Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20240712

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Than 46,000 acres and that 2 contained and take a look at this brandnew video a crime viewer frank blew sent to us it shows the glass fire from above the Santa Rosa Calistoga area around 8 oclock tonight. Franc was flying into sfo from spokane when he saw the huge plumes of smoke and the orange glow of the flames and this is looking down from several 1000 feet and it gives you an idea of just how much landon area is burning in just how devastating these fires are. We have Team Coverage tonight on this last fire we start with kron fours 10 of us live in Santa Rosa Taylor. We just saw it looks like from the sky and youre there on the ground up close a lot more different situation there isnt. Vicki unfortunately were seeing situations like this homes reduced to rubble. This is what used to be the Saint Germains family home you can see some of the areas here still smoldering and right now standing in what used to be the garage. There was a weightlifting room inside this garage, you can see that this bar Still Standing someone over here but also inside the garage was a very important art studio. Thats now gone with everything else. A new shocking haha an overwhelming there was part of my intuition that i knew when i was walking out the night comes about age thing so many times. I that some sort of scent like maybe this is it this time while trust in Saint Germain and her family have been through many fire evacuations before. This time. He would not have a home to return to the glass fire reduce their santa rosa home to rubble. After the family only lived in neighborhood for a little over a year we are. The trip to go like living in a house to all this and like having a car full of stuff between all your family members thankfully they made it out with important family documents i actually sleep with my documents in an envelope next to my bed. Could become a thing reading through occupation xover no burning like most of the fires. I like to grab back the lost their chickens and priceless items like Saint Germains art pieces that she put together over the last 2 decades despite the huge loss of her home in lifes work. Saint germain says shes thankful to make it out safely with their family it stocks but at the end of the day like were all alive. We all made it out or dog made it out and. You know like. Yeah, we lost treasures that you know that cannot be replaced by an entire art studio everything ive ever made 20 years of costumes and addressed the. You know all my patients, but you know, im creative and i can create together. Unfortunately many other families dealing with this devastation but the Saint Germain family has remained somewhat optimistic somewhat positive here and for now they are looking for the new place to call home theyre staying with friends but theyre not sure if theyre if if santa rose is going to be the cards for this time because of dealing with situations like this in the concerns for years to for now live in Santa Rosa Taylor kron 4 news alright, taylor, the growing glass fires forced more people to evacuate today the. Entire community of england in napa county was ordered to leave this morning kron fours gayle ong was in angle in all day long she joins us now live from saint what she was what she saw up the mountain earlier today, gayle. Ken and extremely smoky conditions today. Firefighters saw the most fire behavior in the england area threatening the communities of a win and pope valley. The community when is still one of High Priorities get those crews actively engaged in in all those areas where theres a concern and try and get this fire stopped as quick as we possibly can driving down Howell Mountain road and anglin is a ghost town residents left evacuated tags out for napa county sheriffs deputies to see on deerpark road towards saint helene a burn scars and devastation from the glass fire, this is what youll see. Nothing but charred earth. Theres also other hazards in the area you can see over there down power poles and lines on day 3 of the fire firefighters are focusing on protecting structures as of tuesday evening, at least 50 homes have been destroyed in napa county that number expected to rise as Assessment Team surveyed the damage tags on sunnyside road in saint helena indicate the area has been checked radically just because those numbers will increase doesnt mean that theres an active damage going on this damage inspection will go on for multiple days because theres a large fire perimeter, changing winds led to more fire activity tuesday by the afternoon, the air filled with smoke grounding aircraft. We are seeing a law on the wind tonight, but firefighters are still concerned about the hot dry temperatures and winds back in the forecast in the coming days, the National Weather service has just issued a fire weather watch as of thursday afternoon at this point in time there is no way to tell just exactly when this fire will be fully contained and this area one of the big backers of this fire. This area pockets in napa valley has not been heard in past fires in the l a new fire that had expired 2017 making this dry vegetation around the extremely flammable live in saint helene gayle, ong kron 4 thank you gayle back away shuns are changing really with the course of the wind some 70,000 residents in napa and Sonoma County still. Cant go home. Kron fours Ella Sogomonian is live for us in the newsroom with a look at those Evacuation Orders in force tonight, ellen yes, so many people still waiting for the chance to be able to return home if there still is one standing as Evacuation Orders and warnings are shifting with the wind direction, lets take a look at the map santa rosa is not as much of a concern now because as mentioned the wind is blowing away from the city. So in Sonoma County people who live in northeast. Bennett valley oakmont stone bridge kenwood down to the valley of the moon just glen ellen. Still cannot return home. All that red those are the mandatory zones that fall between west a fire road and across to skyhawk and pie fan and now over to the napa county side of things all the blue here is a mandatory evacuation zone, so some upgrades there tonight that we saw for state route 29 and highway one 28 at foothill boulevard to the county line between Diamond Mountain and Petrified Forest road. That also includes angwin us weve seen with gayle ong and in and around Robert Louis Stevenson state park down to the southern tip of lake hennessy can see on this map and south and west of highway one 28 as well as north calistoga 5 the fairgrounds up to Greenwood Avenue section there has been downgraded just a warning thats the yellow here, north of Petrified Forest road and that also includes and middle rincon spring lake and summerfield theres also warning up here thats for Chalk Mountain area. So lets take a look at where people can go so back away shun. Centers have been set up at the Crosswalk Church in napa in petaluma you can go to the Sonoma Marin Fair Grounds or the Veterans Building but the Community Center there is now full so another one has opened up in santa rosa thats a family Community Center on college avenue, the sonoma raceway is also welcoming evacuees plus in santa rosa, a place to stay the Veterans Memorial building and sonoma state universitys jim in rohnert park just make sure to head over to the parking lot g Napa Valley College is also accepting evacuees to confine the latest of all this information up on our website kron 4 dot com and if you do go to any of these centers youre asked to bring a Face Covering and practice, good hygiene as well as keep your distance from what another live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news hello. Thank you in hundreds of evacuees are spending another night at one of those centers. Its a park in santa rosa from forced flee to met with some of the people there today. The aguilar is family is safe his wife and 4 kids are trying to keep their minds off the glass fire which forced them to evacuate from their home in santa rosa overnight. For all those bosses allowing them to stay in his office until the Evacuation Order is lifted in the meantime the family is passing the time and a place to play park we could try to come. Give my kids. In mind out of the i there that way they dont skate park on west 3rd street is a temporary evacuation point other neighbors who also fled their homes are camping out until theyre allowed to return home we waited the to go back 2020 socks. 2020 is terrible, everybody just cant wait for it to be over. Its just one thing after another this is a repeat for Rebecca Farrell who spent the night in her car at the park. Her apartment survived the 2017 tubbs fire and although a nighttime photo shows the flames got closer this time her place is Still Standing. But 2 weeks ago she was laid off from her job as a chef and staying in the shelter is not an option for her because she does not feel safe. Indoors with others due to covid19 my friend texted me she said whatever happened good old fashion earthquake. And we laughed about that you now. And that in shes trying to keep it together but says its tough we are e a community relies on turns them and that can happen right now so its just falling and so now all of the people. The chefs the week staff. The people that clean the hotel room. Its its a domino effect is just devastating in santa rosa felipe just all kron 4 news all right to weather is so important during these times us check in with chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow. Yes, certainly as the winds switching direction. Thats helped out firefighters but this fire has come like a bull in a china shop, whichever way it moves. Its going to break something and thats what were worried about right now and certainly were seeing that outside as weve seen those winds really put a halt to the advance on the fire conditions in the santa rosa area but then youve got win over here that is worried about the fire coming in their direction were seeing those winds now so that northeasterly wind now were getting more of a west south westerly component the wind thats blowing in that direction, but the winds are going to switch direction once again weve been fairly lucky over the 12 to 24 hours theyve been fairly light around the bay area and in around the fire zone so thats helping firefighters out there. Unfortunately its not going to stay that way. Heres latest on some of the forecast right now the winds not bad by tomorrow afternoon they start to switch directions and then the winds start to pick up after that youll see that tomorrow morning fairly calm early on only 2 mile an hour winds in the Santa Rosa Rohnert park certainly fairly calm. There in the same polina down bill only 4 mile hour winds in and win but then as we head in toward tomorrow afternoon. We start to see a little shift in the wind becoming more of a northerly wind you see the winds begin to pick up thats much more dry wind that is going to start to mix down. So that means were going to see the humidity that has been going way up now down to back down 2010 maybe 25 percentile and then those winds really get within as we head into thursday and look at that the strong northerly winds moving in maybe some gusts over 20 Miles Per Hour, maybe 25 miles an hour thats going to push that fire back down in toward the napa valley also places like glen allen youve got to watch out there is going to push in that wind direction also in towards the normal. So certainly concerned as it gets a little bit closer that being said the National Weather service has just issued a fire weather watch as we get into thursday that continues into friday thats where expect the peak of those gusts is not going to be a gusty wind event like the last one but a Strong Enough to get winds 15 to 25 Miles Per Hour. That will move that fire long advance that awful send embers out ahead of it humidity also going to be dropping 15 to 25 of the fire instead of slowly burning now is going to pick up speed so dangerous fire conditions ahead, not as bad as they were this past weekend. But certainly concern as weve already got a fire burning right now all right here the very latest on the humidity you can see a lot of moisture andreen begin to move its way back on shore the fog low clouds been great to see and the humidity tomorrow morning near saturation levels in the santa rosa in and around that fire. Now things begin to change by the afternoon tomorrow and then as we get into thursday, you start to see that northerly flow and there you go you see some of the humidity levels down to 10 to about 18 very dry conditions very dangerous fire conditions as we head into thursday too. All right lauren thank you very much of course a lot of us when we go to napa valley we go to our favorite spots, lots of beautiful roads to travel lots of beautiful wineries to visit. In the napa valley. Yeah its summer along the silverado trail they go up along calistoga be all over this glass fire really has traveled up and down parts of the wine country burning through several wineries and vineyards our kron fours dan kerman has a look now at the damage at castello di amorosa. What sets castello di amorosa apart from other wineries in the napa valley is that its built to resemble a 13 thcentury tuscan castle. But even these formidable watch towers could not stop the glass fire from racing across the valley monday morning and destroying the winerys farmhouse which is used as a warehouse obvious that they shun was down 70 during covid. And then with the fire and the last 4 got down and not a 15 . So we were heavily impacted pay covid and then the fires that way and then we get out and fight. Well they believe the tanks inside survived not so the line inside those tanks or the cases of line that went up in flames. I think it is around that 10,000 cases which is a 120,000 bottles if you want to put a figure that i would say its around 4 to 5 Million Dollars luckily, the winerys Main Building tasting room and outdoor terrace survived as well as its offsite warehouse we make our living with people come to visit the castle, the castle would have been down we we would have no income for years to come. So in a way we are lucky. Tuesday was a day of cleaning up and still the winemaking process continues 4050 of all the grapes are harvested but i have to say this is probably the most challenging year for line make in the last 50 is as for when this place will be back open for tastings they say as soon as the Evacuation Order is lifted. In Calistoga Dan Kerman Kron 4 news. By the way weve put together a list of the napa valley wineries that were destroyed or damaged in the glass fire you can find it on our website kron 4 dot com. The fire crews from across the state in napa and sonoma counties right now helping to fight this glass fire. Cal fire santa clara units sent up for strike teams and 13 engines. The agency is now relying on local resources to respond to emergencies happening in the south bay. We reached out to gilroy fire san jose fire is the regional parks in Alameda County and they stopped Additional Resources for us to put in our stations a backfield the 13 inches we have currently out on incidents in northern california. The division chief says that the state also hired more than a 1000 firefighters back in july and thats been helping cal fire crews to get enough rest before going back out there to the fire lines californias Emergency Management leaders are asking for another major disaster declaration from President Trump. Try to handle these devastating wildfires. Capitol Bureau Reporter Ashley Zavala sat down with the states top Emergency Management leader about the ongoing challenges. The amount of fire that we have. It all on the landscape of the state is probably the most that i have seen in my time longterm Emergency Management leader and cal oh yes, director Mark Ghilarducci says this year is unlike any hes experienced before for the second time in a month california is requesting another president ial major disaster declaration for devastating wildfires. He confirmed the federal government has now approved 16 firefighting grants also known as asked mags the most ever in a single california fire season, but not every fire. Gets an f megan you have to have a series of events that are taking place that really could be you know and up into a catastrophic event with dozens of major fires burning since august the office of Emergency Services has 20 other states have joined the firefight through the out of state and federal mutual aid systems but the pandemic has thrown an added hurdle to bring in the extra help there were firefighters that. Could not respond because jurisdictions had firefighters that had covid positive availability of normal. Resources to maybe going support another jurisdiction, just wasnt there or in the event that removing resources like when we were working with the u. S. Forest service. We brought in the canadian. Crews from canada, they had to be quarantine prior to coming in that will has to be factored in. To the process which which just adds to another level of complexity really do she says because of the pandemic coupled with west coast heat waves and fires the resources have not been met to the degree state leaders would like but gilley duty says state leaders are trying to balance that out accordingly in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. He graduated. Either the lowest or almost the lowest in your class dont ever use the word smart with me. Dont ever use that give me because you know what theres nothing smart about you joe. There you go President Trump and democratic nominee joe biden went at it in tonights first president ial debate. Yeah if you could get past the mudslinging in the noise. There were several hot button issues. Our Catherine Heenan hosted a special edition of inside bay area politics tonight. She has details on what our political analysts thought about debate if you could call it that catherine. Well you know we were told before the debate both candidates are being coached on how to get under each others skin, but yes, a lot of people work really surprised the debate turned so contentious really only moments after it began. I asked our political analysts for their thoughts. I think is going to change anyones minds will probably reinforce peoples perception of both candidates from their respective viewpoints i would say this were talking about this during the break if the next debate starts like this after 5 minutes people are going to search train off the tv because youre not getting as much as you want and the substance that people do need at least for those that 10 not there on decided theyre not going to get it from this kind of former i think its a missed opportunity for the president with independence. And so and thats really the outcome that i does not mean much fossilrim voting. I wrote a whole book about that. So i think its a missed opportunity and that regarding president must do better the next time you better pick up. So if you look at this its you have to go back to 1960 forward democratic president ial candidate is received more than 60 of the vote that we just got 61 at that time so youre really at a democratic candidate is going to top out around 53 or so 52 . If biden can get there that means a very close race. Weve got 5 weeks ago that means every voter in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. Those key battleground states whos watching maybe they got something out of this but what we got was a slugfest in the mud and it certainly wasnt president ial hopefully the next one will be better. As talk about the next 1, 2, more president ial debates are scheduled. And october 7th next wednesday. The first and only Vice President ial debate between Kamala Harris and mike pence ken and vickie. All right, thank you very much catherine and by the way were just 35 days away from the election kron 4 is your local election headquarters. Ahead at 1030 well have a live report from cleveland where debate took place thats coming up. We continue our coverage on the glass fire. Santa rosa man recounts the moment of his evacuation from his home as flames raced towards his neighborhood. Plus no fans were allowed inside to catch the fortyniners inaction by levi stadium will open its doors to the public. The new purpose, it will serve in just a month or so and start planning your date night right now proposition 16 takes on discrimination. Some women make as little as 42 of what a man makes. Voting yes on prop 16 helps us fix that. Its supported by leaders like Kamala Harris and opposed by those who have always opposed equality. We either fall from grace or we rise. Together. Proposition 16 provides equal opportunities, levelling the Playing Field for all of us. Vote yes on prop 16. For all of us. I cantwhat . Ve it. That our new house is haunted by casper the friendly ghost . Hey jill hey kurt movies . Ill get snacks no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our Car Insurance with geico. I got snacks ohhh, i got popcorn, i got caramel corn, i got kettle corn. Am i chewing too loud . Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Looks like Indoor Dining will be able to resume tomorrow in San Francisco mayor london breed announced today, the city will allow Indoor Dining and reopening of places of worship 25 capacity, San Francisco became the first in the bay area today to advance into the less restrictive orange here of the states reopening blueprint orange here increases the capacity limits for restaurants churches zoos and museums from 25 to 50 . Retailers can operate at full capacity, instead of 50 indoor gyms and Fitness Centers can boost occupancy limits from 10 to 25 and Business Owners in San Francisco dont need to worry about getting evicted through the end of november today mayor breed. Authorized a 60 day extension of the citys commercial eviction moratorium. Now the original moratorium was set to expire after tomorrow. Last week governor newsome signed an executive order allowing local cities to continue banning evictions of commercial tenants in Contra Costa County businesses such as movie theaters gyms and restaurant dining rooms can now reopen the county moved into the red tier today if it stays in the red tier for 2 more weeks. Schools will be open be able to reopen for in person classes that would happen on october 13th as of right now Sonoma County is the only bay area county still in the purple or widespread here. And Oakland International airport walk for free covid19 testing to everyone whos heading to hawaii. The airport says it offer testing to airport and airline employees for starting this sunday and then expand to hiwaii travelers starting on october 15th. Tests will be conducted by appointments by City Health Urgent Care at the airports northfield terminal complex mass layoffs, a disney the company says its laying off 28,000 workers. And its disneyland and disney world theme parks because of continued struggles caused by the pandemic did. Disney is not saying how many of the affected employees work at the anaheim theme park in how many work at disney world in florida. Disneyland has been closed in the the pandemic beginning in march. Weve got clouds rolling in right now a lot of thick fog out there tonight, but that fog is going aw they do one of the most difficult jobs there is, even in normal times. Our Frontline Health care workers. And when these heroes lack the resources they need, that risky job gets ten times harder. Prop fifteen makes corporations pay their fair share. To invest in our communities, in our clinics, in the essential workers who treat everyone rich, poor, and inbetween. Whether its this pandemic or the next health crisis, vote yes on prop fifteen. For all of us. About you could never have done the job that we did you dont have it in your blood you could have never done that yet. I know how to do the job, i know how to get the job weve been very well in swine h one n one you were a disaster your own key stands out at 14,000 people died not 200,000. A clash on stage between President Trump and his democratic opponent, joe biden the 2. Met for their first president ial debate of this Campaign Season it was held in Cleveland Ohio and thats where we find news nations on bradley who joins us live with. A recap of quite an interesting debate to mind. Good evening, the insults came fast and furious, joe biden said that donald trump is the worst president america has ever had while trump said that biden one smart. Gentlemanly start moments before a street fight. President trump and former Vice President biden at each others throats for 90 minutes a firedup President Trump repeatedly interrupted the former Vice President and lobbed in sauce and theres nothing smart about you joe 47 years youve done no set at times biden showed he was annoyed you pick this up right around guy the wrong night at a wrong time vote you any what it is still on the coronavirus the rivals defeated the countrys response is what it is because you are who you are if we would have listened to you. The country would have been left wide open millions of people would have died not 200,000 a question about President Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court quickly turned into a fight about health care. President trump accused biden of wanting to kick people off of their private insurance while biden ward the conservativeleaning Supreme Court will end obamacare you patty were going to go socialist. Party is an emotional is right now i am and they can accommodate the moderator. Chris wallace asked President Trump about the New York Times report that he only paid 750 a year in federal income taxes in 2016 2017 chris, let me just think that it was the tax laws, i dont want to pay tax peak before i came here. I was a private developer was a private Business People like every other private person list this stupid. They go through the laws and thats what it is he passed a tax bill that gave us all these privileges for depreciation and for a tax credits President Trump was asked to condemn White Supremacists but he did not i want to see what he do it sir do its a. You want to call them. What you want to call and give me a name give me my surprise us and and i root this and write this is not a right as is levee i direct this as a when President Trump attacked biden sons. The former Vice President unloaded he was not a loser he was a patriot and the people left behind there were heroes and i talking to my son beau biden yurt i dont know i dont know though i before the first punches were thrown organizers predicted more than 100 Million People would tune in. Well see how many people stuck around until the end and whether or not what they saw it will make a difference in their vote. Live in cleveland and to my brad lidge. And tomorrow before we let you go i mean its been a few hours since the debate were reading things describing it as a Dumpster Fire and and things we really cant repeat on the air, anybody there in cleveland come away with it, warm and fuzzy feeling like a i learned a lot this was great. No no you know its its were polarized country right now and people pick their camp and i there was disappointment on both sides in terms the overall performance and thats something that people are going to measure what matter though for these men is that. Probably nobodys vote tonight, if youd like President Trump you probably are going to stick with them if you like joe biden youre also probably going to stick with them and so thats a missed opportunity. Certainly for the president whos trailing in polls here as we close out the campaign with 35 days to go. Im curious if youve heard anything about the handling of this by Chris Wallace is a respected journalist. But clearly he lost control of this debate and was run over a particularly by president and ive been seeing stuff on social media about maybe having mikes that could be killed so the audio doesnt go past the 2 minutes or is there any way any discussion about how the next moderator is going to try to rain these 2 candidates in. Be interesting to see chilean President Trumps mike would actually stop him from being loud enough for the the other microphones in the room to to pick him up look it was a thankless job. Chris certainly tried to maintain control try to talk over. The candidates. He repeatedly said that he was the moderator. Let me do this job we can switch spots did the best he could it was a thankless job i sure would have wanted it. No kidding, neither of would either thank you to mark bradley reporting live for us in cleveland. Here at home levi stadium in santa clara will serve as a Voting Center for the november election, the San Francisco fortyniners made that announcement today saying the effort to is meant to ensure residents have a safe and easily accessible location to drop off their ballots participate in early voting or vote in person on november, 3rd. Early in person voting begins on halloween from 09 00am to 05 00pm on election day the stadium will be open from 07 00am to 08 00pm and there will be free parking at the Great America parking lot. We found out that our house. It wasnt be gone. Its a very sobering thing. To find out that all you work for. And all of that your parents to work for. And we continue to monitor the destructive glass fire burning in napa and sonoma counties. Cal fire says that fire has now grown to 46,600 acres and a 2 containment. Tonight, 52 homes in napa county 28 homes in Sonoma County are destroyed. More than 22,000 structures are still threatened. And kron fours Maureen Kelly she was in santa rosa de were many homes are no longer standing. Parts of this landscape is still smoking in evidence with the fire burned through is everywhere from the charge shrubs of this median along highway 12 to the black and the grasses and trees in this orchard and on a small cul de sac that backs up to the orchard you can see where the fire demolished one home fire retardant lane like fresh snow on the driveway. Very little is left of 6029 molina glenn place inside the guts of the house are basically charcol and still smoking but every other home on the small street still stance further out along highway 12 Sonoma Valley is hazy with smoke. Trees on the hillside now skeletons their foliage burned away. Some homes were spared here but a few like this one not far from richards road is barely recognizable all thats left is a pit of ash and mangled metal a few sheep left behind stand watching the smoke in the community i found santa rosa firefighters just as they wrapped up tao seen whats left of 5964 stone bridge road again its what assistant fire Marshal Paul Lowenthal says is part of their Tactical Patrol to tamp down hot spots. He says this fire is much different than the 2017 tubbs fire that laid waste to entire neighborhoods. But Lessons Learned during that inferno help them in this most recent fight theyre able to evacuate this area a much earlier than we did during 2017 and that really did enable that bowling the resources to get into these neighborhoods freely. With the Evacuation Orders in place and people he knew them and leaving the area well in advance of the fire. Allowing our firefighters to get in their pickup, the numerous hot spots and save an unmet an incredible number of structures another structure damage in this fire. Maria creel high school. Fire Officials Say 2 classrooms there were burned. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. And a reminder several School Districts in the north bay. Cancel Distance Learning because the wildfires they include the man it value Union School District kenwood School District Rincon Valley School District. Sonoma valley unified School District. All santa rosa schools have canceled Distance Learning tomorrow, the districts going to continue though to serve grab and go meals. Lets go outside see how things are shaping up on this tuesday night and we need a break in the weather here. Right now the key looks nice out there. Turning now to our Lawrence Karnow why things looking better later on this week for the fire fight. Well, you know as what we really like to see as we get knocked over wed like to see good rainstorm in fact there may be just something on our longrange forecast, ill show you that more in just a moment right now. Looking good air quality wise. In fact weve seen that on shore breeze you saw the fog that live shot a second ago and so that breeze is kept the air quality looking good along the coastline inside the bay stretching to Fremont Hayward oakland looking very good moderate amounts of fluid building up in some of the interior valleys even in the san jose right now now by tomorrow afternoon. I think the wind is going to the directions tomorrow morning looks like good air quality gain by the afternoon things changed quite a bit we start to see more of a northerly component the when that is going to blow the smoke from the fire back into the bay, so air quality looking pour inside the bay, many of the valleys i think enough of the sea breeze right at the coastline, but youre probably still have some fresh air up toward the beaches. But yeah weve got changes coming in this in the chart weve got low clouds and the fog that has surged back on shore has been great news for firefighters bring up the humidity and slow down that fire in fact, turn course hear the wind kind of switch direction temperatures around the bay area right now 59 degrees the fog into San Francisco still 72 in little more and 56 degrees in santa rosa. All right long range forecast this work starts to get really interesting this time of year we start looking for a change to get some rain in the bay area we may see something in fact youll see right here as we head into the next 24 hours High Pressure still overhead that big dome in place were going to see those week offshore winds developing again not as strong as before but still we could have some gusts to 25 Miles Per Hour or so bridge going to hold strong as we head through thursday night by friday starts to break down a little bit this weekend go see a return of a stronger seabreeze i think that will really see more significant cooling around the bay area that continues in the next week as well and then as we head in toward the latter part of next week in this get way out in the forecast models there you go thats a pretty significant cold front to trim theres another stuff front and wants to move through in fact maybe a tropical system if that moves through that could be a big a problem i carry some lightning with it so well watch that closely as we get a little bit close right now your tenant tenants shows the heat up then we start to cool down into friday and the weekend much cooler next week right now we wont put the rain in there just yet well watch it closely call it partly cloudy and cooler by next friday. Oranges foresee a struggle to get some offense going in game one of their wild card playoff game against im voting yes on prop 19 to help californias most vulnerable. Over 24,000 homes were destroyed by wildfires in less than two years. Too many of those victims are also hit with a sudden tax hike after their forced to move. Its wrong. Prop 19 limits taxes on wildfire victims and limits taxes on seniors and severely disabled homeowners. Join firefighters and Emergency Responders in voting yes on 19. Your shoulder seems to be healing nicely. Well, dr. Farrell, it feels really good. Thats good. And. Im sorry. Baby, dont touch that. I dont want you to play with that. singing twinkle, twinkle little star. How i wonder what you are. still singing up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Im so glad that your shoulder is feeling better. But, how are you doing . Im hanging in there. Schedule a video visit with your doctor. And get quality care with no copay. Kaiser permanente. Thrive. For many People Living in Sonoma County the glass fire is not the first major wildfire that forced him out of their homes in the middle of the night thousands of people had to do it just 3 years ago during the tubbs fire. Our conference is that spoke to a santa rosa man now reliving that nightmare. Youre looking at 2 photos taken during evacuations from 2 different wildfires in santa rosa. One of those from the glass fire and one of them is from that house fire. Lifelong santa rosa resident myron data to both photos this picture of the glass fire was taken early monday morning as he was evacuating from his home in rican valve. Here is video of the ominous red glow from the fire over thats a bridge. A frightening you know you feel that your belly there really isnt a whole lot of thinking. You grab what is. Very important to you and and you leave. As previously noted the santa rosa resident and businessman has experienced this before this is a photo of his home before he evacuated from the tubbs fire back in 2017. This is what he found when he returned youre at roughly 10 years of someone live in everything destroyed the destruction didnt stop there. Family members lost their homes as well 7 lost their homes in the yeah. In the tough part 2017 7 family members yeah, it gets old, you know get so china like reestablish or rebuild. And then the next year having the same thing you bill in jeopardy. However if youre thinking he has had enough of evacuating year after year due to wildfires. Huge smile on his face the santa rosa resident says. And feeling like i can do it again i dont know that the years im not sure whether you know this is sonoma strong there is said we make it work if it means rebuilding like in 2017. We get it zeke kron 4 news and we want to bring you an update to a story we were talking about earlier about School Districts that were close weve been contacted by the grab and steam School District and we want to correct told you im they actually are going to be open. Tomorrow so that is good news for that School District in sonoma meantime in the Central Valley creek fire is sitting. Close to 305,000 acres tonight and his 44 contained very big fire destroyed 855 structures in Fresno County since it started earlier this month that includes this 2 story. Log cabin Bill Griffith says he moved here 3 years ago after losing losing his wife look at it now the fire destroyed the cabin, the garage, the work truck and borrowers granddaughter played with his goats he says he will rebuild as a tribute to his late wife. Their name was a leash and i had a wooden sign right across those 2 trees that said alleys acres but of course that burned so i got to rebuild that. Griffin says he feels fortunate to be alive, but regrets leaving his wifes Wedding Dress behind is going to give it to his granddaughter. 39 yearold woman is in custody tonight charged with an attempted kidnapping of joe montanas grand daughter. Sounds i dalzelle pleaded not guilty in l a county court today, shes accused of trying to kidnap a 9 monthold from the hall of fame quarterbacks home over the weekend. Investigators say montana and his wife jennifer confronted the woman and asked her to give the baby back but after a brief struggle, jennifer montana was able to pry the girl away and the suspect ran off. She was later arrested nearby. Uscs new freshman class is the largest and most diverse in that universitys history usc welcome close to 3500 freshman for the fall semester. About 23 of them are students who our first in their family to attend college. The class of 2024 includes students who are 31 white 27 asian or asian american. 17 latino and 6 black. The University Says they saw a dip in and rolled International Students from 15 in 2019 to 12 in 2020. Meanwhile, the number of california residents who enrolled increase from 39 to 44 . Tonights sports to clients. Weve doubled our speeds the fastest just got back. The as have really been fighting some playoff demons for some time now they havent won a playoff game since 2013, and they havent won a playoff series since 2006 and theyve lost 9 straight do or die games which is and mlb record but those are all things of the past today they look to face those demons and turn a new corner. Okay of Lucas Giolito heard that leadin hed laugh in my face he got the start today for the white sox and lets just say he had his way with the as batters. In fact he became the 5th player in mlb history to take a perfect game into the 7th inning of a playoff game. It was the longest any picture has gone with the postseason perfecto since mike mussina did so in 2004 for the yankees. Yes, you heard that didnt get a hit until the 7th inning giolito allowed just one run on 2 hits. And a walk over sevenplus innings on other hand hasans lazaro wasnt terrible for oakland, but he wasnt sharp as they needed him to be at an angle take lazaro deep here for the first run of the game in the top of the 3rd, jose a brave takes on a ride for a 2 run shot that made it 3 to nothing in the white sox win game 1, 4, to one. The as offense continues to disappear in the playoffs. Bob melvin echo that sentiment after the game. We wanted the series we lost the first game of it now time for us to respond tomorrow. Were gonna have to do more offensively. You know we can score one run in think that you know were going to win tomorrow put that much pressure start or so offense we have to show up we have pretty good numbers off lefthanded pitching to our records get off lefty says well so over that plays out for us. Hey its not all bad luckily for the as. This isnt a onecar onegame wildcard series like the previous 2 seasons where theyll get another shot tomorrow first pitch noon. Its a win or go home for oakland. Remember theyve lost the last 9 of these things so side has to give tomorrow well have coverage from the coliseum what kyla mills out there, reporting for that game. Now today, the nfl was reminded of the dangers of playing Contact Sports during a Global Health pandemic both the Tennessee Titans and the Minnesota Vikings has suspended all in person Club Activities after players and personnel on the titans tested positive for the coronavirus the nfl has confirmed that 3 players and 5 team Staff Members have tested pot positive. The 3 players that were placed on the injured reserve covid19 list our starting nose tackle the kwan jones long snapper Beau Brinkley and practice squad tight end, tommy hudson. It has not been confirmed in any viking staff or players have tested positive after playing the titans on sunday right now no official decision had been made but the nfl wants and intends for the canes to still play that game on sunday shocker, right there is the steelers who they be hosting. The nba finals tips off tomorrow, the miami heat were somewhat of a surprise although theyve done the well in the pockets over the past couple weeks, they beat the pacers bucks and celtics on their way to their first finals since 2014. They will be facing the players who led them to those finals lebron james will be in his 10th nba finals of his career and for them were with the heat that included titles in 2012 in 2013 today lebron was asked it plain he gives him some extra meaning. Snow next year. Me to win a championship. No matter where you plan to get is already hard reach the finals. To be in this position so if you the tories on the finals. It doesnt matter whos against all. You just im just happy im here with opportunity. I love lebron but i dont believe him one bit he wants to beat the heat and pat i take talk users might recognize video its put together by kids is Police Officer jt clarence after joining the force almost 3 years ago, hes been putting together one minute long videos to share with the world but it all depends if other fellow officers will join him. Kind of depends on who it is some people want to be on camera or on tv or whatever it is youre taking. Several guys from the shift to do it so youre interact with everybody youre having a good time. Theron says he hopes his videos break down barriers between Law Enforcement and the public. And there you go i dont know about hes out there tonight. We have low clouds and fog rolling back on shore again tonight look at that thick that a father, its just a gorgeous sight that sales force building standing at just about a 1000 feet there so you get an idea of the clouds will in below that so that surge is some good news. Weve slow down at some of the fires around the bay area, the winds also helping out right now fairly light out there called mill valley, youre looking at the center is right now currently calm 8 in petaluma but things are going to change as were going to see those winds picking up now tomorrow looks like a nice day youre going to see great temperatures in the San Francisco, about 71 degrees in San Francisco little bit of a northerly wind kicking in late in the day, but right along the think enough of a sea breeze Still Holding here that will keep those temperatures in the 60s along much of the coast about 6, 7, degrees in Half Moon Bay inside the bay will start to warm up nicely 70s and some 80s in the burning game and down the peninsula about 88 degrees. Redwood city 87 in mount view the south bay going to be a little bit hot spots, 80s and 90s want to mix in the south bay in this going to be getting some slightly warmer weather. The temperatures are going to pop just a bit. As well see a change in the wind direction thats just enough as you see that offshore wind that will be a downslope wind and that will certainly warm things up 84 degrees in hayward for tomorrows looking about 96 in the dublin 97 degrees and pledged to 97 livermore 97 degrees in danville got some 80s inside the bay 80 in oakland about 82 in san leandro 88. In hercules about 92 in sonoma 90 degrees in the napa valley so in hob you can see temperatures soaring, but probably even warmer than that as we get in toward the next few days so looks like the fog is going to be there tomorrow morning thats good news for firefighters that fog goes away though for the most part, a hot day on thursday around much of the bay area heat advisories going up that looks like those temperatures cooling down the middle east are talking about some rain. The singer. Usable musical let them modify. The man has dementia, no doubt about it. Its completely reasonable to ask if he is being medicated. Plus, then the president really want ivanka trump to be his running mate . And best boyfriend ever. He raced to save his girlfriends parents home. There are no words to express. Then covid nfl outbreak. Three players test positive on one team. And why sharks may have to be sacrificed to make a covid19 vaccine. Plus, the mom to be slain on t

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