Then, after cspan after dark, join us tomorrow morning for cspan walk of shame. laughter announcer its the late show with Stephen Colbert. Tonight sham i am. Plus, stephen welcomes Patrick Stewart and dick cavett featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause stephen come on welcome, one and all. cheers and applause welcome, one and all. Beautiful beautiful welcome, welcome one and all, to the late show. I am your host, Stephen Colbert. Today is cheers and applause today is just day one of the impeachment trial of donald john trump. applause it is a pivotal day yeah, its historic. Its a pivotal day in the history of the republic soon, we will find out if breaking the law is illegal. laughter jon we will find out. Stephen got to say, got to say, so far, i dont like the odds. laughter and ill tell you all about it in tonights don and the giant impeach. cheers and applause oh my god. Whoa whoa im soaking wet. laughter stephen technically, technically, the trial begins tomorrow. Today was debate about the rules proposed by Senate Majority leader and scrotum of the opera, mitch mcconnell. laughter applause his his rules say mcconnells rules say that the senate has to vote on whether they want to consider new evidence at all. And mcconnell does not guarantee the trial will include witnesses. So, no evidence, no witnesses. Just 100 old people stuck in a room together. This isnt a trial. Its the 4 00 dinner rush at dennys. laughter or a matinee in branson, missouri. But, if by some wild chance, there where monkeys eat meat, it turns out there are witnesses, mcconnell has built in a fail safe, because if the majority decide to call witnesses, that witness would first be interviewed behind closed doors, meaning they might never testify in public. as mcconnell the American People booing no, no, no, no, hush. The American People deserve a fair and transparent process. Now place the testimony hood over the witnesss head and drag him into the fact dungeon and beat him with the truth hose. laughter but heres the thing according to a new cnn poll, 69 say that the upcoming trial should feature testimony from new witnesses. Thats a twothirds majority. But then again, if we did what the majority of americans want, hillary would be president , and wed have mallomars all year round. cheers and applause refrigerate the trucks we have the technology if we can have moon pies, we can have mallomars. Now, the same poll found that 51 of americans say the senate should remove trump from office. as trump oh, no, my old nemesis, majorities even worse than my other nemesis minorities. laughter now, once arguments got underway, house impeachment manager adam schiff laid out exactly why mcconnells rules for the trial are nothing like the clinton impeachment. All of the documents in the clinton trial were turned over prior to the trial. All 90,000 pages of them, so they could be used in the houses case. None of the documents have been turned over by the president in this case. And under leader mcconnells proposal, none may ever be. If the house cannot call witnesses or introduce documents and evidence, it is not a fair trial. It is not really a trial at all. Stephen now, who knows if his argument is going to make any difference in the long run, but it just feels good for someone to stand up and name the lie we can all plainly see. Its like the little boy yelling, the emperor has no clothes oh, god make him put clothes back on my eyes laughter wipe away my eyes now, schiff pointed out now, schiff pointed out that, setting politics aside, we all know what real justice looks like. Ask yourselves how would you structure the trial if you didnt know what your party was and you didnt know what the party of the president was . Stephen and while were on hypotheticals, ask yourself if youd rather see trump dragged out of office by one horsesized duck or 100 ducksized horses . laughter schiff disputed the republican line that theyre just following the process laid out during the clinton impeachment, and reminded the senate why they had to be so careful about talking about that case. The testimony in the clinton trial involved decorum issues that are not present here. You may rest assured, whatever else the case may be, such issues will not be present here. Stephen yes, there were a lot of issues in the clinton trial with decorum. Bill clinton could not keep sticking his decorum where it didnt belong. laughter tough word. Got to be careful. Its hard to say. That was hard to say and not get it bleeped on cbs. laughter applause very difficult. Phew. Then tv lawyer jay sekulow got up to rebut on behalf of the president and really raised more questions than he answered. What are we dealing with here . Why are we here . Stephen as sekulow why are we here. Whats love got to do with it . Do you know where youre going to . Do you like the things that life is showing you . Whats the buzz . Tell me whats ahappening . Where are the clowns . There ought to be clowns. In summation war hungh, good, god, yall, what is it good for . The defense rests. cheers and applause thank you. Thank you. Now, white house attorney Pat Cipollone seemed to think that collecting evidence was, itself, somehow unfair . If i showed up in any court in this country, and i said, judge, my case is overwhelming, but im not ready to go yet. I need more evidence before i can make my case, i would get thrown out in two seconds. Stephen no, you wouldnt its called discovery. Courts allow it all the time instead of Opening Statements cheers and applause look, cipollone, instead of Opening Statements, maybe you should have spent your hour watching law order. law order tones now, cippollone couldnt justify no evidence and he couldnt justify no witnesses, so how do you make a case with no argument . Volume when you look at these articles of impeachment, they are not only ridiculous. Its outrageous. Its ridiculous. Its ridiculous. Its ridiculous. Its outrageous. Its outrageous. Its long past time that we start this so we can end this ridiculous charade. Stephen yes, lets get started, and while were at it, get Pat Cipollone a thesaurus. Because its ridiculous outrageous egregious iniquitous oooh, opprobrious its its nutrageous now, at one point, schiff corrected cipollones characterization of the house process. Mr. Cipollone made the representation that republicans were not even allowed in the depositions conducted in the house. Now, im not going to suggest to you that mr. Cipollone would deliberately make a false statement. I will leave it to mr. Cipollone to make those allegations against others. But i will tell you this he is mistaken. Stephen as schiff i wont say mr. Cipollone would deliberately take a dump on your desk and blame it on a tall dog, but i will tell you this his belt is looking mighty loose over there. laughter i dont know. He owns a great dane. Schiff made it clear why trumps lawyers keep arguing about process. Every time you hear them attacking house managers, i want you to ask yourselves, away from what issue are they trying to distract me . What issue came up before this . What are they trying to deflect my attention from . Why dont they have a better argument to make on the merits . Stephen to which jay sekulow replied, hey, look over here shiny, shiny pay no attention laughter there it goes get it, boy, get it now cheers and applause now, apart from mcconnells nutrageous rules, theres the senate rules, which are pretty strict when it comes to how the senators have to behave. For instance, theyll be forced to surrender their phones and sit in their chairs silently for the duration. They also wont even be allowed to talk at length to people nearby or walk on certain areas of the senate floor. as sergeant of arms hear ye, hear ye. Be it known the following areas of the senate floor are lava. laughter parts of the lobby are snakes. laughter now, the rules get weirder. According to florida senator and last thing you see before the chloroform kicks in, rick scott. laughter jon whoa stephen oooh. Jon snakes in the grass. Stephen your skull will make quite a trophy for father. laughter now totally believable scott told a reporter that senators can only drink water or milk during the impeachment trial. Now, milk might seem weird, but thats just so the senators from wisconsin can bring in their emotional support cows. laughter now, the president , the president himself missed the impeachment kickoff because hes at the World Economic forum in davos. Because nothing screams innocence like being put on trial and immediately fleeing to switzerland. laughter we did though, in america, we did hear from the man without whom this impeachment wouldnt be possible, trump personal lawyer and penguin father abandoning his chicks to the seals, rudy giuliani. laughter last night, giuliani went on tv to complain about how he doesnt get a fair shake from tv. They dont investigate democrats. They are afraid. I am going to devote a lot of time this year exposing the double standard on my own podcast. Stephen yes, stay tuned for the premiere of rudys podcast, this american lowlife. laughter now applause ill listen. Ill listen truly, one of the most disturbing things about this entire story, giuliani has been accused of stalking u. S. Ambassador to ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, but he denied it. You directed the surveillance of a sitting u. S. Ambassador, maria yovanovich, in the ukraine. Right, no, i did not. I can definitely tell you i didnt. In fact, she directed surveillance of me which nobody is investigating. Stephen as giuliani Marie Yovanovitch spied on me also, shes the one who keeps locking herself out of her apartment, climbing in through the window, and sleeping on a pile of dirty suits. Shes the one who goes into the steam room, shes the one cheers and applause shes the one yovanovitch is the one who goes into the sauna and accidentally sits down on her own testicles and has to gather them up in a satchel just to put on her own pants cheers and applause weve got a great show for you tonight. Patrick stewart is here. But when we return, meanwhile wont you join us . Dramatic choir music dramatic choir music dramatic choir music dramatic choir music steady the elbow. Shoot me one . Ahh boom shaka laka. Feisty. Ahh professor sthe product of sound pressure tand a component of the partial velocity at a point. [sounds] kazoo sound tis better than the criminal in democrathe white house. Esident we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. What makes me different, is ive been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, anton poweto theerican pple. I started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. Im proposing big reforms like term limits. A national referendum. And ending corporate money in politics. As president , ill declare Climate Change an emergency on day 1. And, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. And, ive spent 30 years building a Successful International business. So, i can take on donald trump on the economy and beat him. Im tom steyer and i approve this message because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the American People. band playing cheers and applause Stephen Jon Batiste and stay human, everybody. Give it up for the band. cheers and applause jon. Hey. Jon, jon, i i am thrilled, one of my favorite guests is going to be here tonight in just a minute. Patrick stewart is going to be right here. cheers and applause professor xavier, captain picard. The new jeanluc picard coming on cbs all access. And the second one is a man i have known and admired for many years, but i have never had a chance to interview, except, like, you know, over a couple of cocktails out when were drinking, and that is mr. Dick cavett is going to be here tonight. cheers and applause the legend. Jon legendary. Stephen influential to what we do here. Folks, its no secret, every night i spend a lot of time right over there going through the newest, mostfashionable stories and carefully styling them on the chic storefront mannequin that that is my monologue. But every once and a while i collect the hairs from an old brush, ball up the hair from the dryer, douse it all in blood and sew on some tiny clothes to create the voodoo doll of news th is my segment, meanwhile. cheers and applause right here. It makes all better, meanwhile makes all better. Its the opiate of the masses. Meanwhile, a deaf man from brooklyn is suing the website pornhub over a lack of closed captioning. laughter good for him i do not blame this guy for a minute. If you cant hear, you might be able to figure out that the lonely housewife didnt have enough cash to pay the pizza boy, but without closed captioning, how will you know she ordered it with extra sausage . Now, according to the mans lawsuit, porn websites are places of public accommodation. okay, im going to stop you right there. Its one thing in your own home, but please dont accommodate yourself in public. laughter meanwhile, scientists at Stanford University have created a new drone that mimics the flight of real pigeons, which they achieved by creating wings that imitate a birds wrist and finger. I know we dont usually think of birds as having wrists and fingers, but you can see them quite clearly in this photo. laughter yeah. Meanwhile. Jon yeah. Stephen mmhmm. applause cheers meanwhile, recent golden globe winner awkwafina will voice the 7 train from queens announcements for a week. Heres an actual sample laughter stephen sounds fantastic. Well, not to be outdone, laguardia airports t. S. A. Announcements will now feature their own fun celebrity cameo ladies and gentlemen, please keep personal belongings with you at all times. liam neeson from taken if you dont, i will look for you, i will find you, and i will kill you. laughter applause stephen spooky. Jon thats a lot there. Stephen yeah. Jon creepy. Stephen meanwhile, at the Australian Open tennis qualifiers on sunday, a chair umpire reprimanded french tennis player Elliot Benchetrit for asking the ballgirl to peel his banana for him, apparently struggling with sweaty hands and bandaids on his fingers. Look, i know its a tired cliche that americans make fun of the french for being so quick to surrender. And im going to do it again right now. laughter mocking french accent euuh, i cannot peel zees banana. Plees, leetle girl, elp me weeth zee fruit. I cannot ruin my bandaids. For zey ave scoobydoo on zem. Little Spongebob Square pants. His pants are so square laughter well be right back with Patrick Stewart. cheers and applause look closely at the perfection that is the quarter pounder and youll see its actually made of countless imperfections. Those randomly and impulsively placed sesame seeds. That one slice of melty cheese at the bottom and another draped haphazardly over the 100 fresh beef patty cooked right when you order. True, the hottest, juiciest quarter pounder yet is not perfect. But when you put it all together, ha ha its perfect made perfecter. Ba da ba ba ba step up. Prep up. Up. Prep up. To help keep you free from the risk of hiv. From the makers of truvada, a new prep option descovy for prep. A oncedaily prescription medicine that helps lower the chances of getting hiv through sex. Its not for everyone. Descovy for prep has not been studied in people assigned female at birth. Talk to your doctor to find out if its right for you. Step up. For health and body. Prep up for your one and only love or many loves. For kings, this queen, and you royals in between. For my now. Our now. And my future. Our future. Step up. Prep up. Descovy is the newest way to prep. Descovy does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections, so its important to use safer sex practices and get tested regularly. You must be hivnegative to take descovy for prep. So you need to get tested for hiv immediately before and at least every 3 months while taking it. If you think you were exposed to hiv or have flulike symptoms, tell your doctor right away. They may check to confirm you are still hivnegative. Serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. The most common side effect was diarrhea. Tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. If you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking descovy without talking to your doctor. Ask your doctor about your risk of hiv and if descovy for prep is right for you. Words are loud but actions are louder. Step up. Prep up. With descovy for prep. Get help paying for descovy for prep. Learn more at stepupprepup. Com yes, you, unsung designated driver. And you, saturday soccer dad. All you unpaid movers and never miss a bedtime parents. We see how you go out your way for others, and that inspires us to go the extra mile for you, every single day. Hertz. Proud to be ranked 1 in Customer Satisfaction by j. D. Power. Othroughout the country for the past twelve years, every single day. Mr. Michael bloomberg is here. Vo leadership in action. Mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. Obama at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. Bloomberg im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. band playing cheers and applause stephen hey, everybody, welcome back to the show. Ladies and gentlemen, my first guest tonight is an acclaimed actor from the stage and screen. Hes now reprising one of his most iconic roles, jeanluc picard in star trek picard. Lieutenant commander data. Operations officer on the enterprise did you ever lose faith in him . Never. What was it that you lost faith in, admiral . Youve never spoken about your departure from starfleet. Didnt you, in fact, resign your commission in protest . Tell us that one. Why did you really quit starfleet . Because it was no longer starfleet. Im sorry . Because it was no longer starfleet stephen please welcome, Patrick Stewart cheers and applause cheers and applause cheers and applause thank you stephen isnt that nice . So lovely to see you again. Its so good to be back. Stephen youre looking as dashing as ever. Really . Stephen yes cheers wow. Isnt that nice . What form does the dash take . I mean, i dont do what you do. How do you do that running . Stephen how do i run . How do you do it . Stephen ive had my knees replaced several times. Im more machine than man at this point. Hey, you should be on our show. Stephen i would love oh, do you know how much i would love to be in your show really . Stephen do not start something you cant finish, jeanluc. Come on lets have a little tiny audition, then. What about you say, make it so stephen number one, make it so oh, hey cheers and applause thats amazing i mean. Last time you playedeanluc picard, if i nn, wins trnemesis stephen i have to imagine the last 18 years people have been tugging on you to get you to play jeanluc many times. Why this time and not before in the last 18 years . Correct. When i opened the invitation, the details that came through my agent stephen you got an invitation like, please come to a celebration of you accepting this part . We would love to meet with you and talk to you about an idea we had, bringing back jean luc. And that was michael chabon, akiva goldson, alex kurtzman, kirsten beyer. An Extraordinary Group of writing talent, not Just Television but novels. Michael got a Pulitzer Prize for his stephen cavalier and clay. And i was intrigued. I mean, its not often you get invitations from four guys like that. Three guys and a gal. Stephen right, yeah. Sorry, sorry. I mean no offense. Stephen well, the show opens with i wont say what exactly it opens with. But very early on we see picard, the captain, on a french vineyard, which is where he lives now, with his companion, number one, who is pictured right here, is a. A pit bull right there. Whose idea was it to make number one a pit bull terrier . cheers and applause i first of all, i did suggest that when i was seen in the vineyard, im alone, but it would be great if i had a dog with me. Because a man alone with a dog, that sets up certain emotional dependencies, i think. Stephen sure. Was that funny . Stephen a man alone just looks like a drifter. And they agreed. They thought it was a good idea. And i said, however, i need one breed of dog. It must be a pit bull. And i want to try and find the most impressivelooking pit bull thats in hollywood. Stephen hes an incredible dog. cheers and applause youve dedicated a lot of time to supporting the image of pit bulls, rehabilitating them in peoples minds. Why is that so important to you . Well, we began fostering about four years ago because, you know, we travel so much and move about, but within 36 hours of fostering ginger, who is now an International Superstar on social media, we knew we had found the dog for life for the rest of my life, certainly. And then we discovered we couldnt take him to england because hes a banned breed. They call it breedspecific legislation. There are four breeds banned, and one of them is pit bulls, because theyre dangerous dogs. Now, theyre not dangerous dogs. All pit you bulls want to do is make their owners happy, please them. But if that means applause thank you. If that means fighting other dogs because it makes your master happy, yes, youll do it. Because youre pleasing the guy who looks after you. Thats why they got that reputation. And there have been incidents. But there have been incidents with all breeds of dogs. And these are the sweetest, most empathic, most sensitive creatures that ive ever known. applause stephen thats a beautiful reason, a beautiful reason to have that dog. Well, youve had many honors over the years, sir including the sir, right . Yes. Stephen okay. But you got a big one last week, which i just love. This is one i would look forward to some day if i could ever earn it, is that you got your hands and feet immortalized at hollywoods t. C. L. Chinese theater. There you go. cheers and applause what was that like for you . Did you have was this something that you thought of growing up . Because this is an image ive had in my mind since i was a child. If i thought of it i would have dismissed it immediately. But there is a little story behind it, if i may just tell you . Ill keep it very brief. I first came here as an professional actor in 1968 with the Royal Shakespeare company, the armison theater, the music center had just been opened. We did i think a sixweek season doing two plays. Now, when our first day off came, where did we head . Hollywood of course. We wanted to get some excitement, feel the buzz of being in the middle of the film capital of the world. And we found what used to be called graummans chinese theater. Its now the chinese theater. And we looked at these slabs of concrete with footprints and handprints and incredibly famous signatures signed in them. And with me was a colleague, another actor from the company playing, you know, small, supporting roles. It was a guy called. Ben kingsley. And ben and i, we stood looking at this going, wow. What must it be like . It must be amazing. Well, there i was, getting to do it myself. And hollywood is american movies have always had a huge influence on me. I saw them when i was young. And they well, my childhood wasnt great. So movies were an escape. As acting for me for a long time became an escape, i didnt have to be Patrick Stewart anymore. I could be somebody else and lead another life, other than the life that i was leading. And so, to be on hollywood boulevard, doing that with so many famous names, i mean, incredibly distinguished and brilliant people. applause stephen well, i have one there is one patrick, there is one obvious followup question there. Has ben kingsley gotten it . Okay, um, i hope to be discussing this with ben very soon, but no, he has no. But stephen gotcha but he got a star on the hollywood walk of fame before i did. So were kind of 5050. Stephen tit for tat, exactly. Well, wonderful to see you. Thank you so much for being here again. Star trek picard premieres this thursday on cbs all access. Patrick stewart, everybody well be right back with talk show legend mr. Dick cavett. Hello, i saw you move in, and i wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood with some homemade biscuits oh, thats so nice and a little tip, geico could help you save on homeowners insurance. Hmm cookies uhh, biscuits. Mmmm, is there a little nutmeg in there . Oh its my mums secret recipe. You can tell me. Its a secret. Is it cinnamon . Its my mums secret recipe. Call geico and see how easy saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. Ill come back for the plate. Saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. Yeah, that needs mmm. Thats better. Hvr seasoning. You either love it or you really love it. Everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. Expedia. For everyone you love. Ahahahahaha. Hahaha. Discover the rainbow taste the rainbow howling wind howling wind economically powerfully influenced my values. Bernie sanders hes fighting to raise wages. And guarantee health care for all. Now, our country is at a turning point. Hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. In this moment, we need a fighter. Bernie sanders. We know hell fight for us as president because he always has. Im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. band playing cheers and applause stephen welcome back, everybody folks, ladies and gentlemen, a great man once said, i cant believe i know groucho marx. Well, ladies and gentlemen, i cant believe i know dick cavett. Please welcome to the late show, mr. Dick cavett cheers and applause cheers and applause boy stephen dick, its good to see you again. You, too. Its good to see you. I realized i had a kind of dream last night. This could be odd and uncomfortable. Stephen why . Well, because you have two latenight talk show hosts, so that the whole conversation could be no answers, just questionquestion. laughter stephen how are you . How are you . Stephen why do you ask . Well, i just why would you ask me why i ask . Stephen are you uncomfortable not asking questions, dick . Are you uncomfortable at alln until the whole place is empty. But, anyway. Stephen we ive had the good luck of knowing you for a few years now, back from the old show. We get together every so often and have a cocktail. We go together, we have a mild drink. Stephen a mild drink. You usually have an orange juice and compari. What a memory stephen yes. And you have a pink lady. Oh no oh, my god applause wow stephen you dont have to drink it, but in case you need a refreshment, theres an orange juice and compari. Oh, that is good. Stephen it is. You know who drinks that . Stephen who drinks that . Marlon brando. Stephen not anymore. Thats where you learned how to drink that, from brando . From marlon brando. You know, the actor . Stephen im familiar, im familiar, yeah. He was in superman. Why did he recommend that . What was the recommendation behind this cocktail . I said id have scotch. And he said, why dont you drink compari and orange juice. He talks funny. Stephen oh, i know. Did he say why . I tasted it, and then he introduced me to a member believe it or not of the compari family from italy. He has a connection there. You know my anagram curse where i rearrange words. Stephen i heard about this that you automatically start rearranging words when you meet someone, like their name. Tell me if this is a close shave or not. Youre mr. Compari. And i said, hello, mr. Compari. And my mind rearranged his name and its, am i crap . laughter stephen you kept that to yourself, i hope . You kept that to yourself . I suppressed it, yeah, check it out. Stephen now, Everybody Knows you had a talk show. You had more than one talk show. I watched all of them. I did. My god. applause stephen now, people ask me who my influences are, and of course johnny and of course dave. But the one that people dont automatically know is what a huge influence you were on me. Because i loved watching the way you interviewed people it was so honest. You you had such interesting guests, unusual guests at times, and asked such interesting and kind of deep questions. Do you do you see yourself as differentiating yourself from the other guys that way . Well, thats touching, by the way. Can you tell that im touched by hearing this . Yeah. Could this be where im frequently mistaken for you on the street . Stephen yes. laughter for that reason, and because i dont moisturize. laughter now you had your own show. And i think youre the only person who went up against Johnny Carson in competition, who johnny still liked. This is true. People said laughter you may be from nebraska together, but this isnt going to cement your friendship, that youre going opposite him. And i said, nobodys going to dream of my knocking Johnny Carson off the throne. And guess what, i never did. laughter but we remained friends. We talked about old things, nebraska memories and things. And sometimes, when i started, as you know, to start a 90 minute show or latenight talk show, or whatever, you realize, ive never done this before. Stephen no, theres no preparing to be on the show by yourself and have your name up front. I cant think of anything that would i did some dumb things at first. I i really was scared. I woke up, and i thought this is the first day of my life im responsible for a Television Show thats ad lib. I cant even remember whos on today. Somehow i got through it. But will your staff ever correct you or say, heres something you might want to change a little about yourself . Stephen if i did anything wrong, they would, im sure. laughter ive told them, correct me if i ever make a mistake, and im waiting. Im sure any moment, any moment. laughter start bracing yourself now for that awful day. Stephen no, sure, you have to have people around you that tell you youre doing a youre terrible. laughter a friend a friend will tell you this. Actually, one woman on my staff said, dick, i dont know if i should say this because youre the star, you have a kind of a bad habit. When a guest is talking, you dont always seem to be listening. laughter and she was right. I remember laughter somebody would be rattling on, and i would say watching the guest the way you peer at me now, and i would think, this persons lips have stopped moving. I dont know what they were talking about. Oh, god. And she said, the other bad habit you have, im afraid, is that you dont seem to listen in another sense, they Say Something, and then you Say Something that has no connection to it. Because i was just scared to look up from my notes number one, number two, number three. It would laughter applause stephen im sorry we can now cut that out. Stephen we have to take a break, dick. Dont go anywhere because well be right back with more mr. Dick cavett, everybody. Stick around. Im your 70lb st. Bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. Hey my focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Whos the dummy now . Whoof whoof so get allstate where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. Sorry hes a baby fishrisotto. Buffalo. Buffalo Wild Wings gelato. Cheesecake. Cheesecake Factory grilled steak. Clam bake. Milkshake. Brussels sprout. Sauerkraut. Freshcaught trout. Alfalfa sprout. Curry. Fried turkey. Mcflurry. mcdonalds cacciatori. Chimichurri. Adlib inhale spiral ham. Blackberry jam. Rack of lamb. Candied yams. Pokes. Smokeys. Gnocchis. And them banging raviolis. We are americas kitchen. Doordash. Every flavor welcome. Im going to need you to. Never mind. Cant touch this. Help cant touch this. baby cries you cant touch this. New cheetos popcorn. [ fastpaced drumming ] when mike first became mayor, there were places where black and brown children hadnt received an education for 30 years. Mike said, those are the kids i want to give an opportunity. He increased teachers salaries. He increased the Graduation Rates by 40 . He made schools safer all over this country. Children arent getting a quality education. Mike is going to fight for all the children. I saw him do it in the Largest School system in america. Hes going to do the same thing in this country. Im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. applause if youre living with hiv, keep being you. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. Thats when the amount of virus is so low it cant be measured by a lab test. Research shows people who take hiv treatment every day and get to and stay undetectabe can no longer transmit hiv through sex. Serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. Tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. If you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. Common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. If youre living with hiv, keep loving who you are. And ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. Putting term limits on congress, about washington insiders went crazy. They said term limits are bad, that theyll break government. What a joke congress is working fine for politicians and corporations, but its not doing anything for real people on climate, health care or gun safety. The only way we get new ideas is electing new people, including a president willing to shakeup washington. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. cheers and applause stephen hey, everybody, were back here were back here from our commercial break with mr. Dick cavett. Speaking. Stephen yes. One of your greatest guests was the greatest of all time, muhammad ali. And you have a new documentary funny you should mention that. Stephen you have a new documentary on hbo. Ali cavett. Its about ali as seen throughout all his appearance on your show over the years, 14 times you met with him. When did you first meet ali . The very first time i met ali was on a sidewalk, hollywood and vine, in front of the el capitan theater, which became the jerry lewis theater. And i was a writer for jerry lewis on that notorious twohour show that abc is still paying for. Stephen right. So what was the first interaction . They said, alis here. Go downstairs. Hes out in front of theater. I ran downstairs, out in front of the theater and there was a crowd looking at him, and there were two people fighting. Really, language, fighting. One of them was muhammad ali, and one was a strange man who happened to be there. And it was terrible language. And then ali said, ive had enough of this and he walks off, broke into laughter. It was all an act, and it was a case of what a wonderful actor he is. He knew he was so show canny cavvy cavett forget it. laughter he would know just one inch more moving would take him out of camera shot. He just like henry fonda, always hit his spot without looking. And ali broke into laughter, and he grabbed the man, and they were great friends. But i thought, this man has show biz instinct. Stephen was he cassius clay at this point or was he ali . No, he was ali by that time. I wrote some poems for him to read, and strangely enough, as each show of his was on, 10 times, or whatever he was on my show stephen 14, we counted. We became friends. Stephen oh, what an extraordinary person to become friends with. Like buddies, yeah. Well, its not so extraordinary when you think of our backgrounds, theyre so similar. laughter stephen well, we have a clip here we have a clip here. This is some footage. You are in the ring with ali here in this clip. Oh, yes. Stephen do you know whats going on here . I didnt know then, and i dont know now. Stephen this is right before hes going to face frazier, either for the original or the rematch, one of the rematches. Im not sure. Yeah, i had had the two of them on the same show, and that was pretty exciting. Stephen wow. At one point they picked me up and the two ali said to frazier they were not great friends lets forget lets pretend were friends and get him. And they picked me up and held me in the air and moved me about. And fortunately, i could think of something. And i said, i just saw im squeezed between you two and it looks like a giant oreo cookie. laughter some people have not forgotten that. Stephen well, we have a clip right here of you in the ring with ali. Jim. Gosh. Are you surprised . Im surprised that youre in such good shape. I dont see a bit of fat, nothing but bone. You didnt even you didnt even blink. No, because i know youre not that crazy. laughter you do any of this, kind of warming up stuff . No, i dont do that. They do that in the boy scouts and olympics. The only exercise i do in the ring, dick, is punch. Thats the only exercise i do here. The danger is my hurting you ive been wanting to do this ever since i came on your show. laughter you want to see a guy take a fall . You know how they do in the wrestling matches . You can cover this . Just pretend that you hit me. Oh cheers and applause stephen dick, heres to you. Thank you so much for being here. Well, it was a pleasure to be here. Stephen ali cavett tale of the tapes airs february 11 on hbo. Dick cavett, everybody the greatest well be right back. Obama hes been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. Michael bloomberg is here. Vo leadership in action. Mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. Obama at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. Bloomberg im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Stephen good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org are you ready yall to have some fun feel the love tonight dont you worry where it is you come from itll be all right its the late late show reggie ladies and gentlemen, all the way from saskatchewa

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