>> Daniel Politi and Ernesto Londoño, The New York Times
Published: 02 Jan 2021 06:01 PM BdST
Updated: 02 Jan 2021 06:01 PM BdST
Women gather outside the Congress building in Buenos Aires, Dec 30, 2020, before the Senate announced the passage of a bill legalising abortion. The fight for legalisation began decades ago, but it gained traction only as more women became lawmakers and a massive grass-roots effort shifted the conversation. Sarah Pabst/The New York Times
Women gather outside the Congress building in Buenos Aires, Dec 30, 2020, before the Senate announced the passage of a bill legalising abortion. The fight for legalisation began decades ago, but it gained traction only as more women became lawmakers and a massive grass-roots effort shifted the conversation. Sarah Pabst/The New York Times