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Not blocking out visibilities so your drive to work if you are this morning is nice and smooth 50s 60s for your current temperatures concord in pittsburgh and our low 60s. Berkeley, San Francisco at 54 degrees right now later today, not all that bad either we still have some 80s for inland areas, san jose 84. But comfortable in oakland and San Francisco in the 60s and the 70s back to you. So were seen an increase a steady increase and not only total number of positive cases, but total number of hospitalized patients in total number of patients in our icu news. Yeah, that is our top story this morning governor newsome set to tighten up today, some of the States Coronavirus restrictions in some or possibly all of californias counties. Yeah weve seen an increase in the hospitalizations in the last 24 hours kron 4 Sarah Stinson. Is in santa clara with the details there. Yeah thats right daria james were heading into a Holiday Weekend as our coronavirus cases are spiking not a good situation, especially as we roll on the brink of reopening across our live here in Santa Clara County because this is on the watch list for the governor as hes it will speak today about more restrictions live here in san jose where they usually have some fireworks here put on privately by the rotary read by the Childrens Museum that will be happening this year but that doesnt mean people will be gathered take a look at your screen will show you why theres concern theres total hospitalizations on your screen thats 4,577 total in the state of california 43 up in the past 2 weeks and that is why the governors putting out some major announcements today in terms of more restrictions and talking about how he is concerned after seeing a 6 increase in hospitalizations and 4 increase in icu patients within the last 24 hours so weve had a spike within the last day and newsome said another 4 counties will likely be added to californias lengthy watch list for Community Spread we know a lot of Southern California has been on his list hes been watching them as they you know they had their bars open he said you need to closure bars now were heading into a Holiday Weekend where people tend to get together of celebrate 4th of july but governor newsome says theres something in particular you should not do if youre going to celebrate at all. The spread. When youre not at home in indoor facilities. Is much more. Probable then in outdoor settings start looking at the Health Orders and help direct is in the counties in relationship to indoor versus outdoor. So hes targeting Family Gathering specifically indoors because as weve heard from doctors. Indoors is where you are not thats why you know places like Marion County have opened up picnic areas because its safer for you to get together with their social bubble at a picnic area rather than saying hey come on over to my house in new with people in an enclosed area. So today newsome will talk about 4th of july of course well be talking about which other counties will be added to the watch list as well as stepping up enforcement wearing mask and making sure that youre not gathering in large groups this can be a critical critical weekend for us hopefully everyone, you know abides by the rules and we dont see an even larger spike in hospitalizations for now live in san jose Sarah Stinson kron 4 news, thanks. A lot sarah. Heres a quick look at where the numbers stand right now in the bay area we have more than 24,000 confirmed cases with 578. Deaths across the state the number as you can see much bigger more than 230,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus with more than 6,000 people dying from it. In the east bay Contra Costa County was supposed to open or businesses today that is not going to happen bars gyms and hotels will remain closed. Kron fours reyna harvey is live in walnut creek with the new plan right now. The morning daria a lot of Business Owners war anticipating opening their doors today, the then planning getting everything ready and so understandably they are very upset that they will be able to open today just a couple of days ahead of the holiday. Like you mentioned the bars gyms hotels also Indoor Leisure activities can not resume today and the reason why thats all happening is because Contra Costa County has seen an uptick in cases in fact its almost doubled in terms of those positive test. Theyve been see they went from about 38 to 87 cases happened over the past 2 weeks. Now again also the hospitalization rates have increased significantly out here 75 . Increase. Now we got a chance to talk to some of those local Business Owners who expressed the frustration they feel not being able to open their doors. Yeah, its difficult it is very week under stan theres theres so many Different Things at play here. The health of everyone is most important to us. My first reaction was screw them eye opening. That was my first reaction after about 30 seconds of like you know saying a few curse words, lets just say i realized now i checked that i have to be socially conscious to and we will be socially conscious and i would not want to put anybody at risk or bought for gods sake at somebody die because they cant get my gym. Right a lot of passionate Business Owners voice seen how they feel after this abrupt change, but again the county right now is looking at each case and theyre trying to find a pattern here again they have not decided on when theyre going to allow the bars and the hotels and the establishment to open for now reporting here wannacry crane, a harvey kron 4 news all right well have to wait longer. Thanks a lot of well at least 19 states have decided to halt or roll back reopening plans ahead of the 4th of july Holiday Weekend in this map illustrates where those states are and you can see they really do affect a lot of the states long each coast. Both the west and east coast and a strip of Southern States here right across the southern border now weve heard from doctor Anthony Fauci hes the ahead of the Coronavirus Task force when it comes to the medical experts on that panel he had a dire prediction about the virus going forward. Were now having 40 plus 1000 new cases a day. I would not be surprised if we go up to a 100,000 a day. If this does not turn around. Well as of this morning, the u. S. Has more than 2. 6 million confirmed cases of coronavirus again thats according to the latest numbers from Johns Hopkins university. 3 states are now required people coming from california to quarantine for 14 days include new york, new jersey and connecticut all 3 issued travel advisories after california saw spike in coronavirus cases, the restrictions include travel by train car or bus plane, however, it does not apply to things like stopping at rest stops or air travel. Layovers. Yeah, and if you are going to take a plane and you want to be a away safely from your neighbor, the neighbor. Fly delta or southwest. Because american is joining united and spirit and theyre filling planes to capacity. So that means the middle seat is going to have somebody right next to you will tran is live at sfo with the details. Hi well. It is starting today very as far as American Airlines United States Largest Airline carrier and you can see behind me not as busy as it once was exactly one year ago, especially heading into the Holiday Weekend but it has picked up since the pandemic in fact last sunday was the busiest day at us airports since the pandemic started the reason why not that they were all generous about and even they admit it. The reason why the center seat was not filled because so many people were not flying during the pandemic a lot of airplanes just sat on the tarmac and once they started to fly they didnt fill it up so a lot of passengers have plenty of room to choose to be away from each other. But now that air travel has picked up the airplanes are starting to fill up a lot of them are trying to book at to full capacity, United Airlines. They say they are doing that as well theyre giving people the option if they dont want to be on a say a 70 full flight they can transfer to an empty your flight but lets face it if your schedule is tight. What are you going to do and a lot of people just have to grin and bear it, however, there was one airline passenger. We spoke to with United Airlines who was having none of that. And theyre putting us in a plane like like like this talking us in those also of mind blowing past thats lee. Id rather just leave you said yesterday. We can walk out we can you can can you can reschedule your another flight so make sure our walkout and then i told the lady at the front and then shes a what about the first classes that im like first classes. Shoulder, surely, its fully booked. As far as the other airlines dorial in quickly show you the check for a look at that right is not busy usually before the 4th of july weekend we would see a chess snaking around all of these turnstiles here not the case it is considerably of course emptier than it was a year ago, but it is filling up and the other airlines they are noticing that you talked about southwest airlines. They say for now theyre going to monitor the situation there doing deep cleaning the bringing in air filters in between flights to try to get some of the particles out but even they said its a case by case situation that come fall they too and all the other line once they start to but the flights a fuller. That you could be shoulder to shoulder 3 to an aisle and there is no empty space so this could be the trend moving forward as a lot of people in this race and ari a lot of people still think its a hoax they dont think they should wear a mask and that the airlines they say theyre at the very least in forcing people to wear a mask even if the center seat is filled. I and well bring up the mask issue because you you know several layer tight mask on and i saw guy just behind you through the air for walking through the bandanna. They found that the single layer like a bandanna. Here youre going to call for sees its going to like 8 feet something youre where michael 2 inches. So if youre finding yourself shoulder to shoulder nexus im an airplane you look at them asking oh yeah i think im going to skip this flight that kind of thing its going to be up to passengers. Daria. Ive seen you come to work you wipe down everything before you sit down i think youd be the last person on earth sitting in the center after seeing how clean you are yeah i know and its a its all to defend on where you got to go and who you want to fly, i would say right now. Delta and southwest, if you have to fly. Thanks a lot. Well, 5. 12 right now still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, california is reexamining policing on its School Campuses. Well tell you what the thinking about him. And a woman is robbed at gunpoint in San Francisco. We have the video and reaction from her neighbors. Plus starting today more expensive to cross the Golden Gate Bridge. At least it is clear this morning as youre crossing the bridge temperatures later on today will be in the 60s 70s and for a few inland areas, the ladies. Check it out. So strong. So. Not ripped. Whatre we talkin about. Thats the hefty ultra strong bag hefty hefty hefty whispers gimme. confused give me the bag . Get hefty ultra strong at a low price well were back toll prices at the Golden Gate Bridge are going up starting thats part of the 5 year fare program that was designed to pay for bridge maintenance. So heres a look at the new prices, the chill. The shelling out every time you cross the bridge fast track tolls are going to increase from 7. 35 to 7. 70. One time tolls will increase from 8. 20 to 8. 40 carpool rates will increase from 5. 35 to 5. 70 we have more information on a website kron 4 dot com if youd like check it out, but just no fun, the toll is going up, but the Golden Gate Bridge today also happening today, californias gas tax is going up again. The gas tax will rise by a little more than 0. 3 bringing the total to just over 0. 50 a gallon tax is the result of Senate Bill One which was passed back in 2017. Its designed to boost the gas tax in line with increases in the Consumer Price index. The gas tax is projected to bring in about 7 billion this fiscal year to pay for maintenance and repairs things are going up all over the place, yes they are but were not driving that much was covid so. I guess if you need a bright side there it is. I like a bright side. The weather this afternoon some sunshine yacht, some sunshine and really actually a very nice day to be talking about whether youre talking this morning or this afternoon. So definitely a bright spot. For the week ahead looking outside at berkeley here some low cloud cover hanging out overhead, but visibility has not been an issue for most parts of the bay, any sort of cloud cover youre seeing is hanging out well above us some youre not driving through it. Skies are going to remain clear into the afternoon too and temperatures although warm for inland valleys are going to be oppressively hot. We have this low pressure area to our east and then an ice cooler air mass to our west meaning that this ridge of High Pressure that is barely built up across the region really isnt going to stay with us for a long its going to really be breaking apart into tomorrow. And that means that daytime highs inland are going to plummet for your thursday daytime highs will be well below average for this time of year. Youre also not going have a whole lot of fog at the coast, the next couple of days. Sure there will be times where some low clouds tries to push in along the coastline. But its not going to be like what we saw last week when it was just gray for most of the day for coastal areas, 50s and 60s for San Francisco today, 60s and 50s also right down the peninsula along the shoreline of the pacific. You had along the bay shore and youve got 70s and low 80s with Mountain View at 80 degrees palo alto at i 76 south bay, daytime highs, mostly mid 80s, free of morgan hill only 78 though, as for temperatures in the east bay mid 80s for the tri valley 70s and hayward san leandro berkeley and oakland concord antioch in vacaville a few of our spots in the low 90s and really are only spots that will barely make it up to that Mark Santa Rosa in petaluma in the low to mid 80s today as for tomorrow temperatures even cooler than 2 days. At our warmest will only be in the low 80s, a very nice break from the heat for this time of year. Temperatures by the Holiday Weekend as we work at wake work our way into the 4th of july back into the low 90s inland so brief cool down ahead of us do enjoy it because we have a toasty Holiday Weekend just around the corner daria thanks a lot john in San Francisco neighbors are worried after an 81 yearold woman was violently robbed at gunpoint. In no kron fours Taylor Bisacky takes a closer look. So little bit frightening that a neighborhood that this is this is known to be a little more quiet and that Something Like that would happen. Certainly that there were camped on a car thats thats frightening to run his sundar again in may a gokart recently moved to the San Francisco neighborhood at 28 in diamond streets a month ago, they say they chose the area ford safety in are surprised to see this brazen robbery of an 81 yearold woman police say the woman was walking on 28th street at the time thats been one of the suspects described as a 230 pound man in his 20s or 30s got out of a silver Jeep Cherokee cocked is going to pointed it at the elderly woman and then shot her to the ground are clearly before getting away with her purse, but there are preying you know looking for the right. Great hall after broad daylight thats yeah. Its pretty scary. Why an 81 yearold are so many people that walk by and it seems like they attack somebody that was not able to defend herself. Theyve really kurz says the thieves could have targeted this area since the normal walking route for many in the neighborhood but says this is the first time shes seen or heard Something Like this i live in the 28 street and this is not something that happens every day as i walked by this place every day and theyre just regular people trying to walk take a walk to take the kids now she and others are on high alert hoping the police catch whoever did this if im walking i would be more alert because normally i just walk around and i may be daydreaming or listening to music just hope that you know they can find the person that. That is responsible for that and. And you know proper justice can be. Brought to to them well as you saw in that video the victim got right up after that attack so she seems to be doing ok and that aspect and again she describes the suspect as a man in his 20s or 30s possibly weighing around 230 pounds if you have any information youre asked to call the police in San Francisco Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news. Theyre still ahead more on the reports that russia put bounties on the heads of american soldiers were going hear from lawmakers who were briefed at the white house. Heres a live look outside our bay bridge toll plaza camera shows traffic moving without any problems right now as you make your way from oakland and the San Franciscos 5. 21 well be right back. Great day on the lake it is. Lunch is cookin and i saved a bunch of money on my boat insurance with geico. Fellas, can it get any better than this . Whoa my old hairstyle grew back. So did mine. [80s music] what . I was an 80s kid. It only gets better when you switch and save with geico. In national news, washington lawmakers have now been briefed on reports that russia paid bounties to taliban fighters to kill american soldiers. But they say they need more evidence our dc correspondent joe khaleel has the latest. After their briefing at the white house a group of House Democrats say the intelligence is clear russia is definitely helping the column. Hell america and congressman brad sherman says theres strong evidence the kremlin offered the taliban bounties to kill american soldiers white house knew that there was that substantial possibility of chairman and other democrats say the white house must hold the kremlin accountable, but white house Officials Say its too early to draw conclusions hes an intelligence information that had no consensus has not been verified still to this day has not been verified congressman adam schiff says from the intel that hes seen he believes the u. S. Should impose new russian sanctions so i dont think the president should continue cozying up to this crime and dictator. He is not our friend russia does not wish us well by both sherman and shift say there are still a lot of details they dont know and theyre calling on intel officials to brief the full house shift wants to know whether President Trump was briefed on the matter the president has said publicly he wasnt you would hope that would be something brought to the president s attention is too important to play politics with Republican House leader Kevin Mccarthy says despite democrats criticism this white house has been appropriately tough on russia thats a very clear nobody on the side. Police russias good players mccarthy says if the bounty allegations are confirmed there will be severe consequences in washington, im joe khaleel. 5. 26 is the time coming up next Republican Leadership seems to be shifting their stance on Wearing Masks this as the coronavirus cases continue to surge across the country. Well take a closer look heres a live look outside our camera in San Francisco looking out across the embarcadero im back with more of something great from mr. Clean. Stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. Try clean freak it has three times the cleaning power of the leading spray to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. And its great for bathrooms just keep pumping the power nozzle to release a continuous burst of mist and make quick work of big jobs. It even works on stainless steel. It cuts through 100 of dirt, grease and grime. Available with easytoswap refills. To get three times the cleaning power, try clean freak from mr. Clean. Welcome back the time now is 5. 29 and were looking at the weather for this wednesday at handed over to john find out whats doing on this july first john not too bad to start the new month guys some low clouds are hanging out above San Francisco and the rest of the bay. But as you can see sales first hour you can see from top to bottom. Theres no visibility issues for most of us couple of spots right along the coastline where there is cloud cover low enough to be resulting in lower visibility, especially south of Half Moon Bay on highway one thats about it though so smooth drive into work if you have to this morning. Temperatures are in the 50s and 60s currently alameda and hayward at 58 concord and pittsburgh are in the low 60s right now few 40s up in the north bay like in petaluma later today its comfortable weather all around 60s and 70s for oakland and San Francisco, even for san jose a little cooler than it has been only in the mideighties daria. Thanks a lot john california schools are looking at ways to keep students safe on campus in districts across the state are reexamining the role of police on campus kron fours Jonathan Mccall has the latest. The death of George Floyd Police departments all across america have found themselves under the microscope but also it all to action. For us to question the the situation is no different here in california where tuesday. California state superintendent Tony Thurmond hosted a virtual roundtable discussion with Police Lawmakers and educators about exactly what the role of Police Officers should be on californias 10,000 School Campuses some districts are already taking matters into their own hands by getting rid of police on campus. Just last week the Oakland Unified School board gave the green light to break up the Districts Police department at the end of the year. California state senator Nancy Skinner represents oakland. And data from oakland unified indicates that Police Presence it would not increase safety and in fact an active fight Racial Disparities state senator scott wiener says more needs to be done to address the challenges inside of schools. Challenges that officers are necessarily trained for we are over rely or in the police to address challenges in our schools that dont need policing all right and we need to do better and just focus in a fleece only on issues a truly required Police Intervention brian landiss officers should be in schools. This former School Resource officer enrichment said a program specified for richmond high. Led to a drop in the number of fights truancy calls and other issues. But only because officers were present through has been very good about having those discussions with the students. My which i would often come to me with questions about race about ious we have long very Difficult Conversations about it from and also called on districts to better train for implicit bias and to collect more information on expulsions in disciplinary actions things that typically affect more African American students. Just last week the department of education said it will speed up research to look at the impacts caused by police on School Campuses Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news in the east bay, the Oakland City Council is going to take another look at the budget inn approved last week. This in light of all of the demands to defund the police. So the city council is looking theyre meeting with they are the other people who are demanding that the police cut the budget for the police in half and that would amount to slashing a 150 million from it theyre going to talk about this on july 21st. Lets head to the south in our Santa Clara County Health Officials have released a series of safety requirements and recommendations for when students come back to school in the fall. So heres a look at what theyre thinking for elementary schools, theyre advised to include keeping students at the same students and teachers and staff together for the entire day. 4 middle schools and high schools, teachers should maximize the space between desks and all schools should arrange classrooms to minimize close contact. The county is also recommending staggering the use of restrooms are assigning certain groups to certain restrooms and also serving meals in the classrooms or outdoors instead of in the cafeteria. They also recommend holding recess in separate areas designated by class and minimizing the use of lockers to avoid any unnecessary gathering of students and also designating one way walking areas in the hallways but even with these safety guidelines, one superintendent believes that most of the learning. Well probably be done online this fall kron fours jason dumas has the story. We want all students and teachers to return to school as soon as possible and under the safest possible conditions. The county of Santa Clara Public Health department and county offices of education trying to bring some clarity to county residents on the protocols for reopening schools this fall, but in our Rock School District the superintendent is pretty sure what it will look like a majority of the learning is going to be. That tool. That i can tell you even in a gradual reopening right of who we ma i bring back because that is the best way to teach that student population. Its going to mean a gradual mode and we need to be very mindful. On a tour. How the incidences of covid19 are evolving in our. Community of course with the ever changing landscape of our Current Society things can all change very quickly what you are asking me today in the and they respond to you today is going to be significantly different. Next week. But 2 weeks from now because we keep seen best incidences of covid19 and senate pass by king doctor coady said on tuesday that the opening of schools for in person teaching will be dictated by each of the 32 School Districts in Santa Clara County. In alum rock is one that has been hit the hardest by their viewing the superintendent that has city codes with the highest incidences of covid19. Right right i think that my response is going to be significantly different from other superintendents where theres not the same no hole. A contagion reporting in the south bay, im jason dumas scrum for news. Vice president mike pence and other Top Republicans are now urging americans to wear masks. Joe biden is slamming President Trump for his response to the pandemic Caitlin Collins has the latest. With the nations top Health Officials warning the u. S. Could now see 100,000 new coronavirus cases a day President Trump remain behind closed doors as former Vice President joe biden opened a new round of attacks on his response month after murder. As many of us urged him to step up and do its job. The sale dies. In delaware biden ripped trump for attempting to put the raging pandemic behind him and accused the selfdescribed wartime president of being in retreat. Fixed a shortage of ppe for Health Care Workers before you tee off another round. The goals its almost july. And it seems like our wartime president s surrender. Biden has made few public appearances since coronavirus restrictions were put in place months ago, he says he wont hold any rallies for now unlike trump who recently addressed thousands of his supporters indoors in but as state officials voiced concern about large gatherings with cases skyrocketing cnn has learned that may have been trumps first and last rally for some time, the Trump Campaign has scrapped plans to hold one in alabama next weekend and has no others on the horizon. Trump will travel to Mount Rushmore for a Fireworks Show this friday where south dakotas governor says there wont be social distancing. We told those folks that have concerns that they can stay home but we wont be social distancing governor kristi noem said they will pass out face mask but will require them. Trump has continued to refuse to wear one leaving him almost completely isolated from his own allies occasionally the president. I want to wear masks just a signal to people that he thinls its important mag i should now stand for mass are great again. Now as Kaylin Collins reporting many states including california have a mask mandate. 4 other states, its still voluntary. The take a break 5. 37 still ahead baseball season getting back on track this week but that wont include the miners were going to have more on that coming up and temperatures today, not as warm as they have been with 60s and 70s along the bay a few 90s on usaa is made for whats next were helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so they can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most find out more at usaa. Com 5. 40 right now and youre not going believe this wind flow and this is an alarm being sounded on another potential pandemic in the midst of covid now weve got swine flu. Nadia romero has the details. Next pandemic might be upon us. A new strand of swine flu can spread from pigs to humans has been discovered in china and is now triggering new pandemic fears we at the same time new waves of the coronavirus the potential for a bad flu season are it is it is a catastrophic future we can taste. Researchers are calling it the g 4 virus and says its genetically descended from the h one n one swine flu that caused the 2009 pandemic and its been spreading on pay firms in china since 2016. And has infected a few people but hasnt yet been documented death made anyone sick, its something that still is in the stage of examination. While there is yet no reported human to human contact. Theres reason for Concern Health Officials Say despite their concerns the new swine flu is not a global threat right now is something we need to keep our eye on just the way we did. In 2009 with the emergence of the swine flu in washington nadia romero kron 4 news. 5. 42 is the time coming up next on the kron 00 04am morning news, the 4th of july is almost here will tell you what you can expect if you live in an area where fireworks are legal for sale will be right back. When we closed our doors in march, wynn committed instantly to keeping all 15,000 team members onboard. We then focused our fivestar level of service to all who needed it. We made improvements to peoples lives. We strove to be better and we made people happy. This closure may have temporarily taken us out of wynn and encore, but it couldnt take the wynn and encore out of us. And now, we are proud to welcome you back. Back at 5. 44 major Fireworks Shows have been canceled across the bay area because of the pandemic but sales of safe and sane fireworks for use at home are booming with crop forcefully to go with more on that. Absent a major Fireworks Show to attend due to the covid19 pandemic neighbors in dublin are stocking up on safe and sane supplies to entertain themselves and their families on the 4th of july i love doing fireworks every year we always come out with our family and with shelterinplace orders still in effect the wesson berg say theyre looking for any excuse to responsibly spend some Time Outdoors i think theres pentup demand everywhere, you know we saw the first night when they open up restaurants in the city and just everybody wants to just be out the rotary club of dublin is one of at least 13 nonprofit organizations and schools running fireworks moves within city limits. The legal fireworks went on sale sunday and will continue through next sunday its just been gangbusters the rotary club says its selling fireworks faster than it ever had sore doing what theyve got 3 to 4 times more than we did before okay not to enter percent increase right now visitors stopping by in between running errands to grab what they can before the fireworks sell out i just drove by and thought id get ahead of the rush i didnt want to be sitting out here. We are 50 people in front of me there are some changes to the rules this year on how and where the fireworks can be used in dublin. Unlike in the past fireworks are not allowed at any city park facility Business Park or apartment complex. They can only be used at private residences we can all have a little fun on the front yard and kind of stay to our own little group in the neighbors down the road can seize and enjoy the sparkle students safe and sane fireworks stay grounded. They dont shoot up into the air best to keep a bucket of water close by when lighting them up just in case you need to extinguish any flames. In dublin phillipe djegal all kron 4 news. Well the 4th of july Fireworks Show in San Francisco might be canceled this year but that doesnt mean you cant join us here kron 4 for virtual celebration. Well be showing you some of the most memorable moments from the biggest Fireworks Show on the west coast. Its down to san diego they called the big bay boom. So well have highlights of that for you and well also going to be honoring local heroes who have been on the front lines of the pandemic you can check out the 4th of July Celebration on kron 4 starting at 09 00pm and you said is saturday. Falls on a saturday night ive been spending my life with july 4th that i can stay up for now one comes along and you got to go to bed because with work on sunday and bust for me, lets check the weather though its going to be bused if the weather doesnt hold thats very important not for that show because its on tape but the one live show thats happening around the nation the doubly unfortunate thing guys is that it might actually be a clear one for 4th of july 2. And usually its all foggy when we have those fireworks so what were going to be seeing this forecast ahead of us is and thus most foggy one certainly. A little touch of it right there along the coastline, but most of us like a sfo are actually sitting under some clear skies. Airports are sitting just find this morning and youre looking great in san jose to lots of sunshine overhead temperatures into the afternoon and are these clear skies will still be warm for inland areas, but not as warm n as they had been in previous weeks. A little warm up today results of the week ridge of High Pressure that is an early going to stay in place for long as soon as tomorrow temperatures for inland areas are going to work their way down word yet again and daytime highs tomorrow, even at their warmest only be in the low 80s for inland spots tomorrow much like today just a couple of spots, a low cloud cover right there out along the coastline. As you also see into friday. So not the foggiest to forecasts certainly not the warmest of them either some 50s and 60s for San Francisco and other coastal areas, daytime highs today. Do expect some cloud cover at times but also sunshine reappearing later in the day, 60s and 70s for your highs along the peninsula and tell you get to Mountain View southward thats when youre in the 80s, san carlos santa clear as well san jose. All in the low to mid 80s today. Pleasanton livermore and dublin in the tri valley holding on to 80s as well. Only a couple of 90s on the map those are for concord on up to antioch it over to vacaville, sonoma and napa mid to low 80s for you while out towards santa rosa down to center fell also a range of 80s today. Tomorrows temperatures as i noted will be cooler than todays most notably for inland areas. Friday we begin around the corner climbing again by saturday and sunday. Its back to the 90s we go for 4th of july weekend. James. All right. Thank you john, heres a quick check of the couple bridges for you beginning here with the bay bridge toll plaza camera were at 5. 49 traffic is still moving without slowing down too much here at the toll gates or across the span so still a pretty quick ride from oakland in the San Francisco. Were also seeing a smooth ride to at the san mateo bridge. The volume certainly picking up as you can see here on the right hand side, however. Traffic is moving without any obstruction so youre making good time from hayward out to foster city. Major League Baseball players are reporting to their home ballparks today to start but the minor league is don mlb says that they are going to have to cancel the entire 2020 minor league season, kron 4 spoke to san jose giants ceo ben taylor about what that means. The. Baseball season might not be happening. But were still here and we plan on serving the community throughout the rest of summer through the fall and the winter and then when the 2021 baseball season, rolls around ready to throw open the gates again and i know the energy is going to be there for our fan base and i can i can already feel it and and were were far away from from the baseball games happening here, but you know theres going to be a lot energy for for baseball, it does return and thats exciting. Disappointing but not entirely unexpected a san jose has already hosted a number of socially Distance Community events at excite ballpark and theyre going to continue doing that including a 4th of july barbecue on the field this weekend. The San Francisco giants and the oakland as had said that the minor leaguers are going to continue to be paid their weekly stipends. Throughout what would have been this season but now that its off hope those checks still roll in. The as are trying to make a little money and let fans have a little fun, even though they cant go to the games and so are the giants, theyre both doing these cut out programs where you can pay almost a 100 bucks and you get a cut out figure in the stands of yourself the as are doing it, theres a little sample of what they have going on and the giants are doing it to season Ticket Holders to spend a 100 bucks and i guess maybe they put it in your part of the coliseum or the stadium and then you can watch on tv and they love their i am not thats a good way to put it. The nba is forging ahead with its plans to resume the season in orlando. But commissioner adam silver says the league is still. Paying very close attention to covid19 and a significant spread could halt their plans to move forward they have to just wait and see. I think one thing were learning about these fires as much as unpredictable and i think we know our players together on with their union, the Players Association look at the data on a daily basis and if there was something to change their home was outside the scope of what were playing for certainly we would revisit. You know our plans. Well 3 more players on the new Orleans Pelicans tested positive for coronavirus tuesday, but their names will be revealed for privacy reasons. Time now is 5. 52 and thanks for tuning in on a wednesday morning a lot of people are on the roads as you can see this morning at least not through walnut creek on 6. 80 will be back with more in just a few minu its 06 00am just a few low clouds at the coast, the Golden Gate Bridge, not looking bad no fog just cloud cover sitting over head. Temperatures right now are in the 50s and 60s so go ahead get that jacket on its just a touch cooler than yesterday for Mountain View and san jose. Well very similar in oakland and San Francisco. Later on today look for to daytime highs in the 70s for bayside areas still toasty inland and cool out along the coastline. James. All right. Thank you very much john quick check of some breaking news, this out of seattle where we understand police are working right now to clear out. The chop protest zone it was called chaz at one point now the people inside of renamed it chop which stands for capitol hill occupy protest. This is that area of seattle where they began just setting up theyre on tense and barriers and kept police out saying that this was basically an autonomous zone where they could self police themselves theyve been doing this. For weeks now, and it looks like perhaps this morning. The situation has changed with police. As it appears to be beginning to break up that part of seattle. More to follow stay tuned for that 5. 56 at the time. Coming up on the kron 00 04am morning news. We of course are following the very latest with the surge in hospitalizations that are forcing the governor in california here to step in he said to announce new restrictions today, well have more details on that coming up in a live report. Plus a new spate businesses are forced to stay closed because of the spike in covid19 cases, the corporate rate harvey will be live in waller creek with more on that and were also following the latest with flights as American Airlines now set to join a couple of others in packing their flights to capacity, ignoring social distancing were going to have kron fours will tran to have kron fours will tran out of sfo us. Kids, bedtime . She was worried we wouldnt be able to keep up. Course we can. What couldnt keep up was our bargain detergent. Turns out its mostly water, and that doesnt work as well on stains. So, we switched back to tide. One wash, stains are gone. Kind of like our quiet time. [daughter slurping] what are you doing . Dont pay for water. Tide is concentrated with three times the active cleaning ingredients. If its got to be clean, its got to be tide. Youre watching kron 00 04am morning news at 6. Good morning and thanks for waking up with us im darya folsom and im James Fletcher it is july 1st as we kick off the month. Lets find out what kind of weather we can expect with john trouble in the Weather Center hey john not a bad start to the month guys we do have some low clouds hanging out overhead but as you can see from this view from center tower above some of those clouds is a nice sunrise shaping up and overall some really clear skies cloud cover at the coast isnt going to last for long, its just some patchy stuff this morning that blocking out visibility. We do have an abundantly sunny start to the new month ahead of us right now temperatures are in the 50s and 60s go ahead and throw in that light jacket this morning for inland areas you definitely wont

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