Imagine having daughters locked up on an island
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February 18, 2021 — 12.05am
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Credit:Fairfax Media
Now that Scott Morrison has put on his father cap, could he extend compassion to the Sri Lankan family incarcerated on Christmas Island (“Plea to free family stuck in visa limbo”, February 17) and allow them to return to their life in Biloela?
Rhonda Seymour, Castle Hill
Following the Federal Court’s positive ruling in favour of the Tamil family’s visa application, it was distressing to read that the government is still not legally obliged to release the family from detention on Christmas Island. Unsurprisingly, the Home Affairs Department trotted out the usual weasel words: “At no time has any member of the family been found to be owed protection.” Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do. Spot the difference, Mr Dutton.