the arts and its founder says its also trying to reclaim hiphop music which he says was corrupted by big recording companies. We would have started we were buying your own stories fortunately, black and brown communities have been kept out of like the financials same way that other communities hassle you dont so these corporations you for it makes sense to go to other communities that have a lot of money still one of these communities in the suburbs violates rock and roll sexuality and for hiphop you know we have some people that like that, but most people talk about their own lives, not not know who we are and thats what were trying to build platform to enfranchise the artists that dont big the ideals of a college age may you know were trying to actually build a platform that financially lift up and get resources still represent that she weve got 3 main goal is to work were a sweet 0. 4 Million Dollars and employ over 900 grassroots fundraiser scalia save the children 60 you see us out employing people to be activists in get some resources to bring back to our community that we talked kids k through 12 the real they got local artist trauma informed in the getting paid to teach these kids how to break to express who they are on the inside also really big offensive shows like our womens empowerment summit in our it will be something that can provide a platform local artist what to positive progress through the 80s from we also are building a opened back up the city of free resources kids for what covid not 25 of our organizational. You monthly so were struggling little under water. Wish i knew we just want this as that 9 organizations or kicking. We could use a little support giving tuesday campaign will tell you that. For change still needs Financial Support keep the programs going there now teaching nationwide online while they work to finish there. Recording studio rebecca. I think you can yes we are looking at cloudy skies around the bay area tonight as it continues to roll through this is our east a camera on top of the Berkeley Hills ken and pam were definitely seeing and no rain in the forecast. But its going to be very cold and its going to be very windy through thanksgiving. Song mornings, no frost will not all stand if 1000 blankets, not the plants just yet pretty exactly pretty much a lot of turkey on thursday. Thank you rebecca, thanks all of you for being with us tonight have a good night well see them. Still hard to find a spot. Just easier to park. Still the big move. Just more moving. 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