, a partner group program manager in identity governance. Joe has a long history of championing disruptive technology breakthroughs and delivering for our customers.
never shied away from pushing boundaries or breaking free from “the way we’ve always done things” to build better solutions. By his example, he inspires fearlessness in his team and in those he mentors. Joe’s achievements remind all of us in identity that when we focus on the needs of our customers, everyone wins. I hope you enjoy his remarkable story.
The power of “Why not?”
The first time Joe Dadzie traveled outside his native Ghana, in 1991, he flew to Boston on a one-way ticket. “I had no freaking clue what the U.S. was like,” he laughs. Inspired by a U.S. State Department advisor whose husband was the first Ghanaian ever to attend Dartmouth, Joe was heading to the New Hampshire-based college to study engineering. “I didn’t know anything about computers,” he admits. “And I had