Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Ivanka.
By Chelsea SteinerJan 20th, 2021, 3:57 pm
There is so much to look forward to in the Biden administration. Competent leadership. An action plan to fight the pandemic. No more unhinged tweets. And amid the restoration of some sense of normalcy, we can also finally FINALLY bid farewell to the Trump family. No more chinless sons, no more “architecting,” no more frantic grifting (at least none sanctioned by the White House). And at long last, no more Ivanka Trump.
Trump’s daughter-wife, who held a nebulous position as “senior adviser” to the president, spent her deeply unqualified tenure enriching herself and supporting her father’s hideous racist policies. The media’s labeling of Ivanka and Jared Kushner as mediating forces against Trump’s more unhinged tendencies was merely a mirage, and they worked in lockstep to design and enforce every atrocity enacted by their venal paterfamilias.