Helping the poor own a home
29 Apr 2021 / 21:48 H.
Better Malaysia Foundation chairman Tan Sri Vincent Tan flanked by deputy chairman Datin Seri Sunita Mei-Lin Rajakumar (left) and Berjaya Corporation CEO Jalil Rasheed.
KUALA LUMPUR: The B40 group should be a given an opportunity to own a home, not just rent a property.
Better Malaysia Foundation (BMF) chairman Tan Seri Vincent Tan said that ideally every Malaysian should be able to own a house.
He said the government should step in to help those in the B40 group to own a house by guaranteeing their housing loan.
“The government should provide a 100% loan guarantee and also ensure the loan tenure is extended to 40, 50 or 60 years,” he said at the launching of BMF’s new initiative to contribute solutions to the housing problem faced by those in the B40 group today.