»Gritty Tales: Amid a Year of Setbacks, These are The Winners of 2020 Who Gave Us Hope
Gritty Tales: Amid a Year of Setbacks, These are The Winners of 2020 Who Gave Us Hope
some of these inspiring stories that instilled fresh bouts of confidence and faith in the silver lining in us. (Photo: twitter)
Some struck up the courage to follow their dreams with whatever little they had and some changed professions but all of them, in the face of misfortune and adversity of the worst kind, emerged as winners.
The unprecedented pandemic situation the world braved since early this year has taken away a lot from the people. Starting from their livelihoods, homes to beloved ones, the coronavirus snatched away a significant part and time from the world. The economy suffered setbacks like never before as they crumbled like a pack of cards as businesses came to a screeching halt everywhere. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned as early as in April that the global economy was headed for its worst nosedive since the Great Depression. And it turned out to be true.