Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240712

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Cars back on its tracks. Good evening. Everybody, im Vicki Liviakis and im grant lotus thank you for joining us tonight for kron 4 news at 8 our top story tonight once again a dense layer of smoke from dozens of wildfires. They darken the skies around the bay area again today, this is a live look at the bay bridge. Those lights really illuminating just how smoky and hazy it is once again. Yeah well the orange glow from yesterday is mostly gone the poor air quality sure isnt. We kick off our kron 4 Team Coverage with the latest air quality checked around the bay from chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow lawrence yeah thats kind of the irony we dont have that orange glow today, theres less smoke in our atmosphere, but the smoke that youre next all the way down to the surface and the spore quality out there right now and you can see out toward sfo you see the lights out there you see the haze that smoke down below as a small continue just to flow around the bay area and it is bad in some part of very very unhealthy air quality in the San Francisco you can see a purple here also across the bay in oakland and richmond all the way up now extending in the north bay get near a nap or so youre still looking at some very poor air quality and around the rest the bay areas bad 2 in red, so that all the way down the Mountain View in a on extending into livermore. And concord and also into fairfield so certainly very bad out there looks like one minor changes come as we head toward tomorrow, were going to a little bit of a breeze not much but a little bit stronger breeze by tomorrow afternoon. Were hoping that will some of the blues long so still very poor air quality expected for tomorrow looks like some improving conditions though as we head in toward the weekend right now weve noticed a change in this is helped out number we have that offshore wind a couple of days ago that was bringing all the smoke from the bear fire back into the bay area weve cut that off and you can see why wind direction here coming more of a westerly wind direction coming from the ocean pushing me so thats the good news. The bad news. Theres so much smoke was transported here already from that offshore wind so that is actually sitting off the coastline and still blowing back on shore so weve got a long way to go. Of course a nice a wind event get some pretty gusty winds around here that would help remove a lot of the blues of course thats of concern with some of the fires other right now winds beginning to calm down a spot you can see that around the bay at this time. Those winds likely to pick up again tomorrow afternoon but only minor changes. So pretty smoky around the bay area tomorrow guys. At lawrence yeah and the east bay, the air quality hovered in the unhealthy range for most of the day and it got worse as the day unfolded in many spots are kron fours terisa stasio shes live for us in the city of alameda where some restaurants, a guest decided not to offer their outdoor dining. I mean theyre so bad teresa. Well vicki, the restaurant right behind me here in the city of alabama alabama and alameda decided to take action. And because of these horrible conditions. At the star restaurant in alameda and the lights are up but they are not on the outdoor patio shut down due to this study smoky skies we have a better air quality and we are more concerned about our customers have a healthy and. That are eating experience though is unsafe for our customers as well as our as our employees. There were some that brave the outdoors here and there its a little worse than it was yesterday. Yesterday was higher today is a. One 57 on yelling 57 if it was 67. We have a special umbrella to capture all the almost this low some people tell me that they came out to help out like paul macmillan. Who owns a small i can tell that its bad. Its obvious that is bad not as bad as yesterday yesterday was horrible. But im glad that its breaking away a little hopefully theyll contain those fires as soon as possible. Lisa krause close her shop lawrence closet named after her daughter on wednesday when the orange glow was just too ominous. She opened her doors thursday but shared with me this year. It has been quite a lot to deal now is when covid19 air quality reading the shutdown not sure its opening when its opening. Who gets to open. Its real its confusing for everybody i think its affecting everybody. And back here in the city of alameda. The restaurant behind me just to be clear in these very cloudy times it is open the star restaurant is open just decided today to close the outdoor patio and then they will figure out. Tomorrow tomorrow. Depending on the weather. Reporting here in alameda theresa stasi, a back to you. And take it day by day thank you theresa in addition to the east bay, poor air quality extends to the south bay, the north bay, San Francisco you name it and kron fours dan kerman continues our Team Coverage. Unlike wednesday the skies were not a moody orange, but instead a grayish white visibility was limited. Ash was all over cars and smoke made for another day of unhealthy air quality. Its so thick and it you feel it in your chest and. Its just gross is why i wear double mask got to them on because i said one mask doesnt really work for the smoke. So im hoping the 2 will work better in fact air quality was worsen thursday because a layer of fog that kept the smoke aloft wednesday. Had dissipated weve lost or inversion protection and were getting a lot more mixing enforcing that means that all that smoke thats been aloft is mixing down and its affecting portions of the bay area were seeing some unhealthy for sensitive groups and even some red on healthy readings today. And while some people were still out and about its definitely curtailing a number of activities. I wont be running jogging or in in this weather and for some this unhealthy air coupled with the fires coupled with covid19. This all become too much. I dont know i feel like i should start investing in the bunker in new zealand. Im not sure i ever expect everything to be normal again on friday, the bay area air Quality Management district will decide whether or not to extend that spare the air alert. They say with all the smoke aloft, its very likely. In San Francisco dan kerman kron 4 news. Taking a look now at the major wildfires that are burning around the bay area tonight containment continues to increase thats the good news, the lnu lightning complex in the north bay. Is 95 contained right now nearly 1500 structures though have been destroyed there. Containment of the scu complex fires in the east and south bays thats up to 98 nearly 140 structures have been destroyed. The czu see lightning complex fires in san mateo and santa cruz counties, those are up to 85 containment more than 900 homes have been destroyed. And the woodward fire at the point raze National Seashore in marine county that is now 95 contained. Even with the higher containment numbers there are still hazards that county officials want people to be aware of kron fours Maureen Kelly reports now on the warning from authorities in San Mateo County. Im in unincorporated San Mateo County not far from the town of pescadero and behind me you can see how the czu lightning complex fires scorched. This ranch land behind me. It actually if you look over here you can see how it came right down to the roadway. Im on cloverdale road and you can see that the fire basically stopped at this Drainage Ditch right here. Now cal fire says they are at 84 percent containment. And theyre basically in mop up mode but they do still stressed that they dont want people coming out here nonresidents to the fire zone we have had issues with look you lose. People who want to stop and see whats going on which is obvious its their community and theyre very interested in whats happening so its only understandable but when you do that sometimes youre not paying attention to where youre driving and we definitely weve got a good Safety Record right now and we definitely want to keep it that way not just with people who are working on cal fire incidents, but you know the other agencies as well theyre working on the roads and they ask you to slow down just please do so so that everybody can go home safely and no everybody works to support that. Theyre also saying that there are still hazards out trees, especially in a wooded areas. That are in danger of falling and there is also something that they say could happen around the roots of the bigger trees. They call them ash pits and say that if you know people could fall into these ash pits because down below its where the fire is still burning. In the root system of these trees and they see those fires can sometimes burn for months, reporting from unincorporated San Mateo County im Maureen Kelly kron 4 news. So cal fires battling multiple wildfires across the state up in butte county fastmoving flames have burned more than 250,000 acres and killed at least 10 people deputies found 7 more bodies today after discovering 3. Yesterday thats right near the town of paradise that burned in 2018. 16 people are still missing and more than 2000 buildings have burned there this year the creek fire in Fresno County meanwhile has burned more than a 175,000 acres. Crews though are making some progress tonight that fire is now 6 contained and down in Southern California the eldorado fire has burned more than 12,000 acres. After it was started by a smoke machine at a gender reveal party over the weekend our coverage of the wildfire smoke continues at kron 4 dot com there you can see a timeline of before. And after pictures from around the bay as well as a gallery of pictures sent to us by our viewers and full forecast to track air quality or lack, thereof is all at kron 4 dot com. San Francisco Mayor london breed making a major reopening announcement this evening indoor personal care services, and outdoor family activities can resume starting next week. This includes indoor hair salons barber shops and gyms they can reopen inside starting september 14th at limited capacity. Also allowed to reopen outdoor Family Entertainment things like many golf gokarts the following week september 21st indoor museums and in class learning from k through 6th grade can resume with limited capacity and if you have a safety plan in place and by the end of september San Franciscos goal is to allow 25 capacity at indoor places of worship could that. Coming up next here on kron 4 news today. Theres no stopping outdoor animals from being exposed all the smoke in the air, but theres one east bay Animal Rescue group thats offering a very different kind of animal 8 ill have that story coming up. Closing up shop for a week after House Speaker Nancy Pelosis controversial hair cut the owner of the San Francisco salon is making a major announcement. Plus as more residents return to work around the bay area popular motorcycle riders love the open road. And geico loves helping riders get to where theyre going, so to help even more, geico is giving new and current customers a fifteen percent credit on their motorcycle policies with the geico giveback. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. The geico giveback. Helping riders focus on the road ahead. Dear jack box, bring back the spicy chicken strips, still waiting for the spicy chicken strips, so many about spicy chicken strips. Wow, i hear you. So im bringing back my juicy 100 allwhite meat spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99 is it the juicy 100 allwhite meat . Or because you can spice them up or cool them down . Or because a little birdie told me you wanted them back really bad. Get my spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99. Were running were safe. We have good air flow. We have mask requirements we have hand sanitizers at every single station. Marta is increasing Weekday Service for the First Time Since the pandemic hit starting monday commute trains on most lines will run every 15 minutes during peak hours. Kron fours michelle kingston now takes a closer look at the trains and the traffic on the road showing us it appears. More people are heading back to the office. Bility broadly speaking is back to about 80 of where it was. A year ago. Theres no doubt traffic in San Francisco is busier now than it was back in late march just take a look at the numbers total bridge traffic in the bay area was down nearly 52 on a tuesday in april of this year compared to a tuesday in april of last year and now total bridge traffic is down just 18. 6 when compared to a day in september last year you look at you look at all of this data. And very the bay area. Came almost to a halt. For a couple of weeks this is the bay bridge back on march 26th barely anyone on the road and this is the bay bridge today smoky skies and more cars transportation Officials Say commuters had been slowly getting back on the move since mid april we saw a big rise over the summer and it has remained fairly steady ever since. The fact is that. Car travel rebounded a lot faster then transit bart is used to about 400,000 commuters a day they bottomed out earlier this year at about 25,000 riders today there at about 45 to 49,000 ridership is really really low which is a huge financial burden on us. But right now our focus is getting writers to feel comfortable riding the trains beginning monday riders will find trains running every 15 minutes during peak times on most of the lines this is to reflect their current ridership levels and welcome more riders back to bart officials there say commuting on their trains is safe right now our focus is getting writers to feel comfortable riding the train, michelle kingston kron 4 news. Marte is looking for ideas on how to use some train cars that are no longer running the Transit Agency is currently in the process of swapping its old train cars. Some that have been in Service Since the 70s for the new upgraded ones youve likely heard us reporting about this in january bart will allow the public to submit proposals on how to turn some of the old cars into things like museum exhibits restaurants, bars, i dont know would you go to a bart bar. Training tools even for law enforcement, you know potential bart merchandise stores. So there are plenty ideas out there and people will be allowed to submit their own and bart will decide what they do with the old cars you maybe even a small house. The terrible air quality from these wildfires, not just bad for us as the animals to everybody everything one east bay Animal Rescue group is trying to help horses stay safe with all the smoke in the air or Justine Waltman live in the newsroom here with details just in. Just no way for animals not to be exposed all the smoke right now so check this out it was shared with us from hold your horses, the nonprofit is based in Contra Costa County and they rescue livestock. During fires and disasters all over the state and this is of course here wearing a soft robert breathing machine to help this horse cope with all the smoke and for the volunteers to save animals during disasters, the relationship doesnt stop after the fire is out. My group is very good with maintaining relationships with these families once there. The homes and ranches are destroyed we go back in after the fire has been distinguished and we go and im currently provides aid and medical supplies for everybody is pretty much lost everything. That is nebulizers are helpful because its hard to limit horses exposure to all the smoke outside. And most recently the group rescued about 20 horses from the deer fire that burned in Contra Costa County. In august. So the owner of the rescue group is also telling us here at kron 4 that the horse is like wearing the breathing machines even though they cant talk and tell er that she can just tell by how they behave and how much healthier they are. Live right now in the newsroom, im Justine Waldman kron 4 news. Thank you justine there doing good work right, lets go and take a look at this forecast model from the National Weather service. So it shows what they call integrated smoke or total smoke through a deep layer of the atmosphere. And you can see just how much if it there is blanketing the entire west coast basically the increase in concentration is projected to continue into the weekend that the purple thats no good for more on when we can expect some relief chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow is standing by lars is really cant come soon enough yet no we would love to get an event here maybe a storm may be some rain of course dont have that coming so we talk about improving air quality its just going to be slow going here so. Well take some time to move out the smoke you can see it out there right now all around the bay area weve had images like this today of course yesterday or sky was orange today, not orange that shows you there wasnt as much smoke in the atmosphere, but it was all the way down to the suruace and that made it more this is whats happened. We have that offshore wind we have the fires with the august complex where the bear fire. We had those offshore those north northeasterly winds. They brought that smoke into the bay area. Heres the good news. That is changed the pattern has changed no longer we look at an offshore wind were getting more of a westerly component to the wind and so that is cut off some of that smoke and sitting in a way thats the good news. The bad news is during that period with the offshore winds that sent so much smoke or way it continues even set off the coastline. So it with the sea breezes leather carry smoke back on shore from those fires that being said air quality tomorrow were going to suffer through another day of poor air quality a lot of the smoke if youre susceptible to these youve got some respiratory issues be prepared tomorrow poor quality expect in the north bay, the coast, the east bay in the south bay just about everywhere you go should improve a little bit by tomorrow afternoon, the winds are going to switch just a little bit more of a westerly component of the wind likely pick up overnight tonight, those winds going to calm down getting very light that mean that smoke is just going to settle in thats when we see a lot of the begin to fall out of the atmosphere were going to be on top of your cars more morning by the afternoon you start to see more that westerly wind kick in but again were talking 11 maybe 12 Miles Per Hour. Thats not enough to move out all the smoke, its going to take some days to come probably not to the weekend we start seeing some improvement. All right lawrence. The owner of the east so on in San Francisco says shes closing their doors after the controversial hair appointment with House Speaker nancy pelosi here is a video went viral last week it shows Speaker Pelosi getting her hair done. Indoors. When the city was in allowing Indoor Services plus hes claimed it was a set up the video sent to flocks. The owner of the salon erica kious says that shes received a lot of negative attention and she says shes afraid to go back to her salon she says she is closing down. And denies setting up pelosi. Still ahead at 8 a wayward sea turtle was found in canada gets a rescue flight back to california how the turtle named a bernie strand ers got this game. Plus lawmakers on capitol hill pushing for more covid relief but they cant seem to at your mri. Your shoulder seems to be healing nicely. Well, dr. Farrell, it feels really good. Thats good. And. Im sorry. Baby, dont touch that. I dont want you to play with that. singing twinkle, twinkle little star. How i wonder what you are. still singing up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Im so glad that your shoulder is feeling better. But, how are you doing . Im hanging in there. Schedule a video visit with your doctor. And get quality care with no copay. Kaiser permanente. Thrive. 884,000 americans filed for firsttime Unemployment Benefits last week that equals the amount as the previous week additionally about 840,000 people sought benefits under a federal program for the self employed and gig workers. Those who are still receiving state Unemployment Benefits rose last week to 13. 4 million. The u. S. Senate failed to advance a republican stimulus bill to address some of the Economic Impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. 2 sizes cant get close this comes 4 months after House Democrats passed. On 3 trillion dollar plan. The Senate Version now is more narrow and would have cost about one 10th of what the House Democrats are proposing now what they want now. The Republican Senate plan would have provided 300 in extra weekly Unemployment Benefits but it did not include another round of stimulus checks and this is just the latest skirmish in the ongoing political battle over stalled pandemic relief and economic stimulus for americans. It seems unlikely that theres going to be more Supplemental Benefits at least not until after the election while the public is the clear loser here does it benefit any political party. Our inside bay area, politics analysts weigh in. You know over the last month republicans have branded themselves including president trumps the party that wants to reopen the economy and provide relief. The democrats new york california other states have become the party of the shutdown and blocking release. Doesnt work well for the democrats in the fall. Look for republicans to pick up support is the democrats are balking rates. No one is a winner because congress doesnt pass or covid relief bill. Certainly nothing millions of people many of them low income hooper really lost jobs in this economy. Not renters facing foreclosure or state local government strained to the limit because theyre doing with the federal government should have been doing in the first place. In the end people will blame congress thats to be expected. But they will also blame the president because for a person who ran on the platform saying that you can make a deal. He came up empty handed at a time when the American People needed him most. The federal Emergency Management agency says the 300 weekly jobless boost will continue providing benefits for up to 6 weeks. Coming up on kron 4 news at a wildfire experts expressing cause for concern due to the recent state trends of unpredictable fire behavior plus road to recovery Solano County residents forced out by the flames returning home to i wanted my hepatitis c gone. I put off treating mine. Epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. Whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. I just found out about mine. I knew for years. Epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. I had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. Epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. Before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects include headache and tiredness. Ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. The lnu lightning complex fires have been burning for more than 3 weeks now still impacting communities and napa sonoma and solano counties. Tonight those fires are 95 contained. So much of the fire danger is gone fortunately, yeah fortunately. And now kron fours philippe all reports people who lost their homes or working hard toward getting back on their feet. It looks bad but John Phillips does not feel like hes lost everything sure his home on can low road in vacaville is gone burned down in the hennessy fire 3 weeks ago one of the major wildfires making up the lnu lightning complex but his wife and grown son who also lived here are alive and well were hoping for. The to do a rebuild and fortunately the home was insured this is a new process for john though he and his wife a retired music teachers and hes not sure how its all going to work out. Right now hes focused on marking the water gas and electrical lines so before contractors stopped by his 10 acre property to clear debris then hell regroup from there we not everything covered. So were hoping that the state and the county can have some disaster relief. On this. But thats unknown at this time what is known is that his community in Solano County will have a different look for quite some time. The fire torched more than 305,000 acres of land still he says he and his family are committed to staying here you know its just things. It was unfortunate what life matters. And his loved ones are Still Holding i prefer this law firm. Be positive. Call this a a new adventure in vacaville phillipe djegal all kron 4 news good attitude in addition to the lnu lightning complex there are other major wildfires. Across the bay area tonight containment in the east and south bay thats 90 meanwhile down in the peninsula and the south bay containment has climbed to 85 more on the weather conditions and those areas are going to see the next few days, lets talk to. Lawrence and see whats going on or you know remember we that big he waved the Lightning Strike that started the fires. And of course we just recently went through another heat wave. Finally that big ridge of High Pressure that huge dome is starting to weaken weve noticed that with some cooler temperatures developing around the bay area and that will be a way its going to go for the weekend to worsen lee finally going to see some movement out of the system and thats going allow for some cooling around the bay area least in some parts and then over the weekend, no major heat wave on the rise these temperatures probably be running a little bit below average as we head in toward next week now around the fires of course wed like to get some wind to makes out some of the smoke, the fires they dont want the wind and theyre not going to see the other fact winds calm down overnight say this a great news for firefighters working on these fires around the bay area down the call maybe 4 Miles Per Hour and thats about it tomorrow afternoon, the sea breeze does pick up again but then again not much of a wind out there at all to go on top of that looks like that will be the case as we head into the weekend to is were going to see that afternoon breeze pick up but nothing very strong as we head through that period. And now were looking at a lot of moisture begin to move on shore were seeing the fog and low clouds were seeing the surge of that moisture that will continue to be the case throughout the night tonight and tomorrow in fact youre going to see that nicer that 90s percentile range for relative humidity. That is some very moist air that really helped to slow down the fires burning around the bay area. Thank you lawrence, the United Nations says that the planet is getting hotter. And could soon pass one of the limit set by World Leaders 5 years ago the goal was to limit warming to 2. 7 degrees above late 19th century temperatures will now were only a few tenths of a degree from passing that. Scientists say that if we do get warmer than that the risk of more harmful climate of facts. Well increased tremendously the head of the World Meteorological Organization Says we may reach that level of heat within a decade. As wildfires ravaged the state with some of the largest burning right here in the bay area it sure seems like every year. Wildfires are breaking records. What might be most concerning is that. Experts say things are likely to get worse could force nasa takes a look at the wildfire trends here in california. The state of california is typically associated with sunshine, sandy beaches, and surfers. But now it seems like wildfires are making the list what used to be a rare event is now commonplace california has already seen a record 3900 square miles burned and the traditional peak of fire season is still ahead over 3. 1 million acres have burned in california since january first that beat our record 2018. We thought we had beat it then it was a one 0. 9 million acres so we have surpassed that i well over a million acres and we still have 4 more months in the year to go every year calfire collects data on wildfires creating 3 top 20 lists, the largest wildfires in the states. The most destructive and the deadliest some of the most recent fires to make it on those lists are the lnu lightning complex fires burning in the north the czu august lightning complex fires in santa cruz and san mateo counties. And the creek fire in fresno and madera counties most devastating wildfires are those that claim lives having burned more than 350,000 acres of the lnu lightning complex fires are now one of the top 20 deadliest fires in california history, californias wildfire season is being fueled by years of drought in rising temperatures. Experts say thats resulting in unpredictable fire behavior. They havent seen before you know on average were seeing our fire have become 75 days longer than they just several decades ago and so these longer periods of fire season allow for larger fires to burn and thats why we continue to hit the record books experts say Climate Change is fueling this new norm and the most concerning development. Is these fastmoving wildfires leave less time for warnings or evacuations, reporting in San Francisco Sanaz Tahernia kron 4 news. And world news tonight, a huge fire broke out at the port of beirut, the site of last months catastrophic explosion that killed. Nearly 200 people in devastated parts of the capital. So you can see it column of thick black smoke filling the sky today. This new fire triggered widespread panic among traumatized residents of the area. It wasnt immediately clear what caused the blaze at the facility which was decimated by the august 4th explosion nearly 3,000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate detonated. British actress stana rig has died after it became the 1960s style icon as secret agent m appeal in the tv series. The avengers. Recently she played a lot of tyrone the blockbuster series game of thrones her agent says she died this morning at home with her family. Greg was diagnosed with cancer back in march, she was 82 years old. The where bacteria what you should know if you might be heading to moderate county this weekend. How can you get your exercise in without dealing with all that and help and one way to escape the smoke around the bay area well refreshing body and mind is to work out provided you can do it indoors and now you can do just that in Santa Clara County as part of a less restrictive reopening plan thats in place kron fours rob fladeboe reports. Off and on since the pandemic shut down indoor Fitness Centers, harsh gill was among the first to resume his work out indoors here at 24 hour fitness in san jose feels great. And he knows that the like going that was keeping us like you know going in saying or like. It feels good to be back this is one of 1424 hour fitness locations returning to indoor operations in Santa Clara County. Under the covid19 frameworks red tear gyms and Fitness Centers can operate at 10 of capacity. Yeah weve been super busy is go really good. I mean weve weve seen from the first workout at 05 00am this morning. Up till now members have been excited. Get to not just with physical will be but also their Mental Wellbeing of social distancing protocols are in place the equipment is spaced out and regularly sanitized by both staff and patrons. Everybody wears a mask, but complaints are few definitely helps relieve a lot of stress like work and school the fun, its a difference and make a day like a little bit better this time is that they look forward to in this case 10 capacity is 115 people. Reservations are required throughout the day 4. 90 minute sessions under its county approved reopening plan a 24 hour fitness as implemented at touch free check in system that allows members to come in. Be able to just their picture when they when they sign in so we can control exactly doctor see within the club in san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news. A loss the turtle is back where he belongs tonight a look at his journey from canada to california next in tonights flying tails bag coming up in sports. The as looking to win the series against houston before heading out on the road in tonights final segment, we have the story of a sea turtle and not a dog this time that was found way off course and was finally return to the warmer part of the ocean where he belong, but as you can imagine getting in proves to be a challenge but our ken wayne shows how not even covid gotten away. Miles and are we have that lasted almost a year is coming to an end and off the coast of san diego. This all of ridley sea turtle is about to be released back to its home. Theyre like dinosaurs they. Overcome so much 6 of the 7 species threatened or endangered and they. Are just amazing animals. It was found on island are hank aaron tory. A condition called. Its heart rate and circulation decreases leaving it so lethargic it can even swim. Its not unusual for marine animal to travel so far we with a lot of a release that have come from oregon Northern California. This is our first all really thats come from canada. Since he was found stranded near the town of support out bernie he was named. Sanders, bernie was taken to the Vancouver Aquarium for rehab. Return to Southern California last winter. Covid happened and the border close. Finally about a week ago. Bernie was able to be driven across to seattle. Thats for you picked up by a volunteer pilot with an Organization Called for a little while too. Is loaded up and into the sky. Their animal Care Specialist from seaworld took over to prepare burning for the last leg of his journey. Including prepping him for a gps tracker to monitor his recovery. About 7 miles off point loma at long last bernie strand ers was stranded. No more. He was returned home in the warm 74 degrees Southern California water. I mean this is definitely a wow factor we get to take this animal. And. And put it back in the ocean and hopefully it will thousands of miles and make more little olive ridley sea turtle babies. I will you can track bernie strand ers progress through his gps by going to the website tracking dot ocean dot org. Backslash patients backslash bernie he got all that. The track it who have youre planning a trip to Monterey County this weekend. You should know that 2 of the county beaches are under an advisory because of elevated bacteria levels and what else could go Officials Say carmel beach of the real popular one. Right there in the downtown where you can see pebble beach. That one and moderate municipal beach of showed high levels of bacteria in samples taken this week. People are being told not to swim in the water as the higher levels of bacteria could make you sick. The beaches will remain under the advisory until the samples come back, indicating the water is less gross. In sports from the team t fiber sports desk. All the rescheduled games. The as continue to roll many, including myself worried about how they fare through a packed schedule full of doubleheaders especially with that pitching staff. But they dont seem to faze by lets head to the coliseum the southpaw shoarma nia getting the start today for the green and gold. Bottom of the 6th astros up one nothing one on for matt olson. This is a day after he gets his golden glove. He reminds us hes pretty good at the plate too. The 2 run dinger by also puts the as ahead, compean knife now aides up to alex bregman lines one into center field and look at this web gem by ramon lori spectacular grab to end the game as win 3 to 2. Theyre 6 and a half games up with i think about 18 games left that might be popping bottles by next weekend. Lets hope they do. Manager bob melvin on his stellar pitching staff this fivegame series. Into that line up with type of that we had throughout this entire series was phenomenal. So yeah, i mean what were looking for hard to do, but its what were looking for. And to the giants taking on the padres in san diego part of a ninegame road trip this ninegame road trip will probably define their season. Theyre currently down 6 to one in the bottom of the 8th will have those for highlights later tonight. On top of a pandemic were living 3 modern day civil rights movement, racism and inequality is a topic that has reemerged to the forefront of our society and the athletes are using their platforms to push for these discussions now the nfl which has had its fair share of controversial moments on said topic returned to the prime time slot. Tonight on television and the players were certainly use the moment to make a statement, not everyone will like it nor be comfortable with the discourse but it will happen tonight it will then again happened on sunday and it will repeat itself all season long Richard Sherman spoke today about what he and other athletes can do during times like these as athletes and people whove dealt with it you know its our jobs just continue the conversation and continue to shed light on issues that. That most people dont dont have to deal with you know there are a lot of people in this country who dont have to deal with Police Brutality or racism or anything of the sort so you know its kind of out of sight out of mind. You know they they cheer for their favorite athletes regardless of what they look like or or what their background is and i think if they saw those human beings you know heard their stories and heard the things that theyve dealt with you know growing up in day to day basis. There will be some sympathy and empathy there you know have people you know can compel people to go out and in and do something about it. Well said Richard Sherman one quick note before we go to break. The Houston Rockets fell to the Los Angeles Lakers tonight that series now 3 games to 1 one when a way for the lakers to were living in uncertain times, but as californians well get through this together. If your income has been reduced or youve lost your job or your Health Insurance, covered california is here. We can help you find the Health Insurance you need to protect you and your loved ones. And, you may even get financial help to pay for your Health Insurance. So, if you or someone you know is without coverage, visit coveredca. Com to learn more or enroll today. So, if you or someone you know is without coverage, propit provides property tax mostfairnessble. For disabled homeowners like cynde, stuck living with a broken elevator. Nineteen helps wildfire victims, like ellie, one of 24,000 whove lost their homes to fire. And seniors like pam who need to move closer to family or medical care, without a tax penalty. Prop 19 limits taxes on our most vulnerable. Yes on 19. But experts say californias historic drought and the resulting insect attacks on californias forests is contributing to the intensity of the creek fire burning in Fresno County but same conditions exist in parts of Northern California as well reporter lonnie wong tells us. The fire danger due to an overload of feet dry fuel has been known for years. The creek fire in Fresno County is being fueled in part by millions of trees that died during the historic 5 year drought that ended in 2017 killed by bark beetles which attacked water stress trees, theres a lot of needles and branches and wood. That is really fueling this fire but there are millions of dead trees in Northern California to along with areas of overgrown force the natural fires once kept in check the underlying conditions for us conditions. Are really similar and that we have a lot of forests that are simply way over ground with the u. S. Forest service has been inclined to let remote fires burn to reduce feels. The massive north complex fire above oroville as part of a berm the smoldering for weeks and the Plumas National forest but federal fire Officials Say that was an intentional instead they say federal firefighting capability was spread too thinly to get it under control. Cutting down dead trees and prescribed burns are used to reduce the spread of wildfires. But in the end wildfires react to weather conditions winds are high its really dry. Theres you know a lot of fuel on the ground there burning so catastrophic we because. These are the conditions where we cant control that we must also have the Fire Prevention program called living with fire limited resources being targeting prevention kerry put enough youll break or prescribed fire around communities. Californias Sierra Nevada Conservancy Fund such targeted work but with 25 million acres to oversee the work is moving slowly. Trees killed by bark beetles can stay standing for years, but they are ticking time bombs you have the very real potential for those trees to come down on the ground to make them feel for even larger fires, the conservancy has the fun fuel. Clearing projects carefully with limited moneys its expensive. But i think what were seeing with the fires that are occurring right now. Were paying for it anyway. I was lonnie wong reporting for us tonight and that wraps up kron 4 news at 8 oclock good grant i will be back at the top of the hour, the Vallejo Police department launching a new initiative to curb Violent Crime in that city, how they plan on implementing what theyre describing as 21st Century Policing plus how oakland mayor libby shaft is pressuring the federal government to approve for new medica so youre a small business, or a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. The news station youre watching kron 4 news at 9. Now 9 for the first time in so many months, San Francisco is greenlighting hair and nail salons and gyms to allow Indoor Services starting monday good evening, everybody thanks for being here at 9 oclock, im grant lotus and im Vicki Liviakis the announcement coming this afternoon kron fours gayle ong. Live for us in the city with reaction from some happy Business Owners who have been waiting for the green light gayle. They can grant one of them. They first heard it from us when we call them for reaction

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