Bassala Project (Mali)
A geophysical survey comprising ground magnetics has been completed with the results expected shortly. In addition, a soil geochemical survey comprising 1,096 samples is currently underway. This survey will extend the existing sampling to the northeast, west and south.
This work is designed to firm up targets for drill testing during the first half of 2021.
Kalaka Project (Mali)
A programme of approximately 168 line kilometres of gradient array IP surveying is currently being undertaken. The programme is designed to test the southern area of the licence, where the majority of known gold anomalism occurs. The survey includes two large areas of historical artisanal mining activity that have not previously been drill tested, several gold-in-soil geochemical anomalies, gold mineralisation intersected in previous drilling, and structural targets in areas where it is interpreted that soil geochemistry is ineffective. The survey is anticipated to be completed early in the New Year.