Marc Ang-Asian Industry B2B (Marc Ang)
Marc Ang and I were drawn together because, like me, he wears a number of hats, and has his hand in a number of enterprises. Marc is a political activist and community organizer through his Asian Industry B2B organization, Pass The Beacon, and the Lincoln Club of Orange County. He does political advocacy, marketing, and fundraising through Visualyft, and he is also an estate and financial planner with Mangus Finance.
It was our political worlds that intersected when he organized a forum through his Asian Industry B2B group. His guest speaker was Carmel Foster, the South African immigrant domestic worker who had a years-long affair with California Assemblyman and Budget Chair Phil Ting (D-19) and was manipulated by Ting and California Labor Unions to promote legislation, including AB5 and AB2314. Marc found my three-part expose on her story at Communities Digital News, and wanted other political allies to hear the story and understand how Sacramento manipulates and controls legislation not according to the will of the people, but through their preferred interests groups, and how they will use vulnerable individuals like immigrants and illegal aliens toward those ends.