JAMESTOWN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 7, 2022 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Heinrich at 5:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited. Roll Call showed the following members present: Mayor Heinrich, Council Members Kamlitz, Steele, Buchanan and Schloegel, City Attorney Ryan, Assistant City Attorney Geroux, and City Administrator Hellekson. Council Member Steele moved to approve the minutes of the regular council meeting January 3, 2022, minutes of the committee meetings January 25 & 27, 2022. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Unanimous aye vote. Carried. Council Member Buchanan moved to approve the following consent agenda items: A. Resolution to approve funding the 2022 Flex PACE Program up to $500,000, with $100,000 or 20% paid by the County, and $400,000 or 80% paid by the City from the 224 City Sales Tax Fund. Corry Shevlin, JSDC Business Development Director, said the Flex PACE funds are loans that are returned to the community. B. Resolution to approve the antenna license agreement with Sprint (T-Mobile), for the right to install, operate and maintain antenna and related facilities without interference with city’s infrastructure, or maintenance and repair requirements. The previous agreement expired and Sprint stated an intent to remove its infrastructure from the city’s water tower this spring. C. Resolution to approve an energy conservation grant agreement with the ND Department of Commerce Division of Community Services to retrofit lights in the Street Department facilities at a 50% local share of $18,739.34, which is projected to save $7,225 annually in energy costs, and authorize the City Administrator to sign the agreement. D. Resolution to recommend the County Commission accept the City Assessor’s recommendation using the cost methodology for the 2019 abatement application for the property located at 502 24th St SW, 58401, with a reduced assessed value of $1,684,239. E. Resolution to re-establish the sales prices on city owned lots for the year 2022. F. Resolution to approve the Major Subdivision, Final Plat of Jamestown Southwest Second Addition, Replat of Block 2 of Jamestown Southwest Addition Within NE ¼ of Section 3, T139N, R64W, City of Jamestown, North Dakota. G. Resolution to approve of the following for 2022 Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter District 22-11;1) To set up and establish the district; 2) To direct the City Engineer to prepare plans & specifications for the construction of the district; 3) To accept and approve the plans and specifications, as prepared by the City Engineer, for the construction of the district; and 4) To direct the City Administrator to advertise for bids for the construction of the district. H. Resolution to approve Change Order No. 1 to Naastad Brothers, Inc., for Emergency Waterline Replacement, for a net increase in the contract price of $16,332.43. I. Resolution to approve Change Order No. 1 to Basaraba Excavating., for Water Main Replacement DWSRF No. 4700498-12 (Watermain District 21-61), for a net decrease in the contract price of $14,733.73. J. Resolution to approve Payment No. 3, to Naastad Brothers, Inc., for construction on Emergency 18” Water Main Replacement District 21-62, in the amount of $16,332.43. K. Resolution to approve Payment No. 8 and Final, to Basaraba Excavating & Dirtworks LLC, for construction on 2021 Water Main Improvements, District 21-61, in the amount of $78,729.08. L. Resolution to approve Payment No. 12, to SRF Consulting Group, Inc., for 2021 Jamestown Planning and Zoning Technical Services, in the amount of $5,025.76. M. Resolution to approve Payment No. 86, to AE2S, LLC, for On Call engineering services (I&C Water) for a total amount of $2,594.20. N. Resolution to approve Payment No. 1, to AE2S, LLC, for Cyber Security Improvements for a total amount of $2,118.29. O. Resolution to approve Payment No. 2, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Water Treatment Building Ceiling Removal and Replacement, in the amount of $5,643.50. P. Resolution to approve Payment No. 2, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Civic Center Roof Removal and Replacement, Area B & D, in the amount of $1,871.50. Q. Resolution to approve Payment No. 5, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Emergency Water Line Improvements District 21-62, Crosstown Supply Line River Crossing and 4th Ave SW/13th St SW to 15th St SW, in the amount of $15,397.98. R. Resolution to approve Payment No. 8, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Solid Waste Landfill, SW-213, Cell 3B Final Cover, in the amount of $192.00. S. Resolution to approve Payment No. 11, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Improvements District 20-32 (Lift Station No. 11 and 1 Design), in the amount of $2,031.50. T. Resolution to approve Payment No. 11, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on 2021 Watermain Improvements District 21-61, in the amount of $4,784.50. U. Resolution to approve Payment No. 12, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Issues, in the amount of $460.00. V. Resolution to approve Payment No. 31 & Final, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for preliminary design and surveying on the James River Bank Stabilization Project, Phase 3, in the amount of $1411.00. W. Resolution to approve Payment No. 33, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on the Title V Air Quality Permit for Sanitary Landfill, in the amount of $1,054.00. X. Resolution to approve Payment No. 316, in the amount of $8,824.40, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on various city department consultations as follows; (General), in the amount of $5,062.90; (Streets), in the amount of $1,692.50;(Water), in the amount of $1,954.00; (Solid Waste), in the amount of $115.00. Y. Resolution to approve Payment No. 31, in the amount of $7,590.00, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on various city department consultations as follows; (General), in the amount of $3,220.00; (Streets), in the amount of $460.00; (Sewer), in the amount of $805.00; (Water), in the amount of $1,380.00; (Solid Waste), in the amount of $1,725.000. Z. Motion to accept the reports of the Municipal Judge, Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works Departments, Inspection Department, Forestry Department, Civic Center, Central Valley Health Unit, and financial status. AA. Resolution to allow the January indebtedness in the amount of $3,320,197.02 consisting of $611,656.28 payroll and 2,708,540.74 general obligations. 5155.13 A & B BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, INC; 55542.00 ABM SUPPLY, LLC; 693.35 ACME TOOLS; 2248.70 ADVANTAGE ELECTRIC, INC; 3716.00 AE2S, LLC; 236.49 AHMAD, SYED SAJID; 2995.00 ALADTEC, INC; 67.21 ALBRIGHT, BRYAN; 156.25 ALEX AIR APPARATUS, INC; 50.00 ALPHA OPPORTUNITIES; 740.00 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSN; 5792.31 AQUA-PURE INC; 2620.05 ARAMARK; 17335.00 AT ARMOR; 7650.00 AT-SCENE LLC; 2117.75 AXON ENTERPRISE; 1409.78 BALCO UNIFORM CO., INC.; 222115.63 BANK OF NORTH DAKOTA, TRUSTEE; 106.58 BARTHEL, MICHAELA; 103.53 BLACK MOUNTAIN SOFTWARE; 112.00 BLINSKY, JUSTIN; 12497.56 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC; 115.09 BRICKNER, JUSTINE; 131.14 BRUNNER, JOE; 1674.53 BUTLER MACHINERY COMPANY; 13120.22 CAPITAL ONE PUBLIC FUNDING; 9366.65 CARDMEMBER SERVICE; 15701.85 CDW GOVERNMENT; 1827.50 CENEX; 269.09 CENTRAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC; 255.51 CENTURYLINK; 470.20 COCA-COLA BOTTLING HIGH COUNTRY; 199.20 COLE PAPERS, INC; 1500.00 COLLIERS SECURITIES LLC; 3181.20 CREATIVE ENERGY INC.; 1547.24 DAKOTA CEN. TELECOMMUNICATIONS; 200.00 DAKOTA CHAPTER-ISA; 22109.67 DALSTED & RYAN, PC; 1926.65 DAN POLAND MACHINE, INC; 33.76 DAVIS, CRAIG J; 36837.00 DON WILHELM INC; 470.39 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION DIV; 1768.00 FARMERS UNION SERVICE ASSN; 367.90 FASTENAL COMPANY; 7850.47 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516; 14.38 FISHER, DALE; 834.17 FOGDERUD, DOUGLAS; 3528.01 FORUM COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY; 1650.00 FRONTIER PRECISION, INC; 1213

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United States ,Jamestown Regional Airport ,North Dakota ,Minnesota ,Jamestown ,City Of Jamestown ,Poland ,Stutsman County ,American ,David Nelson ,Dan Buchanan ,George Barnes ,David Bratton ,Dennis Mansavage ,Michael Paul Hansen ,Corry Shevlin ,Aramark ,Ar Roofing Co ,Cenex ,Engineering Inc ,Council Member Steele ,Bank Of North Dakota ,Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture ,Central Valley Health Unit ,Street Department ,Civic Center ,Sanitation Products Inc ,Tyler Technologies ,Zoning Technical Services ,Council Member Kamlitz ,Forestry Department ,Basaraba Excavating Dirtworks ,United States Postal Service ,Police Department ,Business Development ,Consulting Group Inc ,City Sales Tax Fund ,City Council ,Lab Div ,Jamestown Regional Airport Authority ,Sanitation Department ,Fin Division ,Fire Department ,Council Member Buchanan ,Mn Cooperative Purchasing Venture ,Civic Center Roof Removal ,Inspection Department ,Council Members Kamlitz ,Council Member Schloegel ,Naastad Brothers Inc ,Verizon Wireless ,James River Bank Stabilization ,Legal Committee ,Mayor Heinrich ,City Attorney Ryan ,Assistant City Attorney Geroux ,City Administrator ,Council Member ,Sales Tax ,Development Director ,Commerce Division ,Community Services ,County Commission ,City Assessor ,Major Subdivision ,Final Plat ,Jamestown Southwest Second Addition ,Jamestown Southwest Addition Within ,Gutter District ,City Engineer ,Change Order ,Emergency Waterline Replacement ,Basaraba Excavating ,Water Main Replacement ,Watermain District ,Main Replacement District ,Main Improvements ,Cyber Security Improvements ,Interstate Engineering ,Water Treatment Building Ceiling Removal ,Emergency Water Line Improvements District ,Crosstown Supply Line River Crossing ,Solid Waste Landfill ,Final Cover ,Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Improvements District ,Lift Station ,Improvements District ,Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Issues ,James River Bank Stabilization Project ,Titlev Air Quality Permit ,Sanitary Landfill ,Solid Waste ,Municipal Judge ,Public Works Departments ,Consent Roll Call ,Engineering Technician ,Joint Powers Agreements ,Purchasing Venture ,Roll Call ,New Motor Grader ,Municipal Infrastructure ,Water Utility ,Member Buchanan ,Jamestown North Dakota Cares Steering ,Pit Stop Sports ,Sparkling Wine ,March City Council ,Building Inspector Blackmore ,City Engineer Dillman ,New Single Axle Truck ,Single Arm Automated Packer ,Sanitation Products ,Sanitation Foremano Neill ,

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