Court: Negating pre-election rule suspensions voters relied on would disenfranchise voters of Clay County
5:46 pm, Dec. 14, 2020
Edwin Hahn
MOORHEAD — A judge on Monday, Dec. 14, dismissed with prejudice a lawsuit contesting the Nov. 3 election and the race for Minnesota House District 4A, stating in his ruling that negating pre-election rule suspensions that were made in light of the coronavirus pandemic would disenfranchise voters of Clay County.
Minnesota District Court Judge Timothy Churchwell also said in his order filed in Clay County District Court that because of "substantive and procedural deficiencies" the suit could not proceed on jurisdictional grounds.
The lawsuit was filed Nov. 30 by several "contestants," including Edwin Hahn, a Republican from Moorhead who lost the race for the Minnesota House District 4A seat to Democrat Heather Keeler.