Fours will tran in napa county and reyna harvey is in the east bay, but first want to start in the weather center. With the forecast john travel has that yeah guys its already nice and sunny out there conditions, calm and cool for the time being but thats not going to last the beautiful start to the morning. Sets us up for more fire danger ahead of us right now were in the midst of continued red flag warnings in the north bay adding to that list though in addition to it red flag warnings taking effect tonight for upper elevations in coastal peninsula areas and inland east bay areas. Daytime highs will be warm enough combined with those winds gusting as high as 40 Miles Per Hour and continued dry conditions that yes fire danger does remain of concern we may be calm right now, but winds pick up this afternoon. Tomorrow a little bit cooler, but winds even breezier come the afternoon. Thats why these red flag warnings extend not just through today, but on into tomorrow and even into friday to which will continue to be breezy. Ahead of what will be a much cooler weekend just around 50s and 60s for current temperatures livermore youre at 63 pittsburgh at 66 while 50s in valais ho as well, San Francisco, just working your way out of the 40s in the north bay you were cool spots this morning. 70s for San Francisco and oakland well areas like san jose just a touch cooler in the low 80s. Rob. Thank you john still tracking a hot spot in martinez on northbound 6. 80 an accident that resulted in a car fire and crews have been running traffic breaks to get this out of your way get that fire under control it is northbound 6. 80 right after the arthur road exit. At last check they were blocking the left lane and sometimes running traffic break so you will be backed up there on northbound 6. 80 in stretches from highway 4. This is impacting people traveling from the east bay to the north bay are trying to access the benicia bridge. So ill be keeping my eyes on this for you highway 4 looks better and was really slow through concord because of that crash on 6. 80 but its already thinning out and check this out a nice commute into San Francisco were finally delay free after a number of small issues at the bay bridge toll plaza under 15 minutes off to fremont street but we still have a motorcycle crash wrapping up in the city of fremont so well check out the nimitz freeway coming up next james darya thanks robin so again. The big story today is the fire danger the high fire danger that were experiencing which has prompted a red flag warning that will be with us at least through friday and big push in the east bays under that warning kron fours reyna harvey is in orinda with an update on the conditions high a morning fire officials are watching the weather patterns closely and want everyone to be mindful and causes if theres any Silver Lining is that is supposed to last until friday, so by the weekend we could be out of the clear weve got to watch the weather conditions to see if thats going to happen or not we have a map for you just so you can know exactly where this red flag warning is applying to you live here its over here throughout the east bay also if youre looking at the east bay hills the Berkeley Hills here we go conquered a little more over in fairfield in danville as well the east bay hills the north bay mountains the east bay valleys san mateo closed also over there Half Moon Bay that that red flag warning thats going to start later on tonight so officials are saying be extremely cautious when youre out with your family if you enjoy barbecuing or doing things like that youre using any Power Equipment maybe youre mowing the lawn any of that type of equipment can spark and because of the wind it can spread rapidly and quickly so 10 oclock tonight is when it starts atm fridays when its supposed to in so many of the officials are hoping that people listening loud and clear because weve seen some of these red flag warnings happened no fire happened as a result of that then sadly weve seen red flag warnings and weve seen a massive fires break out across the bay areas officials monitoring the weather conditions and kron 4 will be doing that for you as well for now reporting here to render aid harvey kron 4 news, thanks a lot of and then theres the part of the story which is the Power Outages nearly 7,000 pg e customers. Are waiting for the electricity to go out pg might shut it off because of the wildfire risk yeah thats going to be something everybody is preparing for and p g is helping out at least as best they can buy at least giving us for warning as to what areas they may be targeting later today and its the areas they already outlined here in yellow. And as we look at the north bay youll see its a lot of the hillsides there in the upper peaks along the napa and sonoma valleys and thats kind of where weve seen it before so hopefully, everybody is prepared. Kron fours will tran is live in napa county everybody is prepared in fact theyre over repair the sick and tired of this well. Now theyre running our in getting generators so forget about the flashlights and the candles they are going to get the generators at a a lot of cost to them, but they say its worth it. Now it seems like a 1, 2 punch right james when whenever theres a red flag warning these days it its pretty much a company by blackouts and according to pg and e napa county will be hit the hardest so take a look at your screen. These are 6 counties said we want to show you all together however were talking about 19 counties spanning about 50 to 70,000 people including 2 tribal communities that could be in the dark starting tonight all the way through friday morning because whenever there are strong winds that could take down the power lines and that could start another round of wildfires happy to report this morning. It is beautiful in downtown calistoga this morning and pg any would like for it to stay that way earlier this morning got a chance to track down a pg excuse me a generator installer heres his reaction to possibly being in the dark. Its understandable just because the extreme fire danger but. You know the homeowners i understand how its frustrating and you know they have things to do they have their work a lot of people are working from home because of covid now so. Right now weve been installing a lot of generators get up to where the genie shots off the power than the generator automatically turns on so a lot of people are taking those generators you know were gonna form. You know he said james and darya they buy the generators and as soon as they get the generators into their company their rushing it out the door so demand is sky high for that as far as downtown calistoga there on the microgrid system so they will have power because they want to make sure that the hospitals the police stations. The Fire Departments have power, but if you live west of the napa river. Theres a good chance just like last week you will be in the dark pg and e will send out text. Alerts to let you know that it could happen i ive had for text alerts over the past couple of months and only one time thankfully that my power was out, but they will not just suddenly turn it off he will give you a headsup and once the danger passes the goal is to have it back within 12 hours napa countys 4300 Sonoma Solano county right next door, looking at about a 1000 customers possibly in the gym. Back to you guys but but will james you remember this the hardest thing is when. Youre on that side that shut off and you can see that right james and then youre like there youre living with candles and theyre like it in 2020 year and you another century literally 40 feet down the sidewalk and what do they have stores we see it all over the place well well you can know whats going on and pressure face through the lights you coming to the door and you press the some of that of you keep track all this if you have the mobile app because you know you dont need power for that could get your battery on your cell phone right charge it up and get kronon and kron 4 dot com. All right well take a quick break here at 9 09 still ahead on the kron 4 morning news details on the new locations across the bay area that are often free covid testing. And also will there be a covid19 relief package before the election. Well update you on the latest effort on capitol hill to reach a deal and after being separated from their parents for more than 3 years hundreds of kids are still alone at the u. S. Mexico border, well te 9. 11 right now so far so good i will call it to the live pictures of him looking nice job, yeah its been a nice morning ahead of what will be a warm windy afternoon. Now the new there though weve been looking at red flag warnings all week long and they only expand for more and more areas today even as temperatures begin to cool down this weekend looking out there this morning at timber on it is beautiful and it is pretty calm too so do enjoy this morning as much as you can. The afternoon, yeah winds start to pick up tomorrow will be in the even breezier day yet. Despite the fact the temperatures will be cooler with those stronger winds that means that will still be in red flag warnings that warning territory for tomorrow friday, red flag warnings expire, but will still hold on to the winds temperatures cooling down enough for the weekend that we start to diminish that fire threat a bit its the combination of the heat. The winds and the dry conditions that weve seen for months months now that result in this heist a fire danger right now red flag warnings continue in the north bay what youre seeing on the peninsula as well as in the inland east bay. These will actually take effect later on today into the evening tonight as winds gust as high as 40 Miles Per Hour on mountaintops with the north bay during daytime hours today and that wind threat spreads further southward. Overnight tonight leading into tomorrow. So we do have increased fire danger to close out the week not have been talking this cool down ahead of us weve been in the midst of a High Pressure ridge, this is going to be nudged out of the region by dip in the jet stream which is going to bring some of the coolest temperatures since april to our interior areas of california, nice little change of pace. Finally a bit of a fall feel to the air out there. They will be the warmest one of the rest of our forecast ahead of these cooler temperatures concord in livermore at 89 degrees each today while the in the low 80s oakland in fremont in the upper 70s, few 60s right along the coastline, lets get a look at this temperature trend over the next 7 days from today into tomorrow daytime highs will begin to cool tomorrow will be breezy here though and still under that fire danger threat with red flag warnings continuing into friday morning. Friday saturday and sunday, nice and cool for the weekend daytime highs only in the 70s at our warmest inland. 60s and 70s right along the bay in coast. Monday and tuesday of next week keep this cooler weather going. Unfortunately with the cooler temperatures does come a steady wind so dont expect it to be calm and cool for the weekend. A cooler nonetheless, robin pay check in on the traffic, its calm and cool on 6. 80 right now were looking good into and out of walnut creek. So no big problems right now. Rolling south on 6. 80 from highway 4 through the 24 split on out to alamo and danville youre clocking at 12 minutes rolling south to make it over to danville here at the bay bridge toll plaza were delay free weve had a lot of heavy traffic this morning but it looks good great now were at 11 minutes after fremont street 92 still a bit crowded, but no big problems to worry about as you head from the east bay over to the peninsula now we have big hot spot on your way to the benicia bridge northbound 6. 80 after arthur. It was a crash that caused grass fire at one point was just awful back my way for because crews are holding back all the traffic so it looks like its winding down theyre no longer blocking all lanes so its much better leaving conquered and martinez, making your way up toward the benicia bridge. A quick peek at the midst of minor recovering from a motorcycle accident and fremont so 28 minutes is much much better from 2. 38 out to 2. 37 back to you all right. Time now to talk winners and losers on wall street with financial expert rob black as always rob good to have you. So its great to be here games all right so lets get it as always by talking stocks. Theyre Holding Steady right weve got the stimulus bill talks their past the deadline that Speaker Pelosi said that theyre still talking so we have reason for optimism. I think so because the senate which is run by Mitch Mcconnell and the republicans are saying were not doing anything above 500 billion i could be wrong made its last second posturing. Even though pelosi is getting closer with you new the white house. I feel that this is going to goldman sachs, a investment broker Financial Company said its probably gonna have to wait after the election which is okay. It may cause of selling event on wall street shorter much confined with like things on discount. It happens. Ill be thrilled. If the blue sweep happens well see a massive structure spin dont come out. If the republicans control senate and presidency than see more deregulation less taxes less state planning taxes. So i think theres a winwin scenario here except the one thing i wouldnt want to see is sacked rolled by the republicans and Everything Else by democrats in large part the gridlock in this country does not need gridlock right now with 10 million plus people unemployed still from the covid scenario that played out this spring. Disneyland it was announced a sugar this out probably not cope until 2021. Thats a little bit of a bummer taco bell we stole base last night mookie betts for the la dodgers will get free tacos tesla report earnings because it kind of Companies People care about yeah, im looking forward to seeing what tesla has to say they report after the bell, i know netflix reported. Their stock taking a bit of a hit would we learn from their numbers. Im disappointing numbers on review was fined earnings were weak. And ultimately to miss the quarter with net new subscribers. But thats okay because the portal lot of that for the first 6 months year during covid we saw some big growth in south korea, japan and watch the couple horror films out of south korea recently on netflix i absolutely loved. I want to see more growth there so well see more movies coming out of here on netflix said new originals are still slated to be more in 2021 been 2020. So they got content in the pipeline and he just started back a Stranger Things which is good news for those of us who have kids who love Stranger Things thats coming soon and also one last thing their cash flow. 2 billion positive this year. That means theyre not going to have to wall street raise money to continue counting out good content. This is a good sort about losing battle when the story out of netflix tech interesting okay, and i guess snapchat to also. Surging whats behind that sort of uptick. Social media is doing great and what social media is doing is its getting us and each turn covid. During the political season, but also were seeing more subscribers are more users. Theyre also seeing bigger dollars out of advertisers for first time in recurring advertisers spending more money. Snap is growing up its nice their stock is at a record high. This is good news for Facebook Google twitter and trust. I think its a nice i dont own snap. Dont even use not except ticket 20 photos. But i think it bodes well, you know this quarters going well and you know we still have Facebook Google and twitter and pinterest go so if you own the stocks. I snaps and give you little bit of greater. Okay well well see where it goes. Yeah other whether those are all the top us ahead for you today, rob, any other thoughts i like i said with earnings tonight. I am really interested to see what tesla reports i know last couple of months theyve the stocks kind of taken a hit in the aftermath i think thats whats more like that buy the rumor sell the news where the kind of pump up a little bit but i dont i dont whats going to happen after today interesting. Were in the year 2020 and gavin newsom said by the year 2035 california, yes, it will sell gas powered vehicles, its all easy. We saw that gms come out are thats a 123 30,000 they have more competition. But when americans are driving 3 penetration of movies and newsome says by 2035 which is not that far away. And theres a lot of growth to happen a lot of market share. I think tesla games higher shortterm, its crazy. I dont know. Yeah long term i think it works i are thinking i must is a a mad genius crazy man, i think it could wait for that future of electric vehicles more of a longterm play kind of hard to a judge. Short term volatility can get out of control as funny brought up the hummer because literally in the commercial break before we came out to rob an ad for came up on tv and daria said oh my gosh what is that she was enamored until i told her you have an extra 100,000 to pay for face just fatherinlaw on a test drive in a model x tesla yeah, hes getting older and he loves cars and he just a thought that was the joy of his lifetime. So i think the future looks good for rickles, okay, good enough rob, thank you as always. Thanks having me you that and dont forget to send in rob, youre clear sent rob, your questions. You can connect with them on facebook and twitter email directly puts his address right there on the screen robber a black dot com. And of course you can always connect with them on our website at kron 4 dot com. And we are back time now is 9. 23 happening today House Speaker nancy pelosi and treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin are scheduled to continue negotiations over a new covid19 stimulus bill. This comes after pelosis 48 hour deadline came and went of course we also heard from Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell that he is reportedly telling his fellow lawmakers that hes telling the white house not to strike a deal with pelosi. Democrats are hoping for a more than 2 trillion dollar proposal President Trump even is urging his party to go big on a plan. But a lot of republicans say they dont want to spend that much. The case against Scott Peterson will return to a courtroom on friday, a judge in stanislaw county will determine whether peterson needs a public defender or has hired his own attorney the state superior Court Ordered this murder case must be reexamined because of possible whether peterson will appear at Fridays Court date in person or by video from san quentin if he appears at all peterson was convicted in 2004 of murdering his wife lacy and their unborn son and then dumping her body in San Francisco bay. A San Francisco is a step closer to making it illegal for people to call police with a specific intent to discriminate. They passed the karen law. Its caution against racial and exploit 8 of nonemergencies act. Karen also the as a nod to the widespread name that describes people who call the police on people of color without a valid reason. And heres video from one instance of that june no one in San Francisco called the cops on a man was putting up a black lives matter sign in front of a Pacific Heights home hell the home. It was his home. The board of supervisors will vote on the measure again next tuesday before sending it to the mayor for her signature. On the kron 4 morning news. Theres a lot of misinformation being spread about the coronavirus for going here directly from the White House Coronavirus task force about what you need to do to protect yourself. Uber and lyft are like every big guy ive ever brought down. Prop 22 doesnt help their drivers it denies them benefits. 22 doesnt help women. It actually weakens Sexual Harassment laws, which are meant to protect them. Uber and lyft arent even required to investigate Sexual Harassment claims. I agree with the la times no on 22. Uber and lyft want all the power. So, show them the real power is you. Vote no on prop 22. 9. 28 is the time or take a look at the weather today, the headline is the red flag yeah, but this weekend the headlines going to be how cool it is looking pretty good job. Yeah, i love the changes because the red flag warnings were done hearing about him and we do have a few more days about but we do have something to look forward to some nice changes come the weekend lots of sunshine over San Francisco all the way out to the coast this morning red flag warnings for the peninsula as well as the inland east bay take effect tonight has wind speeds really increase through the evening and tomorrow is actually are windiest day in this forecast. As for the north bay, those upper elevations that have been under red flag warnings those continue today through tomorrow into friday as well as dry conditions, warm winds and overall gas of high as 45 Miles Per Hour in our upper elevations continue yet another day. Winds are calm right now but do pick up into the afternoon i mention tomorrow being even breezier than today for your thursday despite the fact that tomorrow will be a little bit cooler friday, even cooler yet as red flag warnings expire winds will still be president all the way through the weekend. So a cooler but still breezy weekend on tap. 50s and 60s for your current temperatures we do have fairfield working your way back up to 70 degrees now though hang on to 59 in petaluma 54 in santa rosa. Later today, it will be 70s and 80s for most parts of the bay. Ill get to that still to come robin. John a nice improvement around the bay area this morning, especially on our bridges they are looking much much better starting off of the bay bridge 80 west. The backup is no longer there are crashes and stalls are all out of the way. So this is what we like to see a delay free commute into San Francisco which is perfect for the late rollers in the late risers right 10 minutes off to fremont street, heres a new trouble spot. This is popping up northbound one oh one near grand so coming from the peninsula, heading towards San Francisco, new crash blocks the right lane. So a little slow through the scene but the rest of the trip continuing to San Francisco will be great north to 80 looks great as well if youre using that our east bay slowing looks good or has thinned out rather on the east shore 24 5. 80 and the nimitz just a little bit of residual slowing through fremont after a motorcycle crash on 8. 80 a lot of stop and go traffic still lingering leaving hayward from tennis and heading up to maori back to you thanks a lot. Rob. A 09 30am breaking news overnight in the wee hours of the morning. It was dark and they managed to rescue a man who was stranded at marshalls beach in San Francisco. I was dark and dangerous kron 4 Sarah Stinson joining us live from marshalls beach now with more on this dramatic rescue sir. And it was an intense situation they tried everything climbing on the cliff with ropes. They tried helicopter. But that didnt get here in time and then they tried by boat in that was really found success take a look at this map well see you can see exactly where this happened earlier this morning like they said when it was dark and dangerous tough conditions with the surf out there you can see were standing here in the presidio right near battery crosby and of marshals beach in bakers beach right in between those 2. Now 3 people called 911 around one 30 in the morning because they heard someone screaming for help down below in the clips and thats when they you know all called 911, but of course they thought the same time that they were each needing help because it was so dark outside it was a crazy situation. So from one 30 to 04 30am in the morning, the Fire Department located the 3 people who called for help and then located the man down on the cliffs on a rock. Now in the dramatic video from the rescue you can see. How it all happened they finally rescued the man around 5 in the morning. It was intense because the surf was going up against the rocks and they got the man on a rescue board paddled 200 yard fiscal the size of 2 football fields and got the man on the boat. He was conscious by that time and you know apparently in good spirits. But still scraped up pretty good in in has some hypothermia it definitely was an intense rescue, lets listen to the Fire Department to see what their questions or with this story. Her son was on a cliff edge on iraq. The person was wearing clothes and police is not accessible by water, so its undetermined if he was hiking or what the actual. The situation was prior to him being stuck or how he actually got there were any means. Now First Responders believe that this man had been here previously before high big and they believe he was here when it was low tide and possibly 4 hours so could have been a deadly situation fortunately, those 3 other people around at one 30 in the morning which is pretty rare in this area usually not a lot of people around when its pitch dark outside. But they were able to call 911 and get him help and they successfully rescued him in such tough circumstances for now our reporting live in San Francisco send it back to you. Thanks a lot on credible story. 9. 33 is the time. Lets talk about the coronavirus a lot of confusion and misleading information about the virus and a lot of people have questions to this day about it marni hughes sat down with members of the White House Coronavirus task force to get some answers. There have been mixed messages from those in leadership. And we want to clarify any confusion. So anything you would like to add on that to add clarity and accuracy marty i would just be very clear. Im the president s Health Secretary i speak for him and im telling you our strategy is reduce cases reduce hospitalizations reduce mortality. Wash your hands watch your distance wear face covering, you cant watch your distance and stay out of settings when you cant do those things that is the message of this administration and the strategy of this administration for dealing with the coronavirus and that is from the president threw me the biggest question that i hear from people is when will the vaccine be ready. And will it be safe for me and my family to take their word for if if things done to people in this country, particularly people of color in the name of science historically. We need to acknowledge that we need to help everyone understand that there are protections now in place and probably the most reassuring thing i can tell the American People is it as a black man as the Surgeon General of the United States as a practicing physician as someone with a masters in Public Health. I will be getting a Covid Vaccine when they tell me it has been authorized or approved and that i can get one and that my family will get a Covid Vaccine. When they are told that they can get one because i trust the process what is your message to the American People. What is the message to your own families. Right now as we take this next step everybody has to adjust in this moment. Where we can no longer do as much outside and really change their behaviors back to not only wearing the mask and physically distancing but ensuring the protection of others indoors. Well heres a look at the coronavirus numbers and where they stand this morning statewide more than 884,000 confirmed cases with now more than 17,000 deaths for the bay area. More than a 110,000 cases with more than 1600,1600 people died from covid19. But we are going through stages in the bay area napa and San Francisco counties moved into a less restrictive tears yesterday, San Francisco first in the bay area to be in the yellow tier. Thats minimal restrictions napa county joins alameda and santa clara counties in the moderate level which is orange, san mateo contra costa and solano and warren counties, those are still in the read here and then sonoma is the only one in the purple which is considered widespread thats the strictest and worst here that you can be and now lets go back to San Francisco where theyre into yellow which means businesses can expand their operations. Starting next tuesday, local corporate offices, canned have 25 indoor capacity then on november, 3rd restaurants, Shopping Centers museums and places of worship cant have Indoor Services at 50 and also on that date indoor pools climbing gyms and bowling alleys can open back up and businesses some of them are excited about it. It really sends a strong message to the residents of San Francisco. That its safe to work out indoors and while we were open at 10 most recently there were no spikes in any covid hot spots or anything like that later the fitness. Indoor fitness centers, those in hotels, they are allowed to open their locker rooms and showers now you get the schedule of whats happening and how the reopening is going on our website at kron 4 dot com. Well in the north bay Sonoma County is now expanding free covid19 testing to residents it opened up a popup test site at andys unity park in the moreland neighborhood. Its one of the communities with a large light next population and a high number of coronavirus cases the testing sites will be held to different locations and you could find the full schedule on our website kron 4 dot com. Well take a break or 9. 37 coming up after the break pope francis declares support for same civil unions with more garage door opening it is my fathers love. It is his passion it is his fault he didnt lock the garage. Dont even think about it been there, done that. With liftmaster® powered by myq®, know whats happening in your garage from anywhere. You can take a day off fromy worrying about your packages. Ohhh yeahhh just connect your myq® app to key. Ohhh yeahhh get free ingarage delivery with myq® and key by amazon. 9. 40 right now and new this morning, pope francis declare support for same civil unions for the first time as pope he had previously indoor civil unions for couples while he was. Archbishop of buenos aires but he had never come out publicly and flee in favor of civil unions until now as Pope Pope Francis indoors to support for same civil unions in a new documentary about him and in the documentary says quote homosexual people have the right to be in a family, they are children of god. Another big story that were following this morning. We have more than 500 children who were separated from their parents at the usmexico border. Theyre still not back with their parents whose children were all taken from their parents back in 2017 or 2018. According to the aclu about 2 thirds of those childrens parents are believed to be back in their original country. Volunteers have been looking for the parents by going door to door in countries like guatemala and honduras thousands of families were separated in the first 2 years of the Trump Administration in 2018 a judge ordered an end to that policy. Well today, another warm one, but really the last of our warmest days as we have a nice cool down ahead of us also heightened fire danger for an increased about of the and were back time now is 9. 44 bay area roller coaster fans well youre going to have to wait a little bit longer to ride your favorite already 20s been morning chad yeah so we did get some updated guidance from californias Public Health officials however it does not allow some of the larger theme parks to reopen until the county in which they operate in moves into the yellow tier of the states blueprint for safe reopening, however, smaller theme parks, theyre actually good to go. These will be limited in capacity up to 25 or 500 visitors which covers fewer. All the other parts the larger of 2 parts. We are waiting here for that big yellow here. Yes santa clara is currently in the orange here and owners of californias Great America sent kron 4 statement that read in part. Cedar fair which is Parent Company is extremely disappointed and frustrated with the lack of a reasonable consideration given to the opening of californias most popular theme parks. We feel strongly that californias Great America should be allowed to open under the same guidance afforded to smaller parks and quote. Disneyland had a similar statement they were not thrilled finding out that they can open in california and they released a statement saying that this decision is devastating to the whole Southern California community. Not just directly all the disney employees but everybody else to Small Businesses rely on the business of does need to bring in their customers as well. This is just something even though disney florida. You know disney world has been allowed to reopen california is not allowing it yet. All right, lets get a check of the weather we have john trouble standing by with sort well get to forecast right at the hot with the forecast, the fire danger that we have relief on the horizon, yeah, very different forecast ahead of us the one unifier though its going to stay windy even as temperatures do cool down. But as we take the heat away your fire danger will diminish as temperatures do cool down. So thats definitely good news today, its warm its windy and it certainly is nice and clear out there all the way through the golden gate. First morning that we havent seen any fog at the golden gate streaming through nice light breeze right now for most areas, but winds pick up this afternoon into the evening tonight, picking up even more so and into your thursday or windiest day of the week looking at conditions out there specially breezy up in the north bay in the inland east bay. As for friday temperatures really starting to cool that remaining breezy, youre still looking at windy conditions likely through the weekend ahead of us, were just taking a step back from the warmest of temperatures which is one of the contributing factors to this heightened fire danger red flag warnings continue today for the north bay. Well now expanding into areas of the peninsula along the coast and in the Santa Cruz Mountains and in the inland east bay taking effect tonight lasting through friday winds gusting as high as 40 Miles Per Hour. Most winds from 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour. A High Pressure ridge that has been in place keeping a so dry and warm being nudged out by this descending low that is also going to drag in some cooler air along with that cool winds pushing on into the bay area will provide relief in the coolest temperatures that we felt us what since april for some of the inland parts of the bay and the state general 70s 80s for high temperatures today, not as hot as yesterday was but the hottest one of the rest of the forecast because look at where were heading from here on out daytime highs tomorrow in the low 80s inland upper 70s by friday and mid 70s for inland areas by saturday and sunday red flag warnings remain through friday after that we will take a step off the gas as far as temperatures go. But winds remain with us all the way through next week. And the buzz when you win the world series opener you have about a 63 chance of taking the whole thing but Clayton Kershaw isnt getting ahead of himself. He just broke his own playoff jenks his masterful pitching and a powerful offense power. The dodgers passed the raise 8 to 3. Cody bellinger opting for a covid save toetapping over a forearm bashing celebration cant risk another dislocated shoulder, its only game one, but it is hard not to think of winning 3 more. If we play our best know, i mean i dont i dont think. I think were the best team. I think our clubhouse believes that you know theres going to be certain times where you know we could be in week that happens but as a collective group of everybodys doing what theyre supposed to be doing in playing the way theyre supposed to i dont i dont see how that can happen. About 11,000 fans are allowed inside the world series bubble each night to cheer for their cities. Second big championship la already won the nba, final and tampa won the stanley cup. The rest of us are living in the other 2020 the one where you cant even go to a game. Even though the state just gave santa clara county, the green light to open up sporting venues. Local Health Officials will not allow fans at levi saying the risk of catching covid is too great. Putting in an audience in a stadium in large groups. Is just asking for trouble. Its like a petri dish if you do the math that means somewhere between 250 and a 1000 people out of those 14,000 people well be infected. Theyll be infected. There will be at the stadium screaming yelling theyll be going to try to get food. Theyll be unmasked during the time period that theyre eating theyre going to be going to the restroom. Theyre going to be congregating theyre going to be infecting other individuals. While the niners say they appreciate the leadership and thoughtful response and theyll continue to follow the rules a lot of people have turned covid into a political battle and nobodys come under more fire. And doctor Anthony Fauci he talked covid and basketball with steph curry on the warriors stars state of Inspiration Series on youtube. Right now is probably the worst ive seen. A group of people the dark web or the crazy extremist who dont believe anything we say about Public Health and say this is a hoax and were trying to fool people because we want to shut down the government and they continually and that the government but the country and they want to really essentially say im a fraud. Ive never. I mean anybody who knows what i do would never say that that we have people who are so extreme that they not only attack my integrity. But they really threatened to physically attacked me and my family which is really bizarre that people are so stringent in the disagreement with something thats a simple as a Public Health message that they not only call you a liar and a fraud, but they want to physically attack you and then and harassed your family. I never quite seen that before staff but its happening right now which is really weird yeah, i mean i know thats a reflection of. Obviously the social media air or air and how small the world is and sometimes those conspiracies are this release about reality or weaponized in a way that weve obviously never seen before when it first little bit more light hearted connect our world a little bit more ive seen a picture of you and nice basketball jersey which is with the squad and i think theres a nice reputation of what your basketball prowess was back in the day even to the point of being a hand the nickname americas point by no less than coach k i did do i play with for coach k toys during the. Team usa World Championships and got couple go meadows and that hes giving you the americas point guard you got to give us the scott report on what your game was like what was your job or like what was here put your strengths out there on the court. You know steph it was a different style of basketball because it was a long time ago when when i tell you how long ago was you know look at me and say my god you say you still able to speak instead. I was in high school in my senior year was 19 58. So i wish im short of 5, 7, 4, i was 5, 7 then i probably should and as i shrunk a little kid but the being is it was always a fast running game and being a fast person had to drive was a good ball handler i could play a good game. New basketball love it and i love americas right its think itll be a call that the absolutely you can watch all these this is this is the second time the step doctor fauci any talk to other big people. Yeah he talked to bill has this whole little series on youtube and you know if you instagram he watched their to i checked it i didnt choose this job because it was easy. But i cant say i expected this. To fight these fires, we need funding plain and simple. For this crisis, and for the next one. Prop 15 closes tax loopholes so rich corporations pay their fair share of taxes. So firefighters like me, have what we need to do the job, and to do it right. The big corporations want to keep their tax loopholes. Its what they do. Well, i do what i do. If yould like to help, join me and vote yes on prop 15. And we are back time now is 9. 56 take a look at this a pair of raccoons were caught in the act a little bit and its broken or redwood city bank early tuesday morning. A says that he was using the atm when he noticed thought were stuffed animals inside. When he noticed a moving he yeah, so they were just roaming the bank they were just exploring. You know we always say is they got away with an undisclosed amount of cash every time zone around this is truly taking it back to where got the masks on their face which is going they did get away though, and i think theyre fine and i dont think they were arrested by lets take a peek at the 7 day around the bay forecast and this is the cool down the joe was talking about it coming saturday and sunday so hang on to the hot weather for just a couple more days there is relief on the horizon, it looks like got to hang on your half the gusty winds today and tomorrow. Thats it for now see you back here tomorrow morning. Announcer today, on an all new dr. Phil, she is on the husband number ten. Ten times, really . One was cheating on me. One would not tell me he loved me. He would only say ditto. Ive made a list of your criteria. Mail, breathing. Number six was amazing when we first got together. Good breather . Youve got three teachers, a biker, and a peeping tom. Who the hell were you turning down . Todays going to be a changing day in your life. You never had anybody working harder to bring it to the threshold of change than right now. [cheers and applause]

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