Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240613

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abortion pill. and tonight, the retired l.a. sheriff's deputy missing in greece amid soaring temperatures. the all-out search, and news coming in, a second american is now missing, too. first tonight, new storms now pummeling florida. authorities warning of life-threatening and potentially catastrophic flooding. dangerous driving, high water rescues. residents who say they have never seen this before. and now, the extreme heat moving into the east, right up the coast. washington, philadelphia, new york city. meantime, that heat helping to fuel a massive wildfire, destroying homes, shutting down a highway. from the air, the images coming in at this hour from arizona. tonight, new reaction here after the supreme court's unanimous decision today, leaving access to the abortion pill mifepristone unchanged in this country. many many states, women still able to get it through the mail. but what the justices signaled today, leaving the door open to future challenges involving the abortion pill. don't, donald trump on capitol hill. his first visit back since the attack on the capitol. republican members of congress right there with him, including mitch mcconnell, who once said trump was responsible for january 6th. and tonight, what donald trump reportedly said in the meeting about the city that will host the republican national convention, saying milwaukee is a horrible city. tonight, president biden with world leaders, and the $50 billion loan plan for ukraine. the president also making news when our reporter asked, will you commute your son, hunter biden's, sentence? tonight, in russia, the major setback for evan gershkovich. russia formally charging him now espionage. he will stand trial. tonight, the u.s. saying despite any evidence against him. and tonight in greece, that urgent search for a retired l.a. sheriff's deputy who had gone for a hike amid temperatures reaching triple digits. and now that word coming in of a second american missing. what we know so far. and later tonight right here, america strong. the scene at the airport terminal, right before passengers even boarded. the daughter, the pilot, and her remarkable tribute to her father. good evening and it's great to have you with us on a very busy thursday night. new reaction coming in right now after the unanimous decision by the supreme court not to restrict the abortion pill, mifepristone, for now. they did leave the door open for future fights over the abortion pill. also, potentially record-breaking heat moving into the east. wildfires already tonight. and we begin here with the state of emergency right now in florida. some parts of florida flooded by nearly two feet of rain, bracing for up to eight more inches of rain. tonight, there are warnings of life-threatening and potentially catastrophic flooding. the flash flood warning in effect through tomorrow night. the rainfall totals rising. two people were killed in weat weather-related accidents in that state. across the region, families are being told to stay home if they can. s.w.a.t. team members rescuing people from flooded homes nearby. drone video from miami tonight, look at this, showing neighborhoods under water. cars abandoned. some residents saying they have never seen anything like this before. abc's victor oquendo leading us off tonight south of fort lauderdale tonight. >> reporter: tonight, life-threatening flooding in florida. a state of emergency in multiple counties. feet of rain already, and it's still coming down. sheets of rain in bonita springs, north of naples. visibility near zero on roads. the national weather service warning of new catastrophic floods, after a tropical-fueled deluge that swamped whole neighborhoods in the miami-fort lauderdale area. forcing the shutdown of part of i-95 and stranding vehicles everywhere. a day later, it's still hard to tell where the road ends and the water begins. crews are pulling that car out of that canal right now. the woman who was driving the car says she didn't realize there was a body of water there. just look. it's basically at the same level as the street. she thought she was turning on a street, instead she plunged right in. not far from there, leo alonzo telling me he's towed dozens of vehicles. does the phone just not stop ringing right now? >> it just won't go. it keeps going. >> reporter: one call after another? >> i don't even answer anymore. >> reporter: really? >> i don't even answer. it's too much. >> reporter: homeowners in this fort lauderdale neighborhood trying in vain to keep the water out of their homes. >> i just bought this house. >> reporter: marcus vitali has only lived here eight months. >> every half an hour or so, i got to go turn it back on to pump it out. so i'll be up all night dealing with that. >> reporter: the storms turning deadly in collier county. two people killed in a multi-vehicle accident. here where the streets are inundated, residents say they are preparing for it to get even worse tonight with another round of rain. let's go to the map from our weather team. a flash flood washing for parts of south florida, including fourth lauderdale. up to eight inches of additional rain possible over the next 24 hours, and the other concern in the east, the heat. temperatures in the 90s from atlanta to philly by friday afternoon. some records could be broken. and back here in hallandale beach, the ground so sch rated, it won't take much for more flooding. david? >> david: victor, thank you. you heard victor mention the heat moving into the east, the indense heat fuelling a massive file fuhr tonight. at this hour in arizona, destroying homes, shutting down a highway for a time. and mola lenghi tonight with the images coming in right now. >> reporter: tonight, firefighters racing to contain a massive wildfire that destroyed several homes and shut down a major highway near phoenix. video showing several buildings on fire near wickenburg, about an hour northwest of phoenix. authorities shutting down highway 60 in both directions, as crews battle the flames from the air and on the ground. residents on high alert. >> it was scary last night. i'm thinking, well, we're going to die or we sleep. >> reporter: the rose fire scorching nearly 200 acres, and it's 0% contained. >> we're trying to do the best we can out there. it's hot. it's really dry. you could tell with all the wind we're having right now. >> reporter: much of the southwest baking under record-breaking heat. phoenix has seen triple-digit temperatures every day for nearly three weeks. well, david, it's dangerously dry in the sweat, with no significant rainfall in the fee mix area since april 1st, and now, an excessive heat warning in effect through the weekend, david. >> david: mola, thank you. now, to the supreme court, and the abortion pill mifepristone. tonight, new reaction here at the court's unanimous ruling earlier today to leave access to the abortion pill unchanged. in many states, women still able to get it through the mail. but the court leaving the door open for future fights over the pill. abc's terry moran at the court tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a unanimous supreme court has upheld access to the widely used abortion pill mifepristone -- for now. all nine justices found common ground in rejecting an effort by anti-abortion rights medical organizations and individual doctors to roll back the fda's regulations that provide access to the drug for millions of american women. justice brett kavanaugh, who wrote the opinion for the court, noted -- "the plaintiffs have sincere legal, moral, ideological, and policy objections to elective abortion and to fda's relaxed regulation of mifepristone." but that's not enough, the court ruled, because the plaintiff-doctors failed to show that they were personally, demonstrably injured by the law. that's a bedrock requirement of constitutional law known as "standing to sue." and the doctors' moral qualms don't qualify, kavanaugh emphasized, writing -- "those kinds of objections alone do not establish a justiciable case or controversy in federal court." kavanaugh also warned that if these doctors could bring a court case challenging federal laws, so could others, posing this hypothetical -- "the government repeals certain restrictions on guns. does a surgeon have standing to sue because he might have to operate on more gunshot victims?" abortion-rights advocates welcomed the ruling. >> hugely relieved that the court threw the case out. but frankly angry that we ever were there to begin with. >> reporter: but they know the court has left this troerns open for future fights. medication abortions account for approximately 63% of all abortions in the united states. and today's ruling means that in most states where abortion is legal, women can still receive the pill by mail and without seeing a medical provider in person first. but there are currently 14 states with a near total ban on all abortions, including the use of this pill, mifepristone, medication abortions. in addition, five more have taken moves to restrict the practice of prescribing abortion pills by telemedicine or delivering pills through the mail. anti-abortion rights activists today vowed to keep up their fight. >> it was disappointing, but it's not the end. we'll be out here again. >> reporter: and it's not over yet, david. in his opinion, justice kavanaugh opens the door, he says, there may be other plaintiffs that could bring a suit, though he doesn't specify who. and three states, idaho, kansas, and missouri, have already sued the fda, they say mifepristone interferes with their state laws, impacts their state budgets. and that case could be back here at the supreme court within a year or two. david? >> david: terry moran, thank you. now, to the race for president tonight. donald trump back on capitol hill today, his first visit back since the attack on the capitol. republican members of congress right there with him. including mitch mcconnell, who said in the wake of january 6th, that donald trump was responsible. and tonight, what donald trump reportedly said in the meeting about the city set to host the republican national convention, saying milwaukee is a horrible city. rachel scott on the hill again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, donald trump appearing on capitol hill for the first time since his supporters stormed the building on january 6th, meeting with republican congressional leaders. >> we have great unity, we have great common sense. >> reporter: some republican lawmakers sounding starstruck. >> he saw me in there and he was like, "hello, marjorie." he's always so sweet and recognizes me and he said, "are you being nice?" he was joking. "are you being nice to speaker johnson?" and i said, "ehh." and he said, "okay, be nice to him." and i nodded my head. >> reporter: even senate republican leader mitch mcconnell -- who once called trump "practically and morally responsible" for january 6th -- today, shaking his hand. behind closed doors, trump reportedly attacking the city of milwaukee, where republicans are holding their convention next month. "punchbowl news" reporting trump told lawmakers, "milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city." when word got out, house republicans rushing to offer explanations. some saying trump was specifically talking about crime in milwaukee. while others claimed he was actually talking about election integrity. trump later insisted he was talking about both. we saw those top republicans rally behind donald trump today, but we also heard from another republican, former congresswoman liz cheney, who was the vice chair of the january 6th committee. she insists that donald trump and his collaborators will be defeated, going on to say, quote, history will remember the shame of people like leader mcconnell that enabled them. david? >> david: rachel, thank you. president biden, meanwhile, with world leaders. news tonight on ukraine, and on the president's son, hunter biden. our reporter asking the president, will you commute your son's sentence? abc's selina wang traveling with the president in italy. >> reporter: tonight, president biden and ukraine's president zelenskyy signing a historic security agreement to bolster ukraine's defenses for ten years, bringing it closer to nato and sending a stark message to vladimir putin. >> he cannot wait us out. he cannot divide us. and we'll be with ukraine until they prevail this war. >> reporter: the u.s. and its g7 allies also agreeing to loan ukraine $50 billion to buy weapons and help rebuild, a loan to be repaid using interest on frozen russian assets. while overseas on the world stage, biden speaking publicly for first time about his son hunter's conviction on federal gun charges. >> i'm extremely proud of my son, hunter. he has overcome an addiction. he is -- he's one of the brightest, most decent men i know. >> reporter: biden today reiterating what he told david -- that he has ruled out pardoning his son. i asked him if he's also ruled out shortening hunter biden's sentence with a commutation. mr. president, would you commute hunter's sentence? the president's answer -- no. david, president biden there again saying he would not pardon his son or commute his sentence. then, tomorrow, president biden is back on the world stage with a focus on ukraine, but he's also meeting with pope francis. david? >> david: selina wang in italy, thank you. in russia tonight, the major setback for evan gershkovich. he will stand trial. the u.s. tonight saying the move comes despite any evidence against him. here's martha raddatz. >> reporter: tonight, it is official. a major setback for "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich, who will now face trial for espionage. indicted, with absolutely no evidence presented, on charges he was spying for the cia. charges the u.s., his family, and employer vehemently deny. the 32-year-old gershkovich has already spent more than a year in a russian prison while appealing the charges. he was arrested in march of 2023 while on a reporting trip outside of moscow. the last time he was seen in court, keeping a positive attitude. >> how are you doing? >> reporter: today's indictment laying out specific allegations for the first time. accusing gershkovich of "gathering secret information" about a russian facility that produces and repairs military equipment. gershkovich's parents fled the soviet union, settling in the u.s. before he was born. his mother telling abc recently she has faith the administration is doing all it can to win evan's release. >> president biden spoke to us and gave us a promise to do whatever it takes. >> reporter: while this is difficult news, it is likely the only way evan will ever be released. vladimir putin has never agreed to a prisoner swap until americans are tried in court, and david, even then, as you know, there is no guarantee. david? >> david: martha raddatz on this story for us, thank you. in greece tonight, the urgent search amid searing heat for a retired l.a. sheriff's deputy who had gone for a hike, and there is news coming in of a second american now missing, too. here's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: amid blistering heat across greece that has shuttered schools, tonight, a desperate search for a california man -- one of three tourists who recently vanished. 59-year-old albert calibet, a retired sheriff's deputy from l.a. county, was vacationing on the rugged island of amorgos. greek police now studying this cctv footage obtained by a news outlet, appearing to show calibet dropping items off in his car before heading off for a hike. >> he was on a well-traveled path, and he was meeting a friend at the end of the path, and he was continuing on his path when somebody saw him an hour later. alre already. >> reporter: he was last spotted at 11:00 at a refreshment stand along the trail. but he never reached the other side. the heat later soaring into the mid-90s. and today, temperatures in athens hitting 107. an experienced hiker, calibet's been traveling to greece for years. his friends and family now joining the search. >> you know, it's a four-hour trail, a five-hour trail. they should have been able to see him on the trail by now. >> reporter: and david, we're also just now learning from greek media that another american man has gone missing, a 55-year-old, it happened on tuesday on the small island of mathraki. a search is now under way for him. >> david: kayna, thank you. when we come back here, the scathing department of justice report on the phoenix police department. what the report reveals about drivers who were arrested. and here in the northeast at this hour, the explosion at an apartment building. they're trying to figure out what kind of device set this off. things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. 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Loan , Weapons , War , Rebuild , Help , Allies , G7 , Addiction , Assets , Hunter , My Son , Son Hunter S Conviction On Federal Gun Charges , The World Stage , Commutation , Biden Today Reiterating , Brightest , Men , Answer , Mr , Pope Francis , Move , Selina Wang In Italy , Charges , Martha Raddatz , Wall Street Journal , Indicted , Family , Old Gershkovich , Prison , Employer , Cia , 32 , Attitude , Reporting Trip Outside Of Moscow , 2023 , March Of 2023 , Facility , Allegations , Indictment , Equipment , Parents , Accusing Gershkovich , Gathering Secret Information , Administration , Mother , Faith , Release , Promise , Evan , Soviet Union , Way , Prisoner Swap , Story , Guarantee , Sheriff , Search , Albert Calibet , Tourists , Schools , California Man , Kayna Whitworth , 59 , Police , News Outlet , Footage , L A County , Greek , Rugged Island , Amorgos , Cctv , Items , Trail , Path , Side , Friend , Somebody , Refreshment Stand , Alre , 00 , Hiker , Friends , Calibet , 107 , Four , Media , Island , Oman , 55 , Report , Explosion , Drivers , Department Of Justice , The Phoenix Police Department , Kayna , Mathraki , Things , Device , Won T , Apartment Building , Breathing , Kind , Breathing Problems , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Breztri , Risk , Doctor , Spain , Eye , Swelling , High Blood Pressure , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Mouth , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Heart Condition , Mobility Solutions , Road Forward , Enterprise Mobility , Control , Everything , Symptom Relief , Crohn S Disease , Crohn , Skyrizi , Remission , Abdominal Pain , Bowel Movements , Feel , Il 23 , 23 , 4 , Infection , Symptoms , Reactions , Damage , Infections , Ability , Majority , Intestinal Lining , Liver Problems , Crohn S , Vaccine , Gastroenterologist , Skin , Olay Retinol24 , Moisturizer , Surface Skin Cells , Nature , Phoenix Police Department , Violations , Supplement , Brand , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Finding , Doj Finding , Officials , Officers , Problems , Deadly Force , Color , 144 , Fbi , Y , Test , Set It Off , Vision , Treatments , Phd , Redness , Eye Infection , Allergies , Eye Injections , Eye Pressure , Eye Pain , Retina , Separation , Blood Vessels , Increase , Eylea Hd , Eyla Hd , Don T Use , Heart Attack , Side Effects , Stroke , Cataract , Blood Clots , Corneal Injury , Eye Floaters , Treatment , Type , Kids , Injections , Question , Eylea Hd Today , Potential , Retina Specialist , Inner Monologue , Heart , Hospital , Kardiamobile 6l , What S Next , Anywhere , Precision , Dad , Amazon , Strength Lidocaine , Contours , Patch , Otc , Salonpas Lidocaine Flex , Medicine , Claritin , Salonpas , Relief , Nasal Congestion , Live Claritin , Claritin Plus Decongestant , Results , Enough , Hair Supplements , Dermatologist , Nutrafol , 100 , Hair Growth Supplement Brand , Index , Bomb Technicians , Airport , Apartment , Mayor , Front , Custody , A Person Of Interest , Connecticut , 20 , Migraine Medication , Migraine , Wall , Everyone , Someone , Nurtec Odt , Stomach Pain , Episodic Migraine , Indigestion , Laura , Adults , Nausea , Shine , Healthcare Provider , Pfizer , Ketoacidosis , Chronic Kidney Disease , Kidney Failure , Stop Taking Farxiga , Places , Yeast Infections , Blood Sugar , Urinary Tract , Dehydration , Genital , Perineum , Bent Finger Appointment , Nonsurgical Treatment Isn T , Charge , Surgery , My Dupuytren S Contracture , Nonsurgical Treatment , Hand Flat , Heart Disease , Changes , Green Juice , Fan , Diet , Exercise , Findahandspecialist Com , Repatha , Ldl C , Statins , It , Bad Cholesterol , Statin , Trouble Breathing , Signs , Swallowing , Face , Repatha Plus , Back Pain , Common Cold Symptoms , High Blood Sugar , Flu , Runny Nose , Sore Throat , Bruising , Injection Site , Michael Savage , Maintenance , Mechanic , O Hare International Airport , The Captain , Chicago , United Airlines , Little Girl , 46 , Gate , Planes , Daughter , Captain , Flight , Right , Airplane , Goal , Take Care , My Name Is Julie Savage , Everybody , Job , Plane Mechanic , Turn , Hello , Loading Bags , Ramp , 45 , Honor , Lot , My Endef Vorps , I Love You , Father S Day , Legacy , Daughter Julie , Fours O Sfathers , Hi , Safe Flight , Night America And East Bay Business Traveler Hit , Coffee , Thieves , Community Members , Community , Pilot Program , Police Chief , Mistake , Sense , San Francisco , Oakland , Bike Lane , Abc7 , Staff , Trauma Center , Lives , Coffins , Thanks , Closing , East San Jose , Reporter Zach Fuentes , South Bay , Dan Ashley , Kristen Sze , Valley Medical Center , Trauma Patients , Warning Favor , Nurses , Caskets , Medical Center , 15 , Life , Valley , Death , Stanford , Rmxs , 33 , Thursday , Counts , Stroke Programs , August , Reductions , Resi B , Income , Hospital Trauma Center ,

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