this comes after the u.s. vetoes a u.n. vote for immediate cease-fire. we'll tell you why. plus, abortion battle, a short-lived legal win for a woman fighting the state's abortion ban. why she's in legal limbo. >> both sides can go to the supreme court. falling prices and lower mortgage rates and employment. will the numbers add up for you? friends with benefits, why connecting with someone outside your age group can make your life better. >> i think endless adventures. i can't wait to see what's next. >> this is the cbs weekend news from washington, with adriana diaz. >> good evening. it is a rough weekend across the nation with severe weather from coast-to-coast. this tornado terrified people northwest of nashville knocking down trees and power lines. dime-sized hail battled arkansas and all that hail and wind are heading northeast. out west, they're dealing with snow. let's bring in paul goodloe from our partners at the weather channel. >> hi. we're still tracking severe weather on this december day. and into your sunday as well. heavy downpours and flash flooding, everyone dealing with gusty winds. i'll show you that coming up. we're not just dealing with this across the south, across the northeast as well. today was a mild day as well. in the backside we have temperatures crashing down some snow. it's the wind which sticks around. all this rain, maybe 5 inches of rain will cause some flood concerns, maybe a foot of snow on the backside after the rain. everybody dealing with the winds at times, the cape and the islands. hurricane force winds possible heading into your monday morning. big time impact. to the west coast, offshore flow, santa ana winds, high wind warnings for much of southern california including the vegas area in southern nevada. adriana. %. israel is widening its hunt for members of hamas as the u.n. says half the population in gaza is starving. we are in tel aviv with more. >> reporter: adriana, good evening. israel's ambassador to the united nations is thanking president biden after the united states issued a veto for the security resolution to a cease-fire in hamas. the focus is solely getting those 100 abductees still in gaza home and they say military pressure will make that happen faster. nguye in nine weeks to the day of the surprise military attack. this shade to show soldiers targeting militants. destroying mosques and families, too. some forced to bury their dead in the streets with official cemeteries too full or too dangerous to reach. the devastation stretching as far south as rafah, on egypt's border, supposedly the strip's safety area. >> this is a shelter. a very simple home, got out from the rebels, maybe more than four kids. they were injured. >> reporter: this 18-year-old student has a message for president biden he shared with our cbs news producer. >> i hope there are still people in america who have a heart of gold and just to go out, i want all of you to go out and stop all these massacres. >> reporter: the world food program now says about half of gaza's population, more than 2 million don't have enough food. i came here to find starvation said this father south of rafah. it's not milk, basically water. clean drinking water is a luxury, too. in tel aviv, on this third night of hanukkah, families of hostages still hold out help, like mckyle levy, his wife murdered by hamas, his brother still missing. >> reporter: you're lighting the menorah every night without your brother. how is that feeling? >> difficult. it's even more difficult because all in hebrew means light. >> reporter: do you believe in miracles? >> i believe he will be back. you can call it miracle or whatever. >> reporter: we have confirmation an israeli hostage has been killed, sahar barboque and his family says he should be part of any future deal. in washington with the latest, willie, good evening. >> good evening, adriana. the biden administration is moving forward with a sale of 106 million dollars worth of tank sales to israel by bypassing a process as calls grow for a cease-fire. free them is outside the security council. the resolution was divorced from reality and noted its lack of condemnation against hamas' october attack. the uk abstained from the vote. the u.s. veto brought sharp criticism from allies and human rights group, saying the u.s. puts the u.s. at risk of being complicit of war crimes and stress for the protection of civilians in gaza. >> thank you. today, the president of the university of pennsylvania resigned. liz mcgill drew criticism her congressional testimony tuesday when she was asked for the 's a caller of genocide of jews violated her schools' policies. she said it depended on the context. the process of harvard and mit are being scrutinized for their answers. the whiplash in texas, the woman in texas granted the right to an abortion one day before that ruling was put on hold before the state supreme court weighs her options. where her case could lead. >> reporter: at 20 weeks and four days pregnant, kate cox is living in legal limbo. 30 hours after a democratic judge approved an abortion. >> i am going to grant the restraining order. >> reporter: but the all republican texas state supreme court put a hold on it. >> it is an unsigned order from the court. generally that means the supreme court sees merit in the state of texas opposition to the order. >> reporter: trial attorney, david berg, a member of the texas bar, says cox meets the exception under the law. her doctors say her pregnancy is not viable and she has a risk of multiple complications including the ability to have another child in the future. but attorney general ken paxton said cox had not said she would suffer immediate and irreparable harm as the law states and that she could be prosecuted. her lawyers say the fight is not over. while we still hope the court ultimately rejects the state's request and quickly in this case we feel in this case justice delayed will be justice denied. berg says there's a path ahead. >> both sides can go to the supreme court of the united states. >> reporter: the texas supreme court did not give a time frame when they might rule. cox's attorney argued with every day that passes he risk to her health increases. thank you. holiday shoppers jammed the nation's malls today. cash registers are jingling and consumers moods are merry and bright. >> reporter: tis the season for spending and a new survey shows shoppers are finding more joy in doing so. consumer sentiment soared 13% this month. >> people are seeing opportunities now to retain some of their money. >> reporter: a positive sign after high inflation hurt american pocketbooks. >> i think it really boils down to one thing now, gasoline prices. >> reporter: the price at the pump dropped another 20 cents this month with a nationwide average of almost $3.20 a gallon. mortgage rates have fallen to their lowest level since august and job growth remains steady. >> is that going to have an immediate effect on the holiday shopping season right now? >> they might be feeling better but their ability to pay is still in question. >> reporter: the prices are still up 20% from pre-pandemic levels. >> americans don't feel they've been delivered from thal evil of inflation but feel it's not hurting them as much as it did before. >> reporter: for some shoppers it's enough relief to have them filling their bags with holiday cheer. some economists are predicting things will be even better next year as inflation is expected to fall and they hope it's enough to avoid a recession, at least for now. >> let's hope so. joy benedict, thank you. big political news from american ally argentinargentina former personality who claims to get advice from his dogs is called eccentric by those being polite and about to be sworn in as argentina's new president. >> reporter: supporters call him a local, the former tv personality can sometimes look the part of a madman. known for wielding a live chain saw at his campaign rallies, now the libertarian populist is argentina's new president. >> as i said, politicians never tell you the truth. >> reporter: hosting a radio program in miami geared to argentine nan americans, he voted for him. >> he brings hope. >> reporter: hope to a nation in dire straits going through its worst economic crisis in a generation. he plans to replace the argentina peso with the u.s. dollar in a bid to battle sky high inflation which has reached nearly 150%. he promised to eliminate government agencies, outlawing abortion, a self-described capitalist and eliminate the sale of human organs and calls global warming a socialist line. his unexpected win is compared to brazil and donald trump. it's also led to protests by women's rights groups. >> is he going to do a dramatic some therapy or is he going to pursue a grad list approach? the reality is if he pursue as shock approach he will have people in the streets. >> reporter: not just controversial, he's also eccentric known for cloning his beloved dog who died in 2018 after higher a medium to communicate with him. and taking economic advice from the five identical copies of his pet. argentina has a 40% poverty rate. he won by 11 percentage points, a sounding rejection of the current status quo. cbs news, miami. straight ahead on the cbs weekend news, why pilots say they face a difficult choice when it comes to getting mental health care. and with vitiligo, the pursuit for your pigment is no exception. it's time you had a proven choice to help restore what's yours. opzelura is the first and only fda-approved prescription treatment for nonsegmental vitiligo... proven to help repigment skin... over time. restoring what's yours. it's possible... with a steroid-free cream that you can apply... yourself. opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections, skin cancer, blood clots, and low blood cell counts occurred with opzelura. in people taking jak inhibitors, serious infections, increased risk of death, lymphoma, other cancers, and major cardiovascular events have occurred. the most common side effects were acne and itching where applied. if you're on the pursuit, repigmentation may be within reach. so, are you ready? 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we are, my friend. we are. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. i was always so itchy especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. now we're staying ahead of her eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a wonderful thing. ask your child's eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal their skin from within. finally tonight, a friendship, one of the great things about the holidays is celebrating with those closest to us. if all those people are about your age you might be missing out. janet shamblin explains. >> reporter: professional dancer laura coughlin forged a friendship. not that kind. at the iconic steps on broadway. >> when you first saw carol, what did you think? >> i was honestly enthralled from the moment i met her. >> reporter: the woman who became a bestie is older by 52 years. > she had an energy and a warmth about her. >> reporter: it sounds like you were both instantly sort of attracted to each other. >> love at first sight, what can i say? >> reporter: the age defying attachment isn't that unusual. 37% of adults have a close friend at least 15 years younger or older than they are. while this 32-year-old and 84-year-old bonded over ballet, they soon started exploring restaurants. and with birthdays one day apart they celebrate together every year. >> i don't think of age when i'm with her. we share a passion for life. and even that one element is not easy to find. >> so when did you get back from paris? >> reporter: experts say we tend to stick to same age relationships but one with a significant age gap brings benefits to sharing life experiences. psychological professor, mark shoals. >> the payoff we get with connections with people different from us have potential to be even bigger than connections with people who occupy a similar place in life as us or are right next door to us. >> i feel like she's telling me getting old doesn't mean you have to actually get old. >> reporter: both women, they're energized by their four year bond. what's next for you two? >> i think endless adventures. i can't wait to see what's next. >> reporter: a relationship spanning decades and for the ages. janet shamlian, cbs news, new york. a timeless friendship. that is tonight's cbs weekend news. i'm adriana diaz in washington. good night. xx x now at 6:00, a three-day standoff in a contra costa home ends in an arrest. now the community is asking why it took so long to bring him into custody. a security guard shot and killed on the job in oakland. an emotional tribute from his daughter and the people who knew him. and plus a big clean up effort from community members in the east bay. live from the cbs news bay area studios in san francisco, i'm andrea nakano, brian has the night off. a pittsburg detective is under arrest after a three-day standoff. the standoff ended this morning when the suspect surrendered to a s.w.a.t. team, but the police chief is now facing some tough questions today about why in the midst of the siege, he pulled his officers away from the scene, leaving an armed suicidal suspect alone for 18 hours. john ramos has that story. >> reporter: the man had already shot his wife and ended up shooting multiple rounds at a police s.w.a.t. team. so neighbors are wondering how police consider him not to be a threat to the public. on saturday morning there were a lot of police on the home of cleopatra drive, just like there were on thursday

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Whittaker ,Mental Health Regulations ,Forum ,Jobs ,Pathway ,The Agency ,System ,Changes ,Shouldn T ,Pilot Union ,Kris Van Cleave ,Shohei Ohtani ,Flakes ,Dream Team ,Wash ,Shampoo ,Virginia ,Reagan National Airport ,Troy ,Microbes ,News ,Head ,Itchiness ,Shoulders ,Scalp ,Dryness ,Ingredients ,Little Rascals ,Condition ,Wash Count ,Best ,Hair ,Curve ,Peyronie S Disease ,Pd ,Stop Typing ,Urologist ,5g Phone ,Dad ,Treat ,Shopping ,List ,You Re Not Alone ,Yoohoo ,Visit Makeapdplan Com Today ,Treat Pd ,Holiday ,Plan ,Caroler ,Phone ,Mess ,Verizon ,Netflix ,Didn T Land ,Samsung ,Avo ,Tissue Test ,Whitening Toothpaste ,Galaxy S23 ,Ooof ,0 ,10 ,Kind ,Sotyktu ,Psoriasis Treatment ,Pill ,Whiter ,Crest ,Crest 3d Whitestrips White ,Toothpaste White ,3 ,Plaque Psoriasis ,Back ,Chance ,Finding Psoriasis ,Splendor ,Thighs ,Muscle Problems ,Tyk2 Inhibitor ,Find ,Hiding ,Jak Family ,Risks ,Kidney Problems ,Vaccine ,Labs ,Liver ,Triglycerides ,Arson Attack ,Police Officers ,Role ,New York City ,Martin Luther King ,Jr ,Police ,Kenneth ,Gasoline ,Action ,Contract ,Books ,Sports ,Hitter ,Pitcher ,Los Angeles Dodgers ,Ten ,Chronic Kidney Disease ,Kidney Failure ,Stop Taking Farxiga ,Thank You For Being A Friend ,Unbelievable ,700 Million ,700 Million Dollars ,Ketoacidosis ,Yeast Infections ,Blood Sugar ,Places ,Genital ,Urinary Tract ,Dehydration ,Perineum ,Reaction ,Deodorant ,Works ,Lactose ,Odor ,Secret ,My Old Friend ,Lactaid ,Ohhh Yesss ,Delicious Too ,Kevin ,Friend ,Game ,Nothing ,Cold One ,Running ,Kayaking ,Doesn T ,Eczema ,Passion ,Pitch ,Wall ,Power ,Moderate ,Body ,Source ,Dupixent Works On The Inside ,Vision ,Eye Pain ,Spain ,Eye Problems ,Joint Aches ,Healing ,Eczema Specialist ,Friendship ,Holidays ,Age ,Janet Shamblin ,Saw Carol ,Steps ,Dancer Laura Coughlin ,Broadway ,Warmth ,Bestie ,52 ,Adults ,Isn T ,Attachment ,Each Other ,Love At First Sight ,37 ,Ballet ,Exploring Restaurants ,84 ,32 ,15 ,Element ,Psychological Professor ,Life Experiences ,Relationships ,Benefits ,Age Gap ,Paris ,Mark Shoals ,Experts ,Connections ,Doesn ,Payoff ,Potential ,Women ,Bond ,Relationship ,Wages ,Janet Shamlian ,Xx X ,Community ,Arrest ,Home Ends ,Contra Costa ,Three ,00 ,6 ,Community Members ,Job ,Custody ,Shot ,Security Guard ,Daughter ,Tribute ,Bay Area Studios ,Oakland ,Big Clean Up Effort ,Detective ,Night Off ,Andrea Nakano ,San Francisco ,Brian ,Pittsburg ,Suspect ,Police Chief ,Officers ,Questions ,Siege ,Midst ,Scene ,Swat Team ,Rounds ,Story ,Neighbors ,Public ,Threat ,Lot ,Cleopatra Drive ,

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