Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240702

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explosion in virginia as police attempted to serve a search warrant on a man firing off dozens of flares the suspect inside presumed dead. hat we're learning. more than 400 u.s. military promotions approved after the republican senator blocking them dropped his months-long hold news on the eight americans killed in an osprey crash off japan. all of them now identified and the streaming wars heating up. the new way you can save a bundle. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening and welcome, everyone. one of the least discussed atrocities in the october 7th hamas attack on israel is coming into horrifying focus tonight. stories of women sexually assaulted and brutally killed. tonight, investigators from israel are revealing eyewitness and victim accounts, some reviewed by nbc news they describe gang rapes, the bodies of deceased victims bearing signs of mute lake and what many endured in their final hours at the hands of terrorists tonight, president biden calling the accounts appalling the israeli military, meantime, says it has killed several hamas leaders, as it steps up its ground war in the south, but that is also leaving palestinian civilians with fewer and fewer places to shelter. we have to warn you tonight, some of the images and stories are quite graphic. let's start with nbc's hala gorani. >> reporter: on october 7th, hamas attacked within israel's borders with a wave of terror, murdering over 1,200 people, including entire families. and israeli investigators say there is growing evidence that hamas unleashed another kind of horror against women. >> something so horrific happened, and the world should know. >> reporter: we spoke to mirit bin mayer, who is helping lead the allegations of repeated rape and sexual assaults by hamas. where does your investigation stand? >> we have eyewitnesses that are slowly arriving and giving testimonies >> reporter: disturbing accounts about october 7th, including this woman describing how a hamas terrorist, quote, laid a woman down he is raping her, and then they pass her on to another person, telling investigators the woman was alive and bleeding another chilling eyewitness account from yoni saadon telling "the sunday times" he was at the music festival where hamas slaughtered hundreds of israeli concert-goers. he hid under dead bolds, saying he saw a, quote, beautiful woman with the face of an angel and eight or ten of the fighters beating and raping her. when they finished, they were laughing and the last one shot her in the head, he said hamas has denied committing sexual crimes against women israeli officials say the investigation is challenging because most victims were killed but among the evidence seen by nbc news, graphic photos of women's bodies with obvious signs of sexual assault, including some naked from the waist down. >> some of the terrorists that are interrogated, they're saying that this was happening and this was done >> reporter: first responders describing naked female bodies tied to beds nbc news also reviewing this hamas document that israeli officials say was carried by hamas militants on october 7th with instructions on how to say "take off your pants" in hebrew the u.n. facing backlash for its response, some deemed too slow, including this protest monday. critics blasting the secretary-general for taking seven weeks to publicly call for an investigation of hamas and sexual violence. and the agency u.n. women for not putting out a statement until last friday. tonight, the agency telling us, in part, within days of the horrific attacks, u.n. women began offering concrete support to the u.n. commission of inquiry, which is investigating these matters. >> i feel like the world has turned their backs. >> reporter: this woman runs a rape crisis center in tel aviv, and says israel's critics are downplaying, even dismissing, alleged hamas sexual violence. you say people can be opposed to what's happening to palestinians -- >> absolutely. >> reporter: but at the same time, they need to be sympathetic to what happened - >> absolutely. yeah, there is two things that don't have to do with each other. i feel for the suffering of palestinian civilians. it has nothing to do with the fact that there can never, ever, ever be an excuse for rape >> and hala, president biden, as we mentioned at the top of the newscast, has been speaking out about this what is he saying? >> reporter: well, he is saying that the sexual violence, the quote, sexual violence by hamas, is unacceptable, and that the world cannot look away the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as well, blasting what he calls the silence of women's rights organizations, lester >> hala gorani, thank you. israel's military pushed farther into southern gaza today, in what he called the most intense day of the ground operation targeting hamas. but many palestinian civilians say they have nowhere left to go richard engel reports. >> reporter: the u.n.'s humanitarian chief says every time it looks like it can't get more apocalyptic in gaza, it does these images are from dayr al balah in central gaza today lana was injured by an israeli strike and carried into a hospital by her uncle. "i want my mom, i miss her," she cries. she is 6 years old gazans are escaping israel's expanding ground offensive against hamas by heading further south. rafah, at the southernmost part of gaza on the egyptian border, is the end of the line the town is now so overcrowded, families live on the curbs. gazans say they feel abandoned, that their lives don't count. a man notices our camera filming and says, "don't bother. nobody cares." zakaria just saw his niece's body under what's left of his family home. zakaria returned to dig under the house hit this weekend to look for his relatives. "my love, my love," he says his mother, father, sister, and brothers and their children were all killed. israel says it's warning palestinians where to go to avoid strikes. >> we've been making again with everything we have in our capabilities, every effort we can to facilitate the movement of civilians in the south, in order to mitigate civilian casualties >> reporter: there are still 137 hostages in gaza 5-year-old emilia went back to kindergarten today. she was kidnapped by hamas and freed during last week's cease-fire and in the united states, a warning from the fbi director about the increased possibility of an attack in the u.s. following the hamas terror attacks on october 7th. >> i see blinking lights everywhere i turn >> richard, there wa also a tense meeting behind closed doors between israel's prime minister and the families of hostages what do we know about that >> reporter: so, it was a very tense meeting, according to someone who was inside they told us that the family members of the hostages were yelling at prime minister netanyahu, in some cases, using profanities. they accused the government of prioritizing the fight against hamas, they want to go back to negotiations, they want to see more hostages released, and then, they say, the israeli military should go after hamas. lester >> all right, richard engel in jerusalem, thanks here at home, millions are under flood watches in the northwest with storms already sending rivers above flood stage. miguel almaguer is in washington state miguel, the worst is yet to come? >> reporter: yeah, lester rivers are raging and rising a landslide has cut off local amtrak service. and one town is surrounded by water. and the threat isn't over a powerful unrelenting torrent is tonight cascading across communities outside seattle. dangerous walls of water fueled by days of drenching rain leaving some 9 million people across the region under flood alerts with five rivers threatening to burst their banks, homes, cars, and roads are already partially submerged. >> if it's a couple inches or a full foot of water, or anything in between, it's a very dangerous situation. >> reporter: as three major storms barrel down on the pacific northwest, tonight, a pineapple express, a warm flow of moisture from hawaii, is already dousing the region the conveyor belt of steady rain setting a record in seattle monday could dump up to eight inches this week, wreaking havoc on the region. >> if you've got water over the road, like they say, turn around, don't drown. >> reporter: with rescue crews on high alert and accidents piling up, tonight, these water-logged communities are bracing for yet another round of rain. a region on the brink of disaster, as the water continues to rise miguel almaguer, nbc news, fall city, washington let's get to that massive home explosion in virginia that happened as police tried to talk a barricaded man out tom costello is in the shaken neighborhood tonight. >> reporter: neighbors in arlington, virginia, feared this was going to end badly. just after 8:00 monday night, it did. a massive explosion lifting an entire home off its foundation it started in the afternoon, when police responded to reports of a man inside had fired a flare gun more than 30 times. that led to a standoff with a s.w.a.t. team armed with a search all fire. the house has warrant. >> open the front door with your hands up. >> reporter: then the enormous explosion that shook homes for blocks >> we need all fire. the house has exploded, i believe. >> i thought it was actually, like, probably, like, either a car crash or, like, a plane crash. >> reporter: this afternoon, police identified the suspect as 56-year-old james yoo, who several neighbors say acted erratically, covering his windows in aluminum foil. police also confirm he posted online conspiracy theories. >> the suspect was inside the residence at the time of the explosion, and he is presumed at this point to be deceased >> reporter: thomas choice lived next door and says he wasn't surprised by the massive blast. >> he was not a stable individual >> reporter: police say yoo had no known criminal record, but had a history of filing unsubstantiated complaints with the fbi. police still searching for a cause of the explosion. police and the fbi say there is no ongoing threat to the community. this was an isolated case ten homes were damaged. no one else seriously injured. lester >> all right, tom costello, thanks now to two major battles on capitol hill, one of them, the long delay of hundreds of military appointments just resolved, while new funding for the war in ukraine is still held up here is peter alexander. >> reporter: tonight, a dramatic reversal after months of single-handedly blocking more than 400 military promotions for some of the country's highest ranking officers, alabama republican senator tommy tuberville is backing down, abruptly lifting his hold >> i'm releasing everybody. i've still got a hold on i think 11 four-star generals everybody else is completely released from me. >> reporter: tuberville had been facing bipartisan backlash for holding up the nominations for months in protest of the defense department's policy that allows service members to be reimbursed for travel costs related to getting an abortion. still, there's another clash in congress that's threatening one of president biden's biggest foreign policy priorities ukraine. ukrainian president zelenskyy's top aide today warning without more u.s. military aid, ukraine faces a big risk of losing the war. >> any member of congress who does not support funding for ukraine is voting for an outcome that will make it easier for putin to prevail. >> reporter: there has been a fierce debate over that funding on capitol hill, with house republicans insisting on accountability for american funds already sent to ukraine. and demanding that democrats first agree to toughening restrictions at the u.s./mexico border >> the battle is for the border we do that first as a top priority >> reporter: lester, late tonight, the senate quickly confirmed about 425 military promotions, and president biden blasted tuberville's blockade as pointless. lester >> peter alexander at the white house, thanks the air force has now identified all eight of the airmen who died in the crash of that osprey aircraft last week off the coast of japan they were on a training mission they range in age from 24 to 36 the remains of all but two of the airmen have been located the crash was the latest in the troubled history of the osprey aircraft in 60 seconds, the presidents of elite colleges are questioned by congress and how they're handling free speech and clashes on campus. that's next. ♪gr whoa! the new iphone 15. with that amazing camera. i wish my family had them. zoe! you're an action star... take action! join t-mobile and get four new iphone 15 on them, and four lines for $25 bucks a line. with that camera, i'll be sharing pics from 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schools, m.i.t., upenn, and harvard, grilled over a spike in anti-semitism on their campuses >> your university is a hotbed of it >> reporter: at the center of the hearing, tension over how to protect both student safety and free speech, while combatting anti-semitism an islamophobia >> disagreements about the conflict in the middle east should never escalate to threats of violence. >> reporter: harvard's president was asked about pro-palestinian demonstrators calling for intifada on her campus >> can you not say here that is against the code of conduct at harvard? >> we embrace a commitment to free expression, even of views that are objectionable, offensive, hateful it's when that speech crosses into conduct that violates our policies >> reporter: in recent weeks, a number of jewish students have told nbc news they worry for their safety >> why today a jewish student is afraid to walk to the library at night? >> congressman, let me start by saying i'm devastated to hear that, and the safety and security of our campus and our students in particular is my top concern. >> reporter: all three presidents are facing criticism for their response to hate rhetoric on campus each walked through new plans to combat anti-semitism. staff here at upenn say they received anti-semitic emails and hateful slogans were projected on buildings. now, there's additional security at religious centers and a new anti-semitism task force editors of upenn's student newspaper spoke with us today on campus >> i think the important part is to have respectful discourse. >> people do feel -- on both sides, kind of feel -- feel like the space for open discussion and discourse has been lost >> reporter: the presidents testifying on capitol hill told congress today they're fighting hard to get it back. stephanie gosk, nbc news, philadelphia and up next for us tonight, the radical new proposal to compensate college sports stars will it permanently change the game? radical new proposal to compensate college sports stars. will it permanently change the game? on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. 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>> not particularly. college sports has never had a level playing field. if a school wants to spend a lot more money on football players and offer them a lot more, they can do that, as long as they spend an equal amoun of money for femal athletes on the other side of that, as well. >> reporter: a long-standing playbook on its way to changing morgan chesky, nbc news and up next, with prices rising, streamers are starting to bundle up what it means for you and your viewing. it's lik ts. are those all different lettuces? uh, yes, sir. brown rice, white rice, or quinoa? -[ groans ] -we're gonna need a minute. do you have any food allergies? -well, my teeth are sensitive to cold. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. that'll be $19.45. oh, i'm just paying for my own salad. there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. just between us, you know what's better than mopping? 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1200 , People , Families , Mirit Bin Mayer , Evidence , World , Kind , Something , Horror , Investigation , Rape , Eyewitnesses , Assaults , Lead , Testimonies , Woman , Terrorist , Quote , Person , Bleeding , Eyewitness Account , The Sunday Times , Concert Goers , Music Festival , Yoni Saadon , Slaughtered Hundreds , He Saw A , Fighters , Ten , Angel , Bolds , Face , Head , Officials , Crimes , Photos , Sexual Assault , Waist , Militants , First Responders Describing Naked Female , Critics , Backlash , Response , Protest , Pants , Secretary General , Hebrew , Instructions , The U N , Seven , Part , Statement , Agency , Agency U N Women , Matters , U N Women Began Offering Concrete Support , Attacks , U N Commission Of Inquiry , Rape Crisis Center , Dismissing , Downplaying , Dbacks , Tel Aviv , Things , Each Other , Don T , Palestinians , Hala , Suffering , Fact , Nothing , Excuse , Two , Top , Benjamin Netanyahu , Newscast , Women S Rights Organizations , Silence , Military , Ground Operation , U N , Chief , Go Richard Engel , Apocalyptic , Dayr Al Balah , Central Gaza Today Lana , Mom , Gazans , Ground Offensive , Strike , Hospital , Uncle , 6 , Line , Town , Border , End , Curbs , Their Lives Don T Count , Rafah , Zakaria , Oman , Camera Filming , Body , Niece , Don T Bother , Nobody Cares , Family , House , Home , Brothers , Dig , Relatives , Children , Father , Sister , Mother , My Love , Everything , Warning , Strikes , Capabilities , Effort , Hostages , Casualties , Movement , Order , Emilia , 137 , Attack , Cease Fire , Fbi , Director , Following , Possibility , Terror Attacks , Behind Closed Doors , Prime Minister , Flights , There Wa , Richard , Someone , Family Members , Netanyahu , Cases , Profanities , Government , Rivers , Millions , Flood , Fight , Worst , Negotiations , Miguel Almaguer , Washington State , Flood Stage , In Jerusalem , Isn T , Water , Service , Landslide , Torrent , Amtrak , Cut Off , Region , Walls , Drenching Rain , Seattle , 9 Million , Anything , Roads , Foot , Cars , Banks , Situation , Five , Pineapple Express , Moisture , Flow , Conveyor Belt , Hawaii , Three , Road , Record , Cup , Accidents , Rain Setting , Wreaking Havoc , Rescue Crews , Don T Drown , Home Explosion , Rain , Communities , Disaster , Ground , Brink , Fall City , Let , Tom Costello , Neighborhood , Explosion , Neighbors , Arlington , 00 , 8 , Fire , Times , Afternoon , Standoff , Flare Gun , Led , Foundation , Man Inside , Swat Team , 30 , Door , Warrant , Blocks , James Yoo , Plane Crash , Car Crash , Aluminum Foil , Windows , 56 , Residence , Conspiracy Theories , Blast , Point , Thomas Choice , History , Complaints , Criminal Record , Filing , Cause , Say , Community , Case , Injured , No One Else , Funding , Battles , Capitol Hill , Delay , Peter Alexander , Ukraine , Military Promotions , Officers , Country , Military Appointments , Reversal , Everybody , Nominations , Tommy Tuberville , Hold , Generals , Backing Down , Alabama , 11 , Four , Policy , Congress , Clash , Service Members , Abortion , Foreign Policy Priorities Ukraine , Defense Department , Risk , Member , Outcome , Zelenskyy , Voting , Military Aid , Aide , Ukrainian , Accountability , Funds , Restrictions , Putin , Debate , House Republicans , Mexico Border The Battle , Democrats , Promotions , Blockade , Priority , Senate , 425 , Crash , Osprey Aircraft , Airmen , Air Force , Training Mission , Coast , White House , 24 , 36 , Presidents , Campus , Colleges , Clashes , Speech , Latest , Remains , 60 , Iphone 15 , T Mobile , Camera , Lines , Action Star , Action , Bucks , Gr Whoa , Zoe , 15 , 5 Bucks , 25 , Skiing , Stuntwoman , Slopes , Pics , Jacket , Health , Script , Accomplishment , Concerns , Marshmallow , Astonishment , Doc , Cologuard , Colon Cancer , Results , Non Invasive , Provider , 45 , Stephanie Gosk Reports , Universities , Rise , Questions , Hate , Mit , Harvard , Anti Semitism , Campuses , Lawmakers , Spike , Upenn , It Reporter , Center , University , Free Speech , Hotbed , Hearing , Tension , Combatting , Student Safety , President , Conduct , Views , Violence , Commitment , Conflict , Threats , Disagreements , Demonstrators , Expression , Code , Intifada , Middle East , Student , Safety , Students , Policies , Offensive , Number , Jewish , Security , Congressman , Library , Concern , Particular , Plans , Criticism , Emails , Rhetoric , Buildings , Slogans , Staff , Feel , Discourse , Sides , Editors , Task Force , Student Newspaper Spoke , Discussion , Proposal , Space , Stephanie Gosk , Philadelphia , College Sports Stars , Game , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Center Stage , Mark , Baby Grand Piano , Guy , Save , Bibu , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Limu Emu Squawks , Grime , Pay , Dawn Powerwash , Grease , Half , Dish Spray , 50 , 99 , Cleaning Products , Sotyktu , Feeling , Plaque Psoriasis , Pill , Psoriasis Treatment , Dad , Skin , Outfit Psoriasis , Primetime , Swimsuit , Chance , Doctor , Infections , Reactions , Muscle Problems , Infection , Cancers , Changes , Tb , Ability , Lymphoma , Labs , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Jak Family , Risks , Kidney Problems , Find , Liver , Vaccine , Triglycerides , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Glucose Level , System , Medicare , Confidence , Diabetes , A1c , Fingersticks , 2 , Libre 2 , Idea , College Sports , Ncaa , Calling , Student Athletes , Morgan Chesky , Time , Division I , Players , Money , School , Shift , Endorsements , Charlie Baker , Schools , Athletic Division , Letter , 30000 , 350 , 0000 , Athlete , Athletic Programs Schools , Female , Rules , Division Baker , 59 , 00 Million , 100 Million , Care , College Athletics , Conferences , More , Athletes , Side , Playing Field , Level Playing Field , Football , Amoun , Streamers , Prices , Viewing , Lik Ts , Cold , Food Allergies , Lettuces , White Rice , Brown Rice , Sir , Quinoa , Groans , Teeth , Yes , Uh , Salad , Progressive , Parents , Auto , Burger , Fries , Soup , Benefits , Retirement Savings , Workplace , 19 45 , 9 45 , Choices , Mopping , Well Invested , Swiffer Wetjet , Decisions , Voya , It , Life Enrichment Director , Dirt , All In One , Haze , Love It , Independence Village , Iowa , Waukee , Sarah Escherich , Lives , Living , Residents , Goal , Tiktok , Spain , Migraine , Ones , Kids , Fun , Medication , Migraine Attacks , Nurtec Odt May , Verizon , Carolers , Plan , Relief , Stomach Pain , Ief , Indigestion , Nausea , Husband , Side Effects , Apple , Condition , Ipad , Wreck , Soloist , Vo , Protein , Value , Energy , Titanium , 700 , 1700 , Thing , Dripping , Nutrients , Sugar , Vitamins , Minerals , Sneeze , Dude , Style , Ahh , Woo Hoo , Fast Cough Relief , Plop , Alka Seltzer , Costs , Tv , Content , Subscriptions , Christine Romans , 0 , Competitors , Month Bundle , Shows , Phase , Routine , Price Increases , Warner Brothers , Netflix , 10 , Discount , Ads , Discovery Max , 40 , Bundling , Platforms , Paramount Plus , Disney , Customers , Services , Enemies , Both , Consumer , Average , Price Tiers , Approach , All Of A Sudden , Back , Subscriber , Growth , Consumers , Stuff , Model , Cable , Back Ads , New York , Storm , News Tonight , Audrey Asistio , Nbc Bay Area , Dispatch Calls , Jeff Ranieri , Timeline , Staffing Problems , Oakland , 911 ,

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