Just three weeks after hundreds of Google workers united to form the Alphabet Workers Union (AWU) in the United States and Canada, Google’s parent company Alphabet now has a second alliance of united workers on its hands—only this one is much larger. As
The Vergereports, Google workers from 10 countries across the globe have united to form the Alpha Global coalition.
This coalition is made up of 13 unions spread across 10 countries including the United States, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Italy, Finland, Sweden, and Belgium.
Alpha Global shares some goals with its older brother AWU, whose aim focuses on activism—getting Google to change the ways it does some business that is ethically questionable. However, Alpha Global goes a step forward. While the new global union will seek to change ethically questionable operations and projects at Google, it also aims to achieve collecting bargaining power to strengthen the workplace rights of Google employees.