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Skies blanket the bay area from dawn till dusk. Thanks for joining u. S. Attorney and everybody high Vicki Liviakis and im grant lotus certainly surreal lot of people saying these ominous skies were in a way stunning yet certainly. Unsettling to wake up to hard to know what time it was all day long want to check in first with our chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow. Obviously everyones wondering lawrence is going to happen again tomorrow. Yeah i think well start to see some improvement tomorrow were not going to see asked smoky conditions around the bay area but certainly. Theyll still be some smoke out there we had those north northeasterly winds remember were talking about the high fire danger yesterday, were worried about the real gusty winds. Well, those winds didnt cause or sparking fires around the bay area but we did have a fires that were already burning in far Northern California up you county near paradise they another fire burning there the bear fire lot of smoke filtering in from that fire moving right in the bay area and the smoke deep enough that are really change the color of the sky of filtered out a good part of the visible spectrum so youre left with the orange the yellows and the reds and that encompass the entire bay area as we had eerie skies continuing throughout the day certainly very strange we look toward the middle of the day the street lights are looks like that will starting tomorrow little bit you know what happens in the big pattern near High Pressure above that ridge of High Pressure you see the clockwise rotation around to bring us some of the offshore winds. Well that is going to change this ridge of High Pressure is going to move to the north and thats whats going to come up from the south kind of replacing that ridge so the circulation around this other ridge going to start to bring more of a westerly component to win and i think that will be just enough to sweep some of that smoke out of our skies and start to improve the air quality of course were fairly lucky that we had that marine layer around the bay area that really kind of separated things that kept us with some fresh air out there in some parts of the bay area are seeing that again tonight as the fog and low clouds kind of dance beginning to move on shore once again pushing into the bay and you see that making its way through the Golden Gate Bridge right now and certainly moving further and further on shore so a very the air quality in the San Francisco look at the support equality now as youre seeing the areas shaded in orange here that stretches all the way across in oakland and san leandro pockets of poor quality now and lael very bad air quality in parts of fairfield also in a vacaville while the rest the bay area look at a mainly in the yellow here those are a moderate amounts of blues building up but overnight tonight, hes going to settle out you see that smoke kind of cooling in and around the bay area sponsor you wake up the pockets of the smoke. You likely have little ash on your car tomorrow morning when you wake up, but it looks like as we head through the day tomorrow air quality should begin to improve are going to see more of a sea breeze. I think kick in tomorrow and that will be the case not only tomorrow but over the next few days looks like the air quality should start to improve approve a little bit ever so slowly hopefully not as orange tomorrow around the bay area. All right fingers crossed thank you lawrence, well, the smoke is obviously tough on people, especially those who have respiratory issues and it did force some people to go see their Doctors Today are conference theresa was in marine county, she has more on which face mask is best to use when there are smoky skies. In marine county, a rude awakening this is what most saw in the Early Morning hours instead of a sunrise. It felt like the end was near at least for some people i think its apocalyptic and scary. Lee and cyber and told me that she felt a Burning Sensation and itchy throat from these smoky skies. Her dog not happy either she is causing a little bit actually yeah, yeah so i dont i dont think its good for dogs either so we do have patients coming in with trying to suppress costing all of us take this doctor Joseph Bernardino is a respiratory care manager at moran Health Medical center thinking about everything thats being first great Building Materials vegetation. A lot of this can make anyone sick even at healthy person is law. The doctor says number one on his list, educate yourself first things first we need to Pay Attention to the local air quality whether youre in the north a south bay east bay. Of what use a u. S. Air quality index and in particular and where were at were in the. The is a moderate right now. So you can be out, but its not suggested exercise whatsoever in addition to no outside exercise. He says its best not to diner taken a break outside. If again the conditions warrant limiting your actions also if you are inside close the windows he recommends. If you have an air purifier use that if you are forced to run an errand he says mass are vital not only for covid reasons but to filter out the particulate matter. Population 95. Or surgical masks. Coverings are not going to help you. Can stand all that and say to a certain degree. But first the first 2 are your best options so again, the doctor says that. That n 95, but it has to be well funded properly fitted by experts. I also asked whether you should be wearing the n 95 and then you put on the gator on top and he said absolutely not he said gators are better than nothing but he said that the science says that those surgical masks. Thats your best line of defense given. These conditions. County theresa for news. Talk about bad timing almost like a sick joke for the first time, San Francisco today. Officially allowed gyms to set up outdoor workout spaces kron fours Ella Sogomonian live in the newsroom with how they put up with the smoky air at least in some cases plus the news that some city workers have been allowed to train indoors for a while now l a. Brent a gym owner that ive spoken with throughout the pandemic also insult to injury because his customers that had to be outside out on the sidewalk while some City Employees have that access to an indoor facility. Mister he is watching as one entire industry within this industry collapses around them and we need solutions are needed now. Haunting orange haze met san franciscans trying to work out amid a pandemic wednesday parts of the city had very unhealthy air quality and the the gyms were officially allowed to expand their Services Outdoors we just cant seem to win right now this is the 23rd spare the air days of and you know its just a demonstration that Outdoor Fitness isnt a solution truly we need to get back we need be prepared. The rains are coming. And just their quality today just demonstrates that fitness outdoors its a nice idea, but it really does work in San Francisco to add insult to injury character learned that some City Employees like sfpd have been able to work out indoors when someone shared these pictures from the hall of justice saying that it reopened back on july 1st. Well the public has had to cope with wildfire smoke and come soon chilly temperatures. The San Francisco Covid Command Center issued a statement saying the health order does not permit indoor fitness gyms and discourages indoor activities as they place individuals at a higher risk of infection. The health order does allow departments to determine essential functions and that the department of Public Health does not support the use of sfpd indoor gyms at this time due to provisions governing gyms in the health order. It seems to be a double standard theyve unwittingly created what a great case study. That demonstrates that working out indoors is say theres been no how covid outbreaks that weve heard of. From this they should just move us back indoors. Many gyms have already been operating on sidewalks through shared spaces program. The only major changes on wednesday where that more outdoor guidelines were issued. And Fitness Centers with ample space like parking lots could move their gear permanently outside where they can lock it up plus people dont need to be supervised by an instructor. So character along with other gym owners are still waiting for the green light to operate indoors. Which they hope come soon given this record days of consecutive spare the air alerts. Mayor london breed anticipates that that could happen by the end of this month live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news. Thank you ellen with so many Health Concerns because of the smoky air air purifiers are becoming quite a hot id go out of course, but you might have a little trouble finding one kron fours gayle ong live person Alameda County where says air per purifiers are selling out. They have again ran we of course see this often during the wildfires, but this time we are dealing with the pandemic just as were getting into peak fire season. As smoky and hazy conditions prevail over the bay area people are heading into Hardware Stores to buy air purifiers only to find them sold out we had an air purifier week ago, we sold that and we dont anticipate getting any more him we stopped by Hayward Hardware wednesday afternoon jim leader is the owner he shows Us Air Purifiers are not the only item selling out most of the quantities or 0 and. For a lot of items theyre negative 10 day of 20 upwards of negative 200. For popular items that we used to be able to get pretty quickly and pretty regularly. The n 95 masks meant to filter out 95 of airborne particles have been off the shelves since the pandemic. Theyre either going to the military or theyre going to hospitals for vendors like us. Theyre not in the warehouse, nor we do expect them to be would Record Number of acres burning across the state drift smoke is not going away anytime soon. Making it challenging for Small Business owners like leader to keep up with demand Hayward Hardware is down to the last load of Mass Environmental Health Experts say if you must be outside you should wear one, which has been the new normal anyway, but its best to stay indoors with the windows closed really people should not be exercising. When the air quality is bad because n. That increases that dose of the pollutants john bombs is a professor at U C Berkeley School of Public Health. He says the smoke will be challenging for people with preexisting heart and lung disease. And to be ready for more bad air days better call on the from wildfires which are driven by Climate Change so. Anybody need convincing that Climate Change is real. It should be it. Well it might be challenging to find air purifiers and portable air conditioners in stores online. Maybe the best bet live in pleasanton gayle ong kron 4 news. Thank you gail well, the red sky today was then yearly mesmerizing attraction but if you are driving that could have been a dangerous distraction this is c h ps traffic incident page as you can see. Busy morning for the Highway Patrol and they issued a warning for drivers resist the temptation to take video and pictures dont be distracted and trying to take this great selfie of yourself driving with the bread some in the background but i think the time to do when youre driving right. In these conditions, the chp advises drivers to follow night driving rules by of course it was dark out turn on your headlights. Take a look at some of these concrete the shots here this is the golden Gate Cemetery was shot by air kron 4 of you are thomas white a then now, the pyramid. Theres the here along San Franciscos embarcadero and theres the Transamerica Pyramid the distance construction workers. We just saw hanging out with that orange backdrop in the city today we also have some golden hues over the bay this picture taken in about noon if you can believe it and this photo was sent to us by a kron 4 of you leo merle of the sebastiano theater in sonoma plaza coverage of the wildfire smoke continues kron 4 dot com there you can see. A timeline of before and after pictures from around the bay area. Theres a really compelling one of dolores park in the city from this weekend and then today. We also have the whole gallery of pictures and video sent by our viewers, thank you for those sand, we have the forecast there so you can track the air quality and whats to come all that and more on kron 4 dot com. All right now to our wildfire coverage 3 people are dead and several others hurt in butte county after a wildfire there quickly spread overnight leader calling it the bear fire, its part of the north complex of fires that started back on august 17th with the those lightning strikes, eric rucker reports. Tonight flames from the bear fire remain all along highway, one 62 near Lake Oroville heavy smoke means visibility is poor. Wednesday nights hot spots no longer threaten many portions north of the lake the damage here has already been done the community of berry creek hit hard homes like this one have been destroyed every year to get worse and worse all this man decided to stay it is no worse that. Like people to put together to describe what im feeling right now very creek resident omar corwin was convinced to evacuate at the last moment his home burned after he left because im a persuaded me man like. Is the law of light come on do it you cant die got responsibility, you got people that i love you many escape the flames some could not the Butte County Sheriffs Department saying this evening. The bear fire has taken 3 lives all others remain missing. Sheriff kory holden addressing the media just short of 2 years after the camp fire became the deadliest fire in state history. The city of paradise in neighboring communities also issued evacuation notices. Bear fire. Our community is unfortunately becoming accustomed to this. I certainly hoped after the camp fire that i wouldnt be back up here. Talking with you about. Wildland fire of this magnitude. And many homes in this area look like this one does incomplete rubble even after 10 oclock tonight, the smoke is extremely thick. It is difficult to to breathe so you can only imagine what firefighters have been dealing with not only in this fire but fires throughout the last few months. The good news for firefighters is though that the wind has died down significantly. And the Lake Oroville area, im eric rucker kron 4 news. The creek fire burning in Fresno County thats now close to 167. 1000 acres, it is still 0 contained. Fire Officials Say that this fire destroyed 360 structures so far. Heres the latest containment numbers on fires burning in the bay area, the lnu complex in the north bay is currently the 93 contained. More than 363,000 acres have burned. The scu complex in the east and south bays and beyond is up to 96 containment. After 397,000 or so acres burned in the czu lightning complex in san mateo and santa cruz counties up to 86,000 acres send 83 contained and the woodward fire in the Point Reyes National seashore in west marin is now 95 contained that fire has burned almost 4900 acres, california firefighters asking nearly every state in the country to help contain wildfires that are raging up and down. Our state. Calloway is chief Brian Marshall says that even a few weeks ago the state could not all out of state fire engines and that it requested through federal programs and now california is competing for resources as other west coast states also deal with massive fires in the fire season is still far from over. Its going to be more houses destroyed more people impacted. As we go into that fall fire season. We have great concerns. To be able meet the demand that we have here in california. Now marshall says that crews from idaho, new mexico, texas and utah are helping out. Today state leaders asked for help from as far away as quebec, canada and because of fire danger all National Forest in the state are closed until further notice the u. S. Forest service initially announced temporary closure of 8 National Forest, it added 10 more today. Some people managed to escape wildfires now face a long road to recovery. 4 people were rushed to the U C Davis Burn Center today after having to run through fire. Jessica met spoke to a doctor about whats next for those burn victims. As flames ravaged Northern California. Some of that q we struggle to escape youre asked to evacuate you leave. Youll state your lives people who say doctor the ones that most the time dont make it in the lucky ones that do survive coming to the burn doctor david 3 houses for burn victims from these wildfires for rushed to the U C Davis Burn Center wednesday. He says these patients looked like they had to run us through the fire just to get out they really have no choice its tried for murder dies it will be a long painstaking recovery. If they make it people are in hospital by a 4 from so some of these people their hospital for. A couple months with severe burns doctors began by working to reduce the swelling then the hard work really starts and we have to replace skin thats lost when their remains its a process that can take multiple surgeries, especially with large births. Gruene hall says the center is filling up quickly because of the large number of fires in recent weeks and theyre bracing for more. Is shipped other first they take care of for long periods if we really get over. Well, hes urging everyone to heed evacuation warnings. So they can stay safe and out of this hospital. The yourself your family and our here for you if you, yes in sacramento, jessica, mitch. And it is not just california windblown wildfires are now responsible for at least 2 deaths in oregon, a 12 yearold and his grandmother died. And his mom is in Critical Condition at a hospital Law Enforcement officials fear there could be more deaths in that state. And now to a developing story tonight oakland his joining 5 other cities demanding records from the Trump Administration regarding its controversial deployment of federal agents. President trump ordered troops into cities across the country to deal with protesters after George Floyds death. The most notably being portland where they have been protesting for more than a 100 days city prosecutors claim federal Law Enforcement officers were violent with protesters. And theyre asking for information on federal personnel sent to cities, including oakland, San Francisco and seattle. Prosecutors say they want to understand the president s motivations for sending or threatening to send in federal agents. 4 people in a cat or displaced tonight in San Francisco after an Apartment Fire firefighters now saying that 2 buildings near waller and ashbury streets were involved here. The cause under investigation. The good news that no one was injured. Thousands of pg e customers in napa and sonoma counties continue to get their power back on tonight. Pg e shut off electricity yesterday because of fears the winds that could damage equipment and spark a possible wildfire. But today, the utility made considerable progress restoring power. Despite aircrews being grounded by the Strange Weather until this afternoon more than 43 of around 5,000 customers have had their power restored in napa county in Sonoma County 99 of the nearly 18,000 customers had their lights back on tonight. Bombshell recording revealing President Trump downplayed the seriousness of covid19 tonight, the president says he did it on purpose for the country how his opponent is reacting. Plus a disorienting day how to dark and smoky skies made workdays a lot more difficult for some people here in the bag and imagine getting plaintiff for the smoky skies up next well hear from travelers at sfo who say they really. Well not really but i spoke a hazy skies cause some delays at sfo but thanks to lower flight volume at the airport because of the pandemic there really wasnt a major impact on flights going in and out as kron fours noelle bellow reports now delays are not once people landed at sfo. A lot of people are talking about mars. I feel like it landed on filled with disbelief, it was frightening. It was an absolutely frightening and concern in their eyes travelers from denver were in awe as they landed at San Francisco International Airport wednesday afternoon and planes coming in and you see that. It looks like over cast. And then it gets this orange tint to it you go thats not quite right. And it gets deeper and deeper and then you see the ground through this orange. Even folks coming from Southern California were shocked at the difference in skys news to smog overlay and i see that all the time, but this definitely has a whole different feel to as disorienting as the smoky haze may be from the ground commercial Airline Pilot settler explained the conditions above are a lot like flying in fog this when we have low Visibility Conditions like smoke or fog which is our instruments as guidance for navigation and stage situational awareness. The butler say their pilot made sure to warn them of what may happen mid flight he said would smell in the cabin, not worry, its the smoke from. 3 or 4 times so people freak out you know even still travelers say it was hard not to let their minds wander. What more can happen in 2020. Like a science fiction. I expect to see aliens knocking on the window of the plane. At sfo noelle bellow kron 4 news. A survey finds up to 44 of businesses here in california are at risk of shutting down how new bills signed into law today in to help small stay afloat. I mean a warning he in washington of the congressional stalemate over the next Coronavirus Relief bill has frustrated many lawmakers, including texas republican senator ted cruz who. One ahead and introduced his own bill. Ill have that story coming up. And first the record heat now all the small what can we expect in the next 10 days so youre a Small Business, or a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. They look at this 6 people had to work today of course looks like theyre working at dawn right. This is 11 oclock this morning. On San Franciscos front street crews had their lights on and for lunch, they ate sandwiches in front of the glow of that lit up bankside odd. The poor air quality isnt just causing respiratory problems though it can also lead to skin issues Live Team Coverage continues tonight with kron fours Jonathan Mccall hes live in emeryville with the dangers. Some people could face jonathan a lot to consider here. Yes, so much stuff that lot of people may not have been aware off before talking with one dermatologist today. She says that the particles the particles that are in the air that are falling can cause a lot of folks dealing with some skin problems to have even more complications during this bad air quality time. A dangerous double threat now blanketing the skies across the bay area as smoke and ash from wildfires to the north and south create an ominous scene. Well also triggering Health Problems for many you know as a particulate matter gets that really anybody can suffer some of those bad outcomes meaning that you can have shortness of breath or even if youre otherwise healthy Doctor Stephanie christiansen is a pulmonologist at the university of california, San Francisco. She says while many people could be caught up with the smells in bad air quality. Its what you can see that poses the biggest risk. Its called particulate matter tiny particles in the air that can get inside of your body, causing a number of issues internally people that are affected are people with respiratory issues like asthma or ceos fibrosis although older people and young people are also so really Young Children and older adults are also affected as our adults how bad the particulate matter is that to really tell you how much you should limit your activity. Because all smell really bad and not be quite as bad for the particulate matter sometimes it doesnt snow that it all looks fine and then accident Still Matters high. But the potential impact isnt just limited to whats inside of your body on a leash and contain goal making day outside. Really damage the doctored ivica ice cream wallet is a berkeley dermatologist and says the current elements can also do a number on your skin. She says the conditions can make things worse for those suffering from acne eczema psoriasis. And other painful skin conditions now that you have this extra element of that air quality and pollution is affecting all of our organs in different ways just we just going to make everybody feel more uncomfortable its going to to happen a lot quicker. And you can see behind me the ominous orange or a that filled the skies now gone tonight, but that hayes is still lingering here in the air. Both doctors say over the next few days as the air quality remains pretty bad. The best advice that they can recommend is that you limit your time outside as much as possible. Were live tonight in emeryville Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news. Jonathan as we take a live look outside right now get a check on the 4 zone forecast weather so critical with all of the issues were dealing with these live look here showing San Franciscos embarcadero almost looks like a normal night. Yeah, nothing normal about this though id Lawrence Karnow eye is going to get better tomorrow. I think it will get a little bit better it were not going to be free of smoke, theres just too much smoke that was pumped in from some of those fires but start again that northeasterly wind now were starting to see a little westerly component and that certainly should bring us some pressure air so out there right now weve got a mixed bag weve got that smoke, weve got some dense fog the next actually started to set up along the coastline, some that pushing inside the bay. The forecast for the air tomorrow, looking like well see some moderate amounts of blues across San Francisco in the Oakland Hayward in the fremont that the air quality is poor in conquer to get to some of the valleys in the east bay and also in the north and the south bay in the san jose expecting some poor air quality and thats why its going to sit for tomorrow another spare the air day once again for equality in the north not as bad along the coastline, but you see that poor air in the east bay in the south. I think well lose little bit that orange color, but certainly a lot of plumes out there right now but what we could use is a big wind maker pushing all to the east, but right now were not seeing that just a gentle change in the wind pattern right now more fog low clouds showing that we get a little bit of a sea breeze and that will certainly help out. But no major sea breeze on the rise right now but watch what happens as we get toward the weekend things looking like those begin to change that weve got a cold front approaching the coastline seats off the coastline by sunday gets a little bit closer as we get into early next week and this would really help out this came on shore we brought some rain weve got some stronger sea breeze we got the win going to help the mix things up it looks like its in a fall apart before it gets here now the bands going to drop in on the backside of that but right now well keep them try. But a sign of things begin to change in the atmosphere tenant him definitely no he wave on the rise right now were going to keep those temperatures running cooler maybe a little bit warmer on friday, but calling them on saturday and sunday running well below the average toward the middle of next week. Lawrence thanks for that the ash in the air meantime dark skies and the poor air quality. Affecting businesses all over especially in the east bay, yeah, i know by the way theres still a pandemic kron fours michelle kingston spoke to a few Business Owners in brentwood today. Who say this is just another way now that they have had to stay flexible this year in order to stay open. Ashes falling from the sky like snow here in brentwood downtown is a very quiet but businesses are open and they want your support and i lived in california all my life i dont ever remember a Lightning Storm now just sure businesses across the bay area taking hit after hit its heart. You know you every day every day and have to wake up and just decide that you know were just going make the best of this this is the year of pivot okay, okay, so ok so Massive Wildfire lets nexus between coronavirus wildfires heat waves and now poor air quality and ash covering store fronts in restaurants, a lot of people may not come out because theres ash literally falling in your food. Vicki little run sip and scoop, california in brentwood, even though shes open she had to close her doors today to keep the ash from coming inside and fears business will be slow since no one wants to sit outdoors it just kind of roll with the punches back. It feels like theres been a punch after punch after punch down the street at all of place, the owners of the small retail shops say they have learned to be flexible in 2020 its almost like ok, what next what next i dont know that anything is surprising us. But thats right just have to stay so strong and when front start raining from the in brentwood, michelle kingston kron 4 news. Some Financial Relief is coming to Small Business owners struggling of course because of the pandemic and now the fires and smoke Governor Newsom signed 3 loss today intended to bolster those businesses and encourage owners to hire more workers ab 1577 allow Small Businesses to exclude ppp loans from gross income for state taxes sb 1447 authorizes 100 Million Dollars in main street, hiring tax credit for Small Businesses and sb one 15 accelerates 561 Million Dollars in state bond funding to help jumpstart construction projects, Small Businesses represent 99. 8 of all businesses in the state and Small Business majority survey data found that up to 44 of businesses right now, or at risk of having to shut down. We could find out soon when the theme parks can finally reopen here in california governor, newsome indicating today framework for theme park reopening these are going to be issued in the near future theme parks like disneyland and universal studios, hollywood have been shuttered since march disneyland had announced plans to open again back in july but ended up scrapping the date so we shall see. President trump is admitting tonight that he downplayed the threat of covid19 earlier this year, according to a new book by journalist bob woodward, the president was alarmed by the virus back in february. Even as he was telling the country that the coronavirus was no worse than the flu. And insisted it was under control. An audio recording of that interview was also released the president told reporters today he to quote reduce panic. The fact is im a cheerleader for this country i love our country and i dont want people to be frightened. I dont want to create panic as you say, and certainly im not going to that this country or the world into a frenzy. We want to Show Confidence we want to show strength we want to show strength as a nation. And thats what ive done. President trumps democratic opponent joe biden reacted on twitter he wrote quote if donald trump had acted just 2 weeks earlier, 54,000 lives could have been spared in march and april alone instead he downplayed the threat and refused to take action. Costing lives in sending our economy into a tailspin its an on justifiable dereliction of duty. Happening tomorrow Senate Republicans are expected to vote on their targeted coronavirus stimulus which the democrats have rejected calling it quote anemic yeah the congressional stalemate has frustrated many lawmakers as why dc correspondent anna werner reports for us tonight. Texas senator ted cruz went ahead and introduce his own bill. As republicans and democrats remain at a standstill over the next Coronavirus Relief bill, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell is advancing a new bill he admits is dead upon arrival were not going Speaker Pelosi and the democratic leader kill and bury Coronavirus Relief behind closed doors. Without putting every senator. On the record the republicans 300 billion dollars skinny bill is 3 trillion dollars less than what democrats want as the pain the economic pain. For millions of americans advance. Senate republicans are actually moving backward. I think washington democrats have decided. They dont want anything to pass but the lack of progress has some lawmakers looking for a new way forward texas republican senator ted cruz says his recovery act will produce results it cuts taxes, it cuts job killing regulations the bill would provide tax breaks for companies that rehire employees it would also help kids get back to School Safely and expand covid19 testing a lot of people have ever have spent down their Retirement Savings during covid have been been trying to survive on and allows people to replenish those Retirement Savings cruz says americans are already struggling and cant wait any longer for congress to hash out a deal the number one priority economically that that congress should be focused on is getting the economy going again getting people back to work this senate is set to vote on the republicans 300 billion dollar bill on thursday in washington, im anna warren, a Key California voters casting their ballots by mail will be able to track the ballot. Intelligence counted. Yes secretary of state alex padilla introducing a system called wheres my ballot today. Its a notification system that allows voters to get a text and email or a call telling them where in the process their ballot is vote by mail ballots are expected to be sent out during the first week of october and just for this year they will be accepted up to 17 days after election day. Health experts are voicing a new concern tonight for young people who vape the e cigs the newly found link between vaping and covid19. And up next in sports. The as take on the astros looking to increa motorcycle riders love the open road. And geico loves helping riders get to where theyre going, so to help even more, geico is giving new and current customers a fifteen percent credit on their motorcycle policies with the geico giveback. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. The geico giveback. Helping riders focus on the road ahead. Protests against Racial Injustice and Police Brutality continue across parts of the country and in our state families of those killed by sacramento. Police officers gathered for their. Rally today lonnie wong was there and brings us the latest. We want it now. The demands were not new by more than half a dozen families who lost loved ones, but they are emboldened by the National Movement for police reform. Francis nevarez daughter gabby was killed by 6 ice police in 2014 as we fight in this new civil rights movements. We demand change and we demand it now while the grief here was real the circumstances in each Police Related death is often fuzzy Citrus Heights police say getting the virus stole a car and led them on a dangerous High Speed Pursuit before ramming several Police Vehicles black and brown has steadily getting murdered every day Christine Benz said Daryl Richards was shot by Sacramento Police after supposedly pointing a pellet gun and citizens and that swat officers pursuing him the Police Body Camera was accidentally turned off. And the family has filed a civil suit in the case sacramento. Police today said they cant comment on cases being litigated sacramento, black lives matter is also criticizing local officials like Sacramento County District Attorney tony Anne Marie Schubert who labeled violent protesters domestic terrorists, which is a really inflammatory statement to make about people that are fighting for their right to to not be killed by Law Enforcement but ubers office today said she was specifically referring to a planned attack on her office by members of sacramento. Antifa shes accusing them of trying to burn down her office after the jacob blake shooting in wisconsin. But she did not make those accusations against Peaceful Protesters much earlier that evening nevertheless, black lives matter says confrontations by opposing groups are becoming more common put some of the families here are fed up others realize that change might be a longterm proposition and theyre determined to keep up the pressure in sacramento lonnie wong. More Police Officers have now died from coronavirus complications this year than any other cause thats according to the officer down memorial page this Nonprofit Organization dedicated to honoring fallen Law Enforcement officers. Some 184 officers have died in the line of duty so far in 20 2101 of those deaths were due to complications from covid19 by comparison 147 officers died in the line of duty in all of last year here in the bay area at least 3 Law Enforcement officers have lost their lives to covid19 including detective mary lou armor of santa rosa Sergeant Virgil thomas of richmond and Deputy Oscar Rocha with the Alameda County sheriffs office. Public Health Experts fear the covid crisis is overshadowing another Ongoing Health crisis. Youth vaping the new federal data released today shows use vaping has declined but close to 4 million American Kids are still vaping yet a lot Rachel Martin reports the lawmakers say the Trump Administration needs to continue its efforts to end youth vaping especially as the pandemic rages on. Our hearts is because of this doctor patty duke goalie is not toes with the American Lung Association Says hes concerned the Coronavirus Crisis is making teen vaping even more dangerous. It wasnt surprising. But its all these patients in the intensive care unit, fighting for their lives anew Stanford University study shows teens who vape are 7 times more likely to contract the virus in value says the country cant ignore the trend. My concern is every delay. Every day we delay which is allowing more and more kids were use to become addicted to these products, a brand new fda study shows that while the number of teen reporting using ecigarettes has drop tons of federal ban was announced earlier this year still nearly 4 million continue to use the products and the report using them more often democratic senator dick durbin says the fda must do more its now the diction which can affect the quality of your minds and the time when were so vulnerable to this covid 90 but mike hogan with a bb lobbying firm smokefree alternatives. The 9th day being contribute to the virus. I dont think theres any Scientific Foundation for what theyre saying and he warns harsh federal regulations will backfire were probably going to end up handing Harm Reduction industry back to big tobacco who has no incentive to help people quit smoking so far that is not reporting a link between covid in vaping in washington raquel martin. Today marks the final deadline for ecigarette manufacturers to get fda approval to keep their products on the shelves. People who missed the deadline will be deemed unsafe and illegal. Weve got some good news tonight for kids that we a county trick or treating is back on for halloween night, the county leaders initially banned stricker trading because of the pandemic but they lifted the ban today, current la Health Guidance bans gatherings or parties with non household members even. If its outside carnivals festivals Live Entertainment and haunted houses are still prohibited. Even though the ban has now been lifted on trick or treating Health Officials are still not recommending going out and doing so on halloween. Tonights sports report the internet weve doubled our speeds the fastest just got back. They is are in pretty good shape in the standings with under 3 weeks to go in the season. They had a chance to move the needle a little closer with a win against the Astros Matt Olson matt chapman receiving their gold and platinum glove award for their defense last season, you love to see it. I love those jerseys to the green bottom of the 7th after is up 2 nothing tommy stella hits one to left field tile cocker kyle tucker. Cant get a lot of real estate there in the coliseum 2 runs will come in to score. As tied up on that 2 run rbi Double Bottom of the night, same score with a chance to win it and they do just that desk. Ramon lori and guess what the as win again 3 to 2 they walk it off in the 9th. Theyre now 5 and a half games up in west final game of that series is tomorrow. All righty another very hot team. In baseball in the bay area and no thats not a filter folks as many people in the bay area witness or in skies today and here is mike your strengths feet. Bottom of the 3rd. That one is going in a hurry threerun shot his talent has been on display all season long his 9th homer of the year yard take a 3 nothing lead bottom of the 5th theyre up by 4 bases loaded for Evan Longoria and he lines one into right center for the base hit 2 more runs come into score giant extend that lead to 6 and they keep the pedal to the metal here joey bart up the middle as a base hit brandon belt comes into score thats the threerun 5th giants were all 10 to one they sweep the mariners theyve won 15 of their last 20 games will begin a road trip in san diego tomorrow. They also have the mariners on the road coming up and then theyll be in oakland game at the coliseum. All right the niners they got some great news on the injury front fred warner has been activated from the covid19 list. Warner will step right back into his starting middle linebacker role cards coach Kliff Kingsbury raved about warner and his end and speed to the media this week, hes been one of the most consistent niners since he was drafted in 2018. He started every game since hes been with the organization and Kyle Shanahan is in downplaying the significance of his return. Friends back is good to go. I cant talk about too much of his week away but president is reliable the player that weve had i was great to get him back today we are obviously pretty nervous about that. But hes good to go and were very grateful. Hes going to be here. Alright, gratefully back grateful. Hes healthy what scares saying down to the nba bubble clippers and nuggets game 4 western conference 70s, its turned into the Kawhi Leonard show he gets the steal coast to coast for the layin questionable be friends there. Then we see quite get it to the 6 man of the year death Montrezl Harrell with the dunk kawhi had 3011 rebounds 9 assists, the clips win 9685. They take a commanding 3 to one. When. I wanted my hepatitis c gone. I put off treating mine. Epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. Whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. I just found out about mine. I knew for years. Epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. I had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. Epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. Before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects include headache and tiredness. Ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. A lot of cloud lot of smoke around the bay area hoping for some brighter days ahead, the flu, not orange days like today of the right now weve got some low clouds and fog the marine layer about 1500 feet thick, so its going to surge onshore filling in the bay tonight, some of the valleys to air quality tomorrow looks like its going to prove a little bit still a moderate amounts of pollutants into San Francisco, half moon bay. Fortunately, youre looking to poor quality you get to some of the interior valleys, the north bay and parts of the east bay to overnight lows are going to be relatively comfortable compared to what we had early on 50s and some 60s for overnight lows tonight ice the should we start to clear out some of the smoke. They are a rebound just a bit plan on some 80s warmer spots. Inland. You see a lot of 70s a few 80s hazy inside the bay and along the coastline youve got the patchy fog will keep you cooler in the 50s and some 60s out toward the beaches. So check it out youre 10 to 10 for it weve got some changes coming our way i think a little more of a sea breeze and more of a westerly component the winds were not seeing that northeasterly wind the brought all the smoke from those fires in Northern California back in the bay area so that should be an improvement just by itself more of a westerly component maybe a little warmer into friday and then we cool down on saturday and sunday right now no rain in the forecast by the Northern California, maybe a couple thank you lawrence that wraps up kron 4 news at 10 thanks for being with us everybody this is prop 19 helpss most vulnerable. It provides property tax fairness for disabled homeowners like cynde, stuck living with a broken elevator. Nineteen helps wildfire victims, like ellie, one of 24,000 whove lost their homes to fire. And seniors like pam who need to move closer to family or medical care, without a tax penalty. Prop 19 limits taxes on our most vulnerable. Yes on 19. Im natalie morales. And im craig melvin. And this is dateline on mynetworktv. Its gut wrenching. This young woman was shot three times. This was a murder. A young single mom, out with friends on game day. It was packed. But as night fell, fear grew. Theyre asking us, do you know anybody that would want to harm your sister . Was it someone that was a stranger . Was it someone that we knew . I just had this weird feeling that there was something she was hiding. Tucked away in her kitchen, a clue to it all. On top of the refrigerator was a manila folder. Did that just gives you chills . It was horrible. Why didnt she just tell us . Did a secret lead to murder

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