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Breaking news in contra costa county, quake struck just before 12 30. Seismograph, 10 33, 4. 5 preliminary magnitude earthquake in Pleasant Hill, north of walnut creek, along 680, concord greenville fault. Felt strongly in the area, as far north as santa rosa. Guerneville, south in san mateo and other places in San Francisco. Widely felt earthquake by a number of people tonight. Cornell barnard is live in emeryville. Reporter yeah. Certainly got the attention of a lot of folks in emeryville tonight. We were working in east bay bureau not far from christie and powell streets, i thought somebody was moving furniture on the floor above us and whole room basically started to shake and figured out right then and there, definitely earthquake. 76 station on powell, all attendants inside, walked in, did you feel it . Oh, my gosh, we totally felt it. But nothing fell off the shelves. They didnt want to speak tonight but lot of folks, including the manager, kind of rattled about pli 4. 5 earthquake a few minutes ago. Dennys across the street. Walked inside and talked to patrons. What they had to say. Tell me what it felt like . Earthquake, it was shaking, the whole building. [ inaudible ]. Reporter definitely a lot of people felt it. Cooks in dennys and wait staff and manager. Something that folks will be talking about tomorrow. No damage as far as we can tell at least in this area of emeryville, cornell barnard, abc7 news. Thanks very much. Ive been hearing from lot of people, email, texts, strongly my microphone. Felt it strongly along a wide area, some people strongest theyve felt. Former news producer who retired several years ago texted me to say strongest one hes ever felt. Again at 10 33, the larger of the two. 4. 5 magnitude earthquake centered just north of walnut creek, near Pleasant Hill along 680 on the concord greenville fault. Depth is about four miles town, felt strongly in the area. Emeryville where cornell was live. Guerneville, santa rosa, heard from people who say they heard it in that area. Another emailing from south, San Francisco. Wide area for 4. 5 magnitude earthquake, second of two. First one apparently 2. 5 magnitude earthquake centered in same area about eight miles down. Deeper, not as widely felt. Lets go to meteorologist drew tuma. Were getting shaking intensity thats not right video to show, nothing to do with this earthquake, that was in 1989. And 30th anniversary of that coming up. Showing intensity from 4. 5 shortly after 10 30 this evening. What youre seeing is what has been reported to usgs from folks who felt the earthquake. Zoom into the epicenter of the earthquake, where moderate to strong shaking was felt next to Pleasant Hill, near the epicenter feel the stronger shaking. As i zoom out more, show you how widespread that shaking was felt. See that map from san jose, weak to light shaking, north to napa and parts of San Francisco, shaking was felt. Zoom into San Francisco especially, some areas, especially close to twin peaks, felt moderate shaking from the earthquake. Even though a 4. 5 in magnitude, depth was relatively shallow, about four miles down, likely why a lot of us felt this earthquake. Going to zoom out to show shaking intensity map again from usgs. Theres the epicenter, very close to walnut creek, moderate to strong shaking close to there. Lot of folks talking on social media, twitter and facebook. Three or four seconds, what is that feeling . Lot of people felt it. Thats why seeing this map showing a lot of areas that saw and felt that shaking. They close to the valley fault. Several miles near Pleasant Hill and 4. 5 would be felt across much of the region depending on the depth. Shaking intensity again, epicenter close to walnut creek and Pleasant Hill. Folks have talked about moderate to strong shaking. Not only the magnitude of the earthquak but how deep it was. This was about four miles down. What usgs is saying. Thats why a lot of us felt this across the bay area. Shaking intensity map, most felt strong shaking across much of the region. Behind me much of the east bay, oakland, san leandro, hayward city, pleasanton. And 10 33 this evening, 4. 5 very close to Pleasant Hill. Thank you very much. Ironically this comes as we mark the 30th anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake. Reminder of what is always at risk. Caused part of the bay bridge to collapse and huge section of the cypress freeway. Abc7 news will look back at the past and give you glimpse into the future in abc7 news originals documentary the earthquake effect. Amazon fire, tv and news commercial free broadcast thursday on the 6 30 p. M. On abc7, hope you can tune in for that. Ironically tonight, two earthquakes felt widely and strongly in the east bay tonight. Largest at 10 33 tonight, 4. 5 preliminary magnitude from the usgs centered north of walnut creek, near Pleasant Hill. Felt all over the bay area. Stay with us. Were going to continue with me and bring you more information on tonights earthquake as it comes in. But for the moment, well continue. Oh frightening scene, alarming video shows when verbal argument turns into violent hit and run in downtown san jose, Police Still Searching for the driver responsible. Amanda del castillo is live where this happened. Amanda. Reporter dan, surrounding streets are lined with businesses like clubs, bars and also second one. Just want to take a walk and see whats going on. Reporter first few seconds of the video showed two groups ready to go at it. Man in dark shirt adjusts his jeans, others in tow as he walks toward two people. Because of the graphic violence stopping footage before suv speeds through the crowd and hits man in dark shirt. Impact sent him across the intersection and under a parked truck. Car just came in and hit that poor guy. He was behind the camera, figured he was capturing a fight, a common sight he says in downtown san jose. He caught a felony hit and run. Decided to go. Made a turn right there. Stuck because ambulance in his way, somehow found way out of there. Reporter posted with caption normal saturday night in san jose. By monday had gone viral. Unexpected but not that big of a shock. Reporter also in the area saturday night. Say its proof, if you dodged a late night fight, you have to keep eye out for late night drivers. Lot of people leave the bars and get in cars and take off. Reporter taken to hospital with nonlifethreatening injuries. Hope its not normal night. San jose is upaupaupaupaa community. Reporter sjpd says its bmw suv with tinted windows and driver is still at large. Amanda del castillo, abc7 news. Awful video. Thanks very much. Again, recapping the top story. Breaking news, two earthquakes felt widely around the bay area. Strongest at 10 33, 4. 5 magnitude earthquake about four miles down, centered just north of walnut creek along 680 corridor near Pleasant Hill, the concord greenville fault that they believe. But at this moment, 4. 5 magnitude earthquake, may tick up or down in coming days. But key point, felt heard from many people it was one of the strongest theyve felt. Strong jolt and shaking for moments. Preceded by 2. 5 magnitude quake in the area. 4. 5 is not particularly strong quake on the scale, but this one was felt very strongly and widely. 4. 5 in particular at 10 33. Our blow a kiss, into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss, into the sun all we need is somebody to lean on recapping top story tonight. Earthquake that many of you felt. Strongest at 4. 5 magnitude, preliminary, 10 33, centered a little bit north of walnut creek near pleasant hit. On the phone is amy vaughn with usg st. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate it. Quite welcome. Anything new coming out of this . Not right now. I guess what maybe a little bit new, looked further into seeing what aftershocks are coming out of this, talked about 2. 5 that preceded 4. 5 by about ten minutes. After 4. 5, a number of much smaller events, probably wont be widely felt at all. Largest looks about 2. 1 and several ones and low twos. Seeing some form of aftershocks after this. Already have nearly 30,000 responses from people around the bay area as far as chico, near reno, nevada border, fresno. Seen as widely felt. But again a moderate shaking as maximum, creating minor damage in terms of things falling off countertops and cracking and foundation in sidewalks and such. Its interesting, we may have video coming in of things falling off shelves. About the worst weve heard. But interesting question. This is on the scale moderate earthquake. Why was it felt so far away . Chico and up towards nevada border, why at only 4. 5 . Its not unheard of, especially depending on what fault line. Does appear to be the normal mechanism slip that we expect to see in this area. Not to be felt more widely in california in that region. We have what we call a shake map system, we look at what propagation would be expected to be. Mostly follows that. Maybe a few outliers again with what were seeing. Maybe again depending on where people live, if near water or area with looser sedimentation, may be able to propagate to those individuals. Not a ton of people responding in the outliers but some. This is new to me, strike slip fault you believe this was, more horizontalal movement correct . Is that more widely felt . Its still lateral like san andreas fault. Not what this one is, little further away from what i can tell. People will look at that tomorrow morning. Movement would have been lateral still. I dont know if it was lateral left or right from our perspective yet. Were seeing that. But its shallow, going to be more intensely felt more shallow it is. Thats expected. Sure. And interestingly if earthquake is deeper could be felt over broader area but less intensely. Maybe in middle of the range for the region. And looking at video of things, nothing catastrophic but things toppled off store shelves thats come into the newsroom were passing on. Weve had number of aftershocks. Twos and ones. Do you expect that to continue next overnight and day . Would you expect anything larger . Thats a tricky question. I know. Obviously cant predict that. But normal way is that you would typically see a handful of the type of aftershocks were seeing continuing through tonight and next few days likely, possibly weeks. However, its ununheard of that would is considered main shock can become a foreshock if larger event follows. Its more uncommon but could happen. Usually see things probably in threes and smaller from here but thats quote unquote normal pattern. Fingers crossed this will continue to taper off but as you said cant predict. We always want to know if its a foreshock, does is it augur anything bigger coming but you just dont know. No. Its all about statistical, what energy is in the area. Along a fault line when something moves it increases or decreases the energy in other places. Its hard to tell how things behave. This comes as we mark the loma prieta earthquake in 1989, 30 years ago this week. Tonight reminder we always need to be ready, dont we . Its key. If anybody is not ready, recommend doing whatever they can in their house to prevent minor messy damages let alone the bigger damages and earthquake kits that everyone should be vigilant about. Youre at work at usgs, anticipating easy evening now a lot of work. You called it. Appreciate you coming on. Youre great to come on. Thank you. Have a great night too. Shell be busy studying to figure out what might happen. B. A. R. T. Is running at reduced speed, just inspecting the tracks, indicates no damage at all but routine for them after any seismic event, slow the trains and inspect the tracks. Seismograph at 10 it 33, bigger red line shows the event centered near Pleasant Hill. Laura anthony is with us on the phone, is that right . You must have felt it. You live over there as i do. As you and several reporters, anchors and producers live in east bay. Im in lafayette. Five or six miles from where i guess the epicenter was. I can tell you, ive lived in bay area, east bay, most of my life and you already alluded to the fact that this one got our attention. Frankly stronger than anything ive felt i think. And i did not live here in 89, my family did but i was away working. To feel that tonight was literally made you jump out of bed. As people have been describing, it was kind of a rattling of the windows and building up and im not sure, i didnt hear amy entirely, usgs gal talk, but felt to us more horizontal than up and down. Thats right, exactly. Strike slip fault is what they think. Right. You have that sensation, looking at house and seeing the window shimmy from side to side. Fortunately we didnt have anything fall over or come off the walls. It went on long enough you certainly wanted to jump up to get somewhere that might be safe. All heard about stand in the doorway or long enough to think about where youre going to go certainly. How long do you think it did last, laura . We havent talked about that much. I would say five to eight seconds, Something Like that. Long enough to get up, move, think a little bit about is it getting worse, Getting Better . All of that. Im kind of surprised frankly. Maybe just havent found it yet, there wasnt a bit more damage, some of the video now with things knocked off shelves, probably will take time given the lateness of the hour to see maybe where more things hopefully no major damage, but i would think would see more things falling off shelves in the area of Pleasant Hill, martinez. Shopkeepers will go back to work tomorrow and probably will see more. Had a swarm of quakes in the area last several months, year or six months i believe, all in threes. And this one being in midfours tells you theres a big difference when the numbers go up even by tenth or so. Fortunately here were fine but like i said, definitely probably biggest one ive really felt in long time. Laura, this is abc7 News Reporter Laura Anthony on the phone with me. Ive heard that from several people, you included laura, number of people texted saying probably strongest they ever felt. On the scale 4. 5 is moderate but nature of the quake and where it was located, a fairly strong jolt that got a lot of peoples attention and scared a lot of people. Heard from a lot of people frightened by this earthquake and weve seen similar magnitude quakes that didnt rattle nerves to this extent. So interesting that 4. 5 moderate earthquake four miles down was a, so widely felt and such a strong jolt. Laura we know what youll be doing as reporter first thing in the morning. Thanks. Kate larsen is live in San Francisco, another spot where people felt this earthquake. Reporter yeah, dan, thats right. On columbus at vallejo north beach. Spoke to people out enjoying the night, others asleep and woke up. Table started shaking, straight up. Dead serious. Didnt realize it was earthquake . Didnt at all think it was. Been in a lot of earthquakes. Reporter did you feel it . Woke me up. Put pants on, took a walk. Reporter nervous enough to get out of bed . Yeah, never know if theres going to be second or third one. So just take a walk, see whats going on. Reporter just anecdotal observation, nothing scientific but my photographer and i were wrapping up story parked along the embarcadero and we didnt feel the quake, at least we didnt think we did. Drove around, speaking to people around Justin Herman plaza, no one felt it. Broadway, bunch of people didnt feel the quake. People along the embarcadero didnt feel the quake. My family two miles farther west certainly did feel it. Woke a number of them up. Just interesting how different people in different parts of the bay area felt this earthquake in different ways but i can tell you a lot of people out here celebrating in north beach are excited by what they felt about a half hour ago now. Back to you. Television station along the embarcadero in San Francisco and number of us did feel it, it can be spotty, hit or miss depending where you are, what youre able to feel. But kate mentioned further into the city many people may have felt it more strongly. On the phone with us another person from usgs, sarah minson is coming on. Are you there . Yes, i am. Appreciate it. Talking to amy vaughn, glad to have you as well. Anything youve learned last few minutes. 4. 5, will it change . Numbers can change as more data and analysis comes in but current numbers are 4. 5, depth of about nine miles. We have 2. 5 at eight miles and 4. 5 at depth of four miles. Is 4. 5 closer to nine miles down . Thats the current number, can change as data updating. If it was deeper can make it less or more widely felt, is that correct . Fact its nine miles down explain why 4. 5 was widely felt . Yes. But other thing to remember is small earthquakes can produce strong shaking and can be more noticeable because tend to be higher frequencies. Larger magnitude can be predominantly lower frequency, swaying motion and can be less noticeable. Interesting. Lesser magnitude quake can create more shaking . That you feel. That you feel as a human. What do you expect to happen the next few hours, days . What can people expect . Probably continue to be a series of aftershocks but decrease in frequency as time goes on and decrease exponentially, as we continue to talk, tendency is going down. Always a slight chance of bigger earthquake. This quake itself doesnt appear to be on major fault, as far as we can tell now. Good thing about the small faults because physically so small, tend to not be able to host very large earthquakes. Thats interesting point. As we speak with sarah, seeing desk cam video from Pleasant Hill near the epicenter of the quake. You can hear it rattling there. Jolted a lot of people at 10 33. In walnut creek Pleasant Hill area, strong and widely felt as well. Was this foreshock or should we expect aftershocks but go back to the point you made, fascinating. Because this quake wasnt on major fault, perhaps not capable of hosting something much bigger, is that correct . Not this fault itself probably. And in fact magnitude is about physical size. We talk about magnitude earthquake, length times the width times amount one side of the fault moves toward the other. Loma prieta, 30th anniversary coming about, 25 miles in santa cruz mountains. 1906 was 8 versus fault. Interesting. Assume this quake is not on major fault and cant produce a bigger quake. Can quake like this put pressure on other faults and trigger another event . Is that possible . Its certainly possible, its fairly rare for larger earthquake to happen after smaller earthquake. A small percentage way. Earthquakes are not magical, they obey physics. Its set of dominos going down, if strike another, can trigger another. If we can see the dominos, can tell you whats happening, unfortunately theyre buried under hundreds of miles of rocks and cant. Great explanation. Thanks for coming on. Meteorologist drew tuma is tracking this as well, very well versed in all things earthquake. Latest information he has. Updated map from usgs showing shaking intensity and close to the epicenter of the 4. 5 magnitude quake. Red pulsing dot under the 680 sign. Many folks from walnut creek to concord, martinez, vallejo, crockett, creighton, south to danville. Moderate to strong shaking, what you would expect close to the epicenter of the earthquake. Zoom out, look how far d talking how far its been felt. North bay up to santa rosa. Along the coast, city, east bay, peninsula, san jose, folks in gilroy felt it. Along the bay shoreline weak to light shaking felt and reported to usgs and similar in much of the south bay. As we look at faults around the bay area, you can see that is where 4. 5 magnitude quake was around Pleasant Hill, pulsing red dots correlates to concordgreen valley fault almost parallel to 680. 80. Usgs will find out exactly but thats good estimate. May not be capable of producing bigger earthquake which is encouraging. Interesting, thank you very much. Ironically as this happens tonight, this week marks the 30th anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake, caused part of the bay bridge and huge section of the cypress free in l abc7 will look into the past and future, thursday at 6 30 p. M. Morning news at 4 30 will upda dicky from hollywood, its Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight jeff bridges, from mixedish mykalmichelle harris, guillermo on the road to brooklyn, and music from morris day featuring snoop dogg. And now, relax, jimmy kimmel [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh, thats very kind. Im jimmy. Im the host of the show. Thanks for watching. Thank you for joining us on you know it is doubleheader of holidays here in the united states. Today is both Indigenous Peoples and columbus day, depending on where you stand on slavery i guess. I dont know. [ laughter ] i have to say, a lot of my im italian, or im an italianamerican and many of my fellow italn

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