Helen Zia talks to Athens community about contributions of Asians and Pacific Islanders to American culture
Photo by Lia Shigemura
More than 100 people attended "Real Talk About Big Questions," hoping to find some answers to the big question of, "How can the Ohio University community stand with, and support Asian and Pacific Islander populations?"
Dr. Ji-Yeung Jang, interim executive director for Global Affairs, presided over the April 23 virtual event, co-sponsored by the Division of Diversity and Inclusion and the Office of Global Affairs at Ohio University.
“We as a broader community need to have these opportunities to reflect and learn how to actively ally ourselves in support of AAPI (Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander) communities.... It is important that all members of the society stand against hate and in support of our shared humanity as we walk together on the road to a more just society,” Jang said. “This event was a critical start; we all need to play an active and constructive role to bring and embrace diversity and equity in our classrooms, our communities and our workplaces.”